Monday 20th February - “Both Sides” #1
REDUXX: A gender critical woman in her mid-40s was physically assaulted by a trans-identified male, incurring a serious and debilitating injury.

In September 2022, 44-year-old Ruby (not her real name) attended Melbourne’s annual Punks’ Pub Crawl with her partner. At the outset of the event, a young trans-identified male deliberately shoulder-barged Ruby. (She didn’t immediately realise that the man identifies as trans; he was sporting lipstick and long hair but so were many other men in attendance at an event aimed specifically at fans of punk and metal music.) She confronted the man, asking if he had a problem. Several of the people around him objected to her use of male pronouns to refer to him. The man claimed his body-checking Ruby was an accident, so she turned to walk away.
Ruby was suddenly attacked from behind and thrown to the ground with tremendous force. She put out her arm to protect her head as she fell. The impact shattered her shoulder and broke her arm at the joint. In extreme pain, Ruby sought medical help and was diagnosed with a fractured shoulder. The injury has ongoing implications; Ruby is now unable to raise her arm higher than her own shoulder and she is still in considerable pain when trying to perform routine actions.
Recognising her assailant as having a mutual contact in the music scene, Ruby was able to track him down via social media. She believes that their mutual acquaintance shared her views about gender ideology with her attacker at the Punks Pub Crawl and that's why he then assaulted her.
She passed on the information about her assailant to the Melbourne police and filed a report. However, it took four months for him to be charged and Ruby is concerned that authorities are dragging their feet because of her attacker’s trans identity. She told Reduxx that she observed a definite ‘tone shift’ when police learned that he is trans. “The delay in charging and the manner in which they went about it certainly felt to me like a reluctance to act”, she said.
A hearing is currently scheduled for 14th April at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court.
Ruby told Reduxx, “It’s getting very scary to be a woman speaking up about women’s rights these days. This kind of violence is going way, way too far and it has to stop before something even worse happens”.
Also Today - Men Make The Best Women
DAILY MAIL: The UK’s Ministry of Defence used a trans-identified male to celebrate International Women and Girls in Science Day.
The Ministry of Defence produced a video intended to celebrate International Women & Girls in Science Day, 11th February. This video, and a corresponding article on the official government website, didn’t feature any women; it focused solely on a trans-identified male, Natalie Anders.

Anders works for the MoD’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) where he is developing high-tech equipment for the Royal Navy.
When the DSTL Twitter account posted the video of Anders, they ‘hid’ the very many dissenting comments.
And then they turned off the replies altogether.
Looks like the best way for a woman to get ahead in the Armed Forced is to be a man.
Tuesday 21st February - This Never Happens #1
ITV NEWS: A man who claimed to ‘identify as female’ sexually assaulted a woman in a public toilet.
39-year-old Ian Bullock sexually assaulted a woman in the female toilet at Birmingham New Street railway station in March 2022.
Wearing a hi-vis jacket he entered the female toilet at around 7am and sexually assaulted a woman as she left the cubicle she had been using. The woman alerted British Transport Police and Bullock was arrested at the scene.
During a subsequent police interview, Bullock claimed to ‘identify as female’ in an attempt to justify his presence in the women’s toilet.
Bullock was convicted of one count of sexual assault. At Birmingham Magistrates’ Court this week, Judge Heidi Kubik KC sentenced him to 16 months in prison, describing him as a ‘dangerous individual’.
Wednesday 22nd February - In Plain Sight
THE TELEGRAPH: A trans-identified male who produces sexual fetish ‘art’ using real infants as models is being given a UK platform to plug his new book.

