Monday 12th December - This Never Happens #1
REDUXX: A trans identified male has reportedly assaulted two female students in a high school bathroom.
Reduxx is in receipt of a police report relating to an incident that took place in the female bathroom at Oklahoma’s Edmond Memorial High School in October.
Police were called to the school and found that a female victim was being treated for injuries to her face and neck at the nurse’s station. An officer interviewed the girl who told them that a male student had approached her while she was talking to her friends in the female bathroom. When she would not engage with him, he became angry and hit her in the face. She told police that he pulled her hair, forced her to the ground and then kicked her in the face and punched her repeatedly.
One of the girl’s friends tried to defend her but the male student punched her twice on the side of her face. She was described in the subsequent report as having injuries to her eye, face and head and as having a possible concussion. Two other witnesses appear to corroborate the victim’s version of the incident with one stating that the male student, “Knocked her out clean on the floor”.
The officer attending the incident reported there was confusion over the perpetrator’s gender identity but it was later discovered that, despite being male, he had been registered on school documents as female. His parent, on arrival at the school to collect him, confirmed that he identifies as transgender.
The alleged perpetrator has been charged with Assault and Battery and Disorderly Conduct. He was referred to with female pronouns throughout the police report.
Tuesday 13th December - The Clocks Are Striking 13 In Holyrood
Feminist campaign group, For Women Scotland, were unsuccessful in their judicial review over definition of the word ‘woman’.
The Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 was intended to increase the number of women in roles influencing public life. However, its guidance notes redefine the word ‘woman’ to include males who ‘identify’ as women, thus rendering it not fit for purpose. For Women Scotland brought a legal challenge to this definition which has been unsuccessful.
The court of session has effectively erased the sex class ‘female’ by finding as lawful the Scottish government guidance which includes trans-identified males with a gender recognition certificate in the definition of the word ‘woman’.
In her judgment, Lady Haldane, one of Scotland’s most senior judges, stated that, for the purpose of the Equality Act 2010, the meaning of ‘sex’ “Is not limited to biological or birth sex, but includes those in possession of a GRC”.
So men can be women if they fill out the necessary forms.
As Joan Smith writes, “We are plunging ever deeper into la-la land, where sex is no longer determined by boring old things like biology or physical characteristics. It can be changed by a piece of paper… Now we can see the unintended consequences of demanding that everyone must believe the fiction that human beings can change sex.”
Also Today - “Don’t Mention The Score!”
DAILY MAIL US: A trans-identified male ice hockey player tackled and concussed a much smaller trans-identified female opponent.
In November the US National Hockey League (NHL) promoted an all-transgender ice hockey tournament comprised entirely of trans and non-binary players.
During one of the matches, trans-identified female player, Danny Maki, was struck by a ‘much larger’ trans-identified male player, 32-year-old Lexi Seaton.
The male player collided with Maki, knocking her to the ice and slamming her head-first into the rink wall. In a video of the incident, a panicked voice can be heard shouting, “Get a stretcher! Get a medic!” as other players clustered around Maki, now laying immobile on the ice. She was stretchered off and taken to hospital where she was diagnosed with concussion and muscle strain.
After the tournament, Maki seriously down-played the incident on social media, describing it as an ‘odd fall’ and failing to mention that an opposition player had slammed her into the ice.
‘Team Pink’, a squad comprised mainly of trans-identified males, won the overall tournament, beating ‘Team Black’, a squad comprised mainly of trans-identified females, with a very convincing score of 7-1.
It seems that none of the news outlets supposedly covering this tournament reported on its final outcome. Nor did they feel it necessary to report the serious incident in which a concussed player was stretchered off the ice.
Also Today - The Clocks Are Striking 13 In Norway
REDUXX: Another Norwegian woman is being investigated for ‘transphobia’ and could face up to three years in prison after stating that males cannot be lesbians.
Earlier this year we reported on Norwegian feminist campaigner, Christina Ellingsen, who was facing three years in prison for calling out a male ‘lesbian’ on social media. (The case against her has subsequently been dropped but only after eight months of stress and anxiety.)
In January 2021 Norway expanded its penal code to include ‘gender, gender identity or expression’ in hate crime protections, despite warnings that this could prevent feminists from defending their sex-based rights.
Christina Ellingsen, a representative of feminist organization, Women’s Declaration International, was investigated under Norway’s hate crime legislation for comments she made on social media between February 2021 and January 2022.
