Monday 12th February - Within These Walls
THE TELEGRAPH: The Scottish Prison Service is refusing to make public the views of female inmates on its new transgender policy.
Last month we reported on the new Scottish Prison Service (SPS) code for the ‘management of transgender prisoners’. Even in the wake of the Isla Bryson travesty, this new policy allows trans-identified male criminals with a history of violence against women to be accommodated in the female estate if there is “Compelling evidence that they do not present an unacceptable risk of harm to those in the women's prison”. (So there’s an acceptable risk of harm?) Those male prisoners deemed too dangerous for permanent accommodation in women’s prisons may still visit them for work and social activities etc in order to ‘support their gender identity’.
The SPS wants to shroud in secrecy the views of female inmates on these issues. It has refused to make public the replies to a recent survey it carried out as part of a review into its policy on transgender prisoners.
The survey results were requested via a Freedom of Information application. The SPS, however, refused to disclose this information, claiming it would ‘prejudice substantially the effective conduct of public affairs’ and could undermine the confidentiality of the women who took part if released. (It is strange, then, that the results of the SPS’s standard biennial prisoner surveys are published on the organisation’s website because, according to the SPS, they ‘furnish a meaningful channel for the user’s voice to be heard’.)
Later in the week, both The Sunday Post and The Times reported on this secret SPS review, the former having had access to a copy of it, and they revealed the truth about the “Female inmates living in fear of abuse by trans prisoners”.
According to The Sunday Post, women in Scottish prisons fear that dangerous and violent males are manipulating the system by claiming a trans identity to be accommodated in the female estate but then eschewing hormone treatment. These women are terrified of being sexually assaulted. “Female prisoners say they feel intimidated by the presence of transgender prisoners and live in fear of being attacked.”
One female prisoner said of a trans-identified male inmate, “If I was to have an argument with them then I would feel at risk because that’s the strength of a man.” Another revealed that “The last one to get out [of jail] is now back living as a man. The one before that got out — back living as a man. When he was in our hall he was telling people ‘I’m stopping taking my medication because I can’t get [an erection]’.” A third female prisoner described a ‘trans’ inmate whose purpose in affecting a transfer to a female prison was purely to have sex with women prisoners.
Former prison governor, Rhona Hotchkiss, commented, “It is abundantly clear that women in prison… are by turns distressed, frightened, annoyed or irritated by the presence of men who identify as women in women’s prisons. They are particularly scathing about men who still have male genitalia and that is almost all of them.”
Also Today - The Clocks Were Striking 13 In Hammersmith
THE DAILY MAIL: A London council has threatened to fine a woman for displaying gender critical literature on her own front door.
Una-Jane Winfield is a 68-year-old woman living in West London. An active political campaigner she has, in the past, displayed literature on her front door objecting to local planning applications and protesting the closure of a local hospital. This never seemed to trouble her local council.
Now, however, Una-Jane is displaying material demonstrating the harms of gender identity ideology and her Labour-run local authority, Hammersmith and Fulham Council, is suddenly very concerned.
Una-Jane was issued with a Community Protection Notice (CPN), a civil action with criminal consequences for non-compliance. A council spokesman described Una-Jane’s posters as ‘provocative and graphic’ and as ‘featuring nudity’. One of the images on display is of a young trans-identified woman who has mastectomy scars.
Such images are in the public domain. An advert for Harry’s razor company, for example, featured a bare-chested trans-identified female with mastectomy scars, Sims 4, a popular video game, allows players the option of choosing an avatar with mastectomy scars and Costa Coffee recently featured a cartoon image of a trans-identified female with mastectomy scars on one of its vehicles.
Nevertheless, for displaying such an image, Una-Jane is being targeted by Hammersmith and Fulham Council, a Stonewall ‘diversity champion’. She received a first official warning last March and a second in August. The council then issued her with a CPN, ordering her to remove the posters, which has she refused to do. Police have visited her home on two separate occasions but took no action, acknowledging that she has not broken any laws.
