I think it’s going to have to take a number of women to go to jail for this nonsense to stop. I don’t care what laws are passed in Scotland tomorrow, women are adult human females, sex can’t be changed, I’ll never use female pronouns on men and I’ll never agree to share my single sex-spaces, jobs, sports or prisons with men, so bite me!
I'm actually transphobic now... I never used to be until the TWAW/TMAM campaign started and they demanded access to all the rights and public spaces of women and girls, desperate to ruin our lives. I'm so appalled by so much that I've seen, from the terrifying and shocking treatment of JKR, to them shutting down women who DARE to speak, or DARE to gather, that I cannot forgive them now.
And, so many of these men, (and some of the women too) seem, to me, to have ASD.
That instant anger by that Brazilian bloke, that's an ASD meltdown, from 0 to 1000, in seconds.
I've said before, I live very close to a home for adults with ASD, and I've seen it, first-hand, female carers backed up against outside walls by angry male patients in meltdown mode, being called every crude, female insulting swear word you can think of. I've yelled over to them to "Back Off!" and instantly, they switch back to 0 mode, saying they have Anger Problems, (no shit sherlock) instantly apologetic..
So many of these folks have *severe* ASD. The men, in particular, for obvious reasons, are a dire danger to women when they have this severely....and it's been deeply concerning me for ages that more and more folks who once, would have had 24/7 secure care,, now are out on the streets, amongst us. Even in the care home close to me, they are no longer allowed to keep the gates of the home locked any longer, the front door into the building, yes, but no longer the main gates.
Those with severe mental health issues NEED to be in very secure care, for their own safety, and for the safety of the rest of us too, but it seems 'Care In The Community' is pretty much all there is now, which is not working for anyone, and many with severe ASD feel great fear too.
It's a terrifying time for women and girls at the moment, but none of these men care, nor the women either who profess to be men, working so hard on changing the language of women so that they don't have to remember they ARE women.
The hold Stonewall has still, on all parts of society, especially police, law and education, is horrendous, as is the meek way so many have given in, but Transworld was sure to instantly punish anyone who DARED to speak out, having an Uber Scary Suppression Plan all planned even before Transworld was officially launched, via its' TWAW/TMAM campaign.
There's a link somewhere to a bloke who used to help Mermaids, who admits he has Aspergers and was saying, years back now, that he was working hard to get this removed from the WHO mental health issues list....He's also trans. Wish I could find that link again.
Autism, that is, severe Autism, as I do not wish to insult anyone who may mildly be on the spectrum, plays a massive part in all of this, as it's become, I feel, 'the new way to be autistic' by saying you are 'trans' instead. Also, the trying to control what people can/can't say or think, that's another thing many with ASD try to do, as they can't cope with hearing things they don't like, or don't understand.
I have ASD in my family, I have loved those with ASD, so I know a fair bit about it...but it's now wreaking havoc, as the internet gave those with ASD their voice, for the very first time...and sadly, they often get so muddled by what is being written, or spoken, taking everything very literally...and that muddle is now global, as many of them do tend to link up globally these days.
It's way past time we neurotypicals, as those with severe ASD call us, woke up more to the huge problems being caused by 2 different types of brain patterns which rarely understand each other.
I also recall talking online to a man who's lived his life as trans for over 20yrs...and he was upset when I said that no thought was ever given to how women and girls feel about this. He actually apologised, because it was the first time he had realised that just because *he* felt and saw himself *as* a woman, this did not mean that women/girls did, and thus, he began to understand that he was creating fear and upset by using women's spaces...
That is very typical of ASD, as the areas of the brain which deal with empathy have blocked pathways, so, unless something is explained in the right way, so that an ASD person 'gets it',....they just won't. Once they *do* get it, they can feel overwhelmed by the thought that they have caused unintended upset to others. This does not apply to those with NPD tho', who just don't give a damn and enjoy upsetting others.
John Elder Robison, who used to make the flaming guitars for KISS, has Aspergers and he explains how he took part in trials for TMS therapy. Took 17 goes, but then, KAPOW!, and for the first time in his life, he finally understood what others had been telling him, his whole life..He says his world went from black and white, to colour...
I think this is why there is this Wall Of Stubborness out there, this refusal to understand the danger and horror of what Transworld is pushing, because it's my belief that those going along with it very probably have severe ASD, thus they cannot 'get it', even if they wanted to.
