I can’t stop asking why.

Why should the NHS be beholden to a rainbow badge scheme? Why should they care if they lose points for following reality, biology and sanity? Why don’t they put the majority first?

Why do people apologise for expressing sincerely held opinions which are not hateful? Either you believe something or you don’t.

Why are trans identifying men becoming uglier and creepier?

Why are we still fighting this? Why isn’t there a groundswell of outrage and opposition by now?

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Why indeed! It is mind boggling that a bunch of grifters and bullies can have such sway over the entire NHS.

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"Speak less" is the one that caught my eye. Lanyard class making the workplace unbearable for many

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It’s insane. The majority have to be silent for fear of offending the minority.

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It's really not about offence; it's wholly about narcissistic individuals seeking attention and getting it. It is entirely about power, and knowing that there is little you can do about it. The internet opened up a whole world of opportunities for people who have no moral compass whatsoever.

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Yes, and it's hard to get a grip on or understand when not in that total cult delusion with their cult words and twisting of all words. They've taken individual narcissism and delusion and spread it to be a thought-free cause and 'right'. You can't 'take offence' at a word like woman. They're not really offended. Yet they do and are. We aren't lying and they live in lies. They're most offended, the best offended, the most egregiously offended of all time ever, so there. About everything, which surely dilutes the meaning of the word. It's them continually arguing and it is exhausting. A few very loud and obnoxious 'rights activists' are taking such extreme positions and 'offence' at anything anyone is, does or says. I was reading about Justin Webb and his statements reporting on what happened to Kathleen Stock. He got complaints. This is their tactic to block and deplatform and distract attention. This standard blanket it's 'transphobic' and 'it was offensive' was wheeled out by a handful of complainants - one was of course Freddie McConnell. And they are all damned 'journalists' now too. They make these complaints over and over like clockwork. They twist and obscure reality continually and pump out this propaganda. They must write hundreds of complaints a day, to challenge reality, facts, people and laws they dislike. That's what they find so 'offensive'. That we aren't in their delusion or willing to be coerced - that's their new framing of being 'offensive'. They stamp their feet when someone says 'no' to their abusive gaslighting f*ckery. We've enabled their further abuse and entrenched this by allowing a tick box to change reality on bits of paper.

They state saying the word woman is offensive and off the police trot with blues and twos like it's some kind of emergency as it subjectively 'offended' someone who is deemed so powerful, or is part of this most powerful cult, every state body must jump to do what they say. That is totally insane as are their justifications for the waste of time and resources propping up this insanity. Well I find that offensive. It's removed all reason from interactions yet state bodies, the criminal justice system and media are still dancing to their tune.

And yes. The internet created whatever untethered 'realities' anyone wanted and to make them as realistic as they could, so much that it became their reality, which jars with everything outside that bubble. So if you are a child dragged into a bullying bubble, how do you get out, when you wake up and everyone else around you is in that, that becomes your reality too. Sink or swim. Until there is a ban on phones and that foul anti-social power is lessened. What the hell did we unleash.

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Though: basically, we unleashed madness. This is going to go on the streets eventually because there simply is no way left to object. Women and children will be hurt before this madness stops. On the other hand, a few of them might die in hospital because they are too deluded to connect with reality and doctors will be too frightened to treat them at all as the sex they are. Either way, it is going to end badly.

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Every single one of them looks crazed. Look at their eyes and the nasty smirks on their faces. This is naked narcissism on the rise. And most people are folding in the face of it. Totalitarian creep ramping up.

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I think the term "sociopath" to describe trans people or even "psychopath" (if they are mentally ill in addition to being completely amoral and antisocial) is a better description than the term and concept of "Narcissism" which has become too trendy and meaningless and doesn't capture the deep destructivness of their actions.

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I disagree. The term "narcissism" is useful shorthand for a specific set of intentionally abusive behaviours (e.g. DARVO, gaslighting). Its popularisation has brought welcome clarity to many who've experienced narcissistic abuse.

There are certainly extreme transactivists who fit the term "psychopath" or "sociopath," but sociopathy and psychopathy are on the most dangerous end of the spectrum which includes narcissism.

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I agree. When I used the term 'narissicism' I'm thinking of Cluster B personality disorders, one of them being narcissistic personality disorder. Most of these TRAs seem to be a mixture of the four disorders that fall in this group. I'm no expert, mind. Josh Slocum in the Disaffected podcast describes the cluster B group of personality disorders very well.