The tweets in question were addressing a trans-identified male, Christine Marie Jentoft (formerly Christer Jentoft), who not only claims to be a lesbian but also describes himself as a mother.
He is a representative of a leading Norwegian trans activist group, Foreningen FRI.
Apparently, he ‘eats TERFs for fun’ and warns women ‘Do not test me’.
In 2018 he caused controversy by inviting ‘Queer kids of all ages’ for a ‘mom hug’.
The charges against Christina Ellingsen concerned her comments about Jentoft’s belief that males can be lesbians. One of her so-called ‘hateful’ comments asked, “Why [does] FRI teach young people that males can be lesbians? Isn’t that conversion therapy?” A second tweet read, “Jentoft, who is male and an advisor in FRI, presents himself as a lesbian – that’s how bonkers the organization which supposedly works to protect young lesbians’ interests is. How does it help young lesbians when males claim to be lesbian, too?”
For this supposed ‘hate speech’ Jentoft filed a police report against her.
Now a second feminist, lesbian artist and musician, Tonje Gjevjon, is facing prison for opposing gender ideology.
In November Gjevjon was informed that she is under police investigation for ‘hate speech’ over comments she made on social media. In a Facebook post, she expressed her opposition to trans-identified males who describe themselves as lesbians and condemned the trans activists and politicians who wish to criminalize gender critical women. She specifically mentioned Jentoft in what she says was a deliberate attempt to draw attention to Norway’s anti-feminist hate speech laws.
Gjevjon had previously flourished on Norway’s cultural scene but, since she first began speaking out against gender identity ideology in 2017, she has been blacklisted by the artistic community. Her exhibitions have been canceled and she has been labeled as ‘dangerous’ by trans activists.
Her all-lesbian music/performance group, The Hungry Hearts, was due to participate in an exhibition at Haugar Art Museum in 2017. A few days before the event, the museum removed Gjevjon from the exhibition and informed her that they had received multiple complaints about her work, especially a song which references female anatomy. She was told her safety couldn’t be guaranteed.
Now she is facing criminal charges for pointing out that males cannot be lesbians and, if found guilty, could spend three years in prison.
In another story from Norway this week, 24-year-old model Sebastian Brevik, has been banned from TikTok for stating that there are only two sexes and criticising gender ideology.
Brevik posted a video to his 70,000 followers stating that there are only two sexes and that, as human beings, we are either male or female. This, of course, caused an outcry from trans activists with Brevik accused of transphobia and bigotry. TikTok removed his video, claiming it constituted ‘hateful behaviour’.
Brevik then posted further a further video, criticising TikTok’s decision:
“How is citing science hateful behavior? We are following a path where platforms such as TikTok prohibit science. This is life-threatening, and I don't think you understand the seriousness of it. What's happening? We can't just ‘mute’ everyone we disagree with.
It is nonsense that you teach children who still believe in Santa Claus that it is possible to tamper with their gender. The problem is not that someone disagrees. The problem is that you are labelled as transphobic, hateful and dangerous. You are then ‘cancelled’ for saying something that has been a fact for us humans for millions of years.
It is a great danger to democracy that people are attacked and banned for saying something as common as that there are only two sexes.”
He was subsequently banned from the platform.
Brevik is a model and currently fronts a campaign for Norwegian clothing company, Jean Paul. The brand was quick to distance itself from his comments. Marketing manager, Charlotte Walther Von Lesser Skeie, told Netavissen that the company does not agree with his statements and are unlikely to be working with him again. “We strongly distance ourselves from the allegations that have been made”, she said. “And are investigating the matter further.”
If Jean Paul genuinely do not believe that there are only two sexes, male and female, they really need to update their website…
Wednesday 14th December - The Newspeak Cambridge Dictionary
THE TIMES: The Cambridge Dictionary has altered its definition of the word ‘woman’ to include men.
The Cambridge Dictionary has altered its definition of the word ‘woman’ to mean anyone who ‘identifies as female’ regardless of their sex.
In addition to the definition ‘adult female human being’, it now states that a woman can be “An adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth”.
The dictionary give examples of this new (and erroneous) definition which include, “She was the first trans woman elected to a national office” and “Mary is a woman who was assigned male at birth”.
The definition of the word ‘man’ has been similarly altered to included ‘identity’ in addition to biological sex.
A spokesman for the Cambridge Dictionary told The Times, “Our editors carefully studied usage patterns of the word ‘woman’ and concluded that this definition is one that learners of English should be aware of ”.