All we can do is keep going, onward and upward...and I think as this get worse, let's hold up Scotland as an example, more and more women WILL wake up more, and more and more men will start to join with them, because this insanity can only go so far before disaster happens. I think we're getting pretty near to that, but not quite there yet.
Again, superb article, JL. Thank you for all your hard work putting your articles together...and to Graham, of course, for all that he does for women and children.
Thank you for this. I completely agree, and am strongly of the view that far greater understanding of the particular susceptibility of autistic people to the false promises of the trans movement is sorely needed. On all sides. Trans has indeed become 'the new way to be autistic'.
Girls on the spectrum can suffer most, as girls far more often go undetected as autistic until later in life than boys for several reasons. The pied piper of trans effortlessly draws in those who sense they're somehow different, especially when the real reasons for their differences are not yet fully understood by them.
Yes! And less confident girls are being bullied and silenced by boys and men, yet the autism the girls have doesn't seem as glittery, vulnerable and acceptable as the autism of these unbridled and aggressive men. Those cheering this on might be caught up in it but might also know exactly what they're up to. I am sick of neurodiversity and/or mental or psychiatric illness being used as an excuse for some things and leaving others to suffer without the support they need. All the Equality Act 'protected characteristics' have become chosen identities to be picked and used to excuse all antisocial behaviours. When those with those supposedly 'protected' characteristics point this out, cue the narcissistic kicking, biting and screaming outrage from those who claim those 'protected characteristics' as their own. Thanks Lady Haldane.
From you: "The pied piper of trans effortlessly draws in those who sense they're somehow different, especially when the real reasons for their differences are not yet fully understood by them."
The bill will introduce a system of self-declaration for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC), removing the need for a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria, reducing the time someone must have been permanently living in their gender before they can apply, from two years to three months, and dropping the age at which people can apply from 18 to 16, in line with wider Scots law on legal capacity.
Proponents of the reforms hope they will streamline a process that transgender people find intrusive and distressing, but will not affect the spaces or services they use in their day-to-day lives.”
A piece of language-destroying logic-negating trickery drummed up and ram railed through parliament to cater for a demographic which did not exist until recently and which doesn’t even exist now except as mutilated dupes led on by degraded moles.
By "transgender teens" I gather you mean teens who decided they were transgender. I got pulled up by my boss once for making this kind of comment about those who "decide" they are trans. Apparently this is not a matter of a "decision" but - oh a message from God or going with "The Science" or something.
Point of comparison: the lockdown led to a massive uptake in teenagers who "decided" they were transgender. Well, isn't that a surprise. Get the bored teenage contingent in and give them another way to get attention. And how convenient that their transient fixations and self-obsessions should so happily chime in with "The Science".
Perhaps I should have said transitioning teens as they were attending medical facilities. In addition and perhaps relevant, both were on the autistic spectrum
"living in their gender". Do they mean men must rack up as many intrusions into female spaces as possible? At the end of the decreed three months or two years or whatever, all they will still have is their "unlived experience" of being the opposite of their own immutable biological sex. It's not rocket science.
How can you be a transgender non binary ‘artist’? Surely the whole point of transgender is that you claim to be the alternative of two sexes? And non binary means you are neither?
So worried about the Scottish self id vote coming up. How is it hard to understand that female only spaces are not for people who identify as women, but actually for actual women. The sheer madness of it. And frustration that this simple concept is apparently not understood. oh its about how they feel. what a load of complete BS. Please can this be over soon. Please
Thanks JL, re Scotland, did the SNP have a manifesto pledge to place men’s feelings above the biological rights of women and girls? If they did people in scotland need to stop voting for them or sturgeon will correctly presume she has a democratic mandate for all this bullshit.
That woof guy is a proper dickhead. I bet he went to a private school and has a portfolio. What a wanker. Talk about white male privilege.
I *think* (though I may be wrong so prepared to be corrected!) that self ID was not on the SNP manifesto at the last election. And, yes, Woof is a piece of work!
after reading about the ice hockey game ive come to the conclusion that any woman (even when she thinks shes a man) thinkks competing against these TW (men) is a level playing field get whats coming to them. yes its harsh but its the reality for these sad lost women.
What a week! Dreading what will, in all likelihood, be voted through tomorrow in Scotland. Gender self ID will put Scotland at odds with the British Equality Act 2010. Who knows where that may lead?
He’ll end up with a massive arts council grant to make an enormous wrought iron statue of himself called ‘She dick’ And he’ll get a special award ment to promote female artists. And he’ll call it a great day for women.