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I wish more psychiatrists and mental health professionals would speak about this and more seriously. And we could match up terminologies to what we are experiencing. If you talked to anyone about how a small group decided to make the cluster B group of personality disorders trendy and the new 'rights' frontier, then kerching sell it to children as an aspirational marker of social inclusion and inner soul truth I would hope not many would think that was a good thing. Or how it was baked into our digital world - cluster Bs created and promoted cluster B behaviours and entrenched them in what they built.

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Jordan Peterson has spoken about this several times. He's very scathing about gender ideology and rightly so. He's Canadian and since he said something derogatory about Eliot/Ellen Page having her breasts lopped off he is in trouble with the Canadian Psychiatric organization. They are sending him to be "re-educated" and he will be filming, or somehow recording the entire thing. They threatened to take his license away despite him having taught at Harvard and had a clinical practice for 30 years.

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And misogyny. They hate women for sure.

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My advice, after dealing with a suddenly crossdressing (now ex) husband, is view the uglier and creepier as the most likely to peak the majority of the public. We must keep our sanity, our wellbeing, our mind/body connects ourselves, because those who start peeling away from this cult need our example, our mentoring on reconnecting to healthy psychological state. I don't care about my ex recovering or any of those creepy AGPs. But the youth are in trouble and they'll need us. Here's my suggested mind/body strategy, the "Sphere of Harmony"


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Sex Matters have written to Sunak about the increasing violence from tras. Please all sign.

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After reading how these decisions were influenced by various groups, I suppose women need more powerful - and LOUD - groups to make OUR case.

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The only answer I have for this - pardon me! - UTTERLY STUPID UNBELIEVABLE CRAP WHICH JUST GOES ON AND ON - is that there is indeed an invisible but gargantuanly funded hand constantly sculpting events and making sure that this programme of terror, intimidation, neutering, sterilization, and general destruction of the lives of women and children continues. It's a vast pedo-pervo-psycho club that is shamelessly blatant and - the sickest joke of all - claims the sanctimonious moral high ground. It screams "Won't someone think of the children .... and serve them up to us?"

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There’s huge money behind it all, which is how all the gay rights organisations, which were going broke when gay marriage came in, suddenly had loads of dosh. Transhumanist billionaires are part of it. It gives them a ready supply of healthy bodies on which to experiment and population reduction is a globalist aim. They’re happy to sterilise and brainwash young people and destroy the family unit in the process. Jennifer Bilek is worth a look. And of course, it’s a paedophiles and perverts paradise.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by JL

I see that according to the Royal Free Hospital’s notice board, “Offering to accompany a trans person to use a bathroom is a good step” (I guess they copied the guidance straight from the Americans, which perhaps shows their lack of inquisitiveness).

I’m willing to accompany any transwoman into the men’s lavatories and explain to anyone who challenges them that as a biological male they’re in the right facility.

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Excellent idea. I'm willing to stand outside of the men's loo, "protecting" the dude the way I did for my 2 sons when they were too big to come into the bathroom with me. I'd call in, "Is there soap? Do they have a stall for you?" and helpful things like that. To tell the truth though, I have to walk quickly in the other direction when I see a crossdresser. My ex-husband's proclivities cured me of any capacity for shared proximity.

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And, on Terf Talk Tuesday, I got in at the 1 hour mark. My connection with KJK was terrible, but she asked excellent questions and helped promote Behind the Looking Glass at Lime Soda Films (trailer up there, trans widow documentary soon out)


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This is such puerile horse-shit. I can't even begin to understand what kind of useful idiots are succumbing to this crap.

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There are a lot in health services and any challenge to this status quo isn't welcomed. I stared in wonder at the leaflet/poster board in one GP surgery. A few were in date of about 50. I took details down and contacted them and they denied all knowledge of ever running any project or group as per the poster. I asked about one at reception and was told 'nothing to do with me I don't know'. Not 'but I'll find out for you'. That was a bit of a shock but par for the course. So if you did need support or advice you couldn't access that. So presumably someone gets told to stick something on a wall and did it, for that purpose no other and job done. Who cares if it gets read or any message was communicated. Was there an increase in patients mentioning that issue? Was anyone bothering to notice? Did a clinic get more walk-ins?

I've asked about another poster board in a hospital and was told the building owners did it and it had nothing to do with reception and there was no one to ask. It's indicative of the way a health service is run and the disregard if not open contempt that there are patients in the building. I've been in other units where research posters are placed along corridors and they are proud of the health research they conduct with patients - kind of the whole point you'd think?