Also Today - The New Religion
THE TIMES: A Church of England primary school has been accused of teaching children that they can be ‘born in the wrong body’.
Parents Kevin and Nicola Watts temporarily withdrew their three children from St Michael’s school in Tenterden, Kent, over what they describe as ‘trans indoctrination’.
The Watts allege that their children “Were being given extreme teaching on gender identity” without their consent. They were alerted by other parents that pupils were shown a video about a book called It Feels Good to be Yourself which promotes gender identity.
According to the book’s blurb, “Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between. This sweet, straightforward exploration of gender identity will give children a fuller understanding of themselves and others. Written by the mother of a transgender child and illustrated by a non-binary transgender artist, It Feels Good to Be Yourself provides young readers and parents alike with the vocabulary to discuss this important topic with sensitivity”.
Later this week The Telegraph published a story about Stonewall’s new reading list for children.
This reading list is aimed at pre-school children aged between two and four. Among the titles Stonewall recommends for toddlers is “Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?” which is written by the trans activists Sarah Fisher and Fox Fisher. Another is a picture book called “I Am Jazz” in which the lead character concludes that “I have a girl brain but a boy body, this is called transgender – I was born this way”.
Also Today - Within These Walls
A female prison officer at a women’s facility in Ontario was forced to observe a trans-identified male inmate while he was using the toilet and masturbating which resulted in her suffering with PTSD.
In December 2019, the prison officer, who is in her 50s, was responsible for monitoring a trans-identified male inmate on ‘suicide watch’ via a closed circuit camera. She informed her employer that this was very difficult for her because of childhood trauma. However, she was forced to continue in the assignment.
The prison officer was diagnosed with PTSD in January 2020. Her claim for health benefits due to this illness was originally refused so she appealed the decision at an employment tribunal.
The prisoner she had been forced to observe had been incarcerated in a male prison for a number of years. However, he began ‘identifying as a woman’ and so, despite being described as having ‘external genitals’, he was moved to a female facility. The prison in question allows transgender inmates to choose the sex of the officer conducting their strip searches and observations etc. In this case, the male inmate insisted that a female officer should observe him on camera.
Because the inmate was on ‘high watch’, there was no screening of the toilet area in his cell and the camera gave a full view of him at all times.
According to the appeal judgement, “The worker’s job was to sit in ‘the bubble’ observing the inmate on a CCTV camera, in a small, dark office, and record what was happening every 15 minutes, including when the inmate went to the bathroom or masturbated”.
Thursday 15th December - Within These Walls #2
REDUXX: A trans-identified male rapist who groomed and abused a 13 year old girl has been transferred to a women’s prison in Washington.
Brett David Sonia, who also calls himself Brooke Lyn Sonia, was convicted of grooming and repeatedly sexually abusing a young girl who was just thirteen when he first met her. Because the abuse took place in two different states, he stood trial in both jurisdictions.
In 2005 in California he was convicted of 20 combined counts of committing a lewd act upon a child and possessing child pornography. In 2006 in New Hampshire he was convicted of repeatedly raping the young girl and photographing the assaults.
In 2016 Sonia was transferred to the prison service in Washington and a year later he began to identify as transgender. He was moved between multiple male facilities and complained constantly about inadequate access to ‘gender affirming care’ in each. In July 2020 Sonia filed a grievance claiming he was at risk of ‘male aggression’ and he requested a transfer to a women’s institution.
It appears that Sonia’s demand for a transfer has been granted recently with female inmates at the Washington Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) reporting that he is now being accommodated there.
A close relative of one of the women who is incarcerated there spoke to Reduxx on the condition of anonymity and using the pseudonym Shawn. He said that he is ‘deeply concerned’ for the safety and privacy of the female inmates who are very scared of Sonia and who have been warning each other to stay away from him.
Shawn provided Reduxx with a list of eight trans-identified male inmates that female prisoners have reported are currently being accommodated at WCCW. He commented, “These women have profound trauma histories, mostly at the hands of men… The Washington Department of Corrections is saying they don’t matter and it’s ok to re-victimize them and cause them further trauma. They are saying they don’t matter.”
Also Today - The Home of Entitlement
THE TELEGRAPH: Trans activists succeeded in deranging a film screening and post-show talk about women’s sex-based rights.
Human Adult Female is a documentary film which examines the clash between women’s rights and trans activism. It features contributions from Jo Phoenix, Shonagh Dillon, Karen Ingala Smith, Lisa Mackenzie, Joan Smith, Jane Clare Jones, Shereen Benjamin and Sarah Survivor (amongst others) and it explains how gender ideology erases women’s rights, safety and spaces. Obviously, trans activists are absolutely terrified of anyone seeing it.