They won't dare, as he'll be very clued up on the law, law Transworld is changing to suit it's demands...Many of these folks are hyper-intelligent in the area of their natural interests....but don't get why others are so upset by what they do. I've just written a very long post on it..but again, here's John Elder Robison, who has Aspergers, explaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-kY9zBXTiQ
Do you think that you can dodge the entrance fee for transworld if you simply identify as someone who has paid? oh no sorry i forgot women and children have already paid in full the costs to transworld
It's becoming more and more obvious that this is now a war between GOOD and EVIL and that every aspect of woke ideology is a poison which destroys everything it touches ,burning through the whole of civilisation like the TOXIN that it really is !! Nicola " feminist to my fingertips " Sturgeon and Shona " this never happens " Robson should have this evidence pushed right under their noses and be forced to read it. Well done ,once again JL.,for exposing the unrelenting horror of this anti human cult of death. Our very survival as humans depends on our ability to defeat this and more people need to wake up before it's too late. How much more evidence do people need to see ?👎💔😭
Honestly, the more I read this, the more I want to run up and down the streets screaming, "They're ALL MAD, every last one of 'em! Bonkers, stark raving BONKERS!" but instead I try to breathe deeply....and know that one day soon, this is ALL going to explode and some sense of normality will return again.
Yes, though sadly 'normality' can never return to those – disproportionately those with autism, as you've written – who've been persuaded to maim themselves by gender-affirmers and their so-called 'care'.
I keep waiting for someone who professes publicly to care about the rights of disabled and neuroatypical people even to notice the mass injuries to the autistic due to the trans cult, let alone give enough of a damn to say something.
I think it’s going to have to take a number of women to go to jail for this nonsense to stop. I don’t care what laws are passed in Scotland tomorrow, women are adult human females, sex can’t be changed, I’ll never use female pronouns on men and I’ll never agree to share my single sex-spaces, jobs, sports or prisons with men, so bite me!
So many disturbed men and cowardly groups going along with them!
Superb blog, JL, as always.
I'm actually transphobic now... I never used to be until the TWAW/TMAM campaign started and they demanded access to all the rights and public spaces of women and girls, desperate to ruin our lives. I'm so appalled by so much that I've seen, from the terrifying and shocking treatment of JKR, to them shutting down women who DARE to speak, or DARE to gather, that I cannot forgive them now.
And, so many of these men, (and some of the women too) seem, to me, to have ASD.
That instant anger by that Brazilian bloke, that's an ASD meltdown, from 0 to 1000, in seconds.
I've said before, I live very close to a home for adults with ASD, and I've seen it, first-hand, female carers backed up against outside walls by angry male patients in meltdown mode, being called every crude, female insulting swear word you can think of. I've yelled over to them to "Back Off!" and instantly, they switch back to 0 mode, saying they have Anger Problems, (no shit sherlock) instantly apologetic..
So many of these folks have *severe* ASD. The men, in particular, for obvious reasons, are a dire danger to women when they have this severely....and it's been deeply concerning me for ages that more and more folks who once, would have had 24/7 secure care,, now are out on the streets, amongst us. Even in the care home close to me, they are no longer allowed to keep the gates of the home locked any longer, the front door into the building, yes, but no longer the main gates.
Those with severe mental health issues NEED to be in very secure care, for their own safety, and for the safety of the rest of us too, but it seems 'Care In The Community' is pretty much all there is now, which is not working for anyone, and many with severe ASD feel great fear too.
It's a terrifying time for women and girls at the moment, but none of these men care, nor the women either who profess to be men, working so hard on changing the language of women so that they don't have to remember they ARE women.
The hold Stonewall has still, on all parts of society, especially police, law and education, is horrendous, as is the meek way so many have given in, but Transworld was sure to instantly punish anyone who DARED to speak out, having an Uber Scary Suppression Plan all planned even before Transworld was officially launched, via its' TWAW/TMAM campaign.
There's a link somewhere to a bloke who used to help Mermaids, who admits he has Aspergers and was saying, years back now, that he was working hard to get this removed from the WHO mental health issues list....He's also trans. Wish I could find that link again.
Autism, that is, severe Autism, as I do not wish to insult anyone who may mildly be on the spectrum, plays a massive part in all of this, as it's become, I feel, 'the new way to be autistic' by saying you are 'trans' instead. Also, the trying to control what people can/can't say or think, that's another thing many with ASD try to do, as they can't cope with hearing things they don't like, or don't understand.
