
UPDATE: Trans history month is apparently a satirical account and the post has been amended to reflect that.

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Aug 5, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

TRAs are claiming that this scumbag isn't really trans... But this is where we end up, isn't it?Another mentally disturbed pervert who has used gender identity ideology to legitimise their way of life. Another rapist from the dregs of society that we are supposed to pretend is a woman. Another reality-reversing situation where the focus is on this sick fuck's pronouns instead of the suffering of his victim.

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Great coverage, thank you.

I think that in fact Virginia doesn’t allow TIMs in women’s prisons without genital surgery, so if Chan goes to prison it will at least be a men’s prison. If it had been California he’d be there like a shot.

It’s a truly horrendous story overall - not least for the enthusiasm with which this mentally ill & extremely dangerous person has been groomed & manipulated & praised to the skies for - basically - being very unwell in public.

Hypno tapes to turn your testicles into a vulva: really? And when CC got impatient he cut into his perineum!

One slightly lighter side has been watching the tussle between TRAs saying yeah, raping your 80-year-old dementia-riddled mother is kind of bad but at least SHE didn’t misgender anyone on the one hand.

And on the other, people realising what a sordid pit of depravity this whole thing is and declaring that Chan - self-proclaimed Goddess - was “never really trans”.

It really brings it into the open, doesn’t it?

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Funny that Tatchell said that TRAs aren't a threat to women when KJ said they overwhelming have been proved to be..

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NB: Trans History Month is a GC parody page, not TRA. Poe's Law and all that!

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What an appalling excuse for a human being he is and ,as for the those who objected to the use of the " wrong " pronouns to describe him (instead of focussing on the disgusting crime he committed against his own mother !!), no words to describe them !! If there was still any justice in this world ,he would NEVER be allowed near any woman ever again !! Sadly ,thanks to the utterly spineless Western Governments and their toothless "Justice departments " male entitlement takes precedence over everything else ,especially women and children , and real justice is now dead in the water ,along with truth and integrity !! It's utterly deplorable and the cowardly media go along with it even although they must know that women DO NOT RAPE ( because of their lack of a male organ ) Just keeps adding insult to injury !!

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I find the entire comic and gaming subculture morally dubious.

Sorry if that offends anyone but I can not tell a lie!

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The satirical account Trans History Month tweeted “None of this would have happened if the lesbian community validated Christine’s gender identity. We’ve mentioned this before but it’s almost impossible for a trans lesbian to find dates. Maybe Christie wouldn’t have had to vent her sexual energies on her unfortunate mother if lesbians weren’t such bigots and more willing to date her.”

I don't think that's funny...a bloke rapes his mother, goes into a women's jail, people forced to call the big lump of lard a woman.

Not the right time for the "humour".

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“None of this would have happened if the lesbian community validated Christine’s gender identity. We’ve mentioned this before but it’s almost impossible for a trans lesbian to find dates. Maybe Christie wouldn’t have had to vent her sexual energies on her unfortunate mother if lesbians weren’t such bigots and more willing to date her.”

Such sick and twisted reasoning.

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We’re living through a really bad dystopian movie. One we would have stopped watching within the first ten minutes.

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Makes me feel sick. This story is truly vile.

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For anyone who has not yet seen this, can I just leave it here again, from Arty Morty, as it's such a very important video and explains so very much about what is happening and why:

'TRANS ACTIVISTS VS. SCIENTOLOGISTS! The Similarities are Uncanny.'


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Not really trans when they commit an abhorrent crime and trans when they don't. Also, if someone who wasn't "trans" did what HE did, no one would give a monkey's what pronouns were being used, it'd be the last thing anyone would think of.

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I am someone who has proudly campaigned against the death penalty. I look at this deranged Chan creature and can only see one solution - hang it. Utterly beyond redemption. Adds absolutely nothing to the world. Get rid of it like the nasty tumour it is.

I’m not using female pronouns for it. I’m not using male pronouns for it either. I don’t even accept that beast as human.

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Fyi, from four years ago.

My daughter recommends it.


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"...but it's almost impossible for a trans lesbian to find dates..."

From the Department of Shit We Already Knew.

I feel like screaming. It's always a woman's fault. Always always always. A man RAPES. HIS. MOTHER. And it's some imaginary woman, who doesn't even EXIST who is to blame.

"If SOMEONE just had sex with him" not even just someone, if a LESBIAN just let herself get raped by this man, maybe he wouldn't have done it!! I hate these FUCKING TRANNIES. When a man rapes a 4 year old do they have the same fucking excuse lined up???? "Oh maybe if some other vulnerable girl let him rape her, he wouldn't have done it!!"

Fuck these fucking troons! I hope they think about this shit they're spewing and their 41% jumps to 100% overnight. Fuck these fucking rape apologist losers.

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