JL I salute you! How the hell do you put all this vomit inducing stuff together each week and not suffer a heart attack? I’ve read about most of these stories individually, but to read them altogether is just unbearable. Are we really getting somewhere? Even if the answer is yes, that doesn’t really reassure me. The fact that these things are happening at all is just unbelievable, incomprehensible insanity.

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SMH, again. We must continue to mock these vile people and refuse to use their language. KJK has it right. Call them out, mock them, laugh at them and push back, hard. Where are the stories of the TIW creating havoc in men's spaces and men's sports? Can those blinded by the ideology not see that EVERY accommodation is being made for MEN? Women pretending to be men don't get a look-in. No media coverage for them, no beverage and makeup deals, no razor deals, no commercials for the US military..... Drakeford is a ridiculous, woman-hating fool. I wonder how many of these men in power secretly wear their wives' underwear? Could explain their doubling down on breaking down the doors to let men into women's spaces. Just saying..... Riley Gaines is giving me hope. Very good interview with her on Peterson's podcast. Also the sorority group in the USA suing their university. Girls don't like boys in their spaces ogling at them and stealing their trophies. Funny that. Also videos doing the rounds on YT of school girls challenging boys in their toilets. I don't feel as depressed as I usually do after this missive!

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The interview with Riley Gaines is amazing - recommended


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BTW I have described the phenomenon of school girls challenging boys as Rapid Onset Terfing :)


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Thanks for your latest update Dusty, just what is needed to counter the horror and reduce the heart rate. 👏 I like the ‘ I have a dream ‘ adaptation.

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That’s brilliant. 😆

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Miss Jemima: I have the same suspicions as you about some of the politicians: they are either women-haters and need to be jettisoned, or they actually practise this stuff themselves. It is too coincidental. There are fair few in Scotland whom I would imagine enjoy the odd knicker fest. We really need to keep on emphasizing the sexual nature, misogynistic nature of so much of this stuff. They still behave exactly like men on a stag night even though they claim to be women. Some of the females are not much better: "Oh, TWAW, please, please walk all over me with my surgery scars and womanly beard. I know I don't look anything like a man at four feet six, with my high forehead and tats, but neither do you at six feet four with your straggly hair and biceps, but, please, please accept me. I've betrayed my sisters and myself for you... " These girls would have been classed as unhinged in any other era. Do they really think they pass? With wide hips and big bahoochies? They are no different from the stupid males who put on a 1950s neon pink, crimplene frock in size 30 and size 14 shoes, and strut down the street. They can be what they like, but they have no right - none - to expect the rest of us to validate their total horse manure. I have tried very hard not to hate anyone because I know some have issues, but I am a hairline away from loathing these people, really loathing them for the mess they have created for us all, and especially, children. Despicable creatures.

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I feel the same. Getting to the point where I am filled with loathing for them all, whereas before, when it wasn't a thing, I would have not been bothered by a man trying to live as a woman quietly and unobtrusively. I would have felt some sympathy. But those old fashioned transexuals are few and far between and they are SILENT.

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Agree. Far too many people are just keeping quiet. One or two old-fashioned transsexuals are speaking out, and they are very much on our side and have never sought to invade our spaces, etc. However, they, too, like some gay men and women, are cowed by this lobby. It has made me very hard in my attitudes now because very few are willing to stand up for us and our rights. It has been a real eye-opener, and there are people I will never have anything to do with again, so betrayed do I feel, personally, and on behalf of all females.

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It's not just the danger to women prisoners and identity laundering that are serious worries where TiM crime is concerned. It's the sentencing. These 'transitioning' men carry their male aggression and male criminal behaviour with them (as stats from the UK Office of National Stats and Karen Ingala Smith report) and there is absolutely no evidence that they deserve lenient sentences (as if they were women) because they happen to rustle up an identity change.

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So a 48 year old man puts on a dress and wants to compete against 15 year old girls. Nothing to see here. Probably a pedophile, definitely a wanker

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Well. I wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes as a civil servant in Westminster. I am happy to say.

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Wow. You couldn't create a creepier creep magnet even if you tried — allowing men to compete in women’s sports is a surefire way to bring them pyschos up from the dark into the light.

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Thanks as ever, JL albeit lots of horror stories as ever.

I still can't get over photos of obvious blokes and the article then referring to 'she' and 'her'!

I was at Brum LWS and reported on it here ( second item): https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-world-is-flat

My previous report (which explains the Jesus and the three fishes reference) with more photos is here:


Thanks again and will cross post this as usual


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But why does MSM kowtow to these creeps? They should call a spade a spade. Just because HE says he is not a spade (I dunno - a watering can? A pair of secateurs?) doesn’t mean we have to accept it when we can see and hear quite clearly, he is a spade. I wish MSM would stop insulting the majority of its audience with this fantasy. They are men! Just stop it.

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It would be nice, just once, to hear someone in the media say "The [rapist, pedophile, sports cheat, etc.] NNNN, identifies as a woman, and requests the use of female pronouns. We can't really tell the whole story doing that, so we will use the pronouns based on his sex."

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Sorry, Susan, I'm probably being thick but who is MSM?


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Main Stream Media. Mostly, until recently, completely ignoring the issue. Captured or scare I’m not sure.

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Thanks. In this country the best of the bunch are definitely the Times and the Telegraph


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Ah thanks S & D I was being thick 😎👍

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I notice that GB News which is generally on side does comply with preferred pronouns which w a bit grating!


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"We will mock you, mock you, mock you!"

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I can hardly believe all these horrors are still being aided bysports bodies ,politicians , journalists etc and yet again I feel so outraged.i'm screaming at my own 4 walls. It's well past time for Sportswomen to absolutely REFUSE to compete against men ,and it should be a WORLDWIDE boycott ,tough as that may be but they have no chance of winning anyway if there's a man in the race. Let the cheats run against themmselves. They have no honour or integrity at all and neither do the sports bodies who allow this. Same goes for the media and courts who continue to use the WRONG pronouns for defendants in court. As for my opinion of Mark Drayford ,I would be arrested and jailed for life if the thought police could read my mind. !! We need a lot more Kellie Jay Keene's in this world and I'm too old to be much of an activist ,so young women need to step up. The very real damage being done to women and children by this evil ideology is on display for ALL to see so what is wrong with people who are either too cowardly or just pretend not to notice ?? It's absolutely shameful and I feel we're in the depths of Hell. Thanks ,JL ,for keeping us informed. It can't be easy reporting on this stomach churning , misogynistic movement week after week.👍👏❤️

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If all females boycott, believe me, the men in frocks will take that as a win, as will all the public bodies. It will be just the excuse they are looking for to withdraw funding and scholarships for female sports, and many other areas of expertise, too, and hand them all to the pseudo women. They ought to just turn their backs to the interloper on the podium when medals and trophies are being handed out, refuse to shake hands and wave to the spectators as if they had won. Refuse to accept second place. That would need strong women and they would need to co-operate and not let each other down. Riley Gaines does speak for others, but few have stepped up to back her. A campaign for all girls to be taught self-defence in school to give them confidence would also be a good starter. We are weaker than men, but there are many ways in which females can gain an advantage and we should be exploring them all, telling girls that they are worth the same as boys, that they have their own strengths and that they are entirely autonomous human beings, not support structures for males. Equality for the sexes does not mean equity (equality of outcome), although it can mean parity in earnings, for example, and it actually means equality of opportunity. That means encouraging females to compete and win against each other, not against big, hulking brutes with their bulge intact.

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The situation with Lord Simon of Wythenshawe is actually even more ridiculous (if that’s possible) than JL describes. Every individual hereditary peerage title has its own rules about who it will descend to after the grantee dies. In most cases, the rule is ‘heirs male of the body’ - i.e. male descendants of the first holder. If they run out, the title disappears. The barony of Simon of Wythenshawe, according to Wikipedia, is no exception. So it’s not that our Matilda would be leapfrogged by his older sister if he was actually a woman - he would never inherit under any circumstances if he was actually a woman. What an odd experience being him must be.

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As Jenny, a trans widow who was interviewed on The Mess We're In, said, these guys want control and power over you and they use their sexual demands as the means. When you use the requested female pronoun and new name, you are stroking their sexual signaling.


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Mark Drakeford is a complete moron. I hope the people of Wales come to their senses soon and do a Sturgeon on him. He is not fit for public office.

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Here in Wales, you could stick a labour badge on a member of ISIS and people would vote for them.

On a similar note I heard a great comment about 'trans activists' recently, calling them the Traniban.

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Only a small minority of a small minority voted I think - most people given up

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Wait, does that make it a cock whistle?

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