Why don't we steal the idea from The Trans Journalist Association and create a Feminists style guide. We could send the first copy to James Max at TalkRadio. I think he needs it. Could we include a statement like this "instead of referring to TERFs or gender critical feminists just use the word women"

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This political ideology has permeated society from top to bottom. Big business finances this!


"Trans-identified males are ‘conning’ the Scottish Prison Service and abandoning their ‘gender identity’ once released from jail."

Oh really you don't say! wake up you dozy woke beggars...they are blinking criminals!

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I find it baffling! We know that predatory men have infiltrated church sunday schools, private and state schools, schools, youth organisations…its been happening for hundreds of years, and we have only recently faced up to it and started jailing them. And yet we can’t countenance the idea that they might self i-d as a woman to gain access to vulnerable women and children? Ffs! Makes me just so frustrated!

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The idea that predatory men are prepared to go to the most time consuming, laborious and extreme lengths in order to secure opportunities to prey, isn't even slightly audacious. It isn't countered because everyone knows it happens. Except it doesn't in this context, the idea that any man would go to such lengths, etc, just to have access to women's spaces. Leaving out self ID, where no lengths have to be gone to.

It makes me frustrated too, and so angry because we all know it's cobblers. Of course predatory men would do it and do do it, or men who want an easier prison sentence. It's all part of the gaslighting, getting people who know the difference between blue and green to wonder if they do after all. It's part of the authoritarianism, that results in increasingly aggressive denials which get turned around, and the questioner ends up talking about how this isn't about bigotry, it's about women's rights and freedoms

It's not moving forward, all that garbage needs to be brushed off. Let's use our anger and frustration.

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How utterly galling. Being “permitted” to call the man who raped you by the correct pronoun in a court of “law”. And this is touted as compassionate compromise. Hurrah! Female victims of rape will no longer be criminalized for using the correct pronoun of the male rapist. Look how far women’s rights have advanced in the 21st century!

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Women rape victims should use the perps last name only!!! Like the military. No he/she/they or anything else!!

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

"One of the people who sits on the TJA’s ‘organizing committee’ is Ana Valens, a trans-identified male formerly known as Philip Wythe. He is a games journalist and creator of pornographic ‘interactive fiction games’ who makes public his rape fantasies."

As ever in this blog, stories of rape fantasies are never far away. Gender identity ideology has a consistently high level of sexually-deviant fantasy associated with it.

It's that recurring question: What happens when people have 24/7 access to any type of hardcore/extreme porn for the first time in human history? Well there's the answer - you get people for whom rape fantasies aren't a source of shame, and they get themselves into positions of influence.

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Appalling. All of it.

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Further proof, not that it was needed, that this is the most sinister ideology most of us will ever have seen gain traction. It is dishonest, sinister and underhand; blatantly, openly, even proudly misogynistic and homophobic; and a threat to every woman and child.

All my life I've considered myself a liberal, but I wonder now if this what unfettered liberalism leads us to - the glorification of rape fantasies and violence against your opponents, the attempts to normalise pedophilia, censorship of dissenters and detransitioners, the mutilation and medication of healthy bodies to appease poisoned minds... which as we also know, often doesn't work anyway.

People might think it's safer to stay silent, but that won't save them when it's their child's brain being corrupted by this dangerous nonsense. Already more and more of even those opting for the quiet path are being confronted with the monster tentacles penetrating and perverting day-to-day life and conversation. To hell with moral relativism and "live and let live" - trans ideology is EVIL, and I for one need to stop being shy of calling it exactly what it is.

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Totally agree with every word You posted here. Evil is exactly what it is and it needs to be called out publicly ,as often as possible. If only our politicians would open their eyes and Sara's and engage even a fraction of their tiny , closed minds on this issue and let reality show up all the lies promoted by this ,the worst and most damaging cult in history.

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I’m not religious at all, but also have no other word to properly describe it except *evil.* I think it has more to do with rampant narcissism than liberalism, as it has co-opted the trappings of “acceptance” when this movement (?) is all about denial, not acceptance. Did liberalism cause psychosurgery like prefrontal lobotomies? The medical industry (I refuse to refer to it as a “profession”) has committed *evil* like this before, and will do so again because it is dominated by psychopathic men. I’m not an expert or anything, just a survivor of childhood rape committed while child “experts” committed felonies by allowing it to occur. I’m in California and preparing to file suit against them, and am keenly interested in how highly educated people routinely commit crimes together as a group. My best guess is that the “experts” who committed those crimes against me (extrajudicial punishment - group gaslighting) weren’t liberals, as they worked for a fraternal organization that had a lot of white supremacists as members, my maternal grandmother being one of those. What I know is that I wouldn’t have done that to anyone when I was placed into their “care” at the age of twelve, and I wouldn’t do it now. I’m glad to have my humanity, but a great many people who administer and manage both of our societies are clearly missing theirs.

