I love the TRA guide, just perfect

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I absolutely roared!

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A person from TENI gave a talk in our workplace, played the poor mouth, said they're a small team of about 7 ppl. They must be paying themselves very well

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Always follow the money!

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Sod the Covid 😷 and 💉, these are the oxygen masks and feel-good jabs we need to keep going!!! Thanks JL 😘

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Bless you, lovely! Thank you! xx

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On a tangent here, apologies but I want to set this down. I heard on the radio (BBC R2) that Humza Yousef, now Health Sec in Scotland apparently after being Justice Sec, had an application for his 3 year old daughter rejected by a nursery. He's claiming it's a racial decision, although the nursery is Asian run. I'm smugly wondering if it's the Scottish Witches getting their own back on him.

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Yes, I heard that. He mentioned several times that, as a father, his main concern is keeping 'his girls' safe. How's he gonna keep them safe from the AGP flasher in the M&S changing room, or the 'self-identified woman' sex offender in the ladies' or the hospital ward...? He talked a lot about discrimination against Muslims but he's okay with the effect self ID will have on Muslim women who'll no longer be able to use female-only bathrooms and changing rooms etc etc... Such hypocrisy. I nearly put the radio through the window!

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I'm sure Humza will have presentations and briefing events in all Mosques etc to explain how women have penises now and men have babies and we're all interchangeable. I can't see them having any issues with that and if they do there's the Hate Crime Bill so it'll all be grand 👍

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I've heard several TAs commenting, without a trace of irony, that Muslim / Orthodox Jewish women with issues around self ID need to be 'educated'. As you say, I'm sure Humza is on it.

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The word 'educated' now sends shivers down my spine (along with rainbows, inclusive, exclusive and on and on). I see visions of Chairman Mao and Pol Pot. It terrifies me.

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Well Hamza Useless has proved some value to SNP this week - instead of news being full of Covid cases, drug deaths and missing money it's now Humza's daughter not getting the place at nursery they wanted because Scotland is a hateful racist country. Just as well he isn't in charge of tourism.

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Oh, wouldn't that be sweet of the Scottish Witches

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Every time I read "Humza Yousef" my brain decides it should be "Humma Kavula" from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I suspect this comes from being on the other side of the pond, but it still makes me smile every time.

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Thank you!

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just love the sandy draws badly cartoon. it might make a useful postcard to send when cancelled by sm. and peak the posties! (the means of distribution is power).

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She's fabulous, isn't she?!

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Bless the Father Ted reference!

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Thanks! Couldn't resist...

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Thank you - the Ted reference and the TRA guide are absolutely exquisite.

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Glad you enjoyed em!

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I'm worried about what they mean by "no longer backed by science". Could mean there's some common sense on the way... or it could mean they're planning to side with some of those gobshite "studies" being pumped out of universities lately...

"Richard Budgett, has acknowledged the current regulations, devised in 2015, ‘were no longer backed by science’. A new framework is to be put in place"

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I think we'll just have to wait and see.

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That TRA Guide belongs on A4/letter sized stickers in every women's bathroom. It belongs on fliers that fall out of our bags everytime we leave the house. Snippets of it belong on postcards left at bus stops and high end department stores and medical office waiting rooms...

JL have you ever asked these tweeting geniuses if they mind having their work redistributed in a different medium?

If they *are* credited, it could bring the mob down on them.

If they *aren't* credited they may be rightly angry.

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From The Burkean: "One thing that is absolutely certain however, is the artificial nature of the transgender lobby in this country, and how it is brought about entirely by ELITE design and by a cadre of WELL-MONIED activists." [emphasis mine]

That about sums it up for every country!

And the TRA guide is superlative! Many thanks as always, JL!

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A mighty fine piece, thanks.

Very interested to learn of BBC ECU decision re: 12/20 article. I complained about this, but set a trap & only raised failings/danger re: suicide. I received a stock reply which was +90% irrelevant to my complaint. When I pointed this out was ignored. & Auntie repeatedly told me they had resolved my compliant as article had been amended and “… we are aware of the Samaritans' guidelines on reporting suicide and exercise great care around such matters. However, although they inform our thinking on suicide reporting, we are required to adhere to our own editorial guidelines and consider these changes to have resolved your complaint. “

No surprise they haven’t contacted me about ECU decision.

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That TRA guide is just brilliant

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Thank you, as always, for a bit of positive news. I feel a bit of a shit for adding this link but, well, not really https://www.skysports.com/olympics/news/15234/12370834/laurel-hubbard-transgender-weightlifter-out-of-olympic-final-after-failing-to-register-lift

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Humza actually said he was 'sad' he couldn't 'protect her from discrimination'...andif it turns out that it was indeed discrimination seems he now knows what it feels like..

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The TRA Translator is wonderful!

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