I’m torn between not wanting to be included in the same species as these disgusting bottom feeders, and cheering the fact that the more people know what is going on, the sooner it will be over. I remain, however, concerned about the huge amount of harm being done on the way to it being over.

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It's the sheer stupidity and lack of any awareness that there is an experience other than your very personal one that totally gobsmacks me.

I, for example, have never been burgled, but I lock my house because, (guess what), while most people are decent and won't nick my stuff, some will. We can't run society just assuming that somehow men become uniquely virtuous just because they change their bloody pronouns!

Slater has discussed her own identity issues on Twitter, citing her autism as a barrier to fitting in. She felt she had to consciously learn to preform female, and felt it was judgemental and restrictive.

Here's a radical idea., Ms Slater. How about not reducing the sexes to stereotypes and performance. How about NOT expecting men or women to conform to a prescribed path, and express themselves as they want, dress as they want, but still remain the sex they are? So "feminine" males (still men), and "butch" females (still women). So no need for men to come in our loo's or don a one-piece swimsuit as they don't fit in the prescribed male box. They can finally be themselves, all under the umbrella of Manhood. I know you're fully bolted on the Transtrain, but there is a movement that (gasp) supports women in being themselves, and acting on their own choices not imposed ones. It begins with an "F".... but of course, you won't know anything about it.

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All about creepy weird men!...

One of the worst though …

'Amazon Selling Horror Book About Killing “TERFs,” Features JK Rowling “Death”'

but Oh please don't mis gender- that's a hate crime!

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As more and more of those dicks in skirts get arrested, it seems people are beginning to realise what's really happening. The Times keep it in the news and so do the Telegraph and the Daily Mail these days.

Still, despite some changes, much of the above is still quite harrowing.

No reflection on you for posting it. Making these abuses public is necessary and I'm grateful to see the news collated and shared. Thank you.

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Nicola Sturgeon has backed Lorna Slater over what she "actually said," because she's painted herself into a corner.

Slater's saying: "I meant transphobes, not people who want to have a discussion," when the entire point is labelling people who want to have discussion as "transphobes,'' in order to shut down discussion.

Gender ideology framed the claim 'trans women are women' as settled, and not accepting that - or questioning that - as a hateful act (no debate with hate"). If, like Sturgeon and many others, you went along with that, then discussing the rights of actual women as distinct to trans women, *is* 'transphobia.'

Sturgeon went along with the lie at the outset and now she can only keep digging herself in deeper.

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Apr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022

I marvel at the fact that so few men aren't outraged about this. The women affected are their wives, daughters sisters, mothers, etc. Are men REALLY so oblivious to the incredibly vicious trans ideology that is sweeping the world? Do all men secretly despise women so much that they can look the other way? Is this payback for women having the audacity to demand we be treated as equals? Do men enjoy these pedophiles, and perverts subjugating women in retaliation for them speaking up? Just what's it going to take for women to be heard, let alone respected? I'm terrified for my daughter/granddaughter.

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The rugby report is truly shocking. I have an older teen son who plays rugby. Strong and muscular but not big. My friend's daughter, same age also plays women's rugby. I KNOW the damage he could do to her. These sports bodies are utterly moronic. How dare they abuse women like this?

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Greens piggy backed into power in Scotland with no one voting for them , queen Nikla has a media blackout so no one knows the truth about what the wee feckin perv is up to

Everyone thinks she is all about independence for the Scot’s while nothing could be further from the truth

She’s sold us down the river on everything

I can stand up and say ‘I never voted for that ‘

The rest of the piece doesn’t surprise me , we ( WOMEN ) being totally erased

Thank you JL

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Q: Why do you rob banks? A: Because that's where the money is. I think the news that incarcerated sex criminals can be let loose in the women's prisons if they just claim to be trans is starting to get around.

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Blessings, and a protective bubble for JL. Thank you for cataloguing this shit. It does take its toll, we know that.

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Thanks for exposing the god-awful Lorna Slater. This woman has a ministerial post in the Scottish nationalist administration, despite coming fifth out of five parties in last year’s Scottish elections with 1,700 votes! Sturgeon was denied a majority by voters so she brought the Greens (another nationalist party) into government to try to swing another referendum.

Slater is a fan of self-id and in true Stonewall fashion is trying to cancel anyone who questions it. Calling us racists and antisemites is just the start.

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Not content with gendering souls, the Gender Woo-Woo mob now feel compelled to defile the Burrell Collection. I just wish they would keep their grubby paws away from historical Buddhist artefacts.

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“Gretchen” — the wretch makes us retch. Neither a woman, nor a "professional" writer. He's made lies his profession. He's as terrible a writer as he “is” a woman. We need a bucket after reading about "Gretchen" -- he needs a new bucket list pronto -- since he's failed spectacularly at both writing and "womanning".

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Graham has been working work on this one- I read the first article-wanted to comment right away and almost strained my thumb getting to the comment section!! Anyway- looks like you have a Scottish version of Justin Trudeau on your hands with Nicola Sturgeon! 🇨🇦😩

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Are we SURE Lorna Slater isn't a transwoman, and Patrick Harvie isn't a transman???

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I. Just. Feel. Sick.

I cannot fathom the insanity being enacted, validated, promoted & celebrated. Please Lord, make it stop!

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