Ah, much as I find all your posts interesting, I really, really look forward to the 'good news' communication. Some good stuff here, thanks!

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Thank you so much, Catherine! x

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Brava, JL, and thank you for these morale-boosting Good News posts 👌👍🙏👏👊💪🤪

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*BOWS* Thanks so much, lovely! xx

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Errm ye dae ken that "Brava" is the female term. Bravo is the maist used term of course even when it's fr a wummin.

Ps dinnae mind me am an auld pedant. 💕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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JL is, in fact, one of those woombin type people who can't be named so it is akshully Brava in her case but don't mind me, I'm just a show-off 😜😜😜

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I can confirm that I am, in fact, one of those menstruating uterus-bearers formerly known as women!

(I mean, I do have a penis... but it's in a jam jar in the cellar.)

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Dare I ask who it used to be attached to?? 🤣 🤣

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Can't recall his name but he left the toilet seat up once too often...

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My phone is now covered in tea...!! 😂😂❤️❤️

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Ma bad. A've jist reread this under yer guidance an see ma mistook..humble apologies a'roond.. 🥴😁

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Alex Bellfield You Tube Channel did a good piece on JK Rowling this morning. He has 326k followers. That should reach a lot of people 👍

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Yes ,just watched it .Fabulous ,and he didn't miss the transactivists and hit the wall !! Great defence of JK !!

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I am so glad that the Trans book is not being censored, amazon ranking it really surprises me.

I just saw a video on tiktok by this user @bravorighteous which I'm too old to post here but he breaks down ownership (% stakeholder) in everything from cable/internet/print AND big pharma (along with everything else on earth like food production) to two companies, Blackrock and Vanguard (along with one other). For the first time it's clear to me how big pharma's stakeholders are also stakeholders in social media platforms (along with censoring information about vaccines) and therefore are controlling the messaging on TRA (which of course Jennifer Bilek has been saying all along. That these companies are stakeholders in so much media AND big pharma was like the missing link but now I get it.

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here is twitter, blackrock and vangard are 2nd and third. holy freaking cow. I didn't half expect it to be true.


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here is Takeda pharmaceutical, the company that makes Lupron. Three different Vanguard companies are in their top ten


I'm in shock right now. So twitter is shutting down and censoring feminists because the company that is a major twitter stockholder also has a huge stake in puberty blockers????

How did we not know this???

Holy sh*t.

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Always follow the money. The 'trans industry' is worth billions and, as such, is very well protected.

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Vanguard owns 6 trillion in assets. holy sheesh.

Twitter is owned by Morgan Stanley/Vanguard/Blackrock top three share holders. LOL. When you look up Morgan Stanley you see Vanguard and Blackrock as majority stakeholders among others, it's insanely incestuous...same with Bank of America who own stake in Takeda who make Lupron, BoA is owned by Vanguard Blackrock.

Finally I understand why I've had eleventeen bans and suspensions on social media especially twitter. I've had a few on facebook but I don't bother with it much. And these co's get these idiotronic celebs to push these ideologies because those people are just dumb as bricks or on the payroll or both. Thanks JL sorry to jump in here OT but my mind just sploded when I started researching this guy's video.

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the top stockholder in Takeda (Lupron) has Vanguard holdings in both their stakeholder and mutual fund holder entries. So every company that is a major stakeholder in Takeda most likely has Blackrock/Vanguard/Berkshire Hathaway as THEIR stakeholders. If you see Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, etc and look up their stockholders it's Vanguard/Blackrock everywhere.

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What a wonderful breath of fresh air this news has been :D

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Oh I'm so glad!

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Wonderful to read about the solidarity with our sisters from around the world. 👭👭👭👭👭

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Isn't it just glorious, Loretta?! I loved scrolling through all the fabulous photos! Incredible work from so many awesome sisters!

Rather less glorious was my own attempt to take action on Saturday. I decided I would 'decorate' the statue of a famous artist on the high street in a nearby location. I planned to put a sign around his neck and festoon his palette and brushes (not a euphemism) with ribbons in suffragette colours.

I got up at 5am (I had no idea there are two 5 o'clocks in the day), made sure I had all my pre-prepared materials & zoomed off to do some feministing. I parked my car on a side street to avoid the CCTV cameras and wore a mask & a hoodie just in case. (Said statue is only a block away from the police station!) The plinth is tall and narrow so clambering up was a bit of a palaver but I managed it, put the sign & ribbons in place, then legged it sharpish back to the car! Success!

I decided, since I was up so early, I'd get an early session in at the gym & was waiting on the car park for them to open up at 6.30am. Whilst pounding away on the cross trainer I was beaming in smug self-congratulation at having single-handedly pulled off this tremendous feat... then I realised that I never took a bloody photograph!! Further proof, were it required, that I am really NOT a morning person!

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Aww no.😆🥰

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Great piece, thanks very much.

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Thank you!

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No you don't Aaronovitch! Any man coming off the fence now for personal acclaim ain't gonna cut it. Full kudos goes to Glinner and - if I may so - the hordes of anonymous men (yes, I include myself 😜) who have made their modest contribution to fighting the scourge, however small.

Aaronovitch has merely sensed a shift in sentiment and is only now coming off the fence for professional expediency. Grr!

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Couldn't agree more! There will be statues (tall ones) to Graham one day. He got it from the very start and never has wavered. An absolute hero. (And so much kudos to all the other penis-havers who, like you, have done their bit to speak out and support women against this madness.) Now that the tide starts to turn I'm sure we'll find that plenty of chaps who kept their gobs firmly shut until now will try to claim they were against it all from the start etc etc.... but we've got their number!

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And screen shots.

