Monday 14th December - No Fair Play For Women in the Commons
Last week the Women and Equalities Select Committee continued its inquiry into GRA reform, hosting an oral session with six academics from both sides of the debate.

Fair Play For Women’s analysis of the event demonstrates this inquiry is not being conducted with objectivity or neutrality.
“The sympathetic tone and framing of questions to the transgender panellists was in marked contrast to the challenging approach taken with the academics asked to represent women’s concerns. The framing and tone of questions revealed an underlying stance that self-ID was necessary and any discussion to the contrary leads to the trans community being harmed and ignored… That their sympathies lay with trans people and not women was clear from the start.”
Bias was evident even in the opening moments.

Tuesday 15th December - Watching the Detectives
The head of Ofcom believes it is “Extremely inappropriate” for broadcasters to present both sides of the gender debate and has been “Talking to Stonewall” about the issue.

When MSP John Nicholson spoke to Ofcom’s Chief Executive, Dame Melanie Dawes, about diversity, he accused the BBC of transphobia and denied there was a need for a balanced debate when discussing trans-related issues. Nicholson has form in this area so his hyperbole is not a surprise. However, Dame Melanie gushed in agreement.
She said that Ofcom plans to “Engage” with Stonewall who had already “Raised this actively” with her organisation (of course they have). She described Stonewall as “Really expert on this” and explained that she’d already been in conversation with their Chief Executive. That way, she said, Ofcom can, “Make sure we give the right information to our broadcasters so that they can steer their way through these debates without causing offence and without bringing inappropriate voices to the table”.
Ofcom, the body which regulates television and radio output, is taking advice from Stonewall, a lobby group with a political agenda, on how broadcasters should be allowed to debate specific issues and even dictate whose voices are appropriate?
And if viewers and listeners wish to object to such obvious bias, to whom should they complain…? Oh.
Wednesday 16th December - Surgery on the State For Convicted Sex Offender
MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL: A paedophile serving a lengthy prison sentence has been granted sex reassignment surgery on the state and might even be moved to a women’s prison while he waits for it.
Mark Campbell is serving a 34 year sentence for the first degree sexual assault of a child. His victim told investigators that he had raped her, used ‘sex toys’ and forced her to view pornographic material.
Once in prison he started ‘identifying as a woman’ and called himself Nicole. He began pursuing surgery in 2013 and in 2016 he tried to sue a number of prison officials.
Now, following a three-day bench trial, District Judge James Peterson has ordered the state of Wisconsin to provide Campbell with the required surgery. Judge Peterson commented that accessing this surgery could take at least a year. He suggested that, in the meantime, the Department of Correction could move Campbell to a women's prison.
He raped a ten year old girl and here’s a website acting like he’s Rosa Parks.

Thursday 17th December - This Never Happens
DAILY MAIL: A serial sex offender disguised himself as a woman in order to stalk and sexually assault an 18 year old girl.
30 year old Mark Brown was caught on CCTV stalking his victim in North London late at night last September. While in ‘girl mode’, he grabbed her, threw her to the ground and sexually assaulted her. Out of prison on licence, Brown had previously been convicted of numerous similar offences, including seven sexual assaults on lone women.
Sentencing Brown to five and a half years in prison, Judge Joanna Greenberg described him as a dangerous sexual predator. “This offence has had a profound psychological effect on the victim's wellbeing”, she told him. “You were watching for a suitable victim, and such a suitable victim for you was a young lone female. You wore a disguise which demonstrates considerable planning”.
The disguise Brown wore was a dress, a wig and a padded bra. A dangerous serial predator passed himself off as a woman in order to stalk and assault a teenage girl. Something we’re continually told does not, has not, and will not ever happen.
Friday 18th December - Green Party MSP Forced to Resign Over Women’s Rights
Andy Wightman is the MSP for Lothian. He is now an independent having resigned from the Green Party over its approach to the debate around gender identity.