Posters and leaflets are often not there to help or communicate useful information but to be seen to be doing something. It's a particular bugbear of mine as things can and should be communicated well and materials can do this well, relatively cheaply and immediately. Yes, it's been up to me to stick things on walls, take pointless reams of stuff off walls or keep websites up to date and communicate with people. People will ignore too much information and filter it out as not worth paying attention to. To not ask someone's name for genderology hesitancy fails the first line of safety assurance that you are treating and communicating with the right person. That beggars belief. Are we playing charades now? And asking someone's name is not like asking about someone's genitals, that sounds like a crazed and totally made-up fantasy and urban myth. That's now in print and guidance on a ****ing wall in our health service.

Public health campaigns are there for a purpose and reason, then this happens. No wonder health messages are totally ignored and trust is at an all time low. FFS.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by JL

This is all so utterly depressing. How do sane people think this is ok? Who is funding this insanity?

Who actually thinks those creepy mentally deranged men are women??!!

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They really, really don't. They are in the same class as those who went along with the persecution of the Jews in Germany during WW II. Part fear, part ingratiating virtue signalling and part hoping that there might be something in it for them. Disgusting creatures. I rather hope that, when this is all over, they are all rounded up and frogmarched into the prisons, hospitals, schools, et al to see their handiwork like those Germans were frogmarched to the camps. This is what you di, you spineless, gutless wonders.

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It's come to the stage now that anyone pushing the TQ + ad infinitum rainbow crap nhs badge must be removed from the office they currently hold as what they are doing is not only erasing woman but it is also dangerous to the delusional tq nutjobs. It must be rooted out and sacked, no ifs no buts but right now before a life is lost to this insidious crap.

The pervert male aroused in a woman's sorority house should be shunned, no interaction with him at all. Check rooms for cameras, don't speak, don't shower, don't eat with this pervert. Time to be nice is over.

Titzilla is forcing children to partake in his fetish and this should not be allowed. Its abuse. He should never be employed in a school that has children in it. He's an agp, although I think if I saw him I would just mock and laugh.

The Welsh police are an absolute disgrace. They did not have the right to police the banners, but if it was something about the tq+ crackpots I bet it would still be there even if women complained that it offended them. Maybe we can get a man to complain and see if that makes a difference!!

I feel for the Kim McGinnis Russell, what happened to her is an absolute disgrace and I hope she sues the ass off of them!

The hypocrisy of the Victorian "Pride" center in Australia is off the charts, I see a gay mens group is going to try the legal route next, hopefully they will succeed and set a precedent for the lesbians.

Yet again paedophile caught with the worst child abuse photos, I really question if the judges are competent making a decision to free a paedophile tq pos despite a number of previous convictions? Judges seem to be captured by the tq cult and maybe they need scrutinising because its very suspicious.

The ACLU needs defending and closing, no prisoner has the right to demand cosmetic surgery due to delusion. What that insane pos (literally) Tim did to that young girls car is disgusting and he should be in a male jail.

NO 2nd rate males in women's sports particularly where his strength could result in serious injury to the women forced to have this pervert in the team and bring cricket into disrepute resulting in a court xase that could cost them dearly.

Ed nutjob davey needs to be dethroned, his insanity has driven his party into the ground. A discussion about puberty blockers needs to be had asap and then no more prescribing of them because they hurt children. The evidence is mounting up and many European and US countries and states are actively banning them.

Green should have been in a male jail from day one, his delusional insanity must not be pondered too or indeed any other tq nitwits delusion either.

Rosin Murphy is a talented musician who put an innocuous tweet up and was piled on, then she apologised, NEVER apologise for the truth because you just make them worse. I believe her album will be out sometime in the next week maybe we could buy it to show her some support. It is an

insidious, pernicious, poisonous tras response that must be spoken up against because to do otherwise will destroy everything women, children, LGB hold dear and thats too high a price to pay.

JL thank you for your hard work

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Oh my sweet God, I can't read it all. When is this going to stop? We are all being sacrificed and abused on the altar of the female penis. All this onslaught of these disgusting, perverted men flaunting fake breasts and trout pouts feels like a very public sexual assault. Look at their faces, every single one of them, a bizarre, madness in their eyes and expressions. They're all smirking. That vile creep in the sorority, anyone can see that he's a nasty little vouyer. The sorority has themselves to blame. They made themselves trans inclusive as a virtue signalling move, probably thinking they'd get some hip, cool looking person like Blaire White, instead they got nightmare on Elm Street. I don't blame the girls, but the sorority. Nate the Lawyer on YT does a very interesting analysis of the verdict. Three cheers for that very stunning and brave lacrosse teacher. Sounds like she is made of stern stuff and won't back down. I hope there is a lot of good news later this week!

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Do not despair! There is a jam-packed bumper edition of the GNS on the way!

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Thanks for your hard work as ever and greetings from the west coast of Ireland where I am on a walking holiday. My mates have gone fishing today so I have been walking solo and catching up on the gender beat horror stories in the sun looking out on the Atlantic!

