Monday 14th October - I Can’t Believe It’s Not Satire #1
REDUXX: Two trans-identified male players competed against each other in the semi-final of a women’s pool championship.
While it may not seem immediately obvious, pool is a game affected by sex. The initial break, a vital factor in influencing the outcome of a match, depends on upper body strength. Making the ‘bridge’ to support the cue is determined by the size and strength of one’s hand and affects every shot. Height and reach when extending across the table are also important factors. Furthermore, there are social considerations; pool halls and snooker clubs were and continue to be male-dominated. There are innumerable men’s and open pool events but few female-only competitions.
In August 2023, the World Eight Ball Federation (WEPF), pool’s governing body, and Ultimate Pool, ‘home to the world's most exciting 8-ball pool circuit’, announced that their women’s tournaments in 2024 would only be for ‘those born female’. In October 2023, just eight weeks later, both bodies reneged on that policy, replacing it with regulations which allow male players to compete in female events if their testosterone remains below a certain level. It has been suggested that their sudden about-turn was the result of trans-identified male player, Harriet (formerly Christopher) Haynes, threatening them with litigation.

The English Blackball Pool Federation (EBPF) retains a female-only policy and its women’s competitions are not open to trans-identified males. As a consequence, Harriet Haynes took legal action against the EBPF, a small and volunteer-run organisation, alleging discrimination on the grounds of gender reassignment.
33-year-old Haynes was in the news again this week. He was one of two trans-identified males taking part in a semi-final of a supposedly women-only tournament.
Over the weekend of 12th/13th October, Ultimate Pool hosted a mini series tournament in the UK. Of the 64 competitors who entered in the women’s category, two – Harriet Haynes and Lucy Smith - were male. The pair ended up facing each other in the semi-final. An all-male semi-final in a women’s tournament. You really couldn’t make it up.
Haynes eventually won the semi-final by 5 frames to 3. In the final he played against Kirsty-Lee Davies. He initially dominated the match, leading 5 frames to 2 at one point. Davies then won four frames in a row, in a ‘phenomenal comeback’ and Haynes was ultimately the tournament runner-up.
We have reported previously on the courageous women of the professional pool circuit who are trying to defend the integrity of their sport. Alexandra Cunha, one of the world’s top-ranking female players, refuses to compete against trans-identified males. Lynne Pinches, Jo Hobday and Kim O’Brien have all withdrawn from major competitions rather than compete against Harriet Haynes.
In December last year The Daily Mail reported that thirty professional female pool players are suing the World Eightball Pool Federation over its policy of allowing trans-identified males to play in women’s categories.
For more information and to support the case, see their CrowdJustice page here.
Tuesday 15th October - This Never Happens
A man who sexually abused his own daughter throughout her childhood and traded obscene images of her online with other paedophiles is now out of prison and has a brand new female identity.
Clive Bundy sexually abused his own daughter for almost a decade, the abuse starting when she was eight years old. He also traded obscene images with other paedophiles and was arrested after police discovered photographs of his daughter online. In 2016 Bundy was convicted of numerous child sex offences and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. Having served only half his sentence, he was released from prison last year.
61-year-old Bundy, who fathered eight children, started ‘identifying as a woman’ while incarcerated and now calls himself Claire Fox. (It is surely no coincidence that he is using the name of a prominent gender critical feminist, Baroness Fox of Buckley, who frequently speaks out against the harms of gender ideology?)
Bundy’s victim, Ceri-Lee Galvin, has courageously waived her right to anonymity in order to draw attention to this case. She was absolutely stunned when her victim liaison officer informed her of her father’s new ‘gender identity’. She was further shocked to discover that she had only been told of her abuser’s ‘transition’ because he had given his permission; had he not consented for this information to be passed on, Ceri-Lee and her family would be none the wiser.

Speaking to Andrew Gold on his Heretics podcast this week, Ceri-Lee described her ordeal at her father’s hands. Not only did he groom her from birth and abuse her from a very young age, he traded obscene images of her and forced her to engage with other paedophiles online.
She recalls that her father was a cocky and masculine man who enjoyed having power and control over his family. She said he was extremely proud of being male and was aggressively violent to her siblings. “When he was abusing me, he was very aware of his genitals as a man and was very proud of them.”

