I hope I'm not entirely deluded here but it seems to me these days that the GOOD NEWS SUPPLEMENT is now getting bulkier than the Week in the War on Women.
The news above is, of course, appalling, but we do seem to be seeing more momentous good news, certainly in the UK.
I notice also that we can express a lot more on Twitter against the madness. I recently called a trans activist a c**t (with all the letters) on Twitter and simply got a telling off that I shouldn't do it again.
Thank you for your kind words, Catherine. And you're absolutely right! Recently there has been so much subject matter for the GNS, I don't always have time to include it all!
It depends on the context and the culture. In the UK it's a word employed by both men and women, and applied to both, but more commonly to men...'He's a stupid cunt'...for example. It can be used in a humorous and friendly way too, 'Oh, come on you silly cunt'... It's not being used as hateful or misogynistic abuse, and again, might be said by women and men. Abusive of women is many things and comes in numerous forms, but using the word 'cunt' to express it is very low down in this country.
It's a word that is definitely not to everyone's taste, and some find it highly offensive, my mother, for instance. Mostly 'cunt' is used as an insult, like 'prick', 'twat', 'dick' or 'arsehole'. In this context, words like this have ceased to be about genitals and body parts, they have taken on another meaning and have a specific function. You might never have heard someone referred to as a cunt in a jokey, friendly way, but I assure you it does happen.
They are still about genitals to me and, I think, to most people -- and this is what makes them offensive!
Yes it might happen that some people no longer think about the words they use. But I'm not one of them.
And I was interested to see in the "Abuse" section of the Wikipedia entry for "cunt", that my understandings (for over 50 years) of its basically misogynist use are allied with second wave feminism / feminists, and that usage persists. So I see no reason to change my mind now.
There is no reason for you to change your mind, you've taken a position and you're staying with it. I don't think it's the case that people have stopped thinking about language, but language evolves and the way we use it changes. I don't think the world began when I became socially conscious, so particular words have specific associations and meanings for some that don't change.
Essentially, I don't regard cunt any more misogynist than I do prick misandryst. Context is everything here. But that's my opinion, and you've got yours. They don't concur, but so what? I'm sure that on other issues they do, and perhaps it's more important to focus on that.
Yeah, I've been to Scotland, it's quite varied in many ways, like all the UK countries. Anyway, I really liked it and I'd like to take my kids to there one day.
I've heard the word commonly used for the last 3 decades especially in Glasgow (where my late husband was from) and in London. I think there's a generational difference in perception between us (I'm 63).
To be fair, I'm also guilty of double-standards. While the C word is no worse to me than using male genitalia as an insult (why should female genitalia be considered more insulting?), I get particularly riled at the expression 'douche bag' which I think is far worse than any other term. I will therefore try and bear this in mind when writing on the Glinner as I would not want you to be turned off it because of my language.
Yes there are definitely generational differences: swearing using sex words now seems far more common than it used to be, starting with children. I think it started and has since gathered pace since 1961 with the publication of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and its publisher Penguin winning a court case against accusations of breaching obscenity law.
"Cunt" was one of the offending words named.
And there seem to be class differences too: with the middle classes now far more likely to use "earthy" language formerly more associated with the working class (while the upper classes always said whatever they pleased).
Yes terms for male genitalia are often used as insults for men, but I think the difference remains the implicit power relations between men and women. Using women's genitalia as insulting terms for men is always going to insult women too: because men's worst insult for other men is to call them "women" to assert a power relation of male dominance too. This is especially so using terms for female genitalia that dehumanise women too.
Whereas referring to men by their own genitalia is simply to insult men.
Yes "douche bag" is particularly unpleasant, as it implies "receptacle for something unclean" as well as "female".
OMG Emily you absolute legend! This is AMAZING! You have absolutely made my week! "You show those vagina fetishists!" BAHAHAHAHA! (I tell you what, seeing Sophie in your footage has given me a far greater appreciation of photoshop!)
Ah, you're too kind! I used to do improv back in my student days, and it honestly felt like that again. Sophie set me up for so many jokes, like the bit about my Gengar hoodie thing was all him, I didn't script that, or any of the interactions with him beyond asking him to sign the picture. If he weren't an alleged nonce, I would have him in an improv troupe with me in a heartbeat.
