Stonewall wanting to ban conversion therapy is the biggest sleight of hand yet; you instantly think GAY conversion therapy and who wouldn't be opposed to banning that?

That will hoodwink all of the uninitiated, as it did myself before I became familiar with their con.

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Doc Stock comes across as so calm, kind and tolerant. She bends over backwards to be inclusive and even uses preferred pronouns, yet she’s being portrayed as some kind of Nazi. It’s appalling what’s happening to her.

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“Kids have a right to puberty”. Of course!!! They have a right to a healthy body in adult life. How do the despicable enablers live with themselves?

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I don't know where else to post this ... but I've just had a zoom with an intelligent woman (media woke, however) who said to me that she doesn't understand what the fuss is all about men in women's spaces/gender identity. 'I don't have skin in the game'. Christ, what is it going to take for people to open their eyes?!! I was gobsmacked. Our meeting never really recovered. I did manage to say out loud that there are two sexes, no-one is born in the wrong body. But she just gave me a bemused look. I guess we won't be working together in the future, not after that. My stomach is in knots. Perhaps this has hit harder in the light of everything that's happening to Kathleen Stock, but fuck me, the despair and frustration at this delusional thinking feels almost physical.

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Thank you! The ground is shifting, very slowly, but it is.

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Hearing on wireless box that Stock's Union has sided with the TRA/MRAs is not at all surprising seeing how all Unions especially the ones allied to education have swallowed the Tpills - lets just see how much real support the Uni give her now - otherwise legal action is necessary.

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Don't know if you saw this from Baroness Nicholson earlier in the week JL but it's full of hope.


Thanks for all your work here and the Mr Menno vid, very cleverly done.

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I just love those Dinosaurs. I am really glad that my MP will be receiving a copy of Helen's book. I wrote to him only yesterday to express my concerns. I hope he reads it.

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So, so heartening! Bless you for keeping us all apprised! The historians will be looking to these weekly bulletins to figure out what the heck happened in this crazy time!

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These dudes getting so upset about being called sir! Do we end up thinking that their entire lives they have been swaddled in cotton wool and breastfed until they're 40? Their reaction is so glaringly MALE!

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My MP (Paul Howell, Conservative) has repeatedly refused to confirm whether or not he's even received Helen's book from Sex Matters.

It's perhaps not surprising, since he also failed to answer when I asked him if he wanted to meet Kate Coleman from Keep Prisons Single Sex for a quick chat at the Tory conference and to invites to various Zoom meetings relevant to this topic.

Silence is complicity, Paul.

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Regarding Keira Bell and the two doctors backtracking on puberty blockers, this is where we see things fall apart ideologically. Those who promote affirmation and do not allow for questioning of trans identity in young people, must then also allow for these cases where the decision is regretted and should be compensated accordingly. In Canada, a child can and has been removed from the parent because they would not go along with pronouns etc. Madness


So the activists cannot have it both ways. If they do not want careful consideration of self-declared trans identity and demand that children be given access to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and surgery with little or no objection, then they must also accept the financial cost of when it goes wrong.

I think that's why they've spoken up, not out of a duty to their conscience but for financial concerns.

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Is that Ma'am as in ham? Or Ma'am as in harm?

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Some more good news...SIX podcats on.....STONEWALL! I'm just starting to listen to the first one at present...All are on this link though (scroll down):

'Nolan Investigates - Stonewall'


Part 1 - The Brief

Part 2 - Stonewall's Schemes & The BBC

Part 3 - Self ID and Gender Identity

Part 4 - Being Non-binary in The UK

Part 5 - A Gender Clinic Insider Speaks Out

Part 6 - Is Govt Too Close To Stonewall?

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When the BPAS say: "We have received a hugely positive response and we are very grateful for the support," it's not surprising.

This is what's so frustrating about gender ideology - most people who know about it think it's nonsense (but dangerous nonsense), but the problem is that most people don't know about it because the gender cult refuses to debate and the mainstream media is scared to challenge it. It's such unscientific unicorn dung that actually debunking it by exposing it to journalistic scrutiny, would take about five minutes.

However, in the spirit of these positive stories; if the BBC dump Stonewall, it should make a significant difference. Fingers crossed.

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