She also spoke of her shock and fear learning that her abuser now identifies as trans. She told Andrew Gold of all the benefits Bundy enjoyed in prison - such a living in segregated accommodation and having his wig and make-up etc funded by the tax payer - due to his ‘gender identity’. She also commented that all of the official correspondence she received about him, such as information re his parole hearings, referred to him with female pronouns.
Posting on X/Twitter this week, Ceri-Lee shared a parole summary she had received about her father. It refers to Bundy as ‘she’ and ‘her’ throughout and calls him ‘Ms Fox’. It states that he was not eligible for any accredited sex offender behaviour programmes. This is entirely due to his trans status. For obvious reasons, there are no sex offender behaviour programmes for women and, because he says he is one, the prison system now deems Bundy to be a woman.
Ceri-Lee said, “Reading a parole summary on why Clive was released early and having to continuously read ‘she’ is absolutely atrocious and completely disregards the fact that the person who raped me was my male father”.
In July last year The Daily Mail published an article suggesting that, on his release from prison, Bundy lived in a sheltered accommodation unit for older people. His 74-year-old neighbour, Lyn Robinson, had no idea of his criminal past and took Bundy under her wing. She told the paper, “I thought she [sic] might find it difficult fitting in so I really took care of her [sic]. I gave her [sic] clothes and even lent her [sic] £70, which is a lot for a pensioner. I took her [sic] to the food bank at the Baptist Church where she [sic] was given loads of stuff including vouchers for a butcher in town and for a coffee shop. And we went to a concert at St Edward's Church where I introduced her [sic] to the vicar. I had no idea of her [sic] history”.

Ceri-Lee Galvin told Andrew Gold that she was certain Bundy would be using his trans identity to access women-only spaces. She also made the point that, with documentation which shows only his new name and ‘gender’, Bundy could easily evade a DBS check. Of his new ‘gender identity’ she said, “He’s done it to hide… And he’s using it to his absolute advantage.”
Also Today - I Can’t Believe It’s Not Satire #2
REDUXX: A trans-identified male writer is pursuing legal action against those who refuse to validate his gender identity.
Li Kotomi is a well-known author who, originally from Taiwan, has been based in Japan since 2013. He’s a trans-identified male but his work frequently involves themes relating to womanhood, lesbianism and relationships between women.
In 2021 Li was awarded the Akutagawa Prize for his novel ‘The Island Where the Red Spider Lilies Bloom’. Established in 1935 and presented for emerging literary talent, the prestigious award comes with prize money of ¥1,000,000 (just under £5,000). Li’s winning novel features two 17-year-old girls, stranded on a female-only island, who embark on an intimate relationship.

Critics of Li’s work have pointed out that he is a man who colonises both womanhood and lesbianism. As a consequence, Li has filed numerous defamation lawsuits against those refusing to believe in his gender identity. He has been assisted in pursuing such action by influential trans lobby group, the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR). Last year he began touting for and accepting financial donations to help fund these ‘slander lawsuits’.

Over the past two years, Li has filed defamation claims against at least nine individuals over social media comments correctly referring to him as male. The majority of individuals against whom Li has filed legal actions have been women. The total amount of financial compensation awarded to Li thus far is known to be at least ¥ 865,000 (around £4,500) in addition to an undisclosed amount that he has received from his online crowdfunding.
Who knew that being a man who objects to being called a man could be so lucrative?
Wednesday 16th October - Just Joshing
THE DAILY MAIL: A US reality TV star maintained a public transgender identity for over four months as a hoax to highlight the issues with gender ideology.
Josh Seiter is a US reality TV and social media personality who first came to public attention when he appeared in the 2015 series of The Batchelorette. In May this year, Seiter ‘came out’ as trans in an emotional Instagram post.
Asking to be called ‘J’, he continued to post on social media, charting his transgender ‘journey’.
While some commentators were sceptical, Seiter was, of course, immediately believed by many, with numerous media outlets all too quick to respect his preferred pronouns and gush over his ‘stunning and brave’ new gender identity.
His bio from a Batchelorette fandom site suddenly referred to him with female pronouns and described him as ‘transgender’.
Ace Showbiz reported that “Seiter struggled with her gender identity from a young age” and that “She publicly came out as transgender”.
Edge Media Network spoke of Seiter “Coming out as a transgender woman” and “Deciding to live in her truth”.
