what do these f-ing sporting bodies thing will happen to women’s professional sport if the grass roots experience excludes and discriminates against women. Just so angry at this. I’ve become so intolerant now. Theres a show on netflix out now -which i won’t watch, with Will Ferrol and his trans friend who’s come out after years and he’s …
what do these f-ing sporting bodies thing will happen to women’s professional sport if the grass roots experience excludes and discriminates against women. Just so angry at this. I’ve become so intolerant now. Theres a show on netflix out now -which i won’t watch, with Will Ferrol and his trans friend who’s come out after years and he’s trans and thats a real
thing if you’re rich and talented enough. Fine dickhead dress how you like but don’t take whats not yours and be aware that your public example is putting vulnerable children at risk from this utter poison. And adults with mental health issues too. Just one big fucking wank fest for these rich men. Sick of it.
I've never been a conspiracy theorist before, but each time I read "backlash against feminism", a lot of the trans madness seems easier to explain... For example why should sports bodies allow women-only sports, now their growing popularity might even threaten the huge revenues from male sports? And what better way to destroy women's sports than by allowing men in? When it only takes a couple of male narcissists/psychopaths muscling onto a "women's" team, plus the risk of serious injury, for real women to REFUSE to play? Mission accomplished! Let women get back to the kitchen where they belong.
It's 100% a backlash against feminism - and ongoing backlash - enabled by the relentless smearing of feminism and feminists as 'man-hating' that has always kept true feminism at the margins of public debate and decision making. NSW is my home state and that picture of the women parliamentarians cheering the eradication of women's rights to stop indulging sexist men in their determination to diminish and dominate us and make a mockery of our hard-won rights, is truly depressing.
thanks Ms Terfin, I’ll get that on a t shirt i think! Bloody hell, i want to scream at how mental the world has got. Its like post smart phones the focus is all about the individual, its like bloody old testament looking at our society, you know those great empires that fell because they lost their way so fundamentally. Thats how this era is looking i reckon. Just collapsing under its own self belief and self worship. Oh well what do i know. Have a nice evening Ms Terfin.
what do these f-ing sporting bodies thing will happen to women’s professional sport if the grass roots experience excludes and discriminates against women. Just so angry at this. I’ve become so intolerant now. Theres a show on netflix out now -which i won’t watch, with Will Ferrol and his trans friend who’s come out after years and he’s trans and thats a real
thing if you’re rich and talented enough. Fine dickhead dress how you like but don’t take whats not yours and be aware that your public example is putting vulnerable children at risk from this utter poison. And adults with mental health issues too. Just one big fucking wank fest for these rich men. Sick of it.
Oh me too, CB. Me too...
I've never been a conspiracy theorist before, but each time I read "backlash against feminism", a lot of the trans madness seems easier to explain... For example why should sports bodies allow women-only sports, now their growing popularity might even threaten the huge revenues from male sports? And what better way to destroy women's sports than by allowing men in? When it only takes a couple of male narcissists/psychopaths muscling onto a "women's" team, plus the risk of serious injury, for real women to REFUSE to play? Mission accomplished! Let women get back to the kitchen where they belong.
It's 100% a backlash against feminism - and ongoing backlash - enabled by the relentless smearing of feminism and feminists as 'man-hating' that has always kept true feminism at the margins of public debate and decision making. NSW is my home state and that picture of the women parliamentarians cheering the eradication of women's rights to stop indulging sexist men in their determination to diminish and dominate us and make a mockery of our hard-won rights, is truly depressing.
Me too! And there’s nothing wrong with being intolerant of this evil insanity cb.
thanks Ms Terfin, I’ll get that on a t shirt i think! Bloody hell, i want to scream at how mental the world has got. Its like post smart phones the focus is all about the individual, its like bloody old testament looking at our society, you know those great empires that fell because they lost their way so fundamentally. Thats how this era is looking i reckon. Just collapsing under its own self belief and self worship. Oh well what do i know. Have a nice evening Ms Terfin.
There’s lots of TV that I refuse to watch and books that I refuse to read.
I’m just glad I watched and read most before all this shite started
Cancelled Netflix a long time ago