The audience was mostly daft, probably autistic, late teens/early 20s into alt-fashion stuff: they really reminded me of myself at their age and were genuinely quite sweet. I liked singing "manamana" with them all. They had this idea of TERFs as the big bad, and Sophie played that up a lot. Every time someone went upstairs to buy a coffee (this was in a tiny basement underneath a café, so his comments about the venue being packed out are pretty funny, technically true but there were like 10 or 12 of us) he'd ask if there were any TERFs outside protesting and pretend to be scared.
There were a couple of middle-aged AGPs who lurked silently, and a sole Black Pamper in a mask and hood who kept talking about how he could totally beat up any TERFs, and a neckbearded goon who had an honest-to-god umbrella sword, which was more of a cosplay prop than anything. So mostly nice if misguided people, and a couple of real creeps, including the speaker.
The whole channel is me taking the piss out of the gender wars, if you fancy a laugh I'm told I'm reliably hit-and-miss ;) Regular readers will know what I'm parodying in each one, so. I started it as a Dylan Mulvaney parody but it's kind of grown legs, and I thought I'd run out of material around day 10, but there keeps being more and more coming out and hardly anyone making fun of it, so "Chad" keeps going.
I don't apologise to Owen Jones, Jordan Grey, PhilosophyTube, Hbomberguy, Dylan Mulvaney, Sidhbh Gallagher, Jeffery Marsh, Joe Biden etc etc though, they all deserve to be mocked
I shall pass that on to "him", thank you! There are only like 3 professional comedians/writers tackling this noncesense so it leaves the floor open for amateurs like Chad Howitzer-Millwall.
Why do so many trans people feel the need to publicly declare their ‘kinks’? Is being a massive wanker on their list of protected characteristics? Honestly, so self obsessed. I’m sick and tired of these tosspots, and who the fuck in their right mind wants these dickheads to be around children!? WTF. Some people are pretty thick i think. Which is fine but…. safeguarding nobheads, if you don’t get it, don’t work with kids.
Absolutely right, CB. I'm old enough to remember when someone's particular 'bedroom proclivities' stayed well and truly private. I also agree that Labelle and those of his ilk should not be allowed anywhere near kids. I have no patience with the morons bending over backwards to ignore the myriad of flags because, maw, twans... Bloody idiots.
Privacy is a wonderful thing JL, another thing that seems fundamentally different in post internet life is that back in the day people were far more likely to call people out for talking shit, but now everyone’s opinions and feelings seem to carry more weight, which is disastrous in the gender BS but also in many other ares such as all the men and boys thinking chief arsehole andrew tate and his views have some sort of credibility because his poison appeals to their inner misogynist. Call him out. I wrote to my mp to ask the government to strip him of his citizenship if he’s found guilty, citing that they did the same to Ms Begum based on claims she was a danger to uk security. Tate is most definitely a danger to uk security. dickhead
apologies Dusty, do you mean in the long list of thingys on the list of whatever that list describes.. lbg- understand that, T- winds me up why is identity piggy backing off lbg rights, q- oh fuck i don’t know or have the energy to understand, +, WHF, Winds me up, why do people want to put every little bit of our experience in a category. And for what purpose? I think that its the logical next leg of consumerism in the sense that we all grew up being told the customer is always right, and we are entitled to anything or any experience law permitting if we can afford it, so the next phase of this celebration/worship of the individual is to empower the individual to transcend actual reality- well if i say i’m a woman i am because the level of which i am now elevated too is so high my word is as good as anyone else’s, who the fuck is anyone else to challenge me. I AM ENTITLED. little pre school run rant there- sorry. But the levels of self importance in identity politics are not healthy or morally acceptable. To me at least, we are as wonderful as we are, simply children of this beautiful planet and we should know our place- which is to serve each other and be appropriate guardians of the planet. As far as i can tell we are neither. Not good enough.
Have a nice day Dusty. I can’t wait for identity politics just to be a laughable foot note of our history. I know its not funny now, but hopefully future generations will just think it’s ridiculous. Because it is.
Completely agree re LGB, thanks Dusty, you too! we will get there, i’m about to have a snuggle with my 4 yr girl. She’s not going to be taught this poison and i know so many parents that won’t either. Wrong body my arse, its child abuse to tell them that.
Thanks JL. Apart from Hannah Barnes and getting rid of Sturgeon recently it’s all so fucking depressing. Why doesn’t a grown man with a fetish for nappies ring huge alarm bells everywhere ffs?