The Daily Express US wrote that “The 37-year-old Chicago native isn’t letting the backlash get to her, as she stays confident and true to herself”.
US Magazine reported that Seiter “Opened up about the hate she has received since coming out as transgender”.
The Hollywood Gossip, while expressing some doubts about Seiter’s new gender, referred to him as she/her throughout its article on him and concluded, “None of us can control what Josh Seiter does. However, adopting her updated pronouns is an easy thing to do and the only decent reaction”.
This week, in an interview with Blaze TV’s Alex Stein, Seiter admitted that his ‘gender identity’ had been an elaborate hoax intended to demonstrate how ‘ridiculous’ trans ideology is. “I hope that this could help some people understand that just because you put on dresses and makeup as a man doesn’t magically make you a woman”.
He told The Daily Mail, “The fact that millions of people are debating if I am a woman after living for 37 years as the man I am anatomically says all that needs to be said about how shallow the intellectual waters are that we are wading in with the trans movement and gender ideology”.
Now that the truth has been revealed, of course, prominent gender zealots are bitterly decrying Seiter and his ‘experiment’. Pink News said his stunt was ‘pointless’, ‘weird’ and ‘offensive’. Its article states that “Seiter’s warped standards for what it means to be a woman, cis or trans, mean nothing”.
In that case, perhaps Pink News could explain to us what the difference is between this man putting on make-up and claiming to be a woman…
And this man putting on make-up and claiming to be a woman?
Or this man putting on make-up and claiming to be a woman?
Also Today - These Are Not Our Crimes
A trans-identified male accused of sexually assaulting and threatening to stab a fourteen year old boy is being referred to as a woman by the police and local news.
This week 51-year-old Osareen Omoruyi is standing trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with three counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
Omoruyi is a trans-identified male yet, when reporting on the trial, The Oxford Mail ran the headline “Woman accused of threatening to stab teen if he didn't have sex with her”. The article referred to Omoruyi as a woman and used female pronouns with which to refer to him throughout. The only indication of his true sex was right at the end of the article, stating that the intimate swabs taken at the time of his arrest ‘revealed the defendant is biologically male’.
When first reporting on this story in February, The Oxford Mail stated that a ‘woman’ had been charged with child sex offences.
Similarly, The Witney Gazette ran the same story, describing Osareen Omoruyi as a woman and using female pronouns with which to refer to him.
Even the Thames Valley Police press release described Osareen Omoruyi as a woman.
Omoruyi is accused of engaging a 14-year-old boy in conversation on the evening of 7th February, beckoning him over to the bench on which he was sitting. The court heard that Omoruyi encouraged the boy to drink large quantities of alcohol and threatened to stab him if he tried to escape or he refused to do as he was instructed. The boy later told police that he felt ‘helpless’ and feared he would ‘fall over’ if he tried to run away due to the alcohol he had consumed.
Omoruyi allegedly took the boy to a nearby wooded area where, it is reported, he sexually assaulted him and tried to force him into sexual activity. The pair were spotted by police officers around midnight when the boy mouthed ‘help me’. Omoruyi was then arrested.
The trial continues.
Also Today - Leave Them Kids Alone
THE TELEGRAPH: Despite the recommendations of the Cass Review, GPs at NHS Lothian are instructed to refer gender-distressed youngsters to trans lobby groups.
New guidance issued to family doctors by NHS Lothian, Scotland’s second-largest health board, recommends that GPs refer teenagers to an organisation called LGBT Health and Wellbeing. This is a charity which advertises ‘affirmative counselling’ to gender-confused people aged 16 and above. Its services are offered to “All trans, nonbinary and gender non-conforming people, as well as people with trans history, those who cross-dress or are exploring their gender”.
LGBT Health and Wellbeing has issued a ‘position statement on trans equality’. This document expresses support for self-ID legislation, maintains the now debunked suicide ideation rhetoric, demands that trans-identified males should have access to female-only spaces even without a GRC and erroneously claims that ‘non-binary’ identities are covered by the Equality Act 2010. More shockingly, the group asserts that using the ‘wrong’ (ie correctly sexed) pronouns and refusing to validate a ‘trans identity’ constitute domestic abuse. According to The Telegraph, the group has previously promoted the transition of a five-year-old child.