I have ASD in my family, I have loved those with ASD, so I know a fair bit about it...but it's now wreaking havoc, as the internet gave those with ASD their voice, for the very first time...and sadly, they often get so muddled by what is being written, or spoken, taking everything very literally...and that muddle is now global, as many of them do tend to link up globally these days.
It's way past time we neurotypicals, as those with severe ASD call us, woke up more to the huge problems being caused by 2 different types of brain patterns which rarely understand each other.
I also recall talking online to a man who's lived his life as trans for over 20yrs...and he was upset when I said that no thought was ever given to how women and girls feel about this. He actually apologised, because it was the first time he had realised that just because *he* felt and saw himself *as* a woman, this did not mean that women/girls did, and thus, he began to understand that he was creating fear and upset by using women's spaces...
That is very typical of ASD, as the areas of the brain which deal with empathy have blocked pathways, so, unless something is explained in the right way, so that an ASD person 'gets it',....they just won't. Once they *do* get it, they can feel overwhelmed by the thought that they have caused unintended upset to others. This does not apply to those with NPD tho', who just don't give a damn and enjoy upsetting others.
John Elder Robison, who used to make the flaming guitars for KISS, has Aspergers and he explains how he took part in trials for TMS therapy. Took 17 goes, but then, KAPOW!, and for the first time in his life, he finally understood what others had been telling him, his whole life..He says his world went from black and white, to colour...
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-kY9zBXTiQ
I think this is why there is this Wall Of Stubborness out there, this refusal to understand the danger and horror of what Transworld is pushing, because it's my belief that those going along with it very probably have severe ASD, thus they cannot 'get it', even if they wanted to.
All we can do is keep going, onward and upward...and I think as this get worse, let's hold up Scotland as an example, more and more women WILL wake up more, and more and more men will start to join with them, because this insanity can only go so far before disaster happens. I think we're getting pretty near to that, but not quite there yet.
Again, superb article, JL. Thank you for all your hard work putting your articles together...and to Graham, of course, for all that he does for women and children.
Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated.
Thank you for this. I completely agree, and am strongly of the view that far greater understanding of the particular susceptibility of autistic people to the false promises of the trans movement is sorely needed. On all sides. Trans has indeed become 'the new way to be autistic'.
Girls on the spectrum can suffer most, as girls far more often go undetected as autistic until later in life than boys for several reasons. The pied piper of trans effortlessly draws in those who sense they're somehow different, especially when the real reasons for their differences are not yet fully understood by them.
Yes! And less confident girls are being bullied and silenced by boys and men, yet the autism the girls have doesn't seem as glittery, vulnerable and acceptable as the autism of these unbridled and aggressive men. Those cheering this on might be caught up in it but might also know exactly what they're up to. I am sick of neurodiversity and/or mental or psychiatric illness being used as an excuse for some things and leaving others to suffer without the support they need. All the Equality Act 'protected characteristics' have become chosen identities to be picked and used to excuse all antisocial behaviours. When those with those supposedly 'protected' characteristics point this out, cue the narcissistic kicking, biting and screaming outrage from those who claim those 'protected characteristics' as their own. Thanks Lady Haldane.
From you: "The pied piper of trans effortlessly draws in those who sense they're somehow different, especially when the real reasons for their differences are not yet fully understood by them."
Spot on, TJ.
This is all too much. The evidence is there for all to see. It makes me feel sick that it’s being disregarded in Scotland.
From The Guardian:
"Scotland’s proposed gender recognition reforms explained
The bill will introduce a system of self-declaration for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC), removing the need for a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria, reducing the time someone must have been permanently living in their gender before they can apply, from two years to three months, and dropping the age at which people can apply from 18 to 16, in line with wider Scots law on legal capacity.
Proponents of the reforms hope they will streamline a process that transgender people find intrusive and distressing, but will not affect the spaces or services they use in their day-to-day lives.”
A piece of language-destroying logic-negating trickery drummed up and ram railed through parliament to cater for a demographic which did not exist until recently and which doesn’t even exist now except as mutilated dupes led on by degraded moles.
I agree with your last paragraph - I worked in education for 40 years and came across two transgender teens during the entire period.
By "transgender teens" I gather you mean teens who decided they were transgender. I got pulled up by my boss once for making this kind of comment about those who "decide" they are trans. Apparently this is not a matter of a "decision" but - oh a message from God or going with "The Science" or something.