Sophie (formerly Guillaume) Labelle is a 34-year-old cartoonist, writer and trans activist originally from Montreal, Canada. He currently lives in Finland.
For almost a decade Labelle has written and illustrated a webcomic called ‘Assigned Male’. It features Stephie, a young ‘trans child’, as its main protagonist and is heavily laden with the trans propaganda.
Its pushes the anti-science rhetoric of ‘innate gender’.
It parrots the incoherent nonsense of ‘girl penis’.
It advocates the medicalisation of minors.
It peddles the usual hyperbole and lies.
It vilifies anyone who challenges the cult of gender ideology.
In addition to his webcomic, Labelle has also written a book which pushes a trans agenda. ‘My Dad Thinks I'm a Boy’ is a children's book aimed at kids aged four to eight years old. It also features a so-called ‘trans girl’. The role of the book, says Labelle, “Is to flip the script on the common idea that trans youth are being unreasonable and delusional by being their authentic self, while it's usually the people who are unsupportive of them who refuse to see reality for what it is”.
In other words, its purpose is to indoctrinate young children into the notion that they can choose or change their sex and the parents who say otherwise are ‘bad’.
Two years ago, Labelle became the focus of media attention after it was discovered that he had been producing fetish art and posting it on the internet using anonymous social media accounts. He was behind WafflesArt, a now-deleted website dedicated to ‘adult baby’, ‘diaper lover’ and ‘babyfur’, all forms of paraphilic infantilism (a fetish in which adults become sexually aroused by dressing and role playing as babies and toddlers).
His profile stated, “I’m a ABDL [Adult Baby/Diaper lover] and babyfur artist”.
The site featured Labelle’s drawings of anthropomorphic infant ‘furry’ characters wearing nappies and baby clothes etc.
It was then revealed that Labelle uses photographs of real infants as models for his ‘diaperfur’ and ‘diaper lover’ artwork.
Labelle addressed his fetish on social media, acknowledging that “I have a kink” and stating that “I refuse to be shamed for it”.
Labelle seems to think that the trappings of adult sexual fetishism are harmlessly interpreted as ‘dress up’ by children. “Costumes, masks and make-up”, he says, allow “Adults and children alike to experiment with different identities”.
Labelle ‘came out’ as a ‘little’ on Facebook. (A ‘little’ is someone who role-plays as a child or toddler, usually for purposes of sexual gratification.)
“Most people around me know that I’ve been involved in Little communities for a very long time… It is something that is just so deeply a part of me that I can’t brush it off.”
He even wrote about being a ‘little’ in his ‘Assigned Male’ comic. “Someone, often a partner, but not always, can also have the role of a ‘caregiver’, caring for littles and guiding them while they are in that headspace.”
Last year, Labelle was allowed to give talks to children and young people in the US. Now he’s in the UK and speaking at libraries and community centres etc in England and Scotland.
The Eventbrite blurb says that at these events Labelle will be talking about his art, activism and ‘growing up trans’. It also says the talks are “Suitable for adults, teens and families” and that there will be an opportunity for attendees to buy copies of Labelle’s new book, a collection of his ‘Assigned Male’ cartoons, which pushes anti-science gender ideology on its readers.
Miriam Cates, MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge and former science teacher, wrote to Sheffield City Council about its event. “In no way can the work or ‘activism’ of this author be considered suitable for children... No one who seeks to normalise sexual fetish or who associates children with sexual arousal should be allowed anywhere near children, and they certainly would not pass any recognised safeguarding checks.”
Of course, many people are appalled that Labelle is being given a platform at so-called ‘family friendly’ events and have been challenging the venues set to host him. Despite the substantial evidence presented to them demonstrating Labelle’s sexual proclivities, most venues have vilified those concerned as ‘hateful’ and ‘transphobic’ and dismissed their concerns, seemingly determined to defend a speaker who involves children in his sexualised fetish-based artwork.
Cross Street Chapel in Manchester, for example, cancelled the event claiming this was due to ‘a risk of escalating tensions’ and security concerns.
Similarly, the Temperance Street Brewery in Manchester cancelled their event, claiming the decision was due to the ‘threats’ they had received. (Though if you read the comments of those trying to engage with the brewery on social media, you’ll be hard pressed to find any ‘threats’; just people concerned that the venue was platforming a sexual fetish artist.)
The decision to cancel was taken after the brewery had acknowledged Labelle’s self-professed kink but deemed it irrelevant.
Would a male without a trans identity who expresses such paedophile-adjacent sexual proclivities be so vehemently defended by venues and businesses in this manner? Of course not. A sacred caste, indeed.
Thursday 23rd February - “Both Sides” #2
MEXICO NEWS DAILY: Trans activists besieged and vandalised Mexico City’s government building over proposed legislation to protect minors from unnecessary medicalisation.