Yet this is the group to which NHS Lothian believes vulnerable gender non-conforming youngsters aged 16-17 should be signposted. Furthermore, it recommends a group called Glitter Cannons for children aged twelve and above. According to The Telegraph, this group has made social media posts asserting ideological statements such as ‘trans men are men’ and denigrating JK Rowling.
Trina Budge of For Women Scotland told The Telegraph, “It appears that rather than Cass review being adopted in full, as had been promised, ideologues are still calling the shots in the Scottish NHS”.
In similar news from Westminster this week, Conservative MP for West Suffolk, Nick Timothy, raised a serious issue in the House of Commons. He pointed out that an NHS foundation trust is advertising roles for psychologists to work with children who have gender dysphoria. The job advertisement states that applicants must practise ‘in a gender affirmative manner’. This is in direct contradiction to the Cass Review which recommends a move away from the affirmation model and, instead, endorses an in-depth ‘holistic and personal’ assessment to interrogate underlying reasons for a child’s gender issues.
Nick Timothy asked for a statement from the Health Secretary on the implementation of the Cass Review.
Leader of the House of Commons, Lucy Powell, gave Timothy a dismissive response which implied that he should not have raised the issue in case it caused ‘mental upset’ to those suffering with gender dysphoria. She counselled him to be ‘careful’ when discussing the Cass Review.
Thursday 17th October - The Not So Good Samaritans
THE TELEGRAPH: A Samaritans volunteer was suspended and investigated after challenging the charity’s sign-posting to a controversial trans lobby group.
Dr Robert Leverick, an academic at the University of Leeds, was a listening volunteer at the Samaritans, a charity which provides a helpline service for people in emotional distress or at risk of suicide.
In July, Robert posted on his personal X/Twitter account in response to an independent report by Professor Louis Appleby, an expert on suicide prevention. This report debunked the claim of trans activists that banning puberty blockers increases child suicides. Robert wrote, “As a Samaritan listening volunteer, will the charity stand with Prof Appleby and condemn the false and irresponsible suicide claims around those whom are questioning their gender and reconsider our signposting list to remove harmful groups?” In a later post, he cited Gendered Intelligence as an example.
Founded in 2008, Gendered Intelligence is a registered charity that “Works to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve the lives of trans people”. They describe themselves as “A trans-led and trans-involving” organisation and say that their aim is “To be thought leaders” in this field. Much of GI’s work focuses on children and adolescents and it runs workshops for so-called ‘trans kids’ as young as five. It delivers training in schools, including primary schools, lying to kids that they can change sex and encouraging them to explore their ‘gender’.
Gendered Intelligence runs ‘in person’ youth groups which cater for ages 8-25. These spaces, it says, “Give young people the opportunity to get together, meet other trans, non-binary and gender-questioning people and speak to trustworthy adults who are also trans”. There’s also a youth group specifically focusing on medical and social transition.
There are GI swimming sessions run by ‘trans and non-binary youth workers’ for youngsters ranging in age from 11 - 25. Attendees are invited to ‘wear whatever swimwear makes you feel comfortable’.
The group runs residentials and camping trips for 11-17 year olds. “They are great opportunities to spend more in-person time with other trans and nonbinary young people…” And they don’t involve parents, presumably?
Gendered Intelligence was co-founded by its current CEO, trans-identified female, Jay Stewart. She adheres to ‘queer theory’ and the notion that ‘gender identity’ supersedes material reality. During a Ted Talk given in 2015 Stewart opines as ‘absurd’ that legal sex only includes male and female categories and that sex is defined by biology.
Stewart uses the title Doctor but has no medical or psychological expertise (the title refers to her doctorate on the representation of trans people on British television). Nevertheless, she wrote an article for The Journal of Child Psychotherapy in 2018 in which she advised psychologists that they should dispense with ‘gender dysphoria’ as a clinical term and should not approach it as a mental health condition.
Heather Brunskell-Evans wrote about Gendered Intelligence in The Critic two years ago. She highlighted its belief in ‘the trans child’ and its adherence to an affirmation-only policy when treating gender dysphoria. “Gendered Intelligence, a children’s charity and sister to Mermaids, is flying under the radar of public scrutiny despite safeguarding breaches and the flouting of new NHS guidelines”, she wrote. “This organisation should be put under a critical spotlight.”