I think a NON-TRANS man with a fetish for nappies and 'babyfur' would absolutely ring huge alarm bells and would be sent packing in no uncertain terms by exactly the same people bending over backwards to accommodate Labelle. But Le petite Sophie, of course, has got his universal get out of jail free card!
I hope Sall Grover shuts this narc down once and for all BUT if not maybe shut the website and start another - although im sure shes thought it all through.
Will donate to Grahams fund to get this vile narc stopped.
When he is not masturbating furiously at the thought of being a woman, dude works for the MoD’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) where he is developing high-tech equipment for the Royal Navy.
The ‘Little’ community. Bring me a bucket. Pissing in their diapers to heal from trauma. Puhleeze. Nothing to see here folks, just a ‘kink’ enacted responsibly.
My God — there’s no limit to human beings’ ability to spin any and all of of their sins.
We’re all connected, we’re all in the same pool of existence, and the “Littles” are not only pissing their diapers, they’re pissing in our collective pool too. Grow up. Take ‘responsability’. (Why am I not surprised that “Sophie” can’t spell the word responsibility?)
Does anyone know where Sal Grover's stalker is getting his money from? I know Parsley's attack on Graham is funded by the Bank of Who-Knows?, but it would be good to know just once who is chucking money at these objectionable examples of humanity.
For the real interpretation of the "longitudinal" Swedish study (Cecelia Dheine, Karolinska Inst, 2011) of death records of post surgery cross-sex identified persons, the youtube channel to visit is Thoughts on Things and Stuff, to hear the testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Levine, formerly "affirming" psychiatrist who changed his mind after too many of his old patients told him they detransitioned and regretted it all, even as far out as 30 years later. In the post linked below, he describes the 13 Fallacies of "affirmative care," proving no science supports it. The most shocking is that in the Swedish study, the RESULTS FOR WOMEN WERE HIDDEN. The SUICIDE RATE of Swedish women who had surgically altered their bodies 10-20 years in the past was found to be 40 TIMES HIGHER THAN THE FEMALE CONTROL GROUP. I apologize for the caps. The researchers combined natal males and females results in cause of death, reporting a 19 times higher rate of suicide. But when separated out, females, post surgery, had a 40 times higher rate of completed suicides. This was based on death records of those who did the surgeries 1973-2003, compared to a control group matched for age and socio-economic levels. This should have been a shot heard 'round the world, and slowed down the mutilations of ROGD teen girls. Link to transcript and video:
I wonder what makes some trans-activists so aggressive, so often. I'm no expert but I wonder if it could be something to do with testosterone levels, or summat lingering about from their development during puberty. I honestly don't know but it's sickening.
Thank you for your hard work, as ever JL.
I hope I'm not entirely deluded here but it seems to me these days that the GOOD NEWS SUPPLEMENT is now getting bulkier than the Week in the War on Women.
The news above is, of course, appalling, but we do seem to be seeing more momentous good news, certainly in the UK.
I notice also that we can express a lot more on Twitter against the madness. I recently called a trans activist a c**t (with all the letters) on Twitter and simply got a telling off that I shouldn't do it again.
Thank you for your kind words, Catherine. And you're absolutely right! Recently there has been so much subject matter for the GNS, I don't always have time to include it all!
Maybe try other old words for cunt, such as kent & quaint. They'll never notice.
Yes, I did get away with kunt once before - but this time, the cunt reported me 🤔
A fine Anglo-Saxon word which appears in Chaucer - 'queynte'
But it seems, mainly as a pun! With its other meaning of "quaint".
Using the C word to insult people is abusive of women.
It depends on the context and the culture. In the UK it's a word employed by both men and women, and applied to both, but more commonly to men...'He's a stupid cunt'...for example. It can be used in a humorous and friendly way too, 'Oh, come on you silly cunt'... It's not being used as hateful or misogynistic abuse, and again, might be said by women and men. Abusive of women is many things and comes in numerous forms, but using the word 'cunt' to express it is very low down in this country.
Precisely, I've been more insulted with lesser swearwords in a different context.
My view is that if it's ok to call someone a prick, then it should be ok to call them a cunt.
The biggest insult to a man (unless he is trans-identified) by another man is to call him a woman.
The biggest insult to a woman by a man is to dehumanise her by reduction to sexual body parts.
So it mystifies me that women would collude with men in this misogynist schema of insults by referring to a man as a woman's sexual body parts.
You might have heard the term "cunt" used in a friendly way but I never have, only as abuse: and I'm 81.