I think that was one too many photos of Titzilla as Dennis and Clive call him!

I think I might have to buy Rosin Murphy's new album :)

Well done Kim McGinnis Russell


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Oh that sounds like bliss! Have a lovely holiday, Dusty.

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I'm at the point that when I see The Lanyard, I instinctively do not trust the wearer. They are either bought into the horse-shit, or they are too dumb to know what it really signifies, and I can't trust dumb people, (yes dumb, I'm using this unfiltered language now, forget uninformed, we have enough information coming at us now to know what is going on).

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What issues exactly do LGBT+ people face when accessing healthcare? Why are they so bloody special that our cash-starved NHS needs to spend £220,000 to accommodate them? I'm so sick of all this rainbow / butterflies / mermaids / glitter shit - why do they always seem to want to appeal to small children??

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It's the usual generic 'prejudice' but there is such a poor discussion and lack of openness, the 'no debate' which suits some shrieky people it's difficult to ever find out what you ask and what these 'barriers' are. I think it's a hangover from poor treatment and previous ostracization (like with HIV) but it's been miraculously blown out of proportion, culturally adopted and appropriated and made into a massive live problem and grievance as the charities that were around then and before some equalities legislation are still banging the old drums, and got a whole new bunch of drums to bang (Stonewall and THT). They are not what they were or are a strangely empty zombie version which seem to want to only stoke conflict. Some of the younger people claiming they have no rights and are marginalised and oppressed are some of the most vicious, and to those that lived through genuinely oppressive and abusive times. When so-called LGBTQIA+?? are so openly attacking gay men and lesbian women you would think that would shine enough light on the validity of the attacks.

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That's a great explanation.

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Graham, I'm not on X, so can only speak to you here. Wow, my husband just sent me the article in the DM about John Boyne's unequivocal apology to you. That is such incredible news. For you, personally, but also for another mass peaking. You are a hero, Graham. You may feel uncomfortable hearing that, but these are the strongest words I can use to show you how much you are appreciated for everything you do and have done, and the unbelievable sacrifices you have made, and continue to make. You are one of the most courageous people I've ever known of. I salute you.

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Strong agree!

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What she said.

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trans people are apparently so sensitive that even asking their name is offensive. OMG WTF. Can you imagine the anxiety employers must face if they end up employing a trans person. Not worth risk or bother.

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Devastating, this sadistic crushing of women's voices, careers and lives. Such hatred of women some men harbor.

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the NHS 'Rainbow Bilge' more like

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Yeah, like no one knows what "Women's Health" is about, but everyone can tell you what "colposcopy" is. Let me know when they start treating men for limp dick syndrome, rather than erectile dysfunction and we can discuss it further. And I translate the bit on that poster that reads "listen more; speak less" as saying "shut the F up and give me what I want right now". And what a way to greet the many elderly needing hospital care: pretending not to know if they are a man or a woman and avoid using Mum and Dad to their adult children who may be caring for them.

Gender neutral language in any health care setting is dehumanizing and potentially harmful. Pandering to delusional people does not help them in the long run. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/the-problem-with-adding-more-ink

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This is real horror. I'm trying to find the right words to describe these trans-identifying men. They are revolting ghouls. It's as if they've been hiding in some hellish dungeon for years but have been freed by the gender ideologues. It would be bloody terrifying finding yourself alone in a women's toilet and then coming face-to-face with one of them.

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Completely agree. tbf I'd be terrified being in the gents' toilets with a lot of them, never mind having them share facilities with my 12 year old grand-daughter.

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Indeed. In my part of the world I had never seen one of these primped, powdered and plumed deranged fetishists but recently they have been crawling out of the woodwork. They are being emboldened by the cult to display their deviance and it’s chilling. Not only are they going public they are deliberately drawing attention to themselves, over and above the get up, by raising their voices and picking fights. It’s disease and it appears to be spreading.

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it would be really good if there was some sort of organisation that could evaluate the strength of moral character of individuals and then give badges out to the people who achieve levels of moral excellence.

That would be good✔️ and children could trust badge wearers because the badge holders have been vetted by really sound people✔️

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Please use the language of reality. We are not "mis-gendering" "Trans" people. We are correctly SEXING those who suffer from Gender Dysphoria. Repeating the Cult phrases of course spreads the Cult so we must stop and think. Describe the activists as deluded, those suffering from Gender Dysphoria as psychopaths if they are cut off completely from reality. We say to the NHS and other public bodies: "Do not MIS-SEX GD sufferers: they have not and cannot change sex, this is a question of objective reality". Sanity will be re-established when we reclaim the language of sanity.

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