So Dr Robert Leverick was quite right to voice his concern about the Samaritans recommending Gendered Intelligence to distressed and vulnerable people.
Only a week after his social media comments, Robert was informed by the Samaritans that a complaint had been made about him. He was suspended from his role and became the subject of an investigation carried out by the Samaritans Central Office. During the next two months, he was interviewed by a panel from the charity on three separate occasions.
Robert says that his concerns about Gendered Intelligence were ignored.
Speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV, Robert said, “It seems baffling to me that when child safeguarding is a potential concern, the whole point of safeguarding is that all and every concern that is raised is considered and it seems to me that has been been overlooked in this instance. That is the concern I was raising”.
Friday 18th October - It’s Just Not Cricket
THE TELEGRAPH: The ECB has decided that women playing cricket at grass roots level must accept trans-identified males in their sport.
The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) announced its long-awaited ‘transgender participation policy’ this week. It will operate a two-tiered system under which trans-identified males will be barred from professional and semi-professional women’s cricket but not from grass-roots teams. At amateur levels, trans-identified males will be able to ‘self identify’ onto women’s teams (and, presumably, into women’s showers and changing rooms).
According to The Telegraph, there are barely a hundred professional female cricketers in the country, whereas thousands of women and girls play cricket at a grass roots level. The ECB’s policy will impact the overwhelming majority of female cricketers in England and Wales.
Fiona McAnena, director of campaigns at Sex Matters, commented that this policy makes no sense. She said, “Anyone who has ever played cricket knows that it’s neither fair nor safe for women to face male bowlers and batsmen, yet that is what most amateur female cricketers will have to do if men are included in women’s competition. And they will have no grounds to object. The message to women and girls from ECB seems to be that unless you’re a top player, you don’t get fair play. This policy will put promising girls and women off the game before they ever have a chance to progress to elite level”.
This policy is certainly, at the least, very short-sighted and must surely impact the pipeline of player development. In April 2022 Fair Play For Women compiled a dossier, with extracts published by The Daily Mail, of women dropping out of amateur and community sports over the participation of trans-identified males. In one example, a parent was concerned about the safety of girls, one as young as 12, asked to play cricket against a team containing a trans identified male. “I find that unacceptable, uncomfortable and dangerous, both morally and physically.”
In addition to the obvious issue of fairness, including males in female cricket has very serious safety implications. Injuries in cricket are prevalent enough without forcing women to compete with or against males.
A 2013 Telegraph article discussed (and rapidly dismissed) the possibility of a woman playing on the English men’s cricket team. It explained that the idea is not viable given that physical strength and power are essential in cricket. Men bowl around 20% faster and hit balls further and much harder than women. (That's why the women's game uses slightly smaller and lighter balls and a shorter boundary.) “A full-blooded whack from a female cricketer only goes two-thirds the way that a man's hit goes.”
There are currently 17 peer-reviewed studies all demonstrating that a male puberty cannot be mitigated against when it comes to sporting performance. All of the scientific evidence demonstrates that, even after reducing testosterone levels, males retain numerous physical and physiological advantages over women and any loss of muscle mass and strength etc is negligible.
As Oliver Brown, The Telegraph’s chief sports writer, puts it, “You do not need a doctorate in developmental biology to grasp the potential dangers of a middle-aged man hurling a hard leather ball at a 12-year-old girl”.
In his Telegraph article, Brown points out that the ECB’s declared desire for ‘inclusion’ and ‘balance’ is unattainable. “It has already been established by the Sports Councils’ Equality Group (SCEG) in the UK, in a report released in 2021, that a balancing act is impossible. Its conclusions state: ‘The inclusion of transgender people into female sport cannot be balanced regarding transgender inclusion, fairness and safety in gender-affected sport where there is meaningful competition.’”
Brown concludes, “What the ECB and so many similar bodies still neglect to note, through their obsession with the gospel of “inclusion”, is that the female category is itself an inclusion measure, enabling women and girls to pursue sport on equal terms. If you fail to defend this, then you forfeit the right to keep parroting the inclusion rhetoric that you claim to champion”.
In 2022, trans-identified male cricketer and social commentator, Cate McGregor, expressed his regret for having played cricket on a women’s team as it was unfair for him to have done so. He said, “If you're playing first-grade cricket at 63, which I was, that says a lot about the inherent advantages I had.”
