We all have low days like this Graham and most of us don’t have a tiny fraction of the pressure and work that you do. Some days do just feel like the worlds end. Every time we think we’ve reached the bottom, we discover another heap of crap further beneath that. No words.

NZ Done 👍

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NZ Submission done ✔

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good for you, Aye!

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doesn't work as a first name, I know

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Seeing the picture of that animal choking that woman in the name of entertainment drove me to submit evidence to the NZ Govt. We must fight for women across the world to beat this sickening ideology.

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I've just made a submission to NZ Gov. They didn't ask my citizenship. The website speakupforwomen.nz is very clear and has all the information. Thank you for flagging this up!

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Have submitted - twice. Once as a private individual, once as co-director of a foundation. Here's hoping it's effective.

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Well Graham that trans MMA fight has loads of people ( who don't seem as this topic is one they would normally comment on) going on Twitter … saying its out of order.

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Done. Love New Zealand. They need to draw a line.

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Just wrote this:

My/our comments

Gender Self-ID is driven almost solely by men wanting recognition as women, so as to invade our spaces. 95% of these men have a penis, testicles and porn habit. 75% of them are autogynephiles, whose narcissistic compulsion to "be women" is as powerful as that of paedophiles - i.e. it is an all encompassing obsession to satisfy which they will take huge personal risks if necessary. Gender self-ID will remove all of that risk element for them, and make it much easier to invade women's spaces for their ultimate orgasm - "validation". Whilst autogynephiles are obsessed with themselves, unless they have other comorbitities (and many do) - they are a much lower risk to women than predators. But whilst one can readily spot the difference between a man and a woman, one cannot readily spot the difference between an autogynephile and a predator. Paedophiles, too, will make good use of gender self ID. Men actually understand this - "men know what men are like". Most women do not, however, unless they have read up on the effects of testosterone and pornography and the effects on the male brain as mentioned above. Men who push for gender self-ID are complicit in the outcome of the sexual assault, rape and murder of women and children. Women who push for gender self-ID without first having put in the self-education that "Terfs" have (notice Terfs never "go back" to being the Trans Allies they all were? They may pretend to to save their jobs, but that's about it and very rare) are complicit by way of negligence.

(Remember in the past, when asked the difference between women and men? The explanation would ALWAYS start with "women are more compassionate and caring". Has anyone, ever, seen any of this major characteristic of women in Trans Activist "Transwomen"? wanting to protect women and children from further risks? Nope. Because they're all "Alana" McLaughlin and "Fallon" Fox. As Dr Ray Blanchard has observed, autogynephiles hate women because they are jealous of us and they know that we know they can never be us. They are utterly obsessed - which is obvious by how they push for this measure).

My/our recommendations

Protect women and children from even more voyeurism, sexual assault, rape and murder than they are already subjected to.

Say NO to gender self ID.

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Done. I included Heather Mason's powerful testimony about women in Grand Valley Institution for Women. "Sound the alarm".

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I watched the discussion and tried to use the SUFW website. It wouldn't let me prep for the submission so I gave up. I found it easier to go straight to the NZ Submission page -https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/sc/make-a-submission/. I have been very English and tried to mollify while criticising and I wrote the following. (The submission is in two parts- your opinion and your recommendations. You also have to provide personal contact information which will be published but that should not put any of us off. Only email and phone number)

".....Please remove or substantially revise the proposed law to allow people to change the sex recorded on their Birth Certificate merely by completing a simple statutory declaration form. Allowing this may give the appearance of fairness and progressiveness but enacting the law will lead to multiple situations that will be unfair and have regressive consequences for women."

If self identification is to be permitted on birth certificates then the biological sex should also be recorded to advise that self identification has been made. Or if not that, then the information that self identification has taken place should be recorded along with the chosen identity

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Thanks for this, ‘just copied on iPad but no link to follow, ‘Will try this way.

