The one that stands out for me is the Muslim woman who refused to take off her head scarf. One of the many many evil effects of this ideology is that women of certain faiths can't attend single-sex events any more, so they can't go to the pool or gym to exercise and socialize. And a TIM demanding that a Muslim woman remove her head scarf - just pure sadism, power-tripping and misogyny. Good on her for refusing.

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Yes definitely. “Take off your clothes, bigot,” was certainly a new one for me.

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And racism, don't forget racism. This entire 'unisex everything' is dripping with racism against Muslim Women, absolutely dripping with it. Every council which has removed their single sex public toilets/showers, every shop/gym with unisex facilities only, they're all guilty of the most obnoxious form of racism. Book 'em, Dan O

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It was fairly recently that I am saw an article covering a story where a govt office had spent thousands on new toilets that were "inclusive" of all(?) genders only to find out that practically no one felt comfortable using them. Probably earned them some brownie points and a gold star 🌟 from Stonewall, but to what end? Useless.

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I think it was the Home Office? I'm sure I remember reading that most of the women were popping out to other departments to use the toilet because of the bloody awful state of the 'gender neutral' ones and the blokes leaving doors wide open etc etc... But, yeah, no doubt they got a shiny Stonewall badge.

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Such toilets are also racist, as Muslim women cannot use such spaces now being used by males. I've no idea how so many places have got away with this, councils/schools/corporations, etc. It's racism, pure and simple. When I flung that the exceedingly grumpy bloke on East Devon Council and asked him to comment, he said he couldn't comment. In Exmouth, on the seafront, the old men/women toilet blocks are now male urinals in the old male toilets, whilst the men have to use the former women's toilets to poo in, and the women have no spaces of their own, albeit, Mr.Grumpy did hang a 'women only' sign on ONE of the doors, meaning that there is now just ONE toilet for all the women holiday makers and their children, and that's in what is now a mixed room with stranger men. I went bandanny at him. He was fuming, a real 'STOP INTERRUPTING ME!' males, who constantly was interrupting me, so I let him have it, with both Bloody Irritating Woman barrels open...Awful little squirt...so misogynistic! Apparently, EDC is having a meeting soon, about the toilets as there's a govt survey....so, it will be interesting to see if they go back to single sex toilets...These people are nuts, especially in holiday places, at tourists just won't return. I did point this out too....Same here in Torquay, right across the bay now, 3 towns, all going unisex...blocks of 25 toilets replaced with 5 unisex kiosks in Preston, right next to the beach...In the end, it was SO awful that The Peeing & The Pooing was being done all over the place....AND, Torbay Council are charging people to use these dirty, disgusting kiosks too.

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Looks like their mask of intersectionality is slipping there.

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It shows that when it comes to choosing between trans people and Muslim people (or, more specifically, trans males and Muslim females), sexism- oops I mean trans males- wins out every time.

She should have called them all Islamophobic, but I’m sure she is too kind.

Everyone on that Reddit page was calling her the asshole, too. What a sad state of affairs.

It’s not only Muslim and Jewish Orthodox and other women of faith who are excluded from public life by self-ID legislation. So is any woman uncomfortable being nude around or sharing vulnerable spaces with an adult male. This includes a lot of survivors of sexual assault. (Again, rape victims lose out to special men with hurt feelings. “Work through your trauma, or stay home!”)

I am afraid to attend the women only gym I’d like to attend- because they attract these guys; what’s supposed to be a safe space for me to exercise without the presence of males no longer is. I cannot start the women’s only writing group I’ve been wanting to start for years. I want it to be female only, and it will inevitably attract men, and the whole thing will be ruined, because the presence of one man can make a whole group of women act differently, cater to him, not speak up, or feel uncomfortable, particularly with writing about difficult subjects.

I’m also affected in my career as a teacher and as a counselor. I can’t in good conscience evangelize to my students about this, and as a mandatory reporter (and a decent human being), I can’t lie to students’ parents about this, either. I was thinking of retraining as a counselor, but then I couldn’t treat people with gender gender dysphoria, or I’d risk losing my job if I didn’t instantly affirm- and I could not do that in good conscience, either. With kids I’d want to take a watchful waiting approach, and with adults I’d want to try to work through anything else going on first. And I could get fired and lose my license for that.

And a survivor, and just as as a woman, I do not want a naked man in the sauna with me at the women’s gym. I just don’t. And I think that’s fine.

This ideology affects all of us.

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I think women should now only sit in saunas armed with Posie's 'Woman: Adult Human Female' bright pink brollies, brandishing them on high if any disgusting pervert DARES to enter women's sections. That'd make their willies cower in fear.... *chortle*

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I am from the U.S. Over the weekend I read this statement by the AMA (American Medical Association) I instantly felt like I had been gut punched & could not catch my breath. I had faith that the AMA would stand with science.

I believed with all my heart that they would be the one institution that we all could count on to stand strong, & not be captured by this dangerous ideology. Wow! Do I ever feel betrayed to the core of my being. If people cannot trust the AMA to believe in & stand for science (reality) My heart breaks. I will resist!

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Scientists abandoning science is an abomination.

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Yes, exactly. Very well put. The AMA is one of the U.S. core foundations for truth in science. If this is corrupted by ideology then I can only imagine the horrors of what is to follow.

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Doctors are not scientists. They receive fairly poor vocational training then get everything they know from drug salesmen. Dr Broda Barnes was a scientist; he not only held an M.D., he had a Ph.D. he received for his dissertation on the thyroid. You do not do original research to receive an M.D., you simply repeat back the crap you are taught. Most doctors are utter conformists, never think for themselves and as a doctor my husband (a nurse) worked with said, They don't read. I don't know how anyone can expect reason from the AMA. They opposed national health care, they harm so many people one can't count their victims; all they do is push drugs and surgeries. (And I'm living proof of their butchery.)

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You sound justifiably angry. I also come from a medical family. My sister is a nurse with over 20 years experience working at our large hospital. Her husband an ER doctor is now retired. My mother worked for a prominent eye surgeon as his contact lens manager, & I was employed as a technician in surgical services until I retired. I too have heard the horror stories. I am now living one myself in regards to my severely disabled adult son, & the failure of the AMA to stand up for people that are in a similar situation such as his. I am extremely disappointed with the AMA. They came out way too late (years later) in condemning the CDC for their overzealous misguided, & dangerous opioid prescribing guidelines, that resulted in overwhelming harm to pain patients, pain doctors, and to the practice of pain management in general. I am well aware of the failings of the AMA. I understand the anger regarding the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, & the resistance for national health care in our country, & how the AMA has been an enabler of the status quo. But for the love of God I am allowed to express my disappointed in them for not standing with science on this issue of gender ideology.

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As I said they are conformists. How could anyone with the least knowledge of physiology think opioids were not addictive? But they did because the drug salesman said so! So I am not surprised that they are falling in with gender ideology. You might enjoy reading Lynne Farrow's book The Iodine Crisis in which she points out that medical care is not based on evidence, but on consensus. And when the consensus is arrived at by a roomful of brain-impaired conformists, you get U.S. "health care."

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Thank you. I will read the book.

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The horror just keeps piling up !! It's absolutely abhorrent , as well as incomprehensible , that "human beings " can behave this way towards others !! This "ideology " is totally obscene and well out of control .Nothing about it makes any sense whatsoever and there is not a shred of evidence to support ANY of it !! It's composed of lies ,science denial and pure unadulterated hatred , especially towards women ,but also towards all normal people and anyone who disagrees with their rubbish !! Beyond belief that governments have actually " bought " this !! Completely insane and unforgivable in every conceivable way and a dark time in human history !! Shame on them all !!

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Excellent summary of this madness. I couldn’t have put it better myself

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Btw ,donated to James Esses ' crowdfunder !!

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Follow the money

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We see why they had to push these policies through by stealth, knowing full-well that the overwhelming majority of the populace would think it was bonkers. I will not accept this misogynistic changing of laws as the new norm. I'm only sorry that I was so late to the fight. As I've seen so many others say before me, I started out agreeing that of course TW were women, believing it to be a kindness of pronouns. The real horrors were still in the shadows, waiting to emerge when full institutional capture had been obtained. Sharing these horror stories with friends or family often just has them shaking their head, wondering if WE are the crazy ones. How could such atrocities and absurdities be true, they must wonder. Putting male rapists in women's prisons? Surely not! A male representing a women's division of a political party and silencing women who object? That wouldn't happen! A middle-aged man competing against women in an Olympic weightlifting event? Don't be absurd! Lesbians kicked off dating apps for specifying they only want to date biological women who don't have penises? Now you're joking, right?

This stuff needs as much sunlight as we can give it. People need to wake up.

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What a bleak week.

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I've got a give a shout-out to Orthodox Jews. Compare and contrast their rightful intolerance of the epidemic to, say, the wet wankers of the Church of England.

If I was a churchgoer I'd be mightily pissed off 😜

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But their view of women is abhorrent. We're dirty, we're temptresses, we need to be dominated, controlled, and exploited.

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Does anyone else feel utter rage and despair when the so called 'leaders' i.e. Starmer and Sturgeon stay silent about how women are treated and even when men are found guilty still say nothing? how are these two public servants allowed to get away with this?

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