A message for the ECB; be more Cate.
Also Today - NSW Passes Self-ID Bill
WFA: New South Wales has passed legislation allowing trans-identified males to legally change their sex without any medical diagnoses or alteration required.
This week the New South Wales government passed the Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2024 which allows anyone to change their legal sex on their birth certificate without requiring any medical diagnosis or treatment or any physical alteration. Non-binary will be an option which people can record. This means that fully intact males will be able to change their sex and have unfettered access to female-only spaces, roles and opportunities.
Furthermore, minors will also be able to legally change their sex, “Encouraging them further down a process of ‘social transitioning’, towards the track of harmful and irreversible ‘medical transitioning’”, as Rachel Wong points out.
Saturday 19th October - A Room of One’s Own
THE DAILY MAIL: School authorities are being wrongly advised that they are legally obliged to allow trans-identified males to use female-only facilities.
The National Governance Association (NGA) is the membership association for governors, trustees, and governance professionals in England’s state schools and trusts. It has over 80,000 members.
The NGA operates training sessions for its members and the details of one such training course was shared with The Daily Mail by a chair of governors at a secondary academy. As part of its equality and diversity course, the NGA advises schools that they must allow trans-identified teachers to use ‘all toilet and shower facilities’ in accordance with their self-declared gender identity rather than their sex.
The training module states, “Employees who have undergone gender reassignment or who are transgender must be supported to use all toilet and shower facilities which are available to other members of their newly acquired gender”. The NGA said that its guidance is intended to help school governors form staffing policies in line with the Equality Act.
Maya Forstater told The Daily Mail that the NGA training is inaccurate. “Nowhere in the Equality Act does it say that men who identify as women have the right to access female toilets”, she said. “The Equality Act protects transgender people so that they can't be harassed or discriminated against... It doesn't give them an all-access pass to opposite-sex facilities. It is deeply disturbing that school governors are being misinformed by the NGA in a way that breaches the rights of teachers and other staff to basic privacy and dignity”.
Sunday 20th October - This Unsporting Life
THE TELEGRAPH: A teenage girl who plays on a local football team faces disciplinary action after asking a bearded trans-identified male if he’s a man.
The subject of the article is a 17-year-old girl, currently on the assessment pathway for autism, who plays for a local women’s football team. During a recent pre-season friendly against another team, she was concerned about the presence of a trans-identified male player who is described as having a beard.
The girl asked the male whether or not he’s a man and then raised her concerns with the match referee. She said that she was concerned about her own safety “After already suffering a number of overly physical challenges”. The opposition team captain later confronted the girl during a drinks break and told her that she should not have an issue competing against a trans opponent.
The opposition team later lodged a complaint about the teenager though Kick It Out, an anti-discrimination watchdog. Both the trans-identified male player and the squad captain accused the girl of ‘persistent transphobia’. She has subsequently been charged by her county FA and faces a 12-game ban - effectively barring her for an entire season - if found guilty.
The girl told the The Telegraph, “The moment the player clarified they were transgender, which I previously hadn’t considered, I respected their answer fully, dropped the situation and immediately shifted my focus back to the game before seeking guidance from the referee. At no point was my question meant to be hurtful or malicious as I only intended to seek clarity in an unfamiliar situation”.
She added that her concern was purely for her own safety. “I raised a concern about the risk of serious injury as a 17-year-old girl playing against a biological male who was much larger than me and a very physical player, which was possibly a safety issue as I did not want to get dangerously injured right before the start of the new season. Despite this, I made it clear that if the player met the eligibility criteria of the FA I would respect the rules and accept the risk involved in continuing to play the match.”
The girl’s mother told The Telegraph that there are two trans-identified males playing on the opposition team. “They’ve both obviously gone through full male puberty, so they’re bigger, faster, stronger in every way than the girls that they’re playing against.” She said that the action taken against her daughter is ‘hugely unfair’, adding, “I’m just furious, but I’m generally furious about this whole issue.”
We know just how she feels.
See you next week.
It’s still stunning to see proof of how women and girls just don’t matter at all in so many spheres of life. And we thought we had it sorted…..
i don’t think teachers should be allowed to present their gender identity to children in schools because it it removes the possibility for children to openly contest the belief system.