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Phew managed it, ‘couldn’t follow link until used portrait mode apparently

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You have to add at least one of the template blocks of text on https://speakupforwomen.nz before you can start using the Edit Box. It fooled me for ages!

Then the NZ Parliament page kept refreshing as I was editing the text to add links, so I gave up and uploaded a PDF.

The NZ Parliament Site says that personal info will only be published if you include it as part of your submission and that personal info input separately, ie. when registering to submit a response, will not be published.

"Submissions are publicly released and published to the Parliament website. Only your name or organisation’s name is required on a submission. Please keep your contact details separate, as if they are included on the submission they will become publicly available when the submission is released.

If you wish to include information of a private or personal nature in your submission you should discuss this with the clerk of the committee before submitting."


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I did try to add a block of text on the SUFW website but nothing registered -so I gave up. The actual submission page went smoothly for me. I only gave my personal information separate to the submission so from what you say I am unlikely to get the vile abuse that the 'be kind' people spew out. Regards, David

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Done. Fingers crossed.

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OK signed into NZ wrote a rant and have received my email to state submitted... I'd of liked to post what I wrote as I have a tablet so had to go freestyle. But I was very straight on my views with a little begging and imploring them not to be know acs the country that done this shit 1st...

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Signed submission to the NZ government .!!

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I looked at the link. It was unclear. What can you say. Where was the link to say that this was a lie? The whole shit show of defending not just women’s rights but what it means to be a women? The truth. How we have fallen in the west. That this is now a rearguard action. You defend this on stating fact not defending bits and pieces of consequence. Men are not women. You need to tell these people, these so called victims, the oppressed, the marginalised that their oppression is nothing to do with you. And they need to fuck off. The only banner you need is that trans women are not women end of. Stick to obtainable fact. Don’t go down the line of appeasement. These are evil people. And I’ll clarify that. Anyone that demands you tell a lie is evil. If you don’t want to. Especially if that’s going to put you in harms way. Fight this as much as you can. And again don’t fight it from being reasonable. Sex Is immutable. End of. Trans women are not women. Be ruthless. The truth is ruthless. Stop pandering to ‘fairness’. Tell them that they are nasty men in bad wigs. And they should fuck off and find something else to wank over. You don’t owe them anything. You must always realise that when the chips are down the modern left will never have your back. They recognise the truth of your dilemma but they don’t really care unless they can use it. Leftism is sociopathic in its essence. Never trust it. Walk away. It looks like NZ will loose this fight against this evil inversion of reality in a legal sense. You’ll just have to fight it at visceral street level sense. Don’t be afraid of that. It will be difficult. But you have truth on your side. And ultimately stop voting for the fuck wad leftists that enact this shit. Perhaps you’ll need to veer to the right to stop this bollox. You know vote conservative to conserve something. To stop this shit show. You need to pick sides. Progressivism is by its very nature a grab bag of contradictions. The moral sewer of moral relativism. The world of Muslim rape gangs being a cultural problem for other people. Abortion being a thing. We care about everything but the unborn. In a world that disregards the unborn as a inconvenience what do we really expect. The plea for identity validation becomes all. Resist it while you can ladies. But you will need to fight. I’m a fella that will be with you upholding the terms of reality. But I really think given the lefts depth of evil on this you have for to fight hard and fast on this.

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I am new to discussing this dogs breakfast of Gender Identity. Quite simply I am bemused by how it has taken root in all the public institutions and can only conclude it's done by some pretty malevolent people to foment division . No sane person can actually believe it - can they? Seeing the venom, abuse, and sheer unadulterated hatred spewing out I can only think it is allowing a lot of mentally disturbed people find an outlet for their disturbance. It has only gained such traction because there are a lot of stupid people who like to signal their virtue and are facilitating its spread.

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This site is full of left wing and liberal women and men, many of whom have worked hard against racism and to protect a women's right to choose and who do not ascribe to these views.

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