thanks Ms Terfin, I’ll get that on a t shirt i think! Bloody hell, i want to scream at how mental the world has got. Its like post smart phones the focus is all about the individual, its like bloody old testament looking at our society, you know those great empires that fell because they lost their way so fundamentally. Thats how this era is looking i reckon. Just collapsing under its own self belief and self worship. Oh well what do i know. Have a nice evening Ms Terfin.
Me too! And there’s nothing wrong with being intolerant of this evil insanity cb.
thanks Ms Terfin, I’ll get that on a t shirt i think! Bloody hell, i want to scream at how mental the world has got. Its like post smart phones the focus is all about the individual, its like bloody old testament looking at our society, you know those great empires that fell because they lost their way so fundamentally. Thats how this era is looking i reckon. Just collapsing under its own self belief and self worship. Oh well what do i know. Have a nice evening Ms Terfin.