Earlier this month, politician, América Rangel, introduced an initiative to the Mexican government which would prevent gender-confused minors from being treated with puberty blockers, hormones and surgery and would imprison the clinicians who breach the law by providing such treatments to children.
On Tuesday 21st February trans activists stormed Mexico City’s Congress to protest the proposed legislation. Footage of the protest circulated on social media and showed the demonstrators both inside and outside the building behaving with aggression and violence. They smashed doors and windows, threw rocks at Rangel’s party offices and graffitied the slogan ‘América Rangel out’ across exterior doors.
Trans-identified male activist, Victoria Sámano, seems to have been leading the protest and was the first to force his way through smashed doors to enter the building. He had a physical altercation with some of the security guards as he tried to barge past them. A number of other protestors followed Sámano into the building where they caused further damage, breaking windows and daubing the walls with graffiti.
The trans activists reached the doors of the Congressional Hall, their apparent target, but were intercepted by security personnel. According to La Reforma, two deputies, Ana Francis López and Temístocles Villanueva, tried to speak with the protestors but their attempts at mediation were rejected.
Eventually riot police had to be called to the scene to disperse the protestors.
Friday 24th February - This Never Happens #2
SCOTTISH SUN: A trans-identified male has been found guilty of sexually assaulting two women and exposing his penis during a business video call.
In 2008 father of two, Graeme Beck, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman he’d met on a dating website. The woman had agreed to let him sleep on the sofa in her living room but he’d climbed into the woman’s bed while she slept and sexually assaulted her. He was sentenced to two years in prison and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for ten years.
This week 53-year-old Beck from Stranraer in Scotland has been in the news again after sexually assaulting two women in a community cafe and exposing himself to his work colleagues. Beck now ‘identifies as a woman’ and calls himself Jane.
The court heard that Beck had sexually assaulted two women who were both volunteers at the Fed Up Community Cafe at Stranraer Baptist Church, a centre for adults dealing with alcohol and drug problems. Beck had originally been a service user but then began volunteering at the cafe.
Beck was also accused of exposing himself during a work video call. Between October and December 2021, Beck was a sales rep for Avon and took part in weekly conference calls with colleagues across the UK. He would participate in these video calls wearing nothing but a loosely tied dressing gown which would frequently fall open. Prosecuting, Imran Hussein told the court, “On at least two occasions, the accused’s camera slipped, exposing her [sic] penis which was seen by other members.”
Beck pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault and one count of offending public decency. His not guilty plea to a further charge of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl was accepted by the court. He was bailed until sentencing in April.
Outside the court, Beck was involved in an altercation with a reporter from The Scottish Sun. Beck shouted at him “Watch your fucking back!”
Saturday 25th February - Women Aren’t Allowed Anything Of Our Own
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male is waging war on female-only app, Giggle, for the third time.
In 2020 Sall Grover founded the women-only social site, Giggle. Thus far tens of thousands of women in 88 different countries have signed up. For obvious reasons, the site has to ensure that males do not try to join. Consequently, to ensure that it remains female-only, the app uses bio-metric gender verification software as well as screening by eye to weed out the males who try to invade the app.
Roxanne Tickle is a trans -identified male who also uses the name ‘Roxy’. He writes a blog called The Roxy Epoch and operates a Twitter account of the same name. He tried to join the Giggle app in September 2021 but was subsequently removed from the site. His tweets at the time make clear that, despite knowing the site is female-only, he signed up and tried to evade the restrictions.
Speaking on a podcast last year, Sall Grover described how, after he was removed from the Giggle app, Tickle found her private mobile phone number and texted her frequently, demanding to have a conversation with her. When she did not respond, he tried calling her on numerous occasions. She ignored him.