It's a word that is definitely not to everyone's taste, and some find it highly offensive, my mother, for instance. Mostly 'cunt' is used as an insult, like 'prick', 'twat', 'dick' or 'arsehole'. In this context, words like this have ceased to be about genitals and body parts, they have taken on another meaning and have a specific function. You might never have heard someone referred to as a cunt in a jokey, friendly way, but I assure you it does happen.
They are still about genitals to me and, I think, to most people -- and this is what makes them offensive!
Yes it might happen that some people no longer think about the words they use. But I'm not one of them.
And I was interested to see in the "Abuse" section of the Wikipedia entry for "cunt", that my understandings (for over 50 years) of its basically misogynist use are allied with second wave feminism / feminists, and that usage persists. So I see no reason to change my mind now.
There is no reason for you to change your mind, you've taken a position and you're staying with it. I don't think it's the case that people have stopped thinking about language, but language evolves and the way we use it changes. I don't think the world began when I became socially conscious, so particular words have specific associations and meanings for some that don't change.
Essentially, I don't regard cunt any more misogynist than I do prick misandryst. Context is everything here. But that's my opinion, and you've got yours. They don't concur, but so what? I'm sure that on other issues they do, and perhaps it's more important to focus on that.
Have you ever been to Scotland?
Yeah, I've been to Scotland, it's quite varied in many ways, like all the UK countries. Anyway, I really liked it and I'd like to take my kids to there one day.
I lived in Edinburgh for eight years.
I've heard the word commonly used for the last 3 decades especially in Glasgow (where my late husband was from) and in London. I think there's a generational difference in perception between us (I'm 63).
To be fair, I'm also guilty of double-standards. While the C word is no worse to me than using male genitalia as an insult (why should female genitalia be considered more insulting?), I get particularly riled at the expression 'douche bag' which I think is far worse than any other term. I will therefore try and bear this in mind when writing on the Glinner as I would not want you to be turned off it because of my language.
Yes there are definitely generational differences: swearing using sex words now seems far more common than it used to be, starting with children. I think it started and has since gathered pace since 1961 with the publication of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and its publisher Penguin winning a court case against accusations of breaching obscenity law.
"Cunt" was one of the offending words named.
And there seem to be class differences too: with the middle classes now far more likely to use "earthy" language formerly more associated with the working class (while the upper classes always said whatever they pleased).
Yes terms for male genitalia are often used as insults for men, but I think the difference remains the implicit power relations between men and women. Using women's genitalia as insulting terms for men is always going to insult women too: because men's worst insult for other men is to call them "women" to assert a power relation of male dominance too. This is especially so using terms for female genitalia that dehumanise women too.
Whereas referring to men by their own genitalia is simply to insult men.
Yes "douche bag" is particularly unpleasant, as it implies "receptacle for something unclean" as well as "female".
Thank you for your support Elswick - much appreciated.
A brave and stunning trans boy went to Sophie Labelle's Edinburgh event and filmed some of it here: https://youtu.be/YFpgl6xzKb4
It has been suggested that "Chad" looks like me and could be my twin brother. I, however, couldn't possibly comment... ;)
OMG Emily you absolute legend! This is AMAZING! You have absolutely made my week! "You show those vagina fetishists!" BAHAHAHAHA! (I tell you what, seeing Sophie in your footage has given me a far greater appreciation of photoshop!)
Ah, you're too kind! I used to do improv back in my student days, and it honestly felt like that again. Sophie set me up for so many jokes, like the bit about my Gengar hoodie thing was all him, I didn't script that, or any of the interactions with him beyond asking him to sign the picture. If he weren't an alleged nonce, I would have him in an improv troupe with me in a heartbeat.
The audience was mostly daft, probably autistic, late teens/early 20s into alt-fashion stuff: they really reminded me of myself at their age and were genuinely quite sweet. I liked singing "manamana" with them all. They had this idea of TERFs as the big bad, and Sophie played that up a lot. Every time someone went upstairs to buy a coffee (this was in a tiny basement underneath a café, so his comments about the venue being packed out are pretty funny, technically true but there were like 10 or 12 of us) he'd ask if there were any TERFs outside protesting and pretend to be scared.
There were a couple of middle-aged AGPs who lurked silently, and a sole Black Pamper in a mask and hood who kept talking about how he could totally beat up any TERFs, and a neckbearded goon who had an honest-to-god umbrella sword, which was more of a cosplay prop than anything. So mostly nice if misguided people, and a couple of real creeps, including the speaker.