The University of Edinburgh's Academics for Academic Freedom group organised a screening of the film on campus on Wednesday evening. It was to be followed by a Q&A session and a discussion with some of the contributors.
Prior to the event, the University College Union and the student Pride Society had tried to force the university to cancel the screening, spouting the usual hyperbole about the film ‘endangering trans people’ and being ‘transphobic’. However, the university refused to bow to their bullying.
So the trans activists descended on the venue and prevented the film from being screened. Initially, they occupied the lecture theatre at which the event was to be held.
Organisers moved venues in order to screen the film but, according to those where in attendance, the students ran past the women walking between the two sites in order to reach the alternative venue ahead of them.
They managed to prevent the screening and discussion from going ahead at the second venue.
One of those in attendance was Tess White, Scottish Conservative MSP for the North East Region and Shadow Minister for Public Health, Women's Health and Sport.
She has written to Edinburgh University’s Provost, raising her concerns about this attack on freedom of speech and the behaviour of the student activists.
“I was at the event from start to finish and witnessed first hand the shocking attempts by these students to repeatedly block and censor not just the screening but a wider discussion about women’s rights. The event’s 250 attendees were parents, grandparents and professionals - all inoffensive individuals who sought to debate together safely and peacefully the issues that emerged in the documentary. They felt the students’ behaviour was hostile and aggressive.”
Susan Dalgety told the Scottish Daily Express about her experience of the event: “I went along tonight, half expecting a few protestors to be outside the venue where the film was to be shown. What I didn’t expect was a group of aggressive young men who stopped us from going to the event. They intimidated women old enough to be their grandmothers, jostling and shouting at them in a very aggressive way.”
One of the prominent agitators responsible for getting the screening shut down seems to have been trans-identified male university student, Robyn Woof.
Woof is a Civil Engineering student and the Trans and Non-Binary Liberation Officer at Edinburgh University Student Association (EUSA).
While campaigning for election in March, Woof was interviewed in The Student. He spoke of ‘educating the cis community’, described himself as a woman and implied that his priority in office is the sacking of academic staff who reject gender ideology.
It has been suggested that Robyn Woof was the subject of a 2019 article about an ‘unidentified assailant’ who terrified a group of pensioners in Manchester.
The ‘six-foot aggressor’ described in the article screamed obscenities at a group of people in their 70s, grabbing and hurling their possessions and ‘sending chairs flying’. As he drove away from the scene, he collided with a parked car but failed to stop.
Friday 16th December - “Are You Scared?”
REDUXX: A bearded trans-identified male has been filmed screaming at and intimidating a female student who challenged his being in a women-only space.
A disturbing video filmed at the University of Brasília (UNB) has been circulating on social media this week. It shows a large, bearded man who is wearing a dress intimidating and screaming aggressively at a female student.
The woman was using the female toilet at the campus cafeteria and challenged the male for being there. There have been a number of rapes and sexual assaults on campus recently and so she was understandably anxious to find a large bearded man in a female space.
She described the incident to Reduxx. “As soon as I approached him, he told me he was a woman… But I didn’t understand, because I couldn’t see him as anything but male. He came at me and he was going to attack me right there in the bathroom, but another girl arrived and defended me.”
This video of the man confronting the woman, screaming in her face and advancing on her, demonstrates clearly his aggression and fury.
The young woman explained how she had been in fear for her life. “He started yelling at me and pushing me and cussing me out. He cornered me all the time and intimidated me… I was afraid he was going to beat me right then and there. I was actually afraid of dying or something.”
Guided by the woman who had come to her rescue, she left the bathroom. But the man followed her to the cafeteria. In an angry tirade he shouted at her and accused her of ‘transphobia’. He was filmed screaming in her face, “Are you scared? Are you scared? Nothing is keeping me from bringing my hand to your face. Girl, respect me! RESPECT ME!”.
The woman made for the university’s head office so that she could make a complaint. The man followed her there and said he would report her for ‘transphobia’. She told 4W that, “There was a point in which he cornered me in the office and shoved me against the glass wall, and I hit my head and an arm, which still hurts.”
Astonishingly, Brazilian media has tried to portray the man as the injured party. TV Globo interviewed him and suggested that he was the victim of ‘transphobia’. Furthermore, university authorities have informed the woman that several requests for her expulsion have been filed and she could lose her place at the institution.