Hammersmith and Fulham Council, however, is ignoring the police and still insisting that Una-Jane remove the posters from her own front door. It is threatening her with prosecution under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 sections 43 to 58 and she faces a £2,500 fine. For more information and to contribute to her legal defence, please see her fund-raising page.
Also Today - This Never Happens #1
REDUXX: A trans-identified male paedophile has escaped jail, claiming he only viewed child sexual abuse images to help develop his ‘gender identity’.
In Germany this week, a 52-year-old male was convicted of the possession of child sexual abuse materials. The man, whose identity is being withheld in accordance with German law, was referred to in the media with a pseudonym, Beate Kämmerer. (Beate is usually a female name in Germany.)
Kämmerer had over 70 child sexual abuse image files on various electronic devices. One police officer giving evidence in court said that some images depicted minors ‘posing partially clothed, but in a clearly sexualized form’ while other images involved ‘naked genitals and sexual acts’.
While admitting that he viewed this material, Kämmerer claimed he had only done so to assist in the development of his ‘gender identity’. He said these images allowed him to “Catch up on something that had always been denied”.
Presiding Judge André Gläßl and the public prosecutor seem to have accepted this bizarre excuse, with the latter actually praising Kämmerer for his ‘honesty’. The judge ultimately sentenced Kämmerer to one year and two months, suspending the sentence so that it can be served in the community.
Tuesday 13th February - This Never Happens #2
ITV NEWS: A trans-identified male rapist is now back behind bars after breaching the terms of his release.
31-year-old Freddie Millar is a trans-identified male who calls himself Xenia Jade Millar. In 2017 he was convicted of raping a woman and issued with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO). He was released in 2020 but was soon back behind bars due to his ‘poor behaviour’. He finally left prison in September 2023.
In December 2023 police visited Millar’s home where they discovered he had acquired a laptop and a girlfriend. Required to notify authorities of any new relationship and any use of devices which access the internet, Millar was in serious breach of his SHPO. A later police visit on 22nd January 2024 revealed yet another electronic device, a mobile phone, on which Millar was operating multiple undisclosed social media accounts, yet another breach of his SHPO.
Millar appeared in court last week having pleaded guilty to these offences and he was sentenced to one year and four months in prison.
Wednesday 14th February - An Inconvenient Truth
THE TIMES: Medical journals tried to dismiss and ignore a leading clinician’s findings on the harm of puberty blockers.
Sallie Baxendale is Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology at University College London and the Lead Consultant Neuropsychologist on the epilepsy surgery programme at the National Hospital for Neurology. She serves on the Board of Governors for the International Neuropsychological Society and is extremely well-published in her field. She has voiced concerns about the effect of puberty blockers on the children to whom they are prescribed. “Puberty doesn’t just trigger the development of secondary sex characteristics; it is a really important time in the development of brain function and structure.”
Writing in a recent Unherd article, she explains that there have been more studies assessing the impact of puberty blockers on cognitive function in animals than in humans. Of the 16 studies that have specifically examined the impact of puberty blockers on cognitive function, eleven have been conducted on mice, sheep or monkeys. Most found some detrimental impact on the animals being tested. Of the five studies which tested the affect of puberty blockers on cognitive function in humans, all were in some way flawed and/or limited.
Last year, Professor Baxendale wrote a paper summarising the results of these five human studies. She did not call for the outright banning of puberty blockers, but explained why blocking puberty in children could potentially harm their cognitive development. She pointed out that there is a sufficient scientific basis to conjecture that any process which interrupts puberty will have an impact on brain development and that this possibility has not been properly researched.
One of the studies she reviewed examined the neuro-development of young girls taking puberty blockers. It found that there was an average drop in the girls’ IQs of seven points. For example, the graph below, taken from Professor Baxendale's paper, shows the results of a single case study, a girl who started taking puberty blockers at the age of eleven. It depicts her IQ scores on a number of parameters such as verbal comprehension and memory. The girl lost 15 points in one category over three years while taking puberty blockers.
