The Blood Pressure monitor on a shelf nearby me just spontaneously self-combusted in its box 😡😡😡🤣🤣🤣 Sterling work, as ever, JL 🏆👌👏💪👊✊ #TrueStory

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Thanks, mate! 😘 (Would an Hermes scarf help that blood pressure, by any chance..?)

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Well, if you're offering ... 🤣🥂🍾

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by JL

Gender ideology must be the most successful cult in history; it influences state and private sectors in numerous countries across the world, despite the fact most people throughout the world understand that it's a load of shit.

Also despite the fact that so much of its "activism" is bullying, threatening & enacting violence, sexualising children, shutting down free speech etc etc. How something so vile became so successful is the biggest (and most enraging) story of our times.

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It bears comparison with the medieval witch trials!!


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Funny you should say that. I think we need some basic lessons in what those were. I've just heard a man on BBC Radio 5 Live going on at length - I think in a piece about the Edinburgh Festival (Fringe). Instead of turning off I listened and tried to figure out what his word salad meant and why we are expected to listen. He mentioned queer, being queer, LGBTQI+ then not having friends as a kid, being different til he found 'people like him' then would you believe it witches. Nice TV witches I think. He thinks he's like a witch as he's 'queer' and being a witch is having that internal hidden power which is like coming out. Oh, yes dear, of course, not mass hysteria and women being murdered in public rituals then. Oh no, this stupid man claims that history for himself too. They've all read Harry Potter and none of them understand allegories and seem to get the wrong end of every stick, spectacularly missed the point of most things and use that to identify as victimised so they can feel justified to hate others.

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I recommend chapter 1 of Andrew Doyle’s book The New Puritans on the Salem Witch Trials 😎


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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

I was in the process of writing a long response, then accidentally obliterated it. Anyway, I don't need to make all those points, we know them anyway. Essentially, I'm not prepared to be instrumental in my own silencing any longer. I'm done with mainly being truthful when I'm in an environment where I know it will well received. I'm a psychotherapist, and ffs, my objective is dealing with the way people feel, what's going on internally and exploring it with them. It's not to nod along to whatever my patients find easiest to have confirmed at the time.

Things have to thought about and talked about, that is the nature of the work. I'm not cooperating with a bunch of cunts who despise women and interfere with my work, not on any level. I'm going to speak the words I want to and not care about the potential consequences. If I don't, and continue talking only in safety, I won't say anything out loud. Fuck that.

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Hear hear, Radhwa


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Great summary.

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Most men, including health care professionals, understand why women want same sex care. This hospital pandered to misogynists.

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One of the hospital's 'star' surgeons is a trans identified male. Sarah Muirhead-Allwood, a consultant orthopaedic surgeons who specialises in complex hip resurfacings and replacements, has a prestigious patient list which has included Andy Murray and the Queen Mother and is a bit of media darling. My guess is the senior administrators were terrified of upsetting him and so kicked Theresa to the curb. After all, he's a surgeon and a trans identified male - the perfect storm of narcissism.

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This makes the whole sick scandal totally clear.

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There is a name for people like him... Fill in the blanks d**kh**d!!

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That explains it. How depressing. If he/she is a “do no harm” person he/she could put a a stop to this madness at Princess Grace. If not then they are condoning very questionable behaviour.

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Some people do describe surgeons as psychopaths who get to cut people up legally ,lol ! ( apologies to the majority of surgeons who do great ,life saving work )

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It's actually rather close to the truth in many instances. Performing surgical procedures requires

significant detachment from the person and from their humanity. Several years ago, a surgeon who had carried out a liver transplant cauterised his initials on the patient's new liver. I'm not sure how this came to light, but presumably a member of the surgical team raised it with someone. Nevertheless, the patient decided to pursue the surgeon legally, he had committed assault against the person, after all. Naturally, he got off with it, perhaps because he went to the same school as the judge. He should have been prosecuted and convicted, but his profession, class and sex prevented this from happening. His authority wasn't challenged, it was confirmed, freeing up more narcissistic yearnings.

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It's a good example in how that unfolded. I think that case was discovered by someone else having to 'go in' and they found it. Found the fucking graffiti that foul man had left like a tag hidden on that person's body. I thought he'd been struck off. It was up to colleagues to report, reveal and challenge. Clinicians are like airline pilots in that respect. The professional culture is so tight it stops things coming out and to keep up the 'reputation of the profession' for 'public confidence'. It's so risky to report a colleague. And a senior one? How does that often go. The revulsion when doctors are struck off is because we need to trust them and it's inherent in all healthcare. How can we trust any of the regulatory bodies when all this bizarre behaviour is being exposed.