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I can’t see how any transperson who is raped by a man will like it any more than a woman to have their male rapist called ‘she’ in court, when he decides to identify as a woman once he’s been caught. Unless they’re so messed up that they just think it’s “stunning and brave”.

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Anyone interested in how Norway got to the situation it is currently in should check this important thread by Norwegian feminist @Sappfo_ on Twitter - the thread is in English.


Hope this link is acceptable here. It is important to understanding the context of the case cited here.

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That's very interesting; I had no idea that reuters were one of those funding the gender identity movement.

It's the same pattern in ever country - polling shows that most people understand that it's (dangerous) nonsense and don't want it, so it's quietly smuggled into law under the umbrella of some other popular, legitimate cause.

There's an electoral open goal for any opposition leader who wants to admit gender self-id is a terrible idea, so why are no credible politicians taking it?

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We need a list of all the collaborators so we can cross them off our list of products/services we support!

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Absolutely. I've already cancelled several charities I regularly supported and not one of them even acknowledged the cancellation or asked why !! Wonder why that was ?👎👎👎👎👎👎

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Recommending media silence so that the public doesn't know about these laws being passed... it does seem to beg the question, if such legislation is transparently a good thing, why does it need to be smuggled through by stealth?

Even before being peaked I was growing increasingly suspicious of the Left for its seeming belief that good government wasn't about giving the people what they want or need, but about hectoring the people on what they SHOULD want or need until they're browbeaten into accepting it.

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Thanks for the link and we can see the pattern. Same trajectory for Ireland where self ID was passed along with same sex marriage.

In Scotland we have had same sex marriage for a number of years so the sneaky option wasn't available.

SNP seems to be going the authoritarian route with the Hate Crime Bill passed last year. Trans identity protected and cross dressers specifically mentioned. 'Women' (or sex) are completely omitted. And of course protections for speech in the home were removed.

It is so obvious that it meant that misgendering or being gender critical would be a crime but issuing resultant death threats to women would not. No. 1 ploy in any regime - silence the dissenters.

Thank God for Maya Forstater's successful court case. We can at least speak up.

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Amen to that.

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OMG !!! The Norwegian government and all their institutions are obviously completely captured while the population are mostly kept in the dark!. Really disgraceful.and very courageous reporting by the " Twitter " person on what's happening.there !!😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Wow "reuters were one of those funding the gender identity movement." … its everywhere, harder and harder to find untainted sources.

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Awful isn't it. I thought Reuters were supposed to be THE impartial news agency.

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Yes ,looks like the whole world's being corrupted here but WE know we're on the right side of history and the beliefs and practices of this ideological cult will be shown to be totally unsustainable for any kind of rational ,civilised society. Unfortunately ,many people will have been severely harmed by then. Humanity itself is under threat and we have to try to stop the Juggernaut before it's too late !!

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Aaaand we’re off to a roaring start for 2022 as it’s barely two days into the new year and already the fuckery is afoot!

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They're called 'cons' for reasons unrelated to mere convictions.

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It simply never occurred to anyone that convicted sex offenders might tell fibs...

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No. They just don't care about women.

This fight has made it crystal clear that misogyny is alive and well at all levels of government and institutions "beloved" such as the BBC and NHS, absolutely rampant in the police, and at all levels of sport. If nothing else, it shows that if women want to be valued we have to dispense with the entire system and start again. Systems designed and populated by men are just not to be trusted - not least because so many of the women who reach any level of authority within these systems are misogynists too.

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I know I’m late…but have you all seen Vanessa Vokey on youtube. Impressive young woman. Definitely worth following and giving encouragement to.

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Thank you very much for that info. Just watched Vanessa y r the first time and she's great ,very impressive like you said. 👍👍. Tells it exactly like it is ,no compromise ,just like Posie Parker.and Exulansic ,all women after my own heart 👍👍👍👍.Hope she remains in the UK !!🙏🙏🙏

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Wow. It felt like a few weeks ago things were looking good. Now it’s seemed to have taken 10 steps back.

Very depressing!

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It's a war - battles are won and lost. The big picture is important - overall, at the moment, things are going our way - the way of common sense.

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