Thanks JL as always. Amongst all the horror that we are now used to enduring (sort of) it could be easy to overlook the utterly vile and contemptible experimentation on babies in order that men with fetishes are validated. Nothing can excuse this and the fact that this is being done with the support of the NHS only illustrates the depths to which we have sunk as a society. Every part of this update is shocking, as they all are, but babies have no choice, no voice, they are simply being used as props in a man’s fantasy about himself regardless of possible harm. Nothing is more narcissistic.

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This is what I find baffling about this ideology... as soon as a male starts expressing a desire to 'breastfeed' a new born baby, red flags should be springing up. How ANYONE - still less a medical professional - can entertain this vile notion is beyond me.

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If that doesn’t illustrate that this is a men’s rights movement, I don’t know what will.

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Exactly this!

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i found this week particularly upsetting JL, that that man can simultaneously abuse and feed his baby has really effected me i think. I nearly unsubscribed tbh. Its just sad and upsetting. i’m going to find out soon if i can legally remove my kids in secondary school from the gender ideology classes. If i’m not allowed, i just pray that they’ll let me. Otherwise what? I don’t want them to leave school because its on balance a good thing for them. But people shouldn’t have to allow their kids to hear this poison from people they trust. Its indoctrination. Sorry i know you know all this, just its so depressing i can hardly cope with it. Sorry JL. It gets too much all this.

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Imagine how I feel having to write 4000-5000 words a week on the subject! 😳 Thank heavens for good brandy and jelly babies... I just tell myself that the more these lunatics show their arse, the quicker this madness will be over. Best of luck with your kids' school. I think parents voicing resistance and exercising their rights etc is absolutely the best way to go. And do try to take heart, CB; there's a bumper GNS on the way!

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I honestly couldnt write it JL. It must takes hours to write and hours to research. We all properly appreciate what you do. Its such dark stuff. Well done for keeping sane.

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It's simply because he is a man, JL. That is the beginning and end of it. Something really terrible happened to our species way back in time when males and females were split into two distinct groups and the females were relegated to support duty. It cannot simply be biological either, although that must have been part of it, but a male sense of being superior beings. Every religion in the world espouses the same philosophy, too. We see how this stuff has gained traction everywhere. I suspect that the same thing happened all those millennia ago: a combination of brute force, psychological scamming and a deep, deep misunderstanding of the importance of the female to human survival, with the belief persisting that we are mere vessels. I could be entirely wrong, and these misogynists featured in JL's piece would certainly say that, but I think that something is going to happen soon that will disabuse them all of the supposed superiority of the male condition. Its susceptibility to fetishistic and paraphiliac behaviours may well be its downfall because they are a serious weakness. In fact, male sexuality per se shows a weakness that can be exploited.

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I see your comments often and I pretty much always concur, but I must disagree here ... I don't think it is "simply because he is a man". There are millions of us men who wouldn't dream of acting in the way the man in the situation in question is acting. I, and I'm sure many other men, find his abuse of a sacred element of parenting disgusting. He's doing what he's doing because he's a man with a fetish, and an evident selfish/narcissistic streak.

Your final sentence - "male sexuality per se shows a weakness that can be exploited" - is interesting, though its full meaning is unclear to me; I think there is something in it, though it would bear greater elaboration/discussion.

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Yes, indeed, TT. They're not sure about the effects, but, hey, let's just do it, anyway cos the c**k in a frock needs to release in his inner mummy along with his bodily fluid - and I'm not talking about the chest fluid.

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Thank you, as always, JL. You must feel like you are playing a global game of "Whack-a-mole".

Authorities still thinking that the idle, fetishistic, preferences of violent, narcissistic, criminals outweigh the personal safety and mental health of the female prison population.

As for "Ruby" Whitcombe, hope he's not serving in the deli counter at Waitrose. I'd have to swerve the Chorizo selection.

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Feb 19Edited

Playing whack-a-mole is exactly how I feel, Ian! (I've got Chorizo for lunch... I think I might scrape it off my plate and just eat the vegetables! 😁)

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Oh, I'm sure they've got him monitoring the ladies' changing rooms.

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Just as I'm still feeling the good vibes from the last good news update you go and slap me back to reality. It's like a bloody roller-coaster ride. As a relative new comer I appreciate what you have all been doing to get this information exposed as I'm horrified that the media in general and the government are doing their best to keep this very damaging information under the radar. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you. Jackie. I will. (And if it's any comfort, there is a bumper edition of the GNS on the way!)

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When my grandchildren gather around their granddad, eager for words of experience and wisdom, I'll have to start with; "Don't take a photo of yourself in a gimp mask and post it on the internet".

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"Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don't judge."

And they say it is not a fetish.

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The only reason these males want to breastfeed an infant is to validate their fetish. Even putting their own child at risk. No genuinely caring father would ever do that.

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Why have so many supposedly intelligent people been taken it by it?

Anybody that says it is safe to feed babies a cocktail of hormones squeezed from a man's nipple should put their money where their mouth is and drink the stuff themselves for a year.

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I just donated to Una-Jane Winfield's fund! What a great way to start the day. Thanks for passing the word, JL.

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Wow JL. That was...something. Thank you. I've been looking at brief evidence summaries today and that's what this is. The research is there for anyone who will look. Operation let them talk is obviously going well, but this is strangely compelling - I don't see how anyone in government, any politician, regulator or judge worth their salt would not be convinced at how rotten this gender movement is if they can be convinced to read the very robust and comprehensive evidence you have collected here. I really hope as many people as possible can be encouraged to read it.

The ACLU really are a malevolent force and how can that be hidden any longer?

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That’s what I can’t understand… how so many supposedly intelligent people still persist in thinking that they are being kind to a marginalised minority, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. Too many are deliberately turning away and refusing to listen. It’s collective insanity.

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When this all eventually starts faltering and being ended I'm sure this will all be studied like other mass historical and political movements are. How it unfolds in day-to-day work environments. I have sat in meetings and been ignored, or not spoken up, or it's taken multiple attempts, or I've taken someone aside after to raise an issue, or resigned where I couldn't be heard with particular groups of people and cultures and with a number of issues. I've tried to improve things and if I couldn't change that or bear it, I left. Is everyone parking most of their criticial faculties, and relying on colleagues to do the same? Are they doing this knowingly? Collectively? Which laws and standards do they pretend to be adhering to, and which are they letting slide? This must be essentially directed from the top (at the CPS, at the BBC, in a prison service, political party, union, in NHS trusts or in a retailer). It diverts from legislation so it must be deliberate policy. How the paper mentioned above was peer reviewed, then the anon reviewers coming up with such nonsensical objections - how did they get to be reviewers in the first place? To complain about the results is barmy, you complain about the method surely? Is that peer review process really as rotten as is claimed? I was reading the other day about someone who challenges papers and the wrangles to get feedback and admissions of fault after beginning to see so many obvious errors.

I do wonder how this works in practice in offices - does remote working have a part to play in this collective insanity and falling in gaps? Keep you head down and pump out the party line being set by who? There are usually ways of working and organisational standards so that egregious behaviours are eventually weeded out or encouraged (depending on what your role and who your employer is). This is like those tales of officials who collected a salary for 15 years and no one noticed they never went into the office or submitted any work, yet collected a pay cheque every month. Then took their employer to court for being bored at work or not noticing. Mind-boggling. Oh but Stonewall/Mermaids etc said so - that still carries weight?! No one pushes back? No one does due diligence?

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It is primarily cowardice, TT. Every vaguely similar movement - although this is the worst by a long chalk in recently modern times, anyway - depends on the terminally self-silenced. McCarthyism relied on the cowards who silenced themselves and allowed far better human beings to be reviled and kicked out of their profession.

The other vile thing they all have in common is, that when it's all over, the "it wasn't me, honest injun. I didn't do anything untoward" excuses follow. Some will even claim to have been on the side of women and children all along.

This happened in Nazi Germany after the war: so many had seen nothing, done nothing, said nothing, even as their neighbours were being hauled away in cattle trucks to the incinerators. Some humans are even more vile than those they protect with their cowardice.

Others, like the idiot females who salivate over these men, will always be found hanging around like a bed smell, trying to gain reflected glory, or they are neurologically-challenged. Either way, it is quite shocking but not surprising.

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Couldn’t agree more Lorncal. The toadying, fawning, virtue signallers are possibly the worst though . They haven’t even got the excuse of fear and their actions have allowed the insanity to thrive.

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In a way, TT, I think it is a kind of fear - fear of not being part of something trendy and in vogue, of the moment. These people just do not understand that the adult men behind it are all sexually motivated and they will throw them to the wolves eventually.

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As the Scottish women on here will tell you, TSBBL, the Scottish government has quite deliberately disregarded every single protest, every single piece of evidence collated by individual women, by women's organizations, by concerned lawyers, medical practitioners, etc. They pay no heed to anything, so I'd imagine it is all quite deliberate and intended - even the harm to women, gays and children - all of it. Collateral damage. Many of them will also be deviants themselves.

This is because of the global corporate moneymen backing this movement. These politicians all know that it is a lie, but they want the money invested in pharmaceuticals, etc. It is a pure determination to harm their own people and they have all, in every part of the UK, shrugged off their duty of care to their populations. We really should not be surprised.

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So depressing, Jl, but not your fault. Thank you for raising these issues.

“When my baby attached to my breast, there was an incredible chemical cascade that ran through my entire body like lightning. Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don't judge... "

No, you narcissistic fetishist, you were getting your rocks off in pretending to feed your infant daughter, you disgusting piece of humanity. The rage I now feel at these men is almost too hot to handle. How could he abuse a child in this way and get away with it unless every aspect of government/public/legal service is riddled with the self-same deviants? Is it deviants enabling other deviants? I am beginning to believe it is.

How do you account for all those men in the unions voting to destroy female rights unless it's the deepest misogyny?

How do you account for the Scottish Prison Service policy? Oh, they say, but we house them in a different part of the women's estate and they only mix on rare occasions. Do they, indeed? For showers and recreation, perchance? Why not house them in a different part of the male prison? Call it HM Prison C***s in Frocks for the Terminally Deviant. Not that I'm judging, you understand...

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Yep, the SPS strikes again. Not happy having put double rapist ‘Isla’ Bryson in a women’s prison, we now have the prospect of men being housed with women to help them find out what women are like! FFS. Female prisoners, many of them victims of male abuse, are to be used to validate men’s fantasies. Only in nationalist Scotland could this happen.

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No, unfortunately, not just in Scotland. In Canada with our super woke politicians, a male prisoner can be included with the female inmates strictly by self-identification. We have over 100 men in women's prisons and more than half have been convicted of violent sexual offenses against women. It's gotten so bad here that even our Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) wants to hunt down gender critical people - https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/csis-lgbtq-warning-violence-1.7114801

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I think that, for the first time ever in human history, the females of the species is going to turn on the male. Not all, but these b******s. Watched a documentary thing the other night: female lions bested two males who were bullying them and threatening their cubs. Unity, ladies, that's the name of the game. Work together to bring down these misogynists.

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This war can't be won without men and women joining forces. The victory for one is in complete without the victory for both.

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I absolutely agree, but we must take the lead. We are the ones in danger. I know a lot of good men are with us, and I certainly don't condemn them all, just this lot of Harper's and those men and women who support them. As someone said, you really have to be braindead not to see what this is. You also have to be braindead not to do something about it. This its the first time, I think, in human history that these fetishes and paraphilias have been described as sexual orientations - which makes them 'normal'. This is what they want - to make it all legal, acceptable, normal, no matter who gets harmed by.

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Harpers? Larpers.

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It’s shite being Scottish

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This one was particularly...OMG. Also, I've noticed that men who adopt a trans identity seem to have no trouble behaving in a highly and inappropriately sexualized manner in professional spaces, and they get away with it, whereas if they were just...you know...regular dudes, the sexual display would never be tolerated for a second and the business would be sued for enabling a hostile workplace. Because as far as I'm concerned, the men who show up at work dressed and behaving like this, or who post inappropriate photos which reflect on the company are creating hostile work environments.

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And when they are not sexualized they are slovenly.

At our local store the pair they have both have long greasy hair and wear clothing that is inappropriate, not from a sex angle, but from 'formality' angle. Any woman reporting to work so badly groomed would get at least a warning. To be fair, the two transmen working there suffer much the same issue and I'm sure most men working for the company are discouraged from wearing scraggly beards and slovenly, baggy clothing. I so don't get the double standard. You want to LARP as the opposite sex, go for it, just wear appropriate clothing like any other human is expected to.

I admit I avoid the trans at the store. I feel a bit uncomfortable with people who display their mental illnesses so openly.

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All that in one store? This double-standard about appearance highlights the hypocrisy of the whole gender identity movement. Another aspect of this fetish and why so many debate and disagree that it's a mental illness is the choice aspect of it. It's a convenient excuse. Most do seem to have control over their compulsions yet claim otherwise. How does anyone determine that? Only when a boundary is broken by them? They choose all of it and are protected either way. No other mental illness gets that protection. And no one should feel shame for having a mental illness, yet these individuals are being actively enouraged to 'come out' as having a fetish and a delusion. To revel and have pride in their illness. Depression isn't a fetish, anxiety isn't either. Extreme selfishness and narcissism seem everywhere but pathological? This is a very small section of mental disturbance and seems skewed to male behaviours around sex and societal boundaries. To insist everyone around you is coerced into encouraging that is now labelled as dysphoria so gets the identitarian free pass. Oh it's my identity to be lazy. Oh it's my gender identity to look like I smell and be greasy and unkempt looking. Looking deliberately odd and to try to not fit in seems the same desperate boring point of it. So desperate to look 'different' they end up looking the same. It's my identity that I don't think all the rules apply to me. How can you engage with anyone who is sending out signals that they wish and choose to coerce you into believing something that your eyes and instincts scream isn't true?

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The one store I go to. I think they tolerate more because I can't think of any other large chain in the area (except the pet stores) with a remarkable number of trans working there.

I went through the desparately wanting to look different as a teen/young adult. We spent hours on our appearance. My thing was vintage clothing, I spent an hour or so everyday dressing and styling and making-up. If hair was dyed, it was kept up, etc. I don't get this thing where you simply look shabby all the time. I've gotten in trouble with saying this, but I see that as a form of self harm.

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The practicing Muslim transwoman would be thrown off a roof in just about any Middle Eastern country.

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As ever, thanks for investigating, informing and keeping receipts, JL. It can’t be easy trawling through this hair raising and rage inducing muck… I don’t know how you can keep going, but, well done.

Re that last piece - that ‘Dana Reid’ guy’s comments re “getting off” on “breastfeeding” his baby etc. Quite aside from the fact that this involves a non nutritional, drug induced fluid with absolutely no benefit and potential harm for this poor baby, is this not flagrant child sexual abuse? argh 😠 😡

😡 🤮

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Thank you for your kind words - very much appreciated. As for Dana Fried, I'm sure any ordinary bloke would be straight down the nick (and quite rightly) for trying to suckle a new born. But Dana has his get out of jail free card, doesn't he?


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Thanks for investigating, informing and keeping receipts, JL. It can’t be easy trawling through this rage and vomit inducing sludge, so I hope you’re looking after yourself.

That last abomination - that Dana Reid guy’s proud description of how HE “gets off” etc on “feeding” his poor baby. Is that not a flagrant demonstration of and confession to paedophillia…?? (With his wife’s complicity.) I didn’t and couldn’t read the whole piece. 😠😡😤🤮🤮🤮

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Excellent piece here on these awful men getting sexual thrills from breastfeeding babies a discharge of chemicals. It's child/baby abuse. Sarah also points out that some adoptive mothers of babies also want to breatfeed (NO!) and are given these drugs too. No-one knows longterm effect of these drugs on the poor babies....and all those doing it don't give a damn about the babies, only themselves. https://www.criticallythinking.co.uk/post/the-fetishist-s-ultimate-climax

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.

Professor Baxendale's findings are so extraordinary that they should lead to the halting of the prescription of puberty blockers to children internationally, so even more amazing that three academic journals should refuse to publish them.

Well done, Una-Jane and shocking that her local council are putting her through this!

I was also shocked to see that a constituency Labour Party engineered the cancellation of a political meeting that was to include Kellie-Jay in her new role as head of the Party of Women as well as many representatives from other parties.

Could the Labour Party change their name to the Communist Party because they are not the same party I voted for in the past ( but will not vote for again unless there is a radical volte face ).

Thanks again


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2. Btw, 'Ruby' still has his FB page open, under his drag name of 'Trans Tula'

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That would suggest he is a) thick as or b) doesn't see anything at all wrong and is proud of what he's doing. Interesting/foul that those images weren't used in other press, presumably NSFW.

What I missed was that he 'realised' he was trans after mental health support. Aw how sweet. What intervention was that? Have you always deep down wanted to squeeze your bits into tight man-made materials then shove your crotch at a camera to post online in some ritualistic debasement of womanface? What the hell are they pushing to mentally ill or vulnerable people in Brighton? Oh, isn't it all lovely, and kind, and warm and fluffy. No! They encouraged and promoted this man to continually display and exacerbate his delusions and fetishes. And Waitrose love it. Are all our UK sewage outflows now directed to the beach down at Brighton? This is way beyond 'alternative' or something in the water locally.

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