Jul 8Liked by JL

Lexi the rapist is yet another example of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria which affects young girls entering puberty and middle age men entering prison.

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Why is it when transwomen get treated like real women - the makeup in the McDonald's cases, they think they are being discriminated against, go to court and win the lottery. Women who tried this would be laughed out of court! The poor wee sausages need a proper dose of lifetime discrimination as most women face on a daily basis then see if they really want to carry on with their fantasy! A more pathetic shower of losers we have yet to see...

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O I think it’s coming …….

Forgot I was shutting my pus 😂

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Thank you JL.

Grim. With every prospect of getting grimmer.

Harman has skin in the game now regardless of EHRC as she's chair of the Fawcett Society who are to preside over the women's caucus of female MPs. Fawcett are (of course) trans inclusive.

With Annaliese 'woman depends on context' Dodds as Minister for Women and Equalities, it's fair to say that things can only get worse.

But more people are becoming aware of the issues, Kemi Badenoch will (I hope) shadow Dodds and we've all found our voices now.


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Jul 10Author

Onward indeed!

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Thanks as ever, JL.

Your first report on the French and German larping men seems to me to be a portent of what might come if Labour bring in virtual self ID.

NorthumbriaPolice are racking up quite a record:Linzi Smith; Liz Panton; and the 12 year old boy ( ‘gay not queer’) who was reported to Prevent!!


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Yes, I thought I was reading a late edition of the Labour manifesto for a minute. No offence JL and thanks as ever. 😁

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I'm not British so week after week I'm shocked by the callousness and capture by the trans cult of the police. Canada is the same (I'm also not Canadian). You would think that they would have some sympathy for women but even female officers are so dismissive. I always thought that the UK was into community policing but I guess women are not part of the community.

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I’ve just said to my wandering son I’m a third class citizen in my own country

Carrying on with keeping my pus shut , my neighbour has just been out cutting his grass with a high vis shirt on ,

Clearly P’s watching and will avoid my wee row of 5 hooses !! 🙄😂

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I am British and fighting this nonsense wherever I can. But luckily for me Canada is waaaaay worse with laws that can criminalise you for "mis-gendering" someone. Trudeau is beyond the pale on this issue.

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So true and also so sad. I love Canada. Been traveling there since the early 80s and even honeymooned there. Can't believe how illiberal it has become

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Jul 9Liked by JL

That Northumbria police story is shocking, but I can't say I'm surprised. The police have not exactly covered themselves in glory on this topic. I hope the recording is distributed far and wide and that formal complaints are in progress.

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Disgraceful and makes me despairing of the human race ever returning to sanity .The police force in this country are a total disgrace and need replaced with sane ,unindoctrinated people. If Harriet Harmon is appounted to the EHRC,then Starmer is even worse than we thought. Does he not know that she has a history of support for PIE ?? What kind of WOMAN does that ?? Lisa Nandy CULTURE SECRETARY us another one of his mistakes. God help us. Thanks ,JL x

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Jul 9Liked by JL

Well that was a depressing read need a video of dancing kittens or baby rabbits at the end to reset my brain. Great work.

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Why hasn’t the police tape been leaked to the media?

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Perhaps my favorite writer Nabokov detested the professions of psychiatry and psychology, “the oneiromancy and mythogeny of psychoanalysis”, “the vulgar, shabby, fundamentally medieval world”, “the Freudian prison of thought”, and “the Freudian nursery-school of thought”, and “expensive confession fests”.

Those professions have had profoundly bad impacts on lesbians and gays, and women. It’s not often discussed that on the US in the 50’s, the most frequently lobotomized people were women, though most patients were men.


Gays and lesbians were also fodder for lobotomies, as part of “conversion therapy”, which also involved bladder washing, rectal massage, electroconvulsive therapy, surgical castration, hormonal castration, nausea-inducing drugs, psychological torture among many “treatments”. We’re in 2024 and there is a still a medieval “debate” with psychologists and psychiatrists how to most effectively extinguish sexuality in feminine boys and masculine girls.

In 2004 a survey of members of the American Psychological Association decided that torturing vulnerable gays and lesbians is “discredited" but qualified that as … should be interpreted carefully as an initial step, not as a final deliberation.

I think it’s time that psychology and psychiatry be banned globally as a collusive system of fraud based not on science but on “voting” - exactly as WPATH - which has sought for more than 100 years to torture the most mentally vulnerable people with treatments which are claimed to benefit, but elicit precisely the opposite of what what is claimed.

As people consider where did all this “trans” stuff come from, it had a single source, a single continuing point of propagation, and continues to be sanctioned torture for adults and children who need to cope with their existence in the world, not be subject to atrocity.

I foresee a day of reckoning with what psychiatry and psychology has done to women, gays, and lesbians derived from utterly fraudulent science.

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Northumbria Police clearly believe that if someone disagrees with your legal views and wants to attack you for them, then it's up to you to keep yourself safe by staying indoors. No money for policing but plenty of money to decorate cars with stupid flags.

Also I think it's really damaging to call out the fact that the woman in the Berlin McDonald's is Muslim. Her religion is irrelevant. Saying that she's Muslim could imply that non-Muslims would be ok with a man coming in the changing rooms. Moreover, if people move to another country the onus should be on them to fit in with that country and not for the country to change things to accommodate them. Exactly the same as with the trans nonsense. Women should not be forced to change their behaviour to accommodate men who choose to pretend to be women. People will use this argument to dismiss her complaint. Her being Muslim implies that it's even worse for her when we have no right to say how bad it feels for each individual. WOMEN are affected by this, any other characteristics should not come into it.

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