In January 2022, Tickle reported both Sall Grover and the Giggle app to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), accusing them of ‘gender identity discrimination’. Grover was told that, to rectify the situation, trans-identified males must be allowed to join Giggle and that women using the app must be ‘moderated’ (ie censored) when discussing gender issues. Furthermore, she and her company must submit to ‘education’ on gender identity. Of course, she refused those terms.

In June 2022, when Grover was heavily pregnant, she was informed that Tickle had escalated his complaint to the federal court. Thankfully, that complaint was ‘discontinued’ a month later.

Now Tickle is, yet again, gunning for Giggle and is taking legal action against the site. Tickle filed a lawsuit in federal court on 22nd December 2022, alleging unlawful discrimination under the Human Rights Commission Act. He is seeking damages, a written apology and access to the Giggle site.
In 2013 the Gillard administration made changes to the Sex Discrimination Act, making it unlawful to discriminate against a person based on their ‘gender’ (rather than sex) and removed the definitions of ‘man’ and ‘woman’ from the legislation. Sall Grover’s legal team will argue those amendments go against the Conventions on the Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW), which the Act was created to put into effect.
According to The Daily Mail, “The landmark case is set to test the conflict between sex and gender identity in Australian law, with Sall arguing the Sex Discrimination Act is constitutionally invalid.”
Unsurprisingly, Tickle has form re the trampling of women’s boundaries. In October 2020 he was in the news for joining a women’s hockey team and he has actively campaigned for the forced inclusion of trans-identified males in women’s sports.
Some men just can’t stand it when women tell them ‘No’, can they?
Interviewed by radio station 882 6PR in March 2022, Sall Grover pointed out, “The anger that a lot of these males have of not being allowed to be on a female app proves the need for it and why we don’t want them there.”
Sunday 26th February - Publish & Be Damned!
SUNDAY TIMES: Journalist, Hannah Barnes, has spoken of the difficulty she faced finding a publisher for her book about the Tavistock.

Hannah Barnes was one of the first journalists to investigate the unfolding scandal of the child gender healthcare. Her book, Time to Think, focuses on the medicalisation of vulnerable children at the NHS’s only specialist gender clinic for young people in England and Wales: The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).
In this Sunday Times article, she describes how her book proposal - meticulously researched, entirely evidence-based and uncovering the most important medical scandal of the century - was turned down by 22 different publishers.
Of the 22 publishers to be sent Barnes’ book proposal, ten did not respond at all. This is extremely unusual as it is standard practice within the publishing industry to at least reply and offer some reason for declining.
“Of the 12 who responded, all via email, not one publisher said anything negative about the proposal. In fact, several praised it, saying that it was an important story that should be told. But, essentially, not by them. Some mentioned that other authors they published would be “sensitive” to the material, others hinted that it would be difficult to get it past junior members of staff. Another, who wanted to publish the book, had to take the decision all the way to the chief executive, who then declined, saying it was too controversial.”
Eventually, Time to Think was published but a small and independent publisher, Swift Press, who, thankfully, had the courage and integrity to sign up this vital exposé.
Also Today - Glinner Of Hope
As you know, Our Graham is being sued by trans activist, David Paisley.

This case is vitally important not only because it is about freedom of speech, but because it is defending the rights of everyone to challenge this dangerous and anti-science ideology without fear or intimidation.
So, if you can make a contribution, however small, to the legal costs and/or share the crowdfunder, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Graham is fighting this case for all of us. Let’s make sure we have his back.
See you next week.
Thank you for your hard work, as ever JL.
I hope I'm not entirely deluded here but it seems to me these days that the GOOD NEWS SUPPLEMENT is now getting bulkier than the Week in the War on Women.
The news above is, of course, appalling, but we do seem to be seeing more momentous good news, certainly in the UK.
I notice also that we can express a lot more on Twitter against the madness. I recently called a trans activist a c**t (with all the letters) on Twitter and simply got a telling off that I shouldn't do it again.
A brave and stunning trans boy went to Sophie Labelle's Edinburgh event and filmed some of it here:
It has been suggested that "Chad" looks like me and could be my twin brother. I, however, couldn't possibly comment... ;)