Despite these alarming findings regarding the effect of puberty blockers on children’s cognitive development, Professor Baxendale originally struggled to find a publisher for her study. Prior to her paper being published by Acta Paediatrica, it was submitted to three academic journals, all of whom rejected it.
Medical studies such as this one are usually subject to anonymous reviews by fellow academics prior to their publication. Professor Baxendale said that the anonymous reviews she received for this paper were unlike any she had previously experienced in 30 years of publishing. “I have never encountered the kinds of concerns that some of the reviewers expressed in response to my review of puberty blockers. In this case, it wasn’t the methods they objected to, it was the actual findings.”
Some anonymous reviewers criticised the fact that Professor Baxendale had only found negative studies but could not provide examples of any research with positive results. One reviewer dismissed the paper because of Professor Baxendale’s use of sex-based terms - eg natal sex, male-to-female, female-to-male - and accused her of a ‘pre-existing scepticism’ about the use of puberty blockers. Another accused her paper of ‘stigmatising’ trans people.
But perhaps the most shocking response she received was from a reviewer who expressed concern that she approached the issue from a ‘bias’ of heavy caution and argued that many other issues need to be addressed before a clear case for the ‘riskiness’ of puberty blockers could be made, even circumstantially. The reviewer even appeared to advocate for a default position of assuming that medical treatments are safe until proven otherwise.
Professor Baxendale says, “‘Safe and fully reversible’ can never be the default position for any medical intervention, never mind a treatment that is now deemed experimental by authorities in Europe and the UK. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, and the only extraordinary evidence here is the gaping chasm of knowledge, or even apparent curiosity, of the clinicians who continue to chant ‘safe and completely reversible’ as they prescribe these medications to the children in their care”.
Thursday 15th February - This Unsporting Life
THE DAILY ITEM: A girls’ basketball team forfeited a game against an opposing squad which included a trans-identified male player.
Last week, two girls’ basketball teams, the KIPP Academy and the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell, competed in a match in Massachusetts. However, after 16 minutes of play, Collegiate Charter conceded the game with KIPP Academy leading 31-14.
According to numerous sources, KIPP Academy has a trans-identified male player on its girls’ basketball team who is reported to be over six feet tall. It is claimed that he has been on the girls’ team roster from the outset of the season.
Governing body, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), allows trans-identified males to play on female teams. Its handbook states, “A student shall not be excluded from participation on a gender-specific sports team that is consistent with the student’s bona fide gender identity.”
KIPP Academy officials refused to confirm their player’s ‘gender identity’ and Athletic Director, Anthony Grimaldi, declined to comment on the reasons for the Collegiate Charter team forfeiting the game.
Social media user, Sidewalk Steve, posted a video exerpt purportedly of this game.
The brief video clip shows an apparently male player who towers over his female teammates and opponents. He wrenches the ball from the hands of a female player and knocks her to the ground.
The girl struggles to stand and writhes on the floor, clutching her lower back and grimacing in pain, as her concerned teammates cluster around her.
The male player then walks away as officials run to the girl’s aid.
Collegiate Charter’s Athletic Director, Kyle Pelczar, said he was aware of ‘the situation’ - ie of there being a trans-identified male player on the opposing team - going into the game and he claimed that the presence of said male player was not the reason for conceding the match. However, he also commented that his team’s players were constantly incurring injuries during the game and that is why the coach, Kevin Ortins, chose to abandon it. “He felt that his girls were getting injured, basically, all game… He didn’t want to have any more of his girls go down.”
Also Today - I Can’t Believe It’s Not Satire
REDUXX: A trans-identified male who murdered an 11 month old baby is suing a prison chaplain after he was denied permission to wear a hijab.
In 2001, Jonathan C. Richardson was arrested in connection with the death of his 11-month-old stepdaughter. The child had died in his care while her mother was at work.