The whole channel is me taking the piss out of the gender wars, if you fancy a laugh I'm told I'm reliably hit-and-miss ;) Regular readers will know what I'm parodying in each one, so. I started it as a Dylan Mulvaney parody but it's kind of grown legs, and I thought I'd run out of material around day 10, but there keeps being more and more coming out and hardly anyone making fun of it, so "Chad" keeps going.
Well I think Chad deserves some sort of award! Brilliant work! ;-)
Channel 4 owes me an award for my piano routine on day 44, but they never called me :(
I apologise to Are Graham for days 21 and 43, and probably others. "Chad" is a TRA so "he" is not very nice about anybody who isn't.
edit: oh shit, and 40, I forgot about that one lmao
I don't apologise to Owen Jones, Jordan Grey, PhilosophyTube, Hbomberguy, Dylan Mulvaney, Sidhbh Gallagher, Jeffery Marsh, Joe Biden etc etc though, they all deserve to be mocked
Oh that killed me, brilliant Thanks so much
OMG still laughing
You know I think that's how I blended in so well, I would've been one of these kids if I'd been born 15 years later. MANAMANA
Whack the subtitles on, as always, for more jokes/"auteur's commentary".
This is so bloody hilarious! I really admire your nerve, Chad
I shall pass that on to "him", thank you! There are only like 3 professional comedians/writers tackling this noncesense so it leaves the floor open for amateurs like Chad Howitzer-Millwall.
(a timeless boyish name, just to blend in with the cis boys, y'see)
Why do so many trans people feel the need to publicly declare their ‘kinks’? Is being a massive wanker on their list of protected characteristics? Honestly, so self obsessed. I’m sick and tired of these tosspots, and who the fuck in their right mind wants these dickheads to be around children!? WTF. Some people are pretty thick i think. Which is fine but…. safeguarding nobheads, if you don’t get it, don’t work with kids.
Absolutely right, CB. I'm old enough to remember when someone's particular 'bedroom proclivities' stayed well and truly private. I also agree that Labelle and those of his ilk should not be allowed anywhere near kids. I have no patience with the morons bending over backwards to ignore the myriad of flags because, maw, twans... Bloody idiots.
Privacy is a wonderful thing JL, another thing that seems fundamentally different in post internet life is that back in the day people were far more likely to call people out for talking shit, but now everyone’s opinions and feelings seem to carry more weight, which is disastrous in the gender BS but also in many other ares such as all the men and boys thinking chief arsehole andrew tate and his views have some sort of credibility because his poison appeals to their inner misogynist. Call him out. I wrote to my mp to ask the government to strip him of his citizenship if he’s found guilty, citing that they did the same to Ms Begum based on claims she was a danger to uk security. Tate is most definitely a danger to uk security. dickhead
I'm sure there is a W in the alphabet soup list somewhere or have I go that wrong?
apologies Dusty, do you mean in the long list of thingys on the list of whatever that list describes.. lbg- understand that, T- winds me up why is identity piggy backing off lbg rights, q- oh fuck i don’t know or have the energy to understand, +, WHF, Winds me up, why do people want to put every little bit of our experience in a category. And for what purpose? I think that its the logical next leg of consumerism in the sense that we all grew up being told the customer is always right, and we are entitled to anything or any experience law permitting if we can afford it, so the next phase of this celebration/worship of the individual is to empower the individual to transcend actual reality- well if i say i’m a woman i am because the level of which i am now elevated too is so high my word is as good as anyone else’s, who the fuck is anyone else to challenge me. I AM ENTITLED. little pre school run rant there- sorry. But the levels of self importance in identity politics are not healthy or morally acceptable. To me at least, we are as wonderful as we are, simply children of this beautiful planet and we should know our place- which is to serve each other and be appropriate guardians of the planet. As far as i can tell we are neither. Not good enough.
Have a nice day Dusty. I can’t wait for identity politics just to be a laughable foot note of our history. I know its not funny now, but hopefully future generations will just think it’s ridiculous. Because it is.
Thanks @concerned bloke
I mean all the stuff people like Stonewall want to add on. We need the LGB on its own. Stop trying to ride on the coat tails of LGB rights.
