I felt ill reading this story. One of the vilest stories I've read.

It reminded me of Catholic priests being moved around parishes after sexual offences, only to offend again.

The enablers on the education board are beyond contempt.

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yes, I had that very thought

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The cries of "lessons will be learnt" were heard after that scandal....and here we are. The lessons not learnt and the errors being repeated again.

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I’m just hoping that as the harms of unnecessary medical treatment (both boys and girls) and the risks to girls from not having sex-segregated spaces become clearer, parents will wake up. Not much sign where i am though.

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The inquiries into Child Sexual Exploitation here in the UK might have a lot to work with. Many of the institutional abuses of power, grooming of the vulnerable and attempts to silence with threats and intimidation are remarkably and chillingly similar.

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“America is gradually waking up to the madness that overtook the middle class Left while everyone was distracted by the antics of Donald Trump.”

It’s a cult. The same people aren’t interested in the antics of Joe Biden and the establishment pundits like it that way.

The rest of this story is horrifying. Everything about the Loudoun school board saga is horrifying. The head guy who denied knowledge of this attack is paid close to $300k. Wtf?!

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This really started under Obama and the Title IX protections that were expanded. America was not allowed to discuss whether or not it was right to allow kids to self-identify and access private spaces like locker rooms at schools. Anyone who attempted to say, "This isn't the right answer" was labeled a transphobe and blamed for trans suicide. Even now, with this story breaking on social media you see people more concerned that this will increase "anti trans bigotry" than rightfully horrified that so soon after we modified society to cater to a very small group of people, things like this are happening.

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Interesting. And nobody is ever blamed for the suicide of child abuse victims who are treated quite differently by these movements - unless they happen to identify as trans.

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The Pritzkers donated to Obama’s election campaign. Obviously they expected special considerations in return:


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After Trump won, we all mobilized out of fear (warranted, in my opinion). I dropped out of all groups except ones on gerrymandering and gun control because they were all taken over by extremists and gender identity was front and center.

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Of course its a cult. I've been banging on about this for years - ever since the cult took our daughter from us. My latest piece is all about how the cult is reinforced by propaganda from those occupying the very top of the cult pyramid with a strong brand to hide behind: https://dentonyogacarter.substack.com/p/the-un-clown-pantomime

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I’ve been so upset about this since it was first reported. I hope the story does reach far and wide. Those poor girls and their families.

Those people on the school boards are evil. The mentally of not understanding sexual assault because the reality of it is too horrible to comprehend so they sweep it under their mental rugs and pretend it doesn’t happen. Then collude with others because it’s just too difficult a problem to solve, so we use mental gymnastics to pretend it doesn’t exist there’s no problem we have to expend any energy in solving.

Women and girls are always the collateral damage of this institutional laziness.

I hope in this case that doesn’t happen and the enablers are publicly pilloried, they lose their jobs and go to prison.

If there are no consequences for actively enabling sexual assault nothing will change.

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I feel sick from reading this story. Young girls being abused because they are told by authorities that their boundaries are less important than the feelings of boys. And this abuse is being facilitated by the police, teachers, and school board. I am so angry about this, it is very wrong.

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I can barely think straight after reading this as my reaction is so visceral. I'm disgusted in so many ways: that this poor man was treated this way and is having to defend himself as his daughters rape was covered up, that he was not listened to and I suspect the arrest and trial are all an effort to discredit him; that this boy could get away with this and then was set free in another school of victims where he re-offended; that girls' safety is being compromised so effortlessly and wilfully; that these governors are not fit to be in such a position and are in effect enablers for predators (for what reasons one can only guess at but I'd be willing to bet it has to do with money and/or power); that so many people in power are willing puppets to the whole process. This story should be bigger than it is, but I have a horrid feeling that there will be many more such rapes and sexual assaults before anyone actually does anything.

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Unfortunately, rape and sexual abuse is very easy to ignore, I’ve found. No one wants to talk about it, least of all the poor victims. Its so easy to use their natural desire to avoid further humiliation as a way to help cover it all up

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I agree EW. It is when the cultural norm is still to blame the victim. The poor victims often have PTSD which makes it very hard for them to talk about it and even harder to be torn to shreds by a system with little appetite to call the rapist to account.

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Oct 14, 2021
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Exactly Ewen. The issue is that rather than admitting they were wrong, we see people in power doubling down and/or excusing awful things as aberrations and one of cases so no need to take action. It will take a pattern to pull their heads from their arses I think.

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If this was Afghanistan and the Taliban, there would be world wide condemnation. Because it is America, it is covered up and not reported on. How is this right? How can Biden remain as President? We thought Trump was bad, Biden is worse if he allows this on his watch.

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Our media is totally BOUGHT and is slavishly devoted to Big Pharma, from whom they derive most of their income. Biden is gaga in my opinion, a doddery old man whose goal in life was to become president, and he has no idea how to use his presidential powers -- believe me, they do exist -- to get done what he says he wants done. The Democratic Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Trans Inc.

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This is as shocking as it is horrifying, and I really hope that the story spreads far and wide. This time we're living through is one of those situations where "it'll only change for the better when somebody gets hurt". Well, people have been being hurt for a long time, but this particular story has an emotional pull that cuts through all the bullshit people internalise to excuse the horrors, and forces them to confront damned reality.

One thing though, I do object to the framing of this as a scandal "the Left" cannot ignore. I'm about as far Left as you can go - I can barely even see the middle - but I'm here waving the flag for truth, and have been for a long time.

This isn't a political argument, as much as those on the Woke Side would wish it to be.

We don't need to fall into their framing of it as such - doing so only grants them further power, as the Left vs Right war is yet another thing that turns peoples brains off and prevents them from doing any thinking.

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I agree in theory but in practice it is the ‘left’ that has most signed up to identity politics and No Debate, and it was under a Labour government that we had so much of the fundamentally damaging aspects come in. Labelling any debate about immigration and social cohesion has been labelled as racist, and Labour Party have allowed in promoting that, so effectively a lot of information has been hidden where women’s rights have been pushed down because of ‘cultural sensitivities’. I was horrified recently to see a Guardian article from about 2015 about male Asian local authority counsellors persuading the Labour Party not to oppose the fact that Asian women were being blocked from becoming counsellors by Asian males.

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I don't disagree with any of the facts of that, nor most of the sentiment, it's just experience tells us that people dig their heels in when it's their deeply held politics that's being directly criticised. This ideology is able to be supported by any person of any political persuasion (Carrie Johnson, anyone?), because it's system of belief, like a religion, and therefore apolitical.

Us vs Them = Left vs Right = Right vs Wrong, in their minds.

It doesn't help me to win over my leftie friends, for example. There are lots of clever people in my social group who I would love to share this kind of story with, who I know would probably "get it" once they did, but I also know that because it starts off by calling out their politics, they're unlikely to read beyond the headline.

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You are absolutely correct. It is so important to present information neutral of any other politics, religion or cause.

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Cheers, Michael.

I guess I could have phrased this more succinctly, thus:-

* Left does not equal Woke, even though Woke does equal Left.

* ie. Woke is a subset of Left.

* Left is not defined by the characteristics of Woke.

I'm not changing my politics simply because I'm surrounded by people who are batshit crazy. Instead, I will fight those people from the inside to try and get them to change.

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From what I have seen, I would not describe the enthusiastic supporters of trans -- who generally know nothing about transgenderism -- as left though they might choose to do so. They have no knowledge of leftist history, no knowledge of leftist politics, no inclination to organize and fight the power structure. They just want to pat themselves on the back for being so woke, and they appear to be totally asleep (or drugged).

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Soooooo appalled that women, girls, mothers, and now even fathers are NEVER heard when we speak about our concerns about trans ideology. I marvel that ANY women actually trust ANY man these days. It did not have to get this bad. So much suffering. All because a few predatory billionaires and transhumanists are determined to make money and gain power by destroying what it means to be human. Despicable, vile creatures. I desperately hope that this wakes the rest of the people up. Ashamed that I once considered myself a leftist.

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I still consider myself an actual leftist, but certainly not a liberal, a Democrat, or a so-called progressive. People here are so out of it, it's hard to even wrap your mind around.

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We still are the Left. We believe in the importance of improving the material conditions of life for the vast majority of people. The Woke are the transLeft. They are a subset of the Right, destroying the solidarity of the Left with nonsense about souls.

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Yes, there isn't much that's "liberal" about silencing opposition, stifling debate, and threatening dissenters with rape and death. It's very much the opposite, it's totalitarian.

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The transLeft! Brilliant! The most vicious of them, Antifa, is fascistic in its outlook and actions, and even seem to be completely unconscious of the meaning of black shirts. I utterly agree with you about their being part and parcel of the right.

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I live in the next county over, and I'm just speechless. That whole board, maybe the prosecutor, should all be sued to hell and back for violating that girl's and her father's civil rights, child endagerment, failure to notify of injury, and about 7000 other violations. They're lucky though, my dad would have razed the fucking building. But, you know, it's just a girl, so this is not the end of this bullshit. She's just one of the many sacrifices needed to maintain the the cult's power. I hope he gets some crowdfunding going, no way a plumber has the pockets to sue the school board of one of the richest counties in the country.

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Utterly horrific. If only a more so called reputable news source than the Daily Fail would write about it. This cannot be swept under the rug. I will never forget how the boys were at high school when I was a teenager, I once had a group chase me home on their bikes screaming at me to undo buttons on my school dress. I was 13. Daily I would be groped in the halls. These girls are going to be traumatised for life.

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Anyone who has spent time around teenage boys knows that there is a small but significant percentage of them that will do anything to get to see girls undressed. Making it easier for them to do so will increase the percentage, and give opportunities for those who won't stop at just looking (as in this case). If people in charge of educating adolescents don't know this, and put very strong limits on accessing girls areas, then they are not fit to hold office.

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Shocking shocking shocking.

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And send it especially to the members of the former skeptic movement who have refused to employ their critical thinking skills on this one issue. They are to be especially shamed and they - especially the ones who still have big platforms - are especially complicit.

PZ Myers, Rebecca Watson, David Gorski, Hemant Mehta, Neil deGrasse Tyson ... the list of prominent skeptics who've abandoned their skepticism on this issue is long and I'm sure some of the people here could add to it.

Then there are those skeptics who should be speaking out but haven't (or haven't enough). Brian Cox, Ben Goldacre, Tim Minchin, Dennett, Dawkins, Diamond...

There are a few notable exceptions (Ophelia Benson, Andy Lewis...) who have been right all along about this and ostracised and lied about because of it.

We need people with scientific and critical thinking credibility to attack the disinformation from gender identity extremists. People see these confident lies and in the absence of equally confident voices doing what those people are supposed to do best - communicate science and rational thinking - they swallow it whole.

I know the former skeptic movement is in pieces for a variety of reasons and even as a former member myself, I'm not especially sorry to see it go. But there's still a lot of knowledge, skill and media charisma out there if we can goad, beg or shame some of those people into action.

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Tyson as well? Disappointed to hear that.

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Tyson is more of a panic-member than a full on gender priest, I reckon, but he has by far the biggest platform, I think, so I include him in the Deliberate Evil rather than the Cowardly Evil list because he should know better.

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Trans ideology is patriarchy on steroids.

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Aye male entitlement in a frock.

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The skirted patriarchy, I think of them as.

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You can take the boy out of the patriarchy, but you can't take the patriarchy out of the ...

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I want to tell someone this story about the 30-somethings my husband works with. They are all of course trans supporters and utterly ignorant. The one young woman is lecturing everyone about what the 1960s in the U.S. were like, this to my husband who is 69 years old (and who told her that what she was saying sounded like how the 1960s were presented on TV shows). She then told him she lived through the 1960s because her mother told her in a previous life she, the daughter, had been alive then and had overdosed. I am not kidding you. How do you deal with complex issues such as feminism with someone like this? I told my husband I would rather be run over by a tractor.

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So disgusting on every level. Don't know how any of these people live with themselves and keep defending the indefensible !! That's criminal and ,you're absolutely right Graham ,the board members should ALL be jailed ,alongside everyone else who promotes these dangerous and damaging policies ,the impact of which will be felt for years by women and girls !! I've donated to the crowdfunder for that poor man's court case and I hope that lots of other people do the same !! America has gone completely bonkers and unfortunately infected many other countries ,including our own !! When ,oh when will people wake up and see this ideology in all its horror ? Governments especially and particularly the Scottish Government which has obviously lost its ability to think rationally and cares nothing snout the safety and privacy of women and girls ! Shame on them all but the tide surely will turn but sadly only after a lot more damage has been done. Totally DISGRACEFUL .

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