Mar 21, 2022Liked by JL, mole at the counter

I’ve had to stop reading for a bit because I’m apoplectic with rage. I want to bring back the guillotine, the thumbscrews, the rack. These people are without any conscience or feelings for women and children. I wish the very worst for every one of them who is part of this outrage. I need to go and calm down.

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Sorry about inducing rage, Marionq! Hope you're okay. Remember, I only report on the bad news here - there is a jam-packed Good News Supplement on the way! Take heart. We may not win every battle but we are winning the war.

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It is healthy rage JL directed at the deserving malefactors. A cup of tea was the cure. Thank you for all the work you do. It must do your head in at times.

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Yes, it does! Thank heavens for tea! (And wine!) Thank you for your kind words - much appreciated.

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Marion this may cheer you up: Kellie Jay Keen argues with man in toilet https://mobile.twitter.com/madeleinekearns/status/1505926852224983043?cxt=HHwWhoC9ycmfkOYpAAAA (man in question, 'Dawn'/Don Ennis is a 50 year old who had 3 kids with a woman, started presenting as a woman a few years ago and closely resembles his wife. Claims to been the children's mother and someone unearthed a Tweet of him saying he breastfed them

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At least he spoke to her. This man isn't listening and is peeing everywhere. Guess the sex of the person who will have to clean it up! Imagine a little girl seeing this, or a woman with PTSD after a rape. 😡


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Young heterosexual man/old cross-dressing hetersoexual man. Both trolling. Same old same old disdain for women.

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That footage has now had 1 million views!

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Will Thomas is a gift, and anyone doing anything to protest against Thomas is a gift also (this happened at the swimming competition). That is how Kellie-Jay gets thing done

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Yes I too feel the need to breathe through a paper bag in a dark room - these people make me sick, that they are indulged by the media, government etc makes me feel mentally under siege

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I'm sorry to hear you feel this way, Miaowmix. I know it can be overwhelming sometimes. But take heart - the tide is turning and we're making more gains every day. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Take care & stay positive x

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👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏 xx

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I'm so sorry you feel that way, and I don't know how helpful it is to say that the lifespan of this misogynistic excess +++ has a limited lifespan. The people responsible for this have to do much more than capture organisations and government bodies, they have to hold onto them. They won't be able to do that as more and more people become aware of what's happening and what the long term implications are. They have to rely on widespread co-operation, and ultimately they aren't going to get it. It causes far too much damage, including to trans identified people who never wanted a place in their authoritarian fantasy.

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Totally agree. I ,for one ,refuse to refer to ANY man as " she" or ANY woman as " he " , because it's a lie. I also refuse to qualify WOMAN.with words like "biological ,actual ,real " etc WE are women and the ONLY kind of woman is Adult human female !! Infuriates me when I see or hear media outlets using female pronouns to describe a man , especially when they are being gender critical !!We really need to preserve accurate language !!

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I have felt like that at times over the years. It led me to develop anxiety that is still affecting my health. The gaslighting is 'mad-making'. Then it moved into anger. I have some hope now. But it's a long haul - decades in the making; really revving up in 2015. It will be a few years yet. Look after yourself. A head of steam is building and we don't individually have to feel it is our responsibilty.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

Yes, it really took off in 2015. So much has changed in a very short time, it's not surprising so much anxiety and anger has been generated, along with dismay. I came across an article from the Guardian written five years before that. In it Stonewall was explaining its position on not including the T in LGB, though change was occurring. Just 12 years later the T has virtually pushed LBG off a cliff and left it to fend for itself. Those who had trust and belief in that organisation must have lost it all and more by now. I'm sure there are a lot of people reflecting on what a disastrous decision this was.

There are a lot of groups of people on the margins, they aren't great in number, they don't have a great deal of influence, (that certainly doesn't apply to the trans lobby/idealogues) they face prejudice, etc. They don't all need to be accommodated in one organisation. Transgender people should have taken reaponsibility for their resources and formed their own organisations, rather than being allowed to take up parasitic occupation of an established one.

Just like transwomen experiencing domestic abuse should establish their own shelters. That's what women did, with very little external help. And you can bet trans groups wouldn't be left to scratch around for funds. But they don't need to do that because transwomem are women, never mind the penises, testosterone and other male characteristics, and never forgetting make privilege. It's what got them them there and keeps them there, right up to the level of CEO.

This is going to come to an end, it isn't sustainable, the greed of the people controlling it won't permit that. They've relied on money and influence, and very much on aggression, but they aren't clever, which will be another source of their undoing.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by JL, mole at the counter

Maggie Chapman, eh? Titanic levels of ignorance and stupidity.

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She used to waft around the campus at Aberdeen in a fug of her own smugness. Always “standing in solidarity” with the latest pet cause but literally never doing anything to improve the lives of students or the local community.