Point of comparison: the lockdown led to a massive uptake in teenagers who "decided" they were transgender. Well, isn't that a surprise. Get the bored teenage contingent in and give them another way to get attention. And how convenient that their transient fixations and self-obsessions should so happily chime in with "The Science".
Perhaps I should have said transitioning teens as they were attending medical facilities. In addition and perhaps relevant, both were on the autistic spectrum
"living in their gender". Do they mean men must rack up as many intrusions into female spaces as possible? At the end of the decreed three months or two years or whatever, all they will still have is their "unlived experience" of being the opposite of their own immutable biological sex. It's not rocket science.
Pornography is functioning like a disease.
I think “pornsick” should be the word of the year. Because for most of these guys, that is the root of the problem.
How can you be a transgender non binary ‘artist’? Surely the whole point of transgender is that you claim to be the alternative of two sexes? And non binary means you are neither?
I guess they are all dickheads.
Almost like they're making it up as they go along...
So worried about the Scottish self id vote coming up. How is it hard to understand that female only spaces are not for people who identify as women, but actually for actual women. The sheer madness of it. And frustration that this simple concept is apparently not understood. oh its about how they feel. what a load of complete BS. Please can this be over soon. Please
Um, have we ever recorded any 'gender' critical people literally throwing shit at others? A perfect metaphor for who's actually full of shit.
Thanks JL, re Scotland, did the SNP have a manifesto pledge to place men’s feelings above the biological rights of women and girls? If they did people in scotland need to stop voting for them or sturgeon will correctly presume she has a democratic mandate for all this bullshit.
That woof guy is a proper dickhead. I bet he went to a private school and has a portfolio. What a wanker. Talk about white male privilege.
I *think* (though I may be wrong so prepared to be corrected!) that self ID was not on the SNP manifesto at the last election. And, yes, Woof is a piece of work!
after reading about the ice hockey game ive come to the conclusion that any woman (even when she thinks shes a man) thinkks competing against these TW (men) is a level playing field get whats coming to them. yes its harsh but its the reality for these sad lost women.
What a week! Dreading what will, in all likelihood, be voted through tomorrow in Scotland. Gender self ID will put Scotland at odds with the British Equality Act 2010. Who knows where that may lead?
When Woof is qualified in Civil Engineering is he going on building sites dressed like that? He won’t last 5 minutes, they’ll all laugh at him surely?
He’ll end up with a massive arts council grant to make an enormous wrought iron statue of himself called ‘She dick’ And he’ll get a special award ment to promote female artists. And he’ll call it a great day for women.
I mean that is ridiculous. And also totally could actually happen now!
I like to call him Woof Woof.
He’s certainly barking.
They won't dare, as he'll be very clued up on the law, law Transworld is changing to suit it's demands...Many of these folks are hyper-intelligent in the area of their natural interests....but don't get why others are so upset by what they do. I've just written a very long post on it..but again, here's John Elder Robison, who has Aspergers, explaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-kY9zBXTiQ
Ordinary working class people on building sites don’t follow these bourgeois belief. I can definitely see them laughing, even if not to his face
Do you think that you can dodge the entrance fee for transworld if you simply identify as someone who has paid? oh no sorry i forgot women and children have already paid in full the costs to transworld
It's becoming more and more obvious that this is now a war between GOOD and EVIL and that every aspect of woke ideology is a poison which destroys everything it touches ,burning through the whole of civilisation like the TOXIN that it really is !! Nicola " feminist to my fingertips " Sturgeon and Shona " this never happens " Robson should have this evidence pushed right under their noses and be forced to read it. Well done ,once again JL.,for exposing the unrelenting horror of this anti human cult of death. Our very survival as humans depends on our ability to defeat this and more people need to wake up before it's too late. How much more evidence do people need to see ?👎💔😭
Thank you for your support, Susan x
Honestly, the more I read this, the more I want to run up and down the streets screaming, "They're ALL MAD, every last one of 'em! Bonkers, stark raving BONKERS!" but instead I try to breathe deeply....and know that one day soon, this is ALL going to explode and some sense of normality will return again.
Yes, though sadly 'normality' can never return to those – disproportionately those with autism, as you've written – who've been persuaded to maim themselves by gender-affirmers and their so-called 'care'.
I keep waiting for someone who professes publicly to care about the rights of disabled and neuroatypical people even to notice the mass injuries to the autistic due to the trans cult, let alone give enough of a damn to say something.
The 'trans' hockey teams. 'Lexi' slams 'Danny' to the ice. The inevitable outcome of 'gender' madness.