So they’re now actually openly writing in defence of Jamie Gumb in Silence of the Lambs.
He was apparently a victim of his time and it’s only because mean people wouldn’t let him be his true self that he started putting women in a pit, killing them and wearing their skin.
As a reminder, here’s how the character is introduced.
And here’s the author of the AV Club piece, a trans-identified male, doing some cosplay with a knife.
I’ve never seen so many ‘women’ who enjoy appearing in photos with knives, swords and baseball bats. Apparently, these gentle, sword and knife-loving ‘folk’ need immediate access to women’s spaces, and if anyone complains, they’re being a bigot, a line of thinking that has even seduced my old mate Omid Dijalli, here calling feminists ‘Nazis’. (Omid, why not go the whole hog and call them ‘feminazis’?)
And what are the conditions a male who likes swords and knives must fill to get into these spaces? Well, as the author of the piece helpfully actually says out loud “If Billy thinks they are trans, that means they are trans!”
When one horrified woman on Twitter, who tweets as @womenreadwomen posted about her disgust at the piece, and shared the knife photo, the dogs were released.

The ‘DO NOT ENGAGE’ was presumably to prevent people from finding out that the ‘documentable threat’ was a straight up lie.
As with JK Rowling, the abuse started rolling in. either threatening to report her, or sending stuff like this.
Anyway, Women’s Voices has locked down for the moment. I asked her for a comment, and she sent me this, which is one of the neatest things I’ve seen written about this movement which has been taken over by MRAs, incels and their enablers.
Keep on keeping on, sister.
Do they know that Gumb is, erm... fictional?
But I'm looking forward to the remake where we discover that the REAL villains are Catherine Martin & Clarice Starling for stopping him from expressing himself by murdering women - sorry, uterus havers - in order to wear their skins.
Cis privilege, chums: it's literally violence.
That final image/paragraph from Women’s Voices is very powerful and absolutely on the money.