I’m torn between not wanting to be included in the same species as these disgusting bottom feeders, and cheering the fact that the more people know what is going on, the sooner it will be over. I remain, however, concerned about the huge amount of harm being done on the way to it being over.

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Please forgive me for taking opportunity to share a bit of related good news: today I turned a Green Party candidate for 5/5 election in my ward via email. They are still a GP candidate, but no longer buying the gender extremist BS, are starting to ask awkward questions about the accuracy of training supplied to her by GP/Scottish Trans Alliance, etc.

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Good on you. You will not find a candidate within a million miles of my Smug Labour Borough door, I bought two copies of Abigail Shrier's book: Irreversible Damage and left them in separate mini-library boxes nearby. I also wrote in the book, a list of advice, information and support organisations here in the UK for them. Both books were gone within the hour. I know there is an epidemic of non-binary and transidentifying girls in the local secondary schools. Hopefully whoever picked them up will pass them on and there will be a little adult social contagion

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If you haven't already seen it, this cartoon from Private Eye might amuse. https://ibb.co/THyv1pY

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Excellent work! Well done you!

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We need more people like you. Who not only see through this sham... but are brave enough to argue against it. You'll convince some... and give others who already secretly agree with you encouragement to act on it.

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It's the sheer stupidity and lack of any awareness that there is an experience other than your very personal one that totally gobsmacks me.

I, for example, have never been burgled, but I lock my house because, (guess what), while most people are decent and won't nick my stuff, some will. We can't run society just assuming that somehow men become uniquely virtuous just because they change their bloody pronouns!

Slater has discussed her own identity issues on Twitter, citing her autism as a barrier to fitting in. She felt she had to consciously learn to preform female, and felt it was judgemental and restrictive.

Here's a radical idea., Ms Slater. How about not reducing the sexes to stereotypes and performance. How about NOT expecting men or women to conform to a prescribed path, and express themselves as they want, dress as they want, but still remain the sex they are? So "feminine" males (still men), and "butch" females (still women). So no need for men to come in our loo's or don a one-piece swimsuit as they don't fit in the prescribed male box. They can finally be themselves, all under the umbrella of Manhood. I know you're fully bolted on the Transtrain, but there is a movement that (gasp) supports women in being themselves, and acting on their own choices not imposed ones. It begins with an "F".... but of course, you won't know anything about it.

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Ah..... I didn't realise Slater had identity issues but it all makes perfect sense. Explains why she is such a zealot. Autistic too? Good job her school days are long gone or we'd likely be hearing from 'Larry' Slater.

I'm with you on your last point. If men just accepted their more feminine brothers into their spaces it would wipe out a huge problem.

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Yeah, it's true that it can be difficult to learn how to fit in when you're autistic, but it seems that's typical for most people. Back when I was a youth, I felt that almost everything was "restrictive" - and some of it was. Some was unfairly restrictive, some was reasonable. Over time, I learned what to take on board and what to reject, but, strangely, no one affirmed my desires not to eat, drink, or breathe (I found these "merely" biological functions restrictive as hell) - people variously told me a) what we need to do these things and why they can't be changed, or b) not to be so stupid. Both approaches kept me... well, alive, but also grounded in reality - something the gender-merchant's need urgently.

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I think she's Canadian too!!

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Tee hee... it's called TRAnada these days.

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All about creepy weird men!...

One of the worst though …

'Amazon Selling Horror Book About Killing “TERFs,” Features JK Rowling “Death”'

but Oh please don't mis gender- that's a hate crime!

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As more and more of those dicks in skirts get arrested, it seems people are beginning to realise what's really happening. The Times keep it in the news and so do the Telegraph and the Daily Mail these days.

Still, despite some changes, much of the above is still quite harrowing.

No reflection on you for posting it. Making these abuses public is necessary and I'm grateful to see the news collated and shared. Thank you.

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I marvel at the fact that so few men aren't outraged about this. The women affected are their wives, daughters sisters, mothers, etc. Are men REALLY so oblivious to the incredibly vicious trans ideology that is sweeping the world? Do all men secretly despise women so much that they can look the other way? Is this payback for women having the audacity to demand we be treated as equals? Do men enjoy these pedophiles, and perverts subjugating women in retaliation for them speaking up? Just what's it going to take for women to be heard, let alone respected? I'm terrified for my daughter/granddaughter.