In a letter to the Scottish Green Party co-leaders, Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie, Wightman cited his reason for resigning as “The intolerance shown by some party members to an open and mature dialogue about the tensions and conflicts around questions of sex and gender in the context of transgender rights and women’s rights”.
He states he was warned that a vote in favour of Amendment 28 to the Forensic Medical Services Bill would result in disciplinary action and even possible suspension, deselection or expulsion.
In short, he was told not to vote in favour of allowing rape victims the choice of a female clinician to examine them following a traumatic assault.
The Scottish Green Party might have lost Andy Wightman but look who joined up the day he resigned.
Mridul Wadhwa is a trans-identified male. He has political aspirations but is currently the manager of Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre, a job he took while concealing the truth about his sex. He has no GRC so is legally male, not that it prevented him from taking up a place on an all-women SNP shortlist back in October. And now he’s abandoned the SNP to join the Green Party. No doubt he’ll fit right in.
Saturday 19th December - The Study That Time Forgot
TRANSGENDER TREND: Professor Michael Biggs exposed the failings of the Tavistock's puberty blockers trial in March 2019. Now he analyses the final study results which have finally been published.

The Tavistock’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) and University College London have finally released the results of their experiment on puberty blockers.
It’s strange that this paper is only now seeing the light of day when certain outcome results have been available for several years. It’s also strange that, having refused to provide it to the judicial review brought by Keira Bell and Mrs A, they published the paper immediately after the ruling. Even stranger is that it appeared not in a scientific journal but on a preprint server, medRxiv (Carmichael et al., 2020) and with no publicity or announcement, not even a mention on the Tavistock’s own website.
Professor Michael Biggs has analysed the results, highlighting the main areas of concern; the size of the sample used, the lack of information on autism, that puberty blockers had a deleterious effect on subjects’ bone density and lead inexorably to cross-sex hormones.
“Considered as a treatment in its own right, the suppression of puberty with GnRHa might be the only treatment provided by the NHS for which the costs clearly exceed the benefits. The sole justification for GnRHa is to prepare a child for lifelong medicalization with cross-sex hormones and surgeries, with irreversible consequences for sexuality and fertility.”
Sunday 20th December - I Hear You’re a Woman Now, Izzard?
THE INDEPENDENT: Eddie Izzard is now demanding female pronouns and, of course, is being hailed as brave and stunning because of it.
Izzard appeared in the Sky Arts programme, Portrait Artist of the Year, asking that contestants call him “she” and “her”. When news reached social media, the usual enablers and handmaidens couldn’t wait to fawn over him.
Only ten years ago, Izzard, then aged 48, was interviewed in The Guardian stating unequivocally that he is a male heterosexual transvestite. Not that this self-knowledge prevented him from invading women’s spaces and ignoring women’s boundaries.
Writing in his 2017 memoir, Believe Me, Izzard recounts the first time he wore women’s clothing in public. He used the public toilets in Highbury Fields to get changed afterwards. The ladies’ toilets, of course. He describes being ‘intimidated’ by three teenage girls he encountered. Of course, it never occurred to him how a grown man in a skirt, heels and slap darting between cubicles might have made them feel?
And now, with political aspirations, Izzard is claiming to be transgender and demanding female pronouns. Looks like all those marathons paid off; he can chase that bandwagon all the faster now.
See you next week.
Izzard chose the DD cup size option, quelle surprise. Did you see the trans widows tweet about his syndromic behaviour of gradual escalation over a period of years being very familiar to them
Both Mark Brown and Campbell should be in men's prison where they belong. I don't know , how can't the judges understand this basic fact that if these very men rape the judges wife or daughter, and then want a reassignment surgery , would he then put them in women's Prison till wait period. Or had his (judge's) daughter been in there , would he allow these marks as her inmate. I can see a lot of this happening when it comes to fair sports play too, as long as people don't have to play or pee or share rooms with these blokes identifying as women, they don't give a damn if these are put in women's spaces.
As for Eddie Izzard, I will suggest him to hook up with Katy M or Aiden Comford. They will make a nice pair.
Have no words for Mridul, that absolute belland is shameless chameleon.
Thanks for the blood Boiling collation JL. Have You observed recently, gender extremists are having meltdown because of BBC nominating JKR'S TERF WARS for essay if the year. Ha !!! Love that Woman 💕