Like Shona saying there is no evidence, when there is. I thought the biggest and simplest PR lesson was to stop pretending when there is so much gross evidence you look like a totally morally bankrupt person and organisation in persisting in denying that.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

I looked the surgeon in question up, and you're right. He was initially suspended and eventually struck off the medical register after resigning from his job. He did what he did to two patients, or two that are known about. His initials were found because the transplanted liver failed early on, leading to more surgery. I'm so glad I misremembered this incident.

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Sorry to remind you. In terms of 'harm' that was an interesting case and what the harm was so we watched it like hawks. I am involved in safety and these things seem to always be with us. A bit like food safety laws because of weird stuff that was (is?) used to bulk out pies before laws were brought in to stop it. I've been in too many training sessions or meetings where you almost cannot imagine how or why someone nominally intelligent and invested in a career thought something or a short cut or showing off because they can was a good idea. A nice decent chap. The thrill of getting away with it. Well, I won't get caught, so what, I'm Mr Big. Then they do and still get away with maybe a slap on the wrist. Then rather strangely do it again. And again. Then no one can believe it was possible, well it can't be that bad, surely etc. Decent chap, just like me. Looking at the strange way regulatory ratings can go from outstanding to serious and requires improvement overnight when a different inspection is done. Was it really a sudden deterioration or are you finding what was there all along but not coming to light or ignored, even covered up? And how many others might be affected, then how could we find out. Fundamentally to stop it from being able to happen again and mitigations for the ever present possibility.

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His professional status and claim of womanhood gives him license to behave like a dictator, and people go along with it. I couldn't give two fucks about his prestigious patients, then or now. He is a misogynistic piece of shit, a faker and liar. I don't give a damn who this narcissistic prick has had his hands on, I would like to see him taste his own medicine, with no redress.

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I really want to see the demographic information on this later blooming 'trans' identifying male cohort and match up a few details. Look at their professions. It would make for fascinating if grim research. Surely that is being done?!

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It would be interesting to have the details relating to that. Perhaps one of the reasons behind men claiming to identify as women in middle age, is they know it's safe and is unlikely to be disadvantageous to them, if it was they wouldn't do it. They also have the sense of security that knowing the most inconsequential challenge will be cited as transphobia or hate speech gives. They know that is going to prompt organisations and individual activists to marshal their misogynistic, homophobic chums, useful idiots to defend these vain and indulged men from nothing.

And the young women caught up in this mess, vulnerable and infuriating, driven to show how nice and kind they are, so kind they'll hand over their freedoms and the freedoms of other women so that men can be accommodated. Because that's all they are, men, men who are used to getting what they want and pushing women out of the way. They are still doing it, but now there is the added kick in the guts when we have to hear them say things like "as a woman", or "I didn't become a woman, I've always been a woman". That's right, you didn't become a woman, you never were a woman, and you won't ever be.

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Let's guess - will it be the best midwife ever next? A gleaming man squeezed into stockings and a tight little skirt and beaming out of press releases?

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Couldn't agree more. Then the very odd additional kick in the guts way the armed services senior ranks then pick and specifically further promote these 'women' in some desperate attempt to prove they've changed and are so 'women friendly' now. There have been another rash of them lately. And it's always them picked on 'women's panels' and as 'women's representatives' and to speak up on 'women's experiences'. Well done armed services well done! You nearly understood almost, have a sticker, and have just proven time and again and now yet again how men make the best women. Hurtling back at warp speed. Squeezing them into bizarrely fitting small skirts as the perfect two-fingered flourish to us. And it's only men who identify as women who can truly speak up for us. Soon the only ones in the armed services still wearing these skirts will be men. Women looking on, wearing trousers, smiling and clapping these 'brave' men.

It smells like lots of recidivist fusty old and young men in rooms and in virtual meetings all slapping themselves on the back for being so inclusive. Well done boys, job well done. And the young women caught up in this mess as you say.

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The Princess Grace Hospital is “committed to protecting its staff from ‘unacceptable distress’” but is happy to induce distress in a patient by refusing life-saving surgery?! But India Willoughby is happy so all good! 😱

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Author

A good (male) friend of mine is a nurse. He understands completely if and when a female patient does not want him to treat or even touch her. He is not 'distressed' by this (because he's not a lunatic).

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Don’t call him Botox Chucky though



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No, whatever you do don't call Botox Chucky, Botox Chucky

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This India creature is so odious. Thank God I'm not on X or watch TV much, so I only ever encounter him vicariously.

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He's repulsive. He might have had his knob inverted and be the barer of fake tits, but Willoughby is all man. You only have to see him interacting with women to realise that.

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You won’t see much of India Willoughby as he doesn’t get much work on TV as he refuses to be involved in debate or discussion. He doesn’t understand that there is nothing that anyone finds interesting about him except that he masquerades as a woman. Increasingly he presents as unhinged with his repeated open mouthed, pop eyed selfies ranting about how beautiful he is.

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So even MSM TV is getting sick of him? Good news. They are so delusional.

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He was complaining this week he has no work because of transphobia. He is a talentless delusionist who frequently tells very obvious lies.

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He should appreciate trans anything, phobia or philia. It's the only reason he's had any kind of career and profile. The guy is a nasty, spiteful little prick.

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That sums him up perfectly. Spite, jealousy and resentment colour every vindictive post. His agent should have a long honest talk with him. Two guys discussing him from the media variously said he was a “fruit loop” and a “nightmare to work with” and Willoughby actually revealed those comments as evidence as to what he has to put up with. No insight.

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I'm so filled with hatred and anger for these vile deviants and their handmaidens. I can't even finish reading this. That travesty of justice in México is the end for me. I can't anymore. At least, not for today.

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I know the news is grim. But hold on tight - there is a bumper GNS on the way! Take care x

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I tell you what, lovely Mr L, said GNS was invaluable. After the latest substack update on the war on women, I'm currently in the process of writing an email that I can't decide is insane or necessarily insane or sane in an insane situation ...(I'll send it to you and you please tell me if I'm going peculiar or not).

Well, good. Glad that was clear.

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Me too!; I am FUCKING LIVID!!!!!!!

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I am trying, not to let all this get to me, I am trying soo much not to let anger and rage consume me, but it is just way too much. All these stories trigger me, the injustice, Mexico with a history of violence and killings towards...well anyone but women especially, but they have time for this🤨 WTF

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I can only assume that Stonewall and the like have found a way to conduct secret frontal lobotomies on people like Estop Green, NHS management, all HR departments, all University deans, school heads, civil service etc. The statement by Estop Green about the “unacceptable distress” of the wig wearing lipstick smeared bloke who barged into a private room clearly trumping the distress of a women whose urgent surgery was cancelled is beyond the understanding of anyone still in possession of their whole brain. I thought University Deans were supposed to be smart? Monica Rolfsen also showing lobotomised tendencies if she/he/they thinks lying is a good way for a man to take a female designated space. Talk about missing the point. Supporting misogyny is not a good look Monica. India Willoughby, Katy Montgomery, Rose Scmits, also misogynists, showing their poisonous natures as usual. And the Edinburgh juveniles who just couldn’t be professional at Cherry’s talk - your mothers want a word. Better avoid your grannies for a while. 🙄

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Stonewall use a wire bottle brush up the nose... Works every time! 🤣🤣🤣

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Okay, JL, it's time to fess up:

Monty is actually a GC plant and y'all sent him out into the wild to peak every normal person who listens to him.

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Yes! And some therapists are admitting they foster narcissism.


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Aghhhhhh but thanks for your hard work, JL.

The case of Rodrigo Cortés is a perfect example of why we need to get rid of hate crime altogether. However I believe he can now appeal to the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and hopefully get his sentence put on hold in the meantime.

‘Sex binary patriarchy’!? Doesn’t that mean that the vast majority of the UK population and the majority of women are part of the patriarchy 😎

Will cross post later 😎


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Really if the law just states that adult human refers to female born biological women and adult human male born biological men, dsds are rare and can be accommodated in the two binary categories. Repeal the gra as its a legal fiction. All government depts/charities must adhere to the binary sexes, and bathrooms must be sex segregated, a separate mixed sex bathroom for trans, and of course separate ones for disabled persons, in every public building and every single new build. Every sport, healthcare, educational facility, refuges, rape crisis centre, every law etc must be based on the binary. If trans alter documents to reflect and obfuscate the legal birth sex, this must be followed by a huge fine and jail tjme in their biological sex prison. There is no such thing as trans, its a mental delusion and a fashion fad. The law must not be perverted to allow an unproven but extremely harmful delusion take precedence over 99.9% of the population. No trans crap ever to be taught to kids, no affirming language used. Any person who attempts to abuse a child by secretly or publicly teach this harmful cult should be fired and or jailed. Any doctor that refers to women as chest feeders, bleeders, uterus owners or any other firm of bigoted slur sacked......oh no I've become a total authoritarian, 🤔 didn't take long for that to happen, sad that this has happened to previously Liberal thinking people like me. At the end of the day this must be stopped before it destroys everything we hold dear. JL thank you for your hard work

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I’m with you Trudie. Always thought I was a live and let live kinda woman but no more. The trans authoritarians and the identity obsessed nutters have set me free from all that empathetic kindness. Sack em, imprison em, fine em, anything to stop them.

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this gets my vote.

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Hear, hear. It's not that hard.

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God I'm so angry but I won't express my boiling fury in words.

Those perverted trans pieces of shit have blood on their hands.

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Mr Penny looks like he’s performing in a Les Dawson tribute act.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Author

Haha! I'd put money on his being a prop when he played rugby! I'm sure he was a good soldier and I genuinely thank him for his service. But he has no business whatsoever speaking for and over women. That's the ultimate in male entitlement.

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I just wanted to burst out laughing at the ludicrous sight of this enormous, fat man jammed into female clothes. Lipstick on a pig. Don't they realise that they look ridiculous? And I'm past being kind, I love laughing at them.

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He looks like Roald Dahl's Miss Trunchball.

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Pigs feel they are being picked on... 🐷🐖🐽

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I withdraw my remark and can confirm that no porkers were harmed in the uttering of that comparison!

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Teresa Steele's experience alone is... well, words fail me. Actually, not quite. The lack of empathy, sympathy and understanding from a) the hospital involved towards their patient and, b) a movement supposedly in-tune with the microscopic sensitivities of human difference (but who predictably react in the most aggressive and threatening way, every time their stance is questioned) is depressing to say the least.

Yet sadly, astonishingly, no longer surprising.

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Many thanks JL.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Author


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The hospital that stopped the surgery for the woman who needed surgery... There is a FOI request there for someone living in England. It would go something like this... How many neo-Nazis have you treated? How many known racists have you treated? How many men with misogynistic views have you treated? Oh, you haven't asked these questions, why not? As they refer to people's belief systems which are a basic human right, the same as asking for same sex staff to treat a woman who has been subject to sexual violence by biological males can be construed as, it is blatant discrimination when men and women are not treated the same. When the biological males IW and KM give their comments, it simply proves they are violent biological males who should never be called women. Why? Because they resort to type every time.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by JL

This does just make me so angry. It is all so utterly insane. Just cancelled my monthly donation to GOSH. A trans activist can replace my donation. Please can we have the good news stories soon…

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Bumper GNS on the way!

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Why, oh why, did we ever invent the word ‘gender’? One word. A word that has cost lives, psyches, careers, time, blood and treasure. If you look up the word ‘sex’ in dictionaries - the definition is accurate and simple. Simple, but now (in the last five minutes) they've added a word-salad 'usage guide'. Same for the definition of ‘gender’. Simple to begin with, but the same oh-so-recent additional word-salad 'usage guide'. We must never underestimate the power of language. It can both inspire and destroy. And hang onto your hard copy dictionaries. You’re going to need them in this battle.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by JL

Kathleen Stock's brilliant book 'Material Girls' gives 4 seperate meanings of 'Gender'. 1. A polite euphemism, to avoid saying the word 'sex'. 2. The different societal stereotypical roles for each sex. 3. A feminist analysis of the way gender roles impact or limit each sex (often in opposition to 'Biological Determinism'). 4. Gender Identity- a way people can try and choose their own 'identity'. / I've not really explained it well here, but she is brilliant at describing how TRAs deliberately misuse language to confuse, and hide truth.

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Spot on! And we must defend free speech and try to encourage as many people as possible to start speaking out. No debate, fear of abuse and cancellation, has enable this vile, depraved, vicious, narcissistic ideology to fester and thrive.

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