Monday 9th December - Vulva-Owner Slams “Black Birthing Bodies” Bullshit
Musician, Karen Davis, demolishes the de-humanising language used to describe women (menstruator, vulva owner, cervix havers etc) in a brilliant YouTube video.
She makes specific reference to the phrase “Black birthing bodies” as used here by the National Partnership for Women & Families.

A recent Harvard Medical School Twitter post also discusses “Ethnic minority pregnant and birthing people”.

Even when describing the maternal healthcare inequalities that black women suffer, the very organisations which should be shouting it from the rooftops can’t bring themselves to use the word “woman”.
You will notice Harvard Medical School has no such qualms about using the word “MEN” when discussing men’s healthcare issues. Funny that.

Over to Karen:
“I suppose black women who are having babies and becoming mothers are chattel, cattle, livestock? Because we’re ‘Black birthing bodies’… Slavery ended in 1865. Since that time period we have still been fighting, black people and black women in particular, to be recognised as full human beings, not simply breeding stock.”
Tuesday 10th November - The Fight For LGB Rights Is Not Over
THE IRISH INDEPENDENT: Defending one’s right to be same sex attracted is not bigotry.

Last month the LGB Alliance Ireland was launched. A group of lesbian, gay and bisexual people coming together to advocate for the rights of the same-sex attracted. Nothing wrong with that, you might think.
Nevertheless! The Irish Independent soon published a hit-piece by Emma Kelly describing them as a transphobic hate group, making allegations of bigotry and dishonesty and even claiming that the members aren’t actually Irish.
(But then Kelly also proclaims, “I'm here to inform you - trans women are women. A trans woman being granted refuge in a women's-only space is not of harm to cisgender women”, making her allegiances - and her confirmation bias - totally clear.)
This week The Irish Independent gave the LGB Alliance Ireland the right to reply with an article in which the group outline their perfectly reasonable position and aims.
They describe the current conflict between the rights of LGB and trans people, with gender identity ideologists insisting that sexual orientation based on biology rather on than gender identity is transphobic. They are particularly concerned that gender non-conforming children, many of whom are gay or lesbian, are being hurried into transitioning, only to bitterly regret that decision in adulthood.
“A dogmatic entry requirement has seeped into the LGBTQIAAPK2S+ movement; you must accept the tenets of radical gender identity ideology, or face public shaming and vilification.”
Wednesday 11th November - No Debate On Cambridge Campus
UNHERD: Cambridge University’s student community is censoring opinion that contradicts the dogma of gender identity ideology.
Cambridge University student, Sophie Watson, describes how the Student Union and the two student newspapers, Varisty and The Cambridge Student, are ignoring or censoring any voices which challenge the dogma of gender identity.
She cites the case of Kevin Price, the porter at Clare College who resigned as a Labour Councillor in October. Cambridge University Students’ Union campaigned for him to be sacked and Varsity misrepresented his views in its article on the subject. The Cambridge Student was offered two articles defending Kevin Price but would not publish them.
You may remember that last year Cambridge University Students’ Union published A Guide for Spotting TERF Ideology, a sort of incel training manual that guilt-trips young women into abandoning their sex-based rights and spaces.

Thursday 12th November - A woman did not do this
KWTXNEWS10: A trans-identified male has been given a life sentence for the murder of a 20-month-old baby.

Shayla Boniello, formerly known as Shawn Boniello, pleaded guilty to capital murder and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Boniello was babysitting the baby in December 2018 when he shook, squeezed and punched her in a fit of rage. Although emergency medical crews rushed to the scene, they failed to revive the unconscious infant.
KWTX had no qualms about reporting the truth of this murderer’s sex.
Other news outlets, however, describe him as a woman, use female pronouns and make no mention of his transgender status.
Yet again, male violence is being obscured by gender identity.
Friday 13th November - He Just Wants to Pee
When somebody shows you who they are, believe them.
Saturday 14th November - Having An Autogynephile Father
Transwoman, Maya Kaye, talks about the trauma of growing up with an autogynephile father in a very honest and moving YouTube video.
“Trans people’s unwillingness to look at autogynephilia creates this normalisation of something that can be extremely dysfunctional."
Maya discusses how the umbrella term ‘transgender’ now gives autogynephilic men the perfect way to cover up what is a sexual paraphilia, not dysphoria. He goes on to describe that some autogynephilic men are pushing children into transition to divert attention away from the sexual aspect of their proclivities.
“Those kids are born into a narrative, they are supported by a medical industry - mark that word, ‘industry’ - and they become income streams and are enabled in this course of action by people who should know better”.
Sunday 15th November - LA, City of Angels. And this guy
Many thanks to Ruth, one of our readers, for bringing this story to our attention.
This is Ken Howard, a social worker and therapist based in Los Angeles.
Ruth spotted him commenting on a thread about JK Rowling on the LGBTQ Nation Facebook page.
In comments he now appears to have deleted, Howard stated that Rowling’s defence of women’s sex-based rights needs punishing “By way of a traumatic vaginal injury”.
He trots out the usual hyperbole about Rowling somehow causing violence to transwomen and believes she should have “A taste of it herself”.
Remember he’s talking about a woman who has already spoken about the domestic and sexual abuse she has experienced.
Ken Howard is the founder and director of GayTherapyLA. On his website he states, “I have devoted my professional career as a therapist almost exclusively to working with gay men as individuals or in gay male couples”. Only a couple of months ago he wrote about the need for gay men to have their own safe spaces.
So he knows what biological sex is. He’s made a career out of it. And he understands the need for sex-specific safe spaces. But for voicing the same opinion, JK Rowling deserves to be violently raped?
Worryingly, Ken Howard is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Southern California’s Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work.
Ruth made a complaint to Howarth’s employers at the university faculty. You’d think they would be extremely concerned that a man teaching advanced courses to their graduate students is on social media advocating sexual violence against women.
Apparently not.
See you next week.
Happy #transgender awareness week everyone! Because no one is aware of transgender. It's not like the ideology is forced down our throats regularly or anything
Karen Davis is terrific, isn't she? I wonder whether the white-middle-class-guilt type of 'Woke' folk are more scared of offending trans or offending black people? They may be conflicted over this.