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Well some men actively promote it of course for one reason or another, sometimes pretty seedy reasons. Why some gay men would support it is a mystery to me; I can only supposed that it is some sort of misguided loyalty because "we supported you when you were fighting for your rights, now it's your turn to support us." Some of course just have obnoxious personalities like Owen Jones and David Paisley and will exploit every opportunity to openly launder their misogyny. But I think the great majority of men are just indifferent because it doesn't affect them much, and they are bored by the subject and don't think much about it, so they don't really appreciate how devastating the effects of gender identity legislation could be on women's rights. They will say whatever seems to be the right thing to say to avoid the slurs of bigotry and transphobia.

But most men understand that rapists shouldn't be in women's prisons and that men shouldn't be participating in women's sport, they just haven't made the connection between these blatant aberrations and the existence of a pervasive but subtle and well greased ideological program specifically aiming to undercut basic social mores and values and demolish women's rights. Women are just much more sensitive to the issue for obvious reasons. It's women who are going to have to pay the price and is a high price

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The rugby report is truly shocking. I have an older teen son who plays rugby. Strong and muscular but not big. My friend's daughter, same age also plays women's rugby. I KNOW the damage he could do to her. These sports bodies are utterly moronic. How dare they abuse women like this?

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Greens piggy backed into power in Scotland with no one voting for them , queen Nikla has a media blackout so no one knows the truth about what the wee feckin perv is up to

Everyone thinks she is all about independence for the Scot’s while nothing could be further from the truth

She’s sold us down the river on everything

I can stand up and say ‘I never voted for that ‘

The rest of the piece doesn’t surprise me , we ( WOMEN ) being totally erased

Thank you JL

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Thanks Petal! Do not despair - there's a bumper Good News Supplement on the way!

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Me too. Never voted SNP in my life , or greens ,lib Dems or Tory (always labour. ) but this time I'll be voting TORY .!! Hope enough people use their vote to send the women haters and the virtue signallers a message !

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Have you considered Alba ? ( if you have a candidate )

I’m not sure if these quotes are from Eck himself or from another elected rep

“The sexed based rights of women and girls are under concerted and increasing attack , our manifesto will set out Albas specific pledges on how we can make life better for all households and for every community “

“However the focus of this manifesto reflects 3 key themes ; taking real action on independence , tackling the cost of living crisis and standing up for women and girls “

I do believe he’s getting a platform on tv tonight ( for a change ) I’ll not be able to watch as I don’t have a license …….

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Don't know if we have a Candi but I don't want independence. I voted no last time and will do so again if there's another indyre f !?

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Fair do’s , I’d vote no too under this shower of shysters

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It is a real pity they have such a lying buffoon as leader :(

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True but at least he seems to know what a woman is ,unlike the leaders of all the other parties .We need any help we can get and ,although the Tories aren't completely innocent of responsibility for this issue , they're the only party whip aren't pushing gender identity for all they're worth !!

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I've seen the media blackout thing said about Sturgeon for years, with assorted hints dropped, and don't begin to understand 1) how an order to censor can be made, 2) and not be reported on by anyone, is that right? and 3) how/why people obey it, especially where it may be properly in the public interest to know what's being hidden. ??

I do look forward to when all comes out... Loathe the woman and the damage she is inflicting.

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She has the police the justice system and the media in her pocket ,stand up to her and her gravy boating cabal and you’re vilified , hounded out of your job or even jailed !

Scotland is a scary place to be living at the moment

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Q: Why do you rob banks? A: Because that's where the money is. I think the news that incarcerated sex criminals can be let loose in the women's prisons if they just claim to be trans is starting to get around.

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Blessings, and a protective bubble for JL. Thank you for cataloguing this shit. It does take its toll, we know that.

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Thank you so much, Nancy. Much appreciated. It does take its toll... thank heavens for wine!

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Haha, I know all about the healing powers of wine!