When interviewed by the police, Richardson initially denied harming the child, claiming he had merely found her unresponsive. An autopsy subsequently revealed that the baby had died of asphyxiation by manual strangulation. Richardson would later tell a prison official “All I know is I killed the little fucking bitch”. He was found guilty of murder and is currently serving a 55 year prison sentence at the Branchville Correctional Facility in Indiana.
Richardson began identifying as transgender in 2020 and now calls himself Autumn Cordellioné. He has been receiving testosterone suppressants and cross-sex hormone treatment. The Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC) has also supplied him with make-up, women’s underwear and ‘form-fitting clothing’. He then demanded so-called ‘gender affirming’ surgery and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is supporting him in this bid. In August 2023 it filed a lawsuit challenging recently-adopted legislation which prevents the IDOC from providing ‘transgender surgeries’ to prison inmates.
(In the past the ACLU has been instrumental in the transferring of numerous violent and dangerous trans-identified males - such as Cristina Nichole Iglesias, Danielle Demers, Dejshontaye Would, Marina Volz and Andrew Rondle - to female prisons.)
Now Richardson, claiming to identify as a Muslim woman, has launched a separate lawsuit against the Chaplain at his prison after he was allegedly denied permission to wear a hijab.
Tony Gray has been a prison Chaplain for ten years, volunteering at the Branchville Correctional Facility prior to taking up an official role. According to court records, obtained by Reduxx, the complaint against him relates to an the incident which took place in May 2023 when Gray informed Richardson that he was not permitted to wear a hijab outside his cell. Richardson responded, “I wear the hijab in order to cover my head and ears for modesty purposes, as I am an Islamic practising transwoman.”
In the lawsuit, filed in November 2023, Richardson accuses Gray of violating his First, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment constitutional rights. He is seeking the ability to wear his hijab anywhere in the prison as well as $150,000 in compensation.
Friday 16th February - Never Knowingly Under Sold Out
THE TIMES: The John Lewis Partnership is pushing gender identity ideology onto its staff in an internal magazine which promotes the social transition of children, the use of breast-binders and advice from Mermaids.
Retail giant, the John Lewis Partnership, is the UK’s largest employee-owned business. In addition to its clothes and homeware stores and its financial services, it owns the supermarket chain, Waitrose.
This month John Lewis published the first issue of an internal LGBTQ+ staff magazine called Identity. Using the tagline ‘Pride in the partnership’, the 32-page publication was sent to all 70,000 John Lewis employees. Helen Joyce described the magazine as, “Packed with hyperbole, scaremongering and ideologically driven content… It's a contemptuous dismissal of staff members who – like most people in this country – believe that sex is binary and more important than identity, and value sex-based rights”.
The publication involves an article about 'Raising trans and non-binary children' which not only promotes the social transition of gender-confused children, it also advocates the wearing of breast-binders which are known to adversely affect the health of the girls who use them. Furthermore, it recommends that parents of ‘trans children’ seek advice from Mermaids.
The article, which details the experiences of an anonymous staff member dealing with a ‘trans child’ reads, “The Mermaids parents forum offers a safe and supportive space for parents to ask questions and learn from other parents of trans children. Mermaids offers a number of YouTube videos and tips for both parents and trans children on their website”.
Mermaids has, of course, been beset by scandal in recent years. In 2017 Mermaids was implicated in a high court case concerning a mother who forced her seven-year-old son to live as girl. In 2019 it was discovered that the charity had failed to keep secure the personal data of its vulnerable users and was subsequently fined £25,000.
In September 2022 an investigation by The Telegraph revealed that Mermaids staff were persuading children into transition, encouraging them to conceal their contact with the charity from their parents, and offering to supply breast binders to girls as young as thirteen, even to those who said their parents had forbidden it. A month later, it was revealed that a Mermaids’ trustee, Jacob Breslow, has links to paedophile organisations and has written extensively on pro-paedophile and so-called ‘child sexuality’ subject matter. As we have previously reported, Mermaids also has links to the unregulated offshore clinic, Gender GP, which supplies hormone treatment to children without their parents’ consent or even knowledge.
