What an avalanche of bad news for girls and women this week. It's clear that powerful forces throughout the west are waging a war against our dignity, privacy, safety, bodily autonomy, and ability to organize politically outside the presence of men.

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I'm afraid you're right, Cynthia. Gender ideology has provided MRAs and misogynists etc with the perfect tool with which to silence and vilify women and dismantle the rights we spent decades fighting so hard for.

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Your referring to the "West" prompts me to wonder whether or not or to what extent Gender Ideology has permeated Eastern European or countries much further east.

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That police story... Dreadful. And anyway I thought they weren't meant to record "non-crime hate incidents" any more?

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That's what I thought, too (following the Harry's recent legal victory), but I'll have to double check the details.

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And while in London at least, the Child Q story is still very raw.

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Yes... as it should be. What an appalling story that was.

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Poor poor girls nowadays , I feel so sorry for them

As an aside can’t help but feel that the trans men are ugly fuckers

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Can’t help seeing the obvious here about the NZ transman - ie. she’s all about wanting to be considered a man, but also wants to pick and choose the terms of that.

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Yes, absolutely. I have every sympathy for her but it's not just 'TERFs' who know that sex is real and important, is it?

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Just ask those transbians if they include other transbians in their dating pool! Or male, heterosexual 'allies' if they would include transwomen in theirs!

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Yes it's funny how the trans identified male 'lesbians' never want to date each other! Another of those Schrödinger's trans conundrums. Like why do middle aged men not require any hormones or surgery to literally be women but teenagers must be rushed into medicalisation asap?! And, if it's definitely not a mental illness, why must gender reassignment surgery be available on the NHS...?

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deletedApr 11, 2022Liked by JL
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Yes... I learned it on here!

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Talking to someone recently whose daughter is all TWAW & her mum feels she can't say anything because daughter's best friend (since pre-school) Is now trans. They still share a bed or tents at festivals etc but the daughter was alarmed when one of their other friends, a TiM, was joining them at a festival. She was worried the ' transwoman' might want to join them in the girls tent. They do know what's real and what's not, they just don't want to admit it.

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Probably think its all a game or a toy that can popped back in the box when they are bored with it. Yet, don't understand the long reaching physical affects that particular "toy" will have on the individual's body/mind and the far reaching affects on society.

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All of these stories make my blood boil ,once more ! Rape and sexual abuse culture being introduced right under our noses 😡 Absolutely Nothing justifies any of this. Obviously devised by some of the most evil people on the planet and how elected officials ,academics and all the rest of the wokery can support and enable this ,is really mystifying. They must ALL.hate women very much and see children as nothing more than sex toys and guinea pigs for their experiments.Evil beyond imagining. Thanks ,JL.,for letting us know . 👏👏 Without you and others like you ,we would still be in the dark about much of this ,considering large sectors of the media.are either promoting this or ignoring it altogether.xx💓



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Thank you Susan. I do appreciate being appreciated!

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The Prison Officers at Polmont will need plenty big poo bags for the exercise yard next week when 'Sophie' decides he's had enough of being a baby girl and identifies as a Labradoodle.

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LOL! Though I shouldn't laugh... it's bound to happen!

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Why does David Smith look like Chris Chan?

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I think as reporters of what is going on we should not accept the LGBTQ++ designation that we are offered. As we know many lesbians and gays do not accept trans ideology which is actually homophobic as well as hating/erasing women. Awkward to do in practice as organisations dominated by TI take LGBTQ+ as part of their title or designation but it is used as a stalking horse to legitimate their own ends but we need to challenge the designation and certainly the use of the term


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Regarding the University of Washington nonsense, it's important to realize that medical journals, universities, hospitals, etc, are wholly captured due to their dependence on federal government agencies for grants. Therefore, they will say and do anything to please their masters. I would prefer to use the word whoremongers rather than masters, but these are not respectable whores, just white-collar criminals who will do and say anything for money. And I will say again that this has been going on for decades, so trans is just the latest flavor.

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deletedApr 11, 2022Liked by JL
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I did sympathize with her, but for many of the women who want to claim they are men, I don't want them in women's spaces.

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