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Yeah ,I watched that debate with Joan Mc Alpine in 2019 and Chapman ended up looking like the stammering fool she clearly is ! It was great to watch as Joan demolished her " arguments ". SNP response to that was to make sure Joan had no chance of re-election at the next election 👎😡😡😡

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Imagine claiming to be adults then acting like teenage schoolgirl bullies. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

Susie Green knows her logic wouldn't stand up to the most basic scrutiny, she cannot allow debate because she and her shitty reasoning would be taken apart atom by atom. It's why these loons shut it down, lest they be discovered for the snake oil salesmen they really are.

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This is exactly why they all stick to so vociferously to their 'no debate' agenda. This cult can't survive sunlight. As George RR Martin wisely said, “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say".

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That's one big load of dross to plough through on a Monday morning. I'm still angry about that gurning stick insect doing the head wobble as she collected her BAFTA award. She and the Aussie host appear to be stupid as well as misinformed.

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Nasty pair, taking cheap shots at a woman with more integrity in her fingernails than they'll ever muster. And of them is an ungrateful brat who owes her entire career to JK Rowling.

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I think there should be complaints to the Charity Commission about the role of Mermaids in shutting down the talk at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Helen Joyce and Stephanie Davies-Arai are there essentially as whistleblowers on ideological capture & marketing of vastly harmful treatments. It’s really not within a charity’s remit to prevent this.

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That's an excellent idea. That Mermaids still has charity status is a disgrace.

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That composer is making a not very veiled threat to people - accept everything about me that makes me not female as female, and I won't cause you problems - The misogyny is just mindbending, but so called inclusive types being 'kind' will be prepared to take this and the the only ones who won't are transphobic. It's fucking surreal! This man can take his beard, cock and balls and testosterone, keep them where they belong and stop trying to bulldoze his way into womanhood. He has no place there, his desire is to dominate, dictate and hate. But he doesn't have to stop, he can carry on hating and oppressing women, but he doesn't get to call himself one or be treated as one.

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He's just a bog-standard incel, raging at women. But all the people enabling and promoting his insulting and offensive claims on womanhood should be ashamed of themselves.

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They should be, I don't know whether they ever will, some might. But what's much more important is that they're disempowered and eventually made accountable.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by JL

Would Watson and Wilson have a go at the Observer for its article backing the Cass report? Given that it vindicates JK Rowling? Would they fuck, because they know they might one day be looking for an Observer photoshoot to promote whatever dross film they'll be gurning away in.

JK Rowling on the other hand, is the easy target for any clown who wants easy social media 'likes' or wants to stay on the Hollywood Casting Director's books. This will change, and when it does Watson and Wilson will be furiously re-positioning themselves to try and keep their careers from tanking.

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"I'm sick of the dick jokes! I worked my balls off to get to where I am today!"

- Richard Levine

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Why spend money on a review when you have already decided you aren't changing anything? That's stupid and a waste of money. It shows Brady has no intention of doing a proper review.

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Let’s not forget that pronouns are permission. As soon as we call a man ‘she’, or allow him to call himself ‘she’, we are giving him permission to go into all women’s spaces.

Sometimes we do use preferred pronouns out of civility or strategy, but they should be conferred wisely.

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My anger just keeps mounting!! Not only am I angry with the tras themselves but with each and every cowardly institution which caves in to their monstous demands. As a retired nurse & midwife,who spent my whole adult life working for the NHS ,an organisation I was proud to be part of ,I am now thoroughly ashamed of what it's been turned into by very evil people. Who on earth is in charge of these trusts ? They should all be sacked ,even jailed. Deplorable ,every bit of it ,but thanks ,JL ,for keeping us up to date with this ,enraging though it is !👍👍👍😡😡😡 x

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I think that's who I'm most angry at, Susan. Men (not all men!) have always tried to trample women's rights and boundaries, deny us our spaces, our political movement, our autonomy etc etc... The TRAs are no different. Just men menning. But the idiots who are enabling and validating them, blithely handing over everything we fought so hard for... shame on the whole lot of em.

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Yes ,totally agree .well done 👏👏👏

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Thank you Susan. Your kind words are always very much appreciated! x

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Emma Watson is a talentless smirking ingrate.

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Hi for info the best link to contact the Arts Council and raise a concern is here https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/advice-and-guidance-library/making-complaint

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Thank you

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So I know we all see men when these dudes aggressively call themselves women. What I would like to know is: What do others see when they see men wearing swastikas? When they see Zelensky holding up a swastika? When they see Bandera rehabilitated as a hero? Or has your media denied you the right to see these lovely images?

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Never heard of Bandera. The so-called photo of "Zelensky holding up a swastika" was photoshopped. See checkyourfactDOTcom, snopesDOTcom, &c.

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You should educate yourself. Bandera was a top Ukrainian fascist during WWII. He is now proclaimed a hero, apparently for the wholesale murder of Slavs and Jews. And I don't follow websites whose function is to cover for the lying media.

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And I find it really interesting that maybe one person thought about what she sees when she sees men wearing swastikas. Six of you apparently deny ever seeing swastikas just like people say they see women when looking at Richard Levine.

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What’s it going to take for these fucktards to see how wrong this all is

Reminds me of my stepdad (who has dementia ) watching a programme about a woman who had multiple issues with her cat and had sought various methods of help

Shoot the fucking cat he said

He’s not wrong !!

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