I think there may be two Ws - one is 'weird' and the other is...anyway I'll let you work that out :)
All the best and keep up the good fight
Completely agree re LGB, thanks Dusty, you too! we will get there, i’m about to have a snuggle with my 4 yr girl. She’s not going to be taught this poison and i know so many parents that won’t either. Wrong body my arse, its child abuse to tell them that.
Thanks JL. Apart from Hannah Barnes and getting rid of Sturgeon recently it’s all so fucking depressing. Why doesn’t a grown man with a fetish for nappies ring huge alarm bells everywhere ffs?
I think a NON-TRANS man with a fetish for nappies and 'babyfur' would absolutely ring huge alarm bells and would be sent packing in no uncertain terms by exactly the same people bending over backwards to accommodate Labelle. But Le petite Sophie, of course, has got his universal get out of jail free card!
I hope Sall Grover shuts this narc down once and for all BUT if not maybe shut the website and start another - although im sure shes thought it all through.
Will donate to Grahams fund to get this vile narc stopped.
Thank you so much Janey! x
When he is not masturbating furiously at the thought of being a woman, dude works for the MoD’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) where he is developing high-tech equipment for the Royal Navy.
Not creepy at all.
The ‘Little’ community. Bring me a bucket. Pissing in their diapers to heal from trauma. Puhleeze. Nothing to see here folks, just a ‘kink’ enacted responsibly.
My God — there’s no limit to human beings’ ability to spin any and all of of their sins.
We’re all connected, we’re all in the same pool of existence, and the “Littles” are not only pissing their diapers, they’re pissing in our collective pool too. Grow up. Take ‘responsability’. (Why am I not surprised that “Sophie” can’t spell the word responsibility?)
Thanks for sharing that story from Reduxx first, that's a friend of mine. x
Oh I do hope she's okay. What a horrible experience to go through. Please pass on my very best wishes and solidarity! xx
Does anyone know where Sal Grover's stalker is getting his money from? I know Parsley's attack on Graham is funded by the Bank of Who-Knows?, but it would be good to know just once who is chucking money at these objectionable examples of humanity.
AGP, fetishism and mental health issues. Men will neither be women!
They are just a bunch of deviants.
Bloody hell, the heavy lifting being done by the insta filters on Sophie Labelle's profile pic...
I know - he's unrecognisable, isn't he?! In real life he looks like a wardrobe in a frock.
For the real interpretation of the "longitudinal" Swedish study (Cecelia Dheine, Karolinska Inst, 2011) of death records of post surgery cross-sex identified persons, the youtube channel to visit is Thoughts on Things and Stuff, to hear the testimony of Dr. Stephen B. Levine, formerly "affirming" psychiatrist who changed his mind after too many of his old patients told him they detransitioned and regretted it all, even as far out as 30 years later. In the post linked below, he describes the 13 Fallacies of "affirmative care," proving no science supports it. The most shocking is that in the Swedish study, the RESULTS FOR WOMEN WERE HIDDEN. The SUICIDE RATE of Swedish women who had surgically altered their bodies 10-20 years in the past was found to be 40 TIMES HIGHER THAN THE FEMALE CONTROL GROUP. I apologize for the caps. The researchers combined natal males and females results in cause of death, reporting a 19 times higher rate of suicide. But when separated out, females, post surgery, had a 40 times higher rate of completed suicides. This was based on death records of those who did the surgeries 1973-2003, compared to a control group matched for age and socio-economic levels. This should have been a shot heard 'round the world, and slowed down the mutilations of ROGD teen girls. Link to transcript and video:
That’s a heartbreaking statistic and doesn’t surprise me at all
By the way, has this story been posted before? I forget. https://nypost.com/2023/02/23/dresses-worn-by-sam-brinton-destined-for-fashion-show-designer-claims/
He must’ve thought he’d hit the jackpot.
Thanks, as always, JL! I do get the feeling, like others, that the Good is starting to overshadow the Bad.
I do wonder if the 'threats' for the Labelle event were along the lines of 'I'll never visit your venue again if you showcase this sicko'.
And could Tickle be deemed a vexatious litigant or serial pest or somesuch?
Ah thank you Bin Chicken! And, yes, I'm tentatively hopeful - it really does feel like the tide is turning.
I wonder what makes some trans-activists so aggressive, so often. I'm no expert but I wonder if it could be something to do with testosterone levels, or summat lingering about from their development during puberty. I honestly don't know but it's sickening.
...and forgot to say thanks to JL of course :)