Monday 8th May - An Unsporting Chance #1
LEQUIPE: A trans-identified male athlete who stole first place in a women’s 200 metre race is outraged at not being allowed to compete unfairly at the Olympics.
In March this year World Athletics barred transgender male athletes from competing in women’s competitions, citing the obvious ‘need to protect the female category’ for doing so. Until this ruling, French trans-identified male, Halba Diouf, had been enjoying considerable success in women’s events.
Despite the WA ruling, the French Athletics Federation is allowing the 21-year-old to compete in women’s races at ‘department level’. (France is divided into 13 different regions which are in turn divided into 96 ‘departments’.) Consequently, Diouf was permitted to run in a women’s competition in Nice over the weekend.
Unsurprisingly, he took first place, romping home with a time of 22.67 seconds. (A time that only eight French women have ever bettered over the same distance.)
Diouf had hoped to compete in the 2024 Olympic Games, in the women’s division, of course. In an interview with Reuters, he bemoaned the World Athletics’ policy, claiming he is being ‘marginalised and hounded’ because he is prevented from competing unfairly in female races at the Olympics. (He could, of course, try out for the men’s team…)
“I cannot understand this decision”, he said. “Transgender women have always been allowed to compete if their testosterone levels were below a certain threshold.” He failed to mention that all of the scientific evidence demonstrates that, even after reducing testosterone levels, males retain numerous physical and physiological advantages over women.
In other sporting news this week, a 48-year-old trans-identified male, Tara (formerly Todd) Seplavy, beat 15-year-old Maya Brothers by 12 seconds to steal first place in the women’s 3/4/5 race at the Emrick Blvd Crit in Pennsylvania.
Seplavy, who is the deputy editor at Bicycling Magazine, has, in the past, reacted to criticism of his competing in women’s events by posing with a baseball bat.
Tuesday 9th May - This Never Happens #1
NBC26: A trans-identified male convicted sex offender is back in prison after it was discovered he has been working with children.
31-year-old Dwight Evan Chisolm identifies as a ‘transgender woman’, performs as a drag queen using the stage name ‘Sno Wight’ and is a lifetime registrant of the Wisconsin sex offender registry.
In 2011 Chisolm was sentenced to three years in prison in Brown County, Wisconsin, for the sexual assault of a child.
In September of 2019, Chisholm was arrested and charged with child enticement and sexual intercourse with a child. He was released on bond on those charges but will appear in court imminently in respect of the case.
In April police discovered that Chisolm has been volunteering at a dance studio which provides free training to children aged 6-19. He was teaching minors as a voluntary dance coach and calling himself ‘Coach Sno’. In court, the judge set a $5,000 bond and scheduled a preliminary hearing for 18th May.
Chisolm operates a number of social media accounts including a TikTok account with the username SnoWight455. He has posted numerous videos of himself dancing provocatively in his underwear, one with the caption, “It doesn’t matter what’s between my legs I’m still a woman”.
In another video he appears to threaten violence against those who ‘misgender’ him.
In 2019, NBC26 reported on Chisolm’s arrest for child enticement and sexual intercourse with a child, describing him with male pronouns. Reporting on his being apprehended while working with children this week, the same news outlet referred to Chisolm as ‘she’ and ‘her’.
Wednesday 10th May - This Never Happens #2
THE TIMES: A trans-identified male raped a vulnerable woman shortly after serving a prison sentence for child sex offences.
In 2017, Dominic Risden, then aged eighteen, was convicted of raping a 15-year-old girl he’d met and groomed online. He took the girl to a secluded woodland spot, telling her “You are going to get laid” before sexually assaulting and raping her.
In 2019, only shortly after being released from prison on licence, Risden began ‘identifying as a woman’ and calling himself Lexi-Rose Crawford. Within weeks of his release, Crawford raped a vulnerable young woman with mental health issues. Crawford visited the victim’s home to play computer games. She described him trying to ‘cuddle’ her, which made her feel uncomfortable. Despite her repeated protestations, he then took off her clothes and raped her.

At Crawford’s trial in Bristol earlier this year, the court heard a personal impact statement from the victim. She said the attack had left her so traumatised she had to move out of her home and had repeatedly attempted suicide. The jury deliberated for just two hours before finding Crawford guilty of rape and sexual assault.
