Thanks JL. I really need the Good News Supplement these days. Thanks to the person who placed those stickers on the tube too! And Thank God for Switzerland!

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Don't forget West Virginia!

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by JL

The Scottish Government love to pick a fight with Westminster (especially one that triggers Section 35 of the Scotland Act for the first time) because it feeds their narrative that Westminster 'overrides the will of the Scottish people.' In this case they've dug an almighty elephant trap and they're about to jump into it, because polling shows that most Scottish people don't want men in women's spaces. (Not that you'd need polls to guess that - most people anywhere don't want it).

What is absolutely critical is that the 'Sex Matters' petition titled: "Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex," is successful, and it's vital that it goes through this year. It's possible (although not guaranteed) under this Government that it will, whereas it would be vanishingly-unlikely under a Labour government, which we'll probably get in 2024.

Anyway, thanks for the good news JL. Much appreciated.

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You're very welcome!

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They're being nudged to respond as the response after 10,000 signatures is overdue. It's now at 68,911 signatures. The Petitions Committee, the group of MPs who consider e-petitions, have written to the Minister for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch MP, regarding the overdue Government response to this e-petition. Here's the letter reminding them: https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/33459/documents/181842/default/

Anyone reading this who can pass it to someone to sign, please do!

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023

When I think about what the SNP is doing (especially 16 / 17 years being able to change their sex in law), I feel physically sick. "Changing legal gender" is such a euphemism when you consider the medical procedures this entices for children. I just wish we could view this period now in the same way we will surely look back on it, with disgust and disbelief! I know that's not possible and that we just need to go through it, but it feels so twisted, so brutal. This GOOD NEWS supplement is also important to me. Thank you.

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I’m keeping my fingers crossed the UKGov does intervene over the self-id crap in Scotland. This goes way beyond the constitutional fight that Sturgeon forced with the Supreme Court to try to win her pretendy-referendum. The very future of women and children’s rights and safety is at stake here. 💚🤍💜

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I am now posting under any article I can (mostly "The Times") on "gender" and "trans": Please sign the Parliamentary Petition to "Repeal the GRA" (Parliamentary Petition No 628382). We must spell out the long and lengthening list of societal harms caused by the GRA, which is insane legislation. The consequences of the GRA include: (1) the linguistic confusion of "gender" (2) the erasure of women as exemplified by NHS "gender neutral" maternity care, women's sports, women's single-sex spaces like toilets and changing rooms, women's prisons, "transwomen"'s crimes counted as women's, etc. PLUS (3) the mental health disaster of ROGD girls in schools and, later, detransitioners. It is simply not possible to encompass insanity (confering a legal status on GD) into UK law while watching the population suffer the consequences. Reverse the tide of "gender"!

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I couldn't agree more.

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Did you see the rainbow “I love my trans grandkids” placard?

Oh she does, does she?

Another cowardly adult willing to sacrifice their child on the altar of ‘gender’.

Yeah sure Grandma. Confuse their psyches.

Stall and twist their emotional and cognitive growth.

Encourage them to seek irreversible damage their bodies.

That’s grandmotherly ‘affirmation’ for you.

‘Grandma, what a weak spine you have’.

‘Grandma, what a weak voice you have’.

‘Grandma, you were supposed to be on my side’.


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I don't think Kellie-Jay Keen's event in Newcastle is at Grey's Monument, I think she's changed that now. Might be best to check her updates on her you tube channel. I'll try to find out when I get a minute.

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Thanks, Kathleen. It's the civic centre - have updated!

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You're on it!

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Thank you, of course. Sometimes it's hard to carry on.

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Thanks JL, surely the snp are scoring a massive own goal and bringing the illiberal nature of gender ideology into the foreground for all to see.

Will the black pampers be up in newcastle do you think? Is there a moral argument for not infiltrating the group and putting laxative in their thermos’?

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This is where the men of Newcastle should step in if they don’t want a bunch of masked invaders threatening women. Are they up to that do you think?

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We need to notify Newcastle police that the "black pampers" are in fact a "rent-a-mob": they are young men with nothing better to do than bully and intimidate. They enjoy violence and threatening violence.

Newcastle Police should be shown the footage of Prof Robert Wintemute at McGill University in Canada (CBS News) embedded in this Daily Mail article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11626357/Protestors-shut-McGill-University-event-transgender-zealots-shutting-free-speech.html

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Yes that’s a good illustration of what they get up to Una-Jane.

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I'll add an Ute Heggen YT channel tidbit: we are posting weekly updates on "Juliette" a new trans widow, just 4 months out from the "revelation" her computer tech husband/father of their 2 year old treated her to. His words, so classic, "But nothing will change between us!"

She moved out 2 weeks later, has a community because of me and you and all of us.


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Brava indeed!

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by JL

Thanks very much JL.

I went back to twitter on the day they unlocked Graham's a/c. As I logged on heard a noise which can only be described as 100's of gender goon beards falling off :-D

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No problem! (And, yes, the beards are foaming at the mouth over Graham's comeback!)

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God I’m so shite at this ‘As someone who believes in Scottish independence and who does not vote on England only matters, I do not support the UK government overruling the Scottish Parliament as such. However, as this bill is incompatible with primary equalities legislation, I believe it should remitted back to the Scottish Parliament until it is both competent and safe.

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That's great, Petal! All power to you x

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Pile of pish and I’m out my nut on painkillers due to fractured spine ( chocolates greatfuly received )


Thank you for taking the time to reply .

I accept your stance on not voting on English only matters but truly think this should be fought by any means fair or fowl , it is truly not fair and utterly despicable how this is being forced upon women and children in Scotland , many of whom are entirely unaware of its existence , never mind the dire and potentially lethal consequences that WILL occur , we’ve already seen examples of it , not that the Scottish press or msm will allow it to be seen never mind discussed.

I too believe in independence but not under this leadership of troughers, perverts and thieves and certainly not to the complete erosion of womens rights and the downright dangerous indoctrination of our children

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Ah Petal I'm so sorry to hear you've been in the wars. I do hope you're on the mend and feeling much better very soon. I'll be sending healing thoughts and wishing you all the best. Take care & much love xx

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Aw thanks JL , 3 months of rest is great for a lazy fecker like me lol

However 3 months of rest in a back brace and not able to do anything is a different story , god I’ll miss sky diving , bungee jumping , white water rafting ( all highly popular in Cowdenbeath ) never mind showering and bathing !

Falling down stairs into a concrete wall , 1 star , do not recommend

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Oh you poor love! I am wishing you a swift and sure recovery. Look after yourself. Big (gentle!) hugs xxx

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Sending swiftly healing vibes Petal. Shooglie peg made me laugh. (Someone once got a recording from a library of some old types talking about farming and the land and I strangely understood every word. I burst out in tears in fact as it sounded like 'oooar ooharrr eeearr owee' to someone unfamiliar with that dialect but I thought it was my great gran speaking and it felt like home.)

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Petal, you are brilliant, no matter which online tone you choose to write in! :-)

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Thanks JL , reply from my mp did not fill me with much hope

Shooglie peg neale Hanvey and alba , shooglie peg

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Go to truth brigade twitter for livestream of speakers outside holyrood today.

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thank you so much for this uplifting good news. i followed your link to pre order the book on the demise of the tavistock.

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You're very welcome. And great you ordered the book!

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Not seen a fish hugging someone before ☺️

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The video with all the animal hugs made me smile so much!

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Lovely isn't it? :-) xx

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So cute! Animals are the best therapy xx

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