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I'm of two minds about this. While I agree that people shouldn't lie about being on our side all along, it's equally important to welcome people new to GC thinking. And to encourage them to read as much as they can to educate themselves about what's happening. They're more likely to speak up if they feel comfortable with all the salient facts, more likely to spread the word, for example if a friend or colleague does the usual TWAW virtue-signalling, they can come back with "hang on a minute, let's talk about what you mean".

I find this site is much more open to asking questions. As much as I think Mumsnet is a great resource with excellent women holding the line in the women's rights section, it is a little cliquey and they sometimes think new posters are trolls trying to trap them into providing screenshots.

The new GC's will still have to do their own catch-up reading but we should encourage them to come onboard.

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Oh I agree entirely. People should be allowed to change their minds (like Baroness Jenkin in The Telegraph today!). The whole point of this movement is to increase understanding and awareness etc. I have many friends who, for a while, thought I was talking nonsense but are now totally onside and equally horrified at the situation. It gladdens my heart when people who start to 'get it'. But I am thinking of all the slebs, writers, journos etc (especially those who threw Graham under the bus!) who either pretend they have no idea what's going on or do the 'it's a complicate situation' or the 'both sides' bullshit! I'll be keeping my gimlet eye on them!

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I think Aaronovitch fits that category perfectly 😁 He's too educated to fall for the 'both sides' defence. There's a bit of a difference a vereran like him keeping his gob shut next to an intern at Penis News/Grauniad who stays silent for career expediency.

Btw I'm only singling out him because he featured in your Good News Supplement 😉

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I would agree but not when it comes to people with a public platform like Aaronovitch. I don't think he's lying now; I think he was lying before! He's always been on the home team I reckon but cowardice won the day. Look at Melanie Phillips. She's his Times colleague and she knew the score from the start so it's not an editorial issue. He just didn't fancy the pushback.

Isn't he a Tory too? You know, somebody who's supposed to have conservative values?

But if any Labour columnists feel like lying now because they sense a shift then your point is bang on. Let's get debating! 😄

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I posted an email from Laura Flanders (she fancies herself a journalist) on one of these threads but I think it was deleted. Her response (after saying how much she loved Father Ted) was to wonder what Graham DID that caused him to be blacklisted.

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Brilliant !! Lots of good news for once. We all need to keep the pressure on here. Watched a BBC news item about the failures in Maternity care in 2 hospitals in England (,resulting in serious damage to Mothers as well as babies !! ) Included in the news item was an interview with a FEMALE solicitor ,who is representing 20 " families " who have been adversely affected by these failures and NOT ONCE did she say the word WOMAN ,referring to them as. " birthing people "" and " families " ! ! Made me FURIOUS !!

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"birthing people" absurd..whit gets me mair enraged is that it's a female usefull idiot mindlessly spoutin this ludicrous term. Anither example o language control. Wonder how mony transmen (sic) there are givin birth at these hospitals.

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True dat. It's treachery. That's what it is.

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Well, if any of those birthing peeps were TIMs, I'm not surprised, knowing of at least one case in the States where a TIF in labour did a pregnancy test at home - positive - but went to A&E with "tummy pains", her file said male and she sat there for hours pretending to be male while her full-term baby died in utero. Strangled by the umbilical cord. Fuppin biotch. Perhaps BBC viewers will be wondering what a "birthing body" is and fit to be tied about the term 🤬🤬🤬

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Gosh that's awful !! That poor baby ,to lose it's wee life because of a screwed up ideology totally tragic and unnecessary !!

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Considering that trans couple, the baby is perhaps better off not being raised by one of these women. Testosterone is probably not good for anyone, but it's especially not good for women. A TIF in Maine with a history of mental health problems was given testosterone by a doctor and then went into a grocery store and stabbed an older woman to her death. Last I heard the TIF referred to herself as she when her sentence was handed down. I wish the family of the victim had understood what had happened so they could sue the blasted doctor.

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Thanks for saying this, especially about how the “baby” is better off.

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Nae wurds tae express ma horror. Still ragin at the thought that this madness is gaun unchallenged by those in positions o power.

We will no bloody wheesht. 🤬🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💚🤍💜

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Oh, lots of good news to cheer us up, fuck knows we need it! Thanks JL!

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Thank you!

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Thank you JL! I like the good news. I read the Helen Joyce book - like all Economist writers, she does not waste a single word. It is excellent, apart from I have never seen the Matrix! I now don't want to! There was a massive article on it yesterday on the DailyMail online, loads of detail.

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Thank you, Louise!

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I’ve just finished reading trans this afternoon and then read the good news supplement. Did my mental health the world of good knowing that there is a glimmer of a turning tide and more mainstream coverage of the issues of self ID will help peak the wider public. Thank you for all your hard work JL

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Ah thank you so much, Mel. That's very much appreciated xx

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Wow jist WOW. Ma spirit took wings at a' the guid news this update brings. A HUGE thanks Gaham. 🥰

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I’ve just signed up for a zoom meeting QA with Helen Joyce on mumsnet next Tuesday 😁

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These "Good News Supplements" do winders for morale. I don't think we're at the beginning of the end of the war on women, but we are at the end of the beginning (to use the words of an old misogynist). We can win it, though, and we must - women and men of the future will have little good to say of us if we don't.

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"... wonders.. ", not "winders"!

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Thanks, Jeremy! Yes, I think the tide is turning. We must keep up the good fight and, yes, we WILL win!

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is the last post re Parsley a piss take or he really means it? think its the heat..

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I wasn't sure but, having checked out the account, it seems solidly GC so I think they're taking the piss!

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good to hear - very clever

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Made me lol either way 🤣

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