Although he has not been identified in other outlets, Reduxx and 4W have named the aggressive male; he calls himself Brigitte Lúcia but he is otherwise known as Tulio Henrique Carvalho dos Santos.
Around the same time as the incident in the university, Santos posted a photograph to his Instagram account which reads, “There are women with penises, men with vaginas, and transphobes with no teeth”.
4W reported that Santos has a history of aggression and misogyny, according to former students.
Santos first began studying at UNB in 2012, then describing himself as a gay man, but he had to leave several years later after continually failing his course. He re-registered during the pandemic and by then had begun ‘identifying’ as transgender.
A former student told 4W that Santos was “The most misogynistic gay man I have ever met”. She said that he would accuse both students and staff of ‘transphobia’ over any disagreement and threaten them with legal action. “Who knew him at University also knew that he has a history of aggression from him, always shouting, or threatening to sue.” Another student called him a ‘pornographic person’ and described him as always wearing ‘hypersexualized’ clothing and making other people feel uncomfortable.
Saturday 17th December - “Both Sides”
LE FIGARO: Trans activists vandalised a venue in Brussels, throwing excrement at attendees, at an event discussing the harmful effect of gender ideology on children.
Céline Masson is a clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and university professor in clinical psychopathology. Caroline Eliacheff is a child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and widely published author.
The two French women were invited to the Café Laïque in Brussels to talk about their latest publication, La Fabrique de L'enfant Transgenre (The Making of the Transgender Child). The work warns about the harms of gender identity ideology on children and examines the massive increase in young people identifying as trans in recent years. Prior to the event, organisers received anonymous messages demanding that they cancel the discussion.
A group of about twenty trans activists, described by Le Figaro as ‘hooded men’, barged into the venue. They threw terracotta pots containing litter and excrement at the attendees and tried to assault Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff. They also vandalised the exterior of the venue with accusations of racism and transphobia.
Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, one of the event organisers, told Le Figaro, “After the throwing of fecal matter, they overturned the chairs, jostled everyone and tried to approach the back of the room, before people intervened to prevent them from attacking the speakers ”.
Sunday 18th December - This Never Happens #2
DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA: A trans-identified male paedophile who thought he was grooming underage girls for sex has been caught in a police sting operation.
49-year-old Tianne Miller is a father and a widower from Sydney, Australia. During 2020 and 2021 he engaged in sexually explicit online conversations with Child Exploitation Internet Unit officers, believing them to be underage girls.
He made arrangements to meet a (fictitious) 14 year-old girl to engage in sexual activity with her. He wrote, “We could do plenty of fun things naked and you could still be a virgin”. He then sent a series of very sexually explicit messages, detailing his intentions and desires. He also sent photographs of his genitalia and his fake breasts.
Police raided Miller’s home, seizing his digital devices, in August 2021. He was granted bail but continued to offend and began messaging someone he believed to be a woman with a nine-year-old daughter. Miller invited the mother and child to his house stating he was ‘bored and horny’. He suggested the three engage in sexual activity. “Maybe you and I get naughty in front of her [the child] and then head to the bedroom’’, he wrote. “Tell her if she wants to be in the room to get naked too.’’ The police apprehended Miller waiting at the train station for the (fictitious) pair. He was in possession of lingerie the correct size to fit a child.
He told another undercover officer whom he believed to be a young girl that he could make her virginity ‘go away’. He bragged to her about being a ‘transgender lesbian’ with ‘boobs and a cock’. He asked if he could visit her while her mother was out at work then enquired about the size of her breasts and asked her if she masturbated.
In court this week Miller pleaded guilty to a number of offences, including sending explicit material to a child under sixteen, grooming a child under sixteen and trying to procure sexual activity from a child under sixteen. Despite telling the court that his dysphoria made incarceration worse for him than other inmates, he was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. Judge Mark Marien described his crimes as ‘depraved’.
Throughout the article in The Daily Mail Miller his described as a woman and referred to with female pronouns. An article in Australia’s Daily Telegraph also refers to Miller with female pronouns, calls him as a woman and even describes him as a ‘mum’.
See you next week.
I think it’s going to have to take a number of women to go to jail for this nonsense to stop. I don’t care what laws are passed in Scotland tomorrow, women are adult human females, sex can’t be changed, I’ll never use female pronouns on men and I’ll never agree to share my single sex-spaces, jobs, sports or prisons with men, so bite me!
So many disturbed men and cowardly groups going along with them!