Mermaids is currently the subject of a Charity Commission statutory inquiry. Yet its ‘services’ are still being promoted in a John Lewis staff publication.
Not only is John Lewis peddling gender woo to its staff, it has also funded the promotion of gender woo to the public. It recently collaborated on an exhibition with a Brighton-based LGBTQ+ arts organisation, Proud Studios. The IDENTITY Project - A Portrait of a Community is “An exploration of what it means to identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community today” and features work by photographer, Chris Jepson.
This exhibition involves a specifically John Lewis Partnership Edition which, according to publicity material, “Celebrates the diversity within the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) by capturing the portraits and stories of its LGBTQIA+ Partners”. This exhibition was launched at the John Lewis store on Oxford Street in London on 10th February. (It was supposed to be on display until the end of the month, but appears to have closed early.)
One of the photographs on display in this exhibition is of John Lewis supermarket assistant, ‘Ruby’ Whitcombe, who is described as ‘transgender’ because he ‘now presents as female full-time’. (You will notice that, in his photograph, ‘Ruby’ is holding a multi-thonged leather whip.)
‘Ruby’ whitcombe had a Flickr account to which he uploaded hundreds of photographs of himself. (The account was suddenly deleted on Sunday 18th February after this story reached social media but the page has been archived.) In the images uploaded to this account ‘Ruby’ is striking frequently pornographic poses while wearing women’s lingerie and fetish gear.
According to the John Lewis ‘trans’ staff policy, ‘Ruby’ is entitled to use the women’s toilets and changing facilities. “All partners and others working for the partnership may choose the toilet or changing facility that is suitable for them.” Furthermore, the policy’s definition of ‘transphobia’ suggests that any women protesting ‘Ruby’s’ presence in their spaces, ‘misgendering’ him or refusing to acknowledge his ‘gender identity’, will face disciplinary action.
John Lewis, “Working in Partnership for a Happier World”.
Also Today - Pronoun Wankers
THE DAILY MAIL: The US National MS Society has sacked a 90-year-old volunteer after 60 years of service because of her confusion over preferred pronouns.
Fran Itkoff is a 90-year-old disabled woman from California. Her late husband had multiple sclerosis (MS) and ran the Long Beach Lakewood MS support group before he passed away 20 years ago. Fran herself has worked as a volunteer at the US National MS Society for 60 years and took over the running of the Long Beach group after her husband died. A few weeks ago she was sacked from her role after she expressed confusion over the use of pronouns.
A representative at the National MS Society had asked Fran to add her preferred pronouns to her email signature. Fran did not understand what this meant and so asked for clarification. She subsequently received an email telling her she had to leave her volunteer role and claiming that she had failed to abide by the society’s ‘diversity, equity and inclusion guidelines’.
In an interview with Chaya Raichik (Libs of TikTok), Fran spoke of her shock at receiving this notification and explained how upset and disappointed she was to be ousted from her role.
When this story reached social media, many users expressed their outrage over the way the National MS Society had treated Fran. The society responded by doubling down on its position and issued a statement about Fran’s sacking. “We believe that our staff acted with the best of intentions and did their best to navigate a challenging issue”, the statement read. “As an organization, we are in a continued conversation about assuring that our diversity, equity and inclusion policies evolve in service of our mission.”
Fran’s daughter, Elle Hamilton, told Chayna Raichik, “To me it's ironic, because they are saying they are inclusive, but they are excluding a 90-year-old disabled woman who has volunteered for 60 years”.
Saturday 17th February - Labour Losing Women
THE TELEGRAPH: The Scottish Labour Party ‘watered down’ a motion on women’s sex-based rights to be debated at its conference and removed the reference to women as ‘human adult females’.
In December 2023, the Scottish Labour Party Women’s Conference passed a motion with a substantial majority which called on the Scottish leadership to ‘acknowledge women’s existence as a sex’ and recommended that “Scottish Labour leadership follow Keir Starmer’s lead and openly recognise women as adult human females.”
It was expected that this motion would go forward, in full and unamended, to be debated at the full party conference which was held in Glasgow at the weekend.
However, at the last minute, the wording of the motion was ‘drastically watered-down’ and only 78 words of the original 171-word motion was included in the final version. Furthermore, the replacement motion did not include any reference to women as ‘adult human females’.
Ultimately, the altered wording of the motion was purely academic, since it was unsuccessful. Horrifyingly, in 2024, the Scottish Labour conference voted down a motion to “Acknowledge the principle of women’s sex based rights”.
Most Constituency Labour Party delegates and the Scottish Labour women’s conference supported the motion. A card vote was held on the floor and 69.3% of CLP delegates’ votes were for the motion. However, votes are weighted equally between CLP delegates and party affiliates. The motion fell because 77% of affiliate votes - which include those from trade unions, socialist societies and so-called equality groups - were against it.
The three biggest trade unions, Unison (the majority of whose members are female), GMB and Unite, all voted against the motion defending women’s legal sex-based rights. Shame on them.
A spokesperson for Labour Women’s Declaration told Labour List, “The sight of a sea of men’s hands voting against the motion from women’s conference was chilling. Scottish Labour and the trade unions involved need a long hard look at themselves.”
Sunday 18th February - Milk Of Human Kindness
THE TELEGRAPH: The director of an NHS trust has claimed that the drug-induced lactation fluid produced by trans-identified males is no different from breast milk.
Demonstrating the extent to which the NHS has been ideologically captured, the medical director of University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has described the drug-induced fluid produced by trans-identified males trying to simulate lactation as ‘ideal food for infants’ and ‘as good’ as a mother’s breast milk.
In 2021, the Trust created what it called Britain’s “First clinical and language guidelines supporting trans and non-binary birthing people”. These guidelines made assertions about the ability of trans-identified males to produce milk for a baby. The Trust is a member of Stonewall's ‘diversity champions’ scheme. It admitted that its guidance was produced with advice from ‘external organisations’ but refused to say which.
The recent claims were made in a leaked letter sent on behalf of the Trust's Chief Executive in response to complaints from a campaign group which represents the children of trans-identified parents. The letter, uncovered by think-tank, Policy Exchange, defends the practice of inducing lactation in males by using powerful medications. It maintains that this fluid is comparable to a mother’s breast milk and, worse still, claims that the fluid poses no risk to a baby.
Medical experts, however, have rejected these claims, pointing out there is a lack of scientific study on the side effects of infants ingesting the drug-induced lactational fluid of males. One medical expert told The Daily Mail, “There have been very few publications and the vast majority have not looked at what's in the milk itself”. Furthermore, this clinician also commented on how little fluid - ‘barely enough for a single feed’ - is produced by induced lactation.
In July 2023, US clinician, Talia Nava, analysed the information available on artificially drug-induced lactation fluid in males to determine whether or not it is safe and healthy for infants to consume. She concluded that it is not:
“Given all the available data on the amount of milk produced as well as the lack of studies on the safety of these medications at such high doses, it is safe to say there is no sufficient evidence to prove transwomen [sic] can safely breastfeed an infant. Transwomen [sic] cannot produce enough to give adequate nutrition and the unknown dangers to the infant from the medications is not worth the risk.
But even further, it is concerning that it was of great importance that breastfeeding was affirming for the transwoman [sic]. Breastfeeding is about providing nutrition and immunity benefits to the infant. It should be concerning to everyone that affirmation is addressed at all. Given the risk to the infant, the ethical question must be asked: is a transwoman [sic] nursing really about feeding the infant, or is it about feeding the dysphoria?”
If you’re wondering what sort of man would be prepared to take such risks with an infant’s health in order to validate his own ‘gender identity’, read this account by trans-identified male, Dana Fried, in which he describes ‘feeding’ his baby daughter immediately after his wife had given birth.
“When my baby attached to my breast, there was an incredible chemical cascade that ran through my entire body like lightning. Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don't judge.
I might have been my daughter's sperm donor, