Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by JL

Thank you JL, for wading through the swamp.

John Lewis, Lush Soap, Wickes, Rip Curl, Bud light - they just keep stepping on the same garden rake and expecting a different result. It's mind-blowing to think we live at a time when the findings of a Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology are suppressed, while Government departments and Corporations will happily take advice from an utter moron who used to work in IT for the CAB (Suzie Green), yet here we are.

It's no wonder there's an "acceptable standard of harm" to women when standards of basic care and compassion have become so degraded, in service to a violent, porn-saturated cult.

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Thanks JL as always. Amongst all the horror that we are now used to enduring (sort of) it could be easy to overlook the utterly vile and contemptible experimentation on babies in order that men with fetishes are validated. Nothing can excuse this and the fact that this is being done with the support of the NHS only illustrates the depths to which we have sunk as a society. Every part of this update is shocking, as they all are, but babies have no choice, no voice, they are simply being used as props in a man’s fantasy about himself regardless of possible harm. Nothing is more narcissistic.

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Feb 19Liked by JL

Thank you, as always, JL. You must feel like you are playing a global game of "Whack-a-mole".

Authorities still thinking that the idle, fetishistic, preferences of violent, narcissistic, criminals outweigh the personal safety and mental health of the female prison population.

As for "Ruby" Whitcombe, hope he's not serving in the deli counter at Waitrose. I'd have to swerve the Chorizo selection.

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Just as I'm still feeling the good vibes from the last good news update you go and slap me back to reality. It's like a bloody roller-coaster ride. As a relative new comer I appreciate what you have all been doing to get this information exposed as I'm horrified that the media in general and the government are doing their best to keep this very damaging information under the radar. Keep up the good work.

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Feb 19Liked by JL

When my grandchildren gather around their granddad, eager for words of experience and wisdom, I'll have to start with; "Don't take a photo of yourself in a gimp mask and post it on the internet".

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"Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don't judge."

And they say it is not a fetish.

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Feb 19Liked by JL

I just donated to Una-Jane Winfield's fund! What a great way to start the day. Thanks for passing the word, JL.

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Wow JL. That was...something. Thank you. I've been looking at brief evidence summaries today and that's what this is. The research is there for anyone who will look. Operation let them talk is obviously going well, but this is strangely compelling - I don't see how anyone in government, any politician, regulator or judge worth their salt would not be convinced at how rotten this gender movement is if they can be convinced to read the very robust and comprehensive evidence you have collected here. I really hope as many people as possible can be encouraged to read it.

The ACLU really are a malevolent force and how can that be hidden any longer?

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Feb 19Liked by JL

So depressing, Jl, but not your fault. Thank you for raising these issues.

“When my baby attached to my breast, there was an incredible chemical cascade that ran through my entire body like lightning. Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don't judge... "

No, you narcissistic fetishist, you were getting your rocks off in pretending to feed your infant daughter, you disgusting piece of humanity. The rage I now feel at these men is almost too hot to handle. How could he abuse a child in this way and get away with it unless every aspect of government/public/legal service is riddled with the self-same deviants? Is it deviants enabling other deviants? I am beginning to believe it is.

How do you account for all those men in the unions voting to destroy female rights unless it's the deepest misogyny?

How do you account for the Scottish Prison Service policy? Oh, they say, but we house them in a different part of the women's estate and they only mix on rare occasions. Do they, indeed? For showers and recreation, perchance? Why not house them in a different part of the male prison? Call it HM Prison C***s in Frocks for the Terminally Deviant. Not that I'm judging, you understand...

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Yep, the SPS strikes again. Not happy having put double rapist ‘Isla’ Bryson in a women’s prison, we now have the prospect of men being housed with women to help them find out what women are like! FFS. Female prisoners, many of them victims of male abuse, are to be used to validate men’s fantasies. Only in nationalist Scotland could this happen.

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This one was particularly...OMG. Also, I've noticed that men who adopt a trans identity seem to have no trouble behaving in a highly and inappropriately sexualized manner in professional spaces, and they get away with it, whereas if they were just...you know...regular dudes, the sexual display would never be tolerated for a second and the business would be sued for enabling a hostile workplace. Because as far as I'm concerned, the men who show up at work dressed and behaving like this, or who post inappropriate photos which reflect on the company are creating hostile work environments.

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The practicing Muslim transwoman would be thrown off a roof in just about any Middle Eastern country.

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As ever, thanks for investigating, informing and keeping receipts, JL. It can’t be easy trawling through this hair raising and rage inducing muck… I don’t know how you can keep going, but, well done.

Re that last piece - that ‘Dana Reid’ guy’s comments re “getting off” on “breastfeeding” his baby etc. Quite aside from the fact that this involves a non nutritional, drug induced fluid with absolutely no benefit and potential harm for this poor baby, is this not flagrant child sexual abuse? argh 😠 😡

😡 🤮

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Thanks for investigating, informing and keeping receipts, JL. It can’t be easy trawling through this rage and vomit inducing sludge, so I hope you’re looking after yourself.

That last abomination - that Dana Reid guy’s proud description of how HE “gets off” etc on “feeding” his poor baby. Is that not a flagrant demonstration of and confession to paedophillia…?? (With his wife’s complicity.) I didn’t and couldn’t read the whole piece. 😠😡😤🤮🤮🤮

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Excellent piece here on these awful men getting sexual thrills from breastfeeding babies a discharge of chemicals. It's child/baby abuse. Sarah also points out that some adoptive mothers of babies also want to breatfeed (NO!) and are given these drugs too. No-one knows longterm effect of these drugs on the poor babies....and all those doing it don't give a damn about the babies, only themselves. https://www.criticallythinking.co.uk/post/the-fetishist-s-ultimate-climax

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.

Professor Baxendale's findings are so extraordinary that they should lead to the halting of the prescription of puberty blockers to children internationally, so even more amazing that three academic journals should refuse to publish them.

Well done, Una-Jane and shocking that her local council are putting her through this!

I was also shocked to see that a constituency Labour Party engineered the cancellation of a political meeting that was to include Kellie-Jay in her new role as head of the Party of Women as well as many representatives from other parties.

Could the Labour Party change their name to the Communist Party because they are not the same party I voted for in the past ( but will not vote for again unless there is a radical volte face ).

Thanks again


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