Crawford appeared in court on the first day of the trial wearing “A small moustache and stubble”. The Daily Mail reported that Crawford was referred to as ‘Miss Crawford’ by lawyers and by Judge Michael Longman throughout the four-day trial. Even his victim was compelled to refer to him with female pronouns. The court described Crawford as committing rape with ‘her penis’.
Crawford was sentenced to nine years in Bristol Crown Court this week. Due to Ministry of Justice guidelines issued earlier this year, he will serve his sentence in a male prison. That notwithstanding, the vast majority of news outlets reporting on his sentencing - The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, BBC News, The Daily Express, The Sun, The Independent, ITV News and The Bristol Post - all referred to Crawford with female pronouns.
Also Today - Mark My Words
NATION CYMRU: The Welsh First Minister has been accused of insulting a female MS as she was trying to discuss the sex-based based rights of women and girls.
Mark Drakeford is the First Minister of Wales and the Leader of Welsh Labour.
In June 2022 we reported on a story which made clear his bias in the gender debate when he decreed that women must make room for males in their sex class.
During First Minister’s Questions in the Senedd, Conservative MS and Shadow Education Minister, Laura Anne Jones, questioned Drakeford about the inclusion of trans-identified males in women’s sports. She asked him to define what a woman is.

Drakeford replied that his ‘starting point’ is that ‘transgender women are women’. On the subject of trans-identified males in women’s sports he replied, “To me, inclusivity is absolutely what we should be aiming for here”.
This week, at another FM’s Questions, Laura Anne Jones again questioned Drakeford about women’s rights, especially in light of Keir Starmer’s contradictory statements on Labour’s policies towards them.
Laura Anne Jones asked:
“Which statement from your UK Labour leader do you agree with? Do you agree that biological men can be women and therefore enter vulnerable women only spaces, changing rooms and participate in women only sports? Or, do you agree with his statement that biological women and girls rights should not be rolled back and therefore you’ll be rewriting your LGBTQ action plan, dropping your gender recognition reform plan and contracting fact based sex education in schools to reflect that?”
Mark Drakeford replied:
“I’m simply not going to get drawn into the shrill and deliberately divisive debate that the member continuously attempts to raise on the floor of the Senedd… The member and people like her spent the whole of April trying to raise these dog whistle concerns and found – as I have been confident all along – that people out there have a much greater sense of decency than the Conservative Party ever contributes to them. They are not interested in attacks on black people, they are not interested in attacks on asylum seekers, exactly the sort of agenda that the member herself pursues and her party pursues.”
Jones has made a formal complaint about the language Drakeford used, claiming that his use of the word ‘shrill’ contravenes the Members Code of Conduct.
She made a statement saying, “I was appalled that after asking a valid and important question on women’s rights, the First Minister felt it appropriate to use age old misogynistic language in his response. I was also shocked that he proceeded to throw decisive slurs at me regarding racism and transphobia because I’m deeply concerned about the effects of Welsh policies on women’s rights.”
Thursday 11th May - An Unsporting Chance #2
REDUXX: A women’s hockey team in Scotland includes a trans-identified male player who, it is alleged, injured a young girl on the pitch during a match.
Monarch Ladies Hockey Club is an amateur women’s hockey club based in Dundee which comprises players of mixed ages and abilities.
Earlier this month the club posted photographs to its social media which attracted attention because one of its players is quite clearly male.
The player was subsequently identified as a trans-identified male called Greg who used to be a student at St. Andrews University where he played on the male hockey team. He now calls himself ‘Anna’ and plays on the Monarch women’s team.
The sport’s governing body, Scottish Hockey, allows males to play on women’s teams if they can demonstrate that their total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to their first competition.
This photograph, posted to the Monarch women’s club Facebook page in September 2021, suggests that Greg has been playing on the women’s team for some time.
Reduxx reported on an allegation from a spectator that Greg injured a junior female player during a match earlier this year.
The Monarch team was competing against a squad of mixed age players which comprised a number of teenage girls. The source told Reduxx that Greg was trying to tackle a young girl from the left, a manoeuvre which is difficult to do at speed without making contact. He ‘flattened’ the girl and the match had to be suspended for several minutes. According to spectator, the young girl was ultimately removed from the pitch and was later found to have suffered injuries to her neck, arm and hip.
Also Today - Rowing Back On Fairness For Girls
THE TELEGRAPH: Rowing officials at the Henley Women’s Regatta have been told they must not question a junior rower’s ‘gender’, leading to concerns over fairness and the potential for exploitation.
In October, British Rowing published ‘transgender guidelines’ which effectively erased the female sport by allowing males to compete on women’s teams at all levels.

This week The Telegraph revealed that umpires at the forthcoming Henley Women’s Regatta have been told to ignore male crew members on junior girls’ teams.
This year the Henley Women’s Regatta will be held between 16th-18th June. As usual, it will involve a Junior Under-16 event. In a recent Thames Region umpires’ briefing, an update on British Rowing’s regulations on trans competitors stated that under no circumstances can an umpire query a junior rower’s ‘gender’. Officials must accept whatever ‘gender’ is entered on the British Rowing online entry form.
Coach and umpire, Carole-Ann Turner, explained that this leaves junior races open to exploitation by ambitious young male rowers. There are incentives for boys to compete in the girls’ events; students able to boast a Henley medal can win substantial bursaries and rowing scholarships when applying to certain universities. So not only would young female rowers be cheated out of team places and medals, this policy could affect their opportunities for a university education.
Turner also told The Telegraph, “It is totally ridiculous that you could have a whole category at Henley Women's being boys. They would only have to be second-boat standard, depending on when they’ve had their growth spurt. I coach juniors, 14 and 15-year-old boys. If you were to select those who have gone through puberty, even the very best J16 girls wouldn’t have a chance against them at all.”
She continued, “As umpires, our primary concerns are supposed to be safety and fairness. We have that drummed into us… And yet the fundamental issues of fairness around trans women, we’re not allowed to question.”
Friday 12th May - These Are Not Our Crimes
DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA: A trans-identified male in Australia has been sentenced for a shockingly violent crime and was described in the media as ‘a woman’.
Frederick James Fulford is a 28-year-old trans-identified male from Townsville, Queensland. He has five previous convictions for violent offences including armed robbery and assault with a bottle. Last month Fulford was convicted of malicious intent to cause grievous bodily harm after setting fire to a homeless man.
In March 2021 Fulford, who was homeless at the time, was in Townsville’s Bulletin Square. He was drunk and had been using marijuana and inhaling petrol fumes. He was approached by a homeless man who made a sexually suggestive remark to him. Fulford doused the man in petrol and set him alight with a cigarette lighter. The man ignited into a ball of flame and fled the scene. At Fulford’s trial the court was shown CCTV footage of the horrifying attack.
The victim was found a short time later and taken to hospital where spent the next three weeks. He suffered 8-9 per cent burns and required skin grafts on his back, neck, left arm and left ear. He will have significant scarring for the rest of his life.
This week Fulford was sentenced to nine years imprisonment.
Reporting on this story, The Daily Mail Australia described Fulford as a woman in its headline and referred to him with female pronouns throughout its article.
Saturday 13th May - The Process Is The Punishment
TELEGRAPH SPORT: US cycling legend, Inga Thompson, has been ‘shamed’ by the team on which she served as a board member over her defence of women’s sport.
Inga Thompson is a retired road bicycle racer. She is three-time Olympian, won silver medals in three world championships, was twice placed at the Tour de France and won the US National Road Race Championships five times. She was inducted into the US Bicycling Hall of Fame in 2014 and in 2017 she founded the Inga Thompson Foundation to “Support competitive women cyclists through meaningful financial assistance, mentorship and promotion of ethical, drug-free competition in all sports”. In November 2022 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy.
In recent years Thompson has led the criticism of the policy issued by the UCI, cycling’s governing body, which allows trans-identified males to compete in women’s events. Following Austin Killips’ ‘victory’ at last month's Tour of the Gila, Thompson spoke out against the regulations which allowed him to compete in a female race. “It is time for women cyclists to start protesting UCI policy”, she wrote. “Start taking a knee at the starting lines. Team managers need to speak up and protect their riders.”
For the past seven months Thompson has served as a board member at cycling team, Cynisca. Founded last summer and named after a Spartan chariot racehorse trainer who became the first female Olympic champion, Cynisca is supposedly dedicated to “Making a long-term investment in the future of women’s cycling”.
Following Thompson’s comments in defence of women’s cycling, Cynisca issued a vitriolic public statement decrying her brave stance. “If shared in the absence of politics, Inga's knowledge and experience would benefit many and advance cycling for everyone. However, she has decided to dedicate her time to excluding people who are otherwise and currently eligible to compete in UCI events. She has also attempted to use our team as a platform for her political activity.”
Thompson vehemently denies such claims, saying that she has never used Cynisca as a platform. “The only thing that is accurate about that letter is that yes, I am advocating for women's sports.”
She told Telegraph Sport that she had initially believed Cynisca’s statement to be an internal document and was horrified on discovering that it was made public. She said, “This is exactly why people don’t speak up, because this is what happens when you do”.
According to The Post Millennial, the aforementioned Tara (formerly Todd) Seplavy - the baseball bat wielding deputy editor of Bicycling Magazine - has engaged in a targeted harassment campaign against Inga Thompson over the last few years.
Seplavy filed an official complaint with the US Centre for Safe Sports against Thompson after she shared the photograph of him in which he’s posing with a baseball bat. Despite having posted the photograph himself on public forums, Seplavy complained that Thompson had shared it without his permission.
Furthermore, The Post Millennial is in possession of screenshots taken from a private Facebook group in which Seplavy stirred up ill feling against Thompson, calling her a ‘washed up hero’ and accusing her of allying with ‘right-wing hate groups’.
In 2019 Thompson wrote to the International Olympics Committee (IOC), asking them to review their policy of including trans-identified male athletes in women’s sports. At the time she was on the board of directors for the Oregon Bicycle Racing Association (OBRA). When Seplavy learned about Thompson's letter, he and other trans activists organized a targeted and continued campaign to silence her. Eventually, Thompson had to resign from her position on the OBRA board.
Sunday 14th May - A Whitehall Farce
THE TELEGRAPH: Parliamentary staff have been urged to give away women’s spaces and report on colleagues who resist gender identity ideology.
The Telegraph has learned that hundreds of civil servants who work in Westminster have been provided with ‘guidance’ about gender identity. The 15-page pamphlet, seen by the paper, undermines the Equality Act 2010, pressurises parliamentary staff into adherence to gender identity dogma and compromises female-only spaces. Unsurprisingly, it links to the websites of Gendered Intelligence and Stonewall with the latter described as ‘our expert partners’. It has been in circulation internally for the last three years.
The guide warns that staff should “Learn to identify what transphobic behaviour looks like”, citing as an example a refusal to use ‘preferred pronouns’. It adds that such ‘behaviour’ “Must be met with an attitude of zero-tolerance”. Furthermore, parliamentary staff are urged to ensure that “Trans colleagues feel comfortable bringing their authentic self to work” and that “Trans experiences are celebrated”. (Are Whitehall staff encouraged to celebrate any other ‘experiences’ - such as those of single mothers or the women who juggle careers with caring for elderly relatives - in the workplace?)
Alongside these instructions about ‘celebrating’ trans-identified employees, the guide warns that “Any negative behaviours will not be tolerated, and we encourage you to report them immediately so they can be dealt with appropriately”. It provides the contact details for the human resources and diversity teams.
While pointing out that ‘gender reassignment’ is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, the guide fails to mention that sex has the same status. It tells trans-identified staff that they can “Use the facilities that match your gender identity or that most closely align with it”, adding, “It is your choice and we will support you to access the toilets, showers and changing rooms that feel right for you at that time. It may be that you access both male and female facilities, which we support.”
Kate Harris, co-founder of LGB Alliance, told The Telegraph, “This guidance is an activist’s handbook for those who seek to do two things: to pretend that their cult beliefs are mainstream, and second to isolate and ostracise anyone who refuses to accept their ludicrous fantasies”.
Also Today - Let Women Speak In Birmingham
Kellie-Jay Keen took Let Women Speak to Birmingham on Sunday. There was a huge turnout and plenty of wonderful women got to tell their stories.
However, women were massively let down by West Midlands Police who, initially at least, didn’t seem to the think their safety, wellbeing and right to free speech were worth turning up for.
We know from previous experience that trans activists cannot allow women to assemble and discuss their sex-based rights and experiences in peace. They descend, en masse, to every SFW meeting and try to disrupt proceedings with noise and intimidation, their aggression often bubbling over into real violence.
The Birmingham event was no exception, with trans activists mobbing the women trying to gather and speak. Their usual tactics - amplified music, noise, shouting, crowding, intimidation, chanting, insults, claxons etc - were much in evidence.
Nevertheless, it appears that West Midlands Police were nowhere to be seen at the start of the event with many attendees taking to social media to ask where they were.
The police did appear eventually, but only once the event was well underway.
Birmingham Police have claimed that they were present throughout the event and that it was ‘peaceful’.
However, there are numerous reports that women were assaulted by trans activists.
One of those assaulted was a 15-year-old girl.
Both sides, eh?
Also Today - TWAW… Except When They Want To Be Men
SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: A trans-identified male is hoping to take up a hereditary peerage which he’s only entitled to because he’s a man.
Trans-identified male, Matilda Simon, is the 3rd Baron of Wythenshawe. He inherited the title on the death of his father in 2002 when he was still Matthew Simon. He has since ‘transitioned’ and become Matilda Simon. Yet he’s hanging on to his male privilege and seems intent on taking up a hereditary peerage which he can only claim because he is a man. Simon has an older sister, Margaret. Were Simon really a woman, Margaret, as the older sibling, would inherit the peerage. However, as Simon is not female, he can leapfrog right over Margaret to a seat in the House of Lords.
Last May the Lord Chancellor approved Matilda Simon’s claim to the peerage, thus giving him permission to stand for a vacant seat among the hereditaries in the Lords. A seat has now become vacant and Simon seemingly intends to stand in a by-election to replace the Liberal Democrat Viscount Falkland.
That Simon is able to stand for this peerage is thanks to a clause in the 2004 Gender Recognition Act. It states that gender reassignment “Does not affect the descent of any peerage or dignity or title of honour”. Isn’t that handy?
David Lammy, then the parliamentary under-secretary of state for constitutional affairs, helped steer the GRA through parliament. According to The Spectator, Lammy defended the inclusion of this clause by claiming the exception for which it allows would be a very infrequent occurrence. (Yes, that’s right, the David Lammy who described gender critical feminists as ‘dinosaurs hoarding their rights’.)
Charlotte Carew Pole campaigns for fairness for women in primogeniture with a group called Daughters’ Rights. She told The Sunday Telegraph, “We now find ourselves in the absurd position of a younger son inheriting a title but identifying as a woman to stand in the hereditary peers by-elections… Matilda can’t have it both ways. She’s [sic] either a man or a woman and must give something up.”
Writing about Simon’s bid for the peerage in The Spectator last May, Sam Leith summed up the situation perfectly: “For a hereditary peer to take a place in the upper house on the grounds of their chromosomal sex, while enjoying every legal privilege and protection accorded to the gender with which they now identify, is a prime instance of the Johnsonian doctrine of cakeism.”
Ironically, if Matilda Simon does become the first “transwoman” to sit in the House of Lords, he will do so as a direct result of male entitlement. Quite literally.
See you next week.
JL I salute you! How the hell do you put all this vomit inducing stuff together each week and not suffer a heart attack? I’ve read about most of these stories individually, but to read them altogether is just unbearable. Are we really getting somewhere? Even if the answer is yes, that doesn’t really reassure me. The fact that these things are happening at all is just unbelievable, incomprehensible insanity.
SMH, again. We must continue to mock these vile people and refuse to use their language. KJK has it right. Call them out, mock them, laugh at them and push back, hard. Where are the stories of the TIW creating havoc in men's spaces and men's sports? Can those blinded by the ideology not see that EVERY accommodation is being made for MEN? Women pretending to be men don't get a look-in. No media coverage for them, no beverage and makeup deals, no razor deals, no commercials for the US military..... Drakeford is a ridiculous, woman-hating fool. I wonder how many of these men in power secretly wear their wives' underwear? Could explain their doubling down on breaking down the doors to let men into women's spaces. Just saying..... Riley Gaines is giving me hope. Very good interview with her on Peterson's podcast. Also the sorority group in the USA suing their university. Girls don't like boys in their spaces ogling at them and stealing their trophies. Funny that. Also videos doing the rounds on YT of school girls challenging boys in their toilets. I don't feel as depressed as I usually do after this missive!