Celebrities! What would we do without them? With their dazzling smiles and interesting private lives, they bring magic into an existence that is otherwise completely meaningless. Imagining what it’s like to be, say, David Walliams, is almost better than being David Walliams.
BUT there is a cost. Some celebrities feel that maintaining their celebrity is so crucial, they are willing to ignore death and rape threats sent to one of their colleagues. I myself, have found that emails on the subject of JK Rowling, sent to various showbiz pals, have gone mysteriously unanswered. It’s as if my email is broken!
But I do understand that celebrities are like everyone else in that they are afraid of entering a conversation where the costs of saying the wrong thing are so crazily high. Remember, JK Rowling said nothing wrong. No-one can find any evidence of transphobia and when you ask for it, this is about the best you’ll get.

In fact, she was compassionate and knowledgable about the struggle of trans people, and yet they still came after her like she’d smashed a fox to death. So celebrities are probably struggling to understand what crime she has committed, and anxious that they may somehow commit the same one.
And that’s where you come in!
Any celebrity you have any connection with, ask them to sign the JK Rowling letter. They don’t need any background information to defend a woman from receiving death and rape threats. If a woman is being attacked, you help her. It’s that simple.
BUT, if they DO want to dig deeper into what’s actually happening, send them resources. Here are a few of my favourites.
Dr.Emma Hilton on women’s sport.
Transwoman Kristina Harrison speaking at A Woman’s Place.
The two recent Newsnight specials on the Tavistock whistleblowers.
Magdalen Berns on the transing of tomboys.
You may have your own. But take that celebrity by the hand and tell them, no, you’re not insane. These activists are insane. And the more of us who stand up against them, the safer everyone will be.
Finally, here’s the link to the letter again.
(Oh, wait, one last thing. Tell them NOT to discuss it with their agents.)
"Liked she’d smashed a fox to death" 😂 😂
I wish I knew a celebrity (apart from you OBVIOUSLY) - I once saw Lance Percival's back on Kensington High St is about it)
The refusal to speak out is BIZARRE. It’s like Matthew Hopkins is waiting in the wing
I tried this just a couple days ago myself. One one replied. He sent back a clip of two little boys laughing their heads off while drinking lucozade with the line "when Irish pubs reopen" along the bottom. I'm going to assume that was his way of saying I'm not willing to totally ignore you, we're still (distant) pals, but I'm not touching that petition with a ten foot pole. Another, who was a year ahead of me in school, is crickets so far.
Once the damn breaks and they all pretend they were always with us but just couldn't risk it or somehow unaware of the sinister aspects of it all, I look forward to reminding my two adoptees about my email and also what a real ally and truly stellar human looks like - YOU. I'm going to try Lyle Lovett now. I chatted with him once for an hour in a cafe 28 years ago when he was in town for a gig. Maybe he remembers me 😆