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Thanks for exposing the god-awful Lorna Slater. This woman has a ministerial post in the Scottish nationalist administration, despite coming fifth out of five parties in last year’s Scottish elections with 1,700 votes! Sturgeon was denied a majority by voters so she brought the Greens (another nationalist party) into government to try to swing another referendum.

Slater is a fan of self-id and in true Stonewall fashion is trying to cancel anyone who questions it. Calling us racists and antisemites is just the start.

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Not content with gendering souls, the Gender Woo-Woo mob now feel compelled to defile the Burrell Collection. I just wish they would keep their grubby paws away from historical Buddhist artefacts.

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Whoever is responsible for going along with such absolute bollocks has no fucking business curating artefacts of any kind. They've (I'm using this in the plural here, incidentally) done something so unforgivably stupid and wrong. They know it's bullshit but they still acquiesce, pandering to activists and idealogues desire for bogus validation. Resulting in giving them very real authority and control.

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Yes, and the thing about that desire is that it is completely insatiable. It's never going to be enough however much you "validate" them. Because of course it's built on air and is vulnerable to the slightest puff of reality.

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Quite. Enough doesn't exist, the boundaries continually move in all directions. It has nothing to do with rights. Trans people, or the large assortment of identities who now shelter under the trans umbrella, don't want rights, they have them. But the trans lobby and activists, or those who style and describe themsves that way, want the opportunity and freedom to bully and abuse. They can fuck right off, and eventually they'll have to because they are doing so much harm, to women, adolescents and children, LGB people, and trans identified people.

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Yeah, what I always say is: they don't want "rights"... they want PRIVILEGES. Accordingly, I call those making such demands not TRAs (trans rights activists), but rather TPAs.

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It's more accurate, they do want privileges and don't care if they get them at the expense of others.

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“Gretchen” — the wretch makes us retch. Neither a woman, nor a "professional" writer. He's made lies his profession. He's as terrible a writer as he “is” a woman. We need a bucket after reading about "Gretchen" -- he needs a new bucket list pronto -- since he's failed spectacularly at both writing and "womanning".

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So true, and if he wasn't such a repellent human being it would be pitiful.

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Graham has been working work on this one- I read the first article-wanted to comment right away and almost strained my thumb getting to the comment section!! Anyway- looks like you have a Scottish version of Justin Trudeau on your hands with Nicola Sturgeon! 🇨🇦😩

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Are we SURE Lorna Slater isn't a transwoman, and Patrick Harvie isn't a transman???

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Steady, Ellen! With all due respect you're getting ahead of your good self. Are we sure Lorna and Patrick are human?

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Fair point

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I wondered the same thing but then just ending up thinking how incredibly stupid Slater is.

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Lorna's performance makes sense if she's a Scottish Tory double agent. Her extreme anti-science spiel is obviously self defeating for Scot Greens - I say this as a current member. For climate & environment GP asks electorate to follow the science, then deny science (and resulting harm) regarding human biology.

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I. Just. Feel. Sick.

I cannot fathom the insanity being enacted, validated, promoted & celebrated. Please Lord, make it stop!

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Do not despair, Dollface. There's a bumper Good News Supplement on the way!

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Hurrah! Thank you, JL! My jaw certainly needs lifting from the floor at this point!

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OMG ,more grim stories this week. No matter how long I live ,I will never understand how anyone ,male or female ,can support this abhorrent ,totally evil , movement.,one of the very worst in history. The level of depravity evinced by its supporters is truly chilling and it's really hard to believe how low the human race can sink ! As for the women who support it ,total shame on them. They deserve to be locked in a prison cell with a brutal rapist and they would very soon realise the difference between men and women ( there are literally hundreds) . Hope they all get their comeuppance.and we won't forget. The evidence is there ,on social media for all time !! Well done ,JL.,for keeping us informed of all this horror ,enraging as it is. I'm 75 and I've never been as angry about anything in my life as I am about this . Take care. Justice will prevail in the end. Thanks ,JL.💗

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Thank you, Susan. That's very much appreciated. Do not despair - there is a bumper Good News Supplement on the way!

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