Monday 28th January - What Are The Green Party Smoking?
Green Party Women has elected its two co-chairs. One of them is a trans-identified man.
Under the party’s nonsensical rules, Green Party Women and the offices therein are open to any member who “identifies as a woman” or is “gender-variant”. So men as well, then. And now a man, Kathryn Bristow, has just become co-chair.
Bristow lists his pronouns as “Fae/She/They” and describes his gender identity as “Not a man or a woman” and also “A woman and non-binary”.
He really doesn’t understand feminism. Or biology.
He’s currently formulating a plan to ensure that only Green Party women who parrot the sanctioned gender identity rhetoric are allowed a voice on social media.
Bristow is working with GenderGP as a “Pathway Advisor”.
GenderGP is the private clinic set up by disgraced doctor, Helen Webberley, who was found guilty of operating it illegally, selling cross-sex hormones to children as young as twelve, and subsequently suspended by the General Medical Council. It’s the same private clinic that now flogs hormones for minors online from an offshore base.
Oh and he also fancies himself as a bit of a player.
Tuesday 29th December - Sexism For Kids Is Still A Drag
Yet another library is peddling drag to kids.
Milton Keynes Library is hosting an online Drag Queen Story Hour for children. Drag act, Aida H Dee (performer Sab Samuel) is reading from his own book wearing thick make-up, false breasts and a bouffant wig.
We have written previously about drag, which involves sexualised parodies of womanhood, being wholly unsuitable for children. Graham’s recent interview with Heather Brunskell Evans helps explain why this form of entertainment for adults is suddenly being hailed, in certain quarters, as appropriate for kids.
Considering he talks a lot about diversity, it’s interesting to note that The Three Goats United of Sab Samuel’s book are all male.
By the way, if you want to voice your objection to Milton Keynes Library about its online drag for kids, you can find the necessary contact details here.
Wednesday 30th December - Asylum For Bearded Non-Binary Britney Fan
THE DAILY MAIL: A man from El Salvador has been granted asylum in the UK due to his ‘non-binary’ gender identity.
Mx Arthur Britney Joestar first arrived in the UK in October 2017. His first request for asylum was turned down. His second request, made on the basis of his non-binary identity, was refused initially but later upheld on appeal. Stonewall CEO, Nancy Kelley, welcomed the decision. “We're incredibly pleased for Mx Joestar, whose landmark case is likely to make it easier for non-binary people to seek asylum in the UK”.
Of course, nobody should be made to feel unsafe in their home country for whatever reason. But is ‘gender identity’ really a legitimate reason for seeking asylum? It is entirely subjective and unquantifiable. On what evidence will judges base their decisions when asylum is requested by someone claiming to be non-binary? Given the processes asylum seekers usually have to undergo to substantiate the validity of their claim, what will be deemed conclusive proof of a non-binary identity? The claimant’s curly hair and teddy bear hat?
Thursday 31st December - Moving The Goalposts
THE TELEGRAPH: Ofcom has altered its definition of hate speech to include “Intolerance” on the grounds of gender and gender reassignment.
A few weeks ago we reported on Ofcom boss, Dame Melanie Dawes, commenting that she deems it “Extremely inappropriate” for broadcasters to present alternative view points in discussions around gender identity ideology and that the organisation plans to “engage” with Stonewall for advice on this issue.
Now, a requirement under the revised Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2020, Ofcom has updated its broadcasting code on hate speech. The previous code dictated that programmes could not contain any incitement to hatred based on race, sex, religion or nationality.
The new rules define hate speech as “All forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred based on intolerance on the grounds of disability, ethnicity, social origin, sex, gender, gender reassignment, nationality, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, colour, genetic features, language, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth or age”.
Gender has no legal definition and nobody can agree what it actually means. Gender identity rarely amounts to more than subjective ‘feelings’. If broadcasters cannot schedule content seen as “intolerance on the grounds of gender”, it will be impossible to discuss issues around a wholly faith-based ideology to which many people do not subscribe. And it will be impossible to discuss its impact on women’s sex-based rights. Or is that the idea?
Friday 1st January - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
As of Friday 1st January prison inmates in California can be accommodated according to their ‘gender identity’ rather than their sex.
Under the new law, prison inmates will be able to request their choice of male or female facilities at admission. Such requests cannot be denied due to an inmate’s anatomy or because of “a factor present” among other prisoners. In other words, vulnerable female prisoners could be forced to share accommodation with intact males and there will be nothing they can do about it.
Furthermore, this new legislation requires prison staff, contractors and volunteers to address trans prisoners by their chosen names, honorifics and pronouns. So rapists and paedophiles can be a ‘she’ if they choose and everybody has to play along.
This legislation was authored by San Francisco Senator, Scott Wiener (pictured below) who was determined to see it signed into law.

Saturday 2nd January - A Trans Widow Writes
THE GUARDIAN: The wife of a trans-identified male describes how her husband decided to transition when she was on maternity leave.

The author of the article describes the time her husband chose to ‘come out’ as trans. It was after she had undergone IVF treatment, endured the pain of miscarriage, had an extremely difficult pregnancy, suffered a sexual assault while heavily pregnant, had a medically traumatic birth and had arrived home from hospital with her new baby only to fall ill with shingles. It was at that point in their marriage her husband decided to drop his bombshell. Or, as she puts it, his “Increasingly complicated gender identity”.
Perhaps out of self-preservation and because it is just easier, cognitive dissonance being a powerful force, the author has chosen to embrace gender identity ideology. She pretends that the father of her child is a now woman and says she’s found herself “reassessing” what it means to be female. “I can never change the anti-trans sentiment that some cling to… I feel a responsibility to admit how limited my assumptions used to be.”
A man treats his wife little better than a brood mare, behaves unbelievably selfishly and with impunity and somehow she has to examine her limitations?
This is The Guardian, after all.
Sunday 3rd January - Pink Faces Over Eddie’s Pronouns
When Eddie Izzard requested female pronouns on a TV programme recently, trans activists and their usual enablers gushed over him with praise and admiration. None more so than Pink News.
The PN lads leapt on this opportunity, to enthuse about “Her right to define however she wants” and they even tried to use the story to troll the LGB Alliance.
But then The Telegraph published an article in which ‘gender fluid’ Izzard defended JK Rowling, insisting that her views are not transphobic. “I don’t think JK Rowling is transphobic. I think we need to look at the things she has written about in her blog.”
How was this received at Pink News? Outrage? Fury? No, they simply reported without comment (which makes a change).
Pink News CEO, Benjamin Cohen, was trying to underplay it and distract attention by continuing to attack The LGB Alliance.
Both he and his online rag have had plenty to say about JK Rowling herself over the last year. But now their new poster boy has defended her sentiments, they don’t seem keen to pour bile all over him and his work in the same way.
Spot the difference?
Happy new year & see you next week.
Another brilliant report from JL. The prison news from CA is bleak as well as the grooming that is still celebrated at libraries. Again, nothing that I know historically or at present about the way in which women have been and still are treated has prepared me for the transgender movement. The combination of stealth, lavish funding, almost universal acceptance by Western institutions, and abusive activism is breathtaking in its reach and effects.
Precise and to the point as Always from You JL.
Summary: Men can commit any crimes and declare themselves as Women to get away with it. That's what is happening and that's what we can all can see. I am frustrated more because of the Panderers declaring anything that hurt the feelings of the narcisstic men (yup they ain't Trans nor Women, just men identifying as women) , as hate speech. Wtaf ?
This all crap is so surreal. It's 2021 and the world is Fighting to coddle the males. I am actually gonna laugh out loud in hysteria.
On another note:
I haven't hear from You since forever JL. Hope 2021 is treating You better. Lots of Love Sister ❤️