Happy #transgender awareness week everyone! Because no one is aware of transgender. It's not like the ideology is forced down our throats regularly or anything

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Nov 16, 2020Liked by JL

Karen Davis is terrific, isn't she? I wonder whether the white-middle-class-guilt type of 'Woke' folk are more scared of offending trans or offending black people? They may be conflicted over this.

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I think the fact that male criminals are allowed to openly manipulate people in authority is possibly the thing that makes me the angriest. Probably because it’s the purest distillation of patriarchy - even low status, uneducated, low-IQ men are given what they want.

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I am an Asian. Thus a black Sister regardless of skin tones, and if someone called me Black Birthing body , I would call them man with small Wiley and inflated ego.

Karen indeed did right with the video.

Nobody in their right minds would think that Satan who killed a 20 month old baby is a woman. The world knows , only the woke power silences the people well.

To feck with all universities and schools. If they want to indulge in politics rather than imparting impartial and relevant education, they are doomed.

The person with proud pedi gets to stay with his account up, I guess we all should update out profile bios, pre op trans and gentle rapist, cares about not harming the gentilia. Twitter gives us a free pass and the society will pander us too.

To enrich the bio we can add:

Have a record of killing dogs and some cats due to being on hormones.

I have seen trans women getting away with this. Well let's all be non binary then, FFs.

Blood Boiling article yet again JL. I sincerely don't know , how can you stand all this crap patiently and make an intelligent collation for us.

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I don't know , I am so livid right now that if I see Ken Howard, I am going to kick him in his crotch and say did ya love the taste of Your own medicines MF. How dare he write such a thing !!!!!

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Depends how diligent the council is in filling in the potholes on the school run.

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A brilliant edition, once again, most of it dispiriting. Our sexual arrangements produce hideous outcomes and people with hideous ideas.

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I went to Mayakaye.net and wrote at the end of his long, long monologue: "You are utterly self-obsessed. You have described no one, no experience, no emotions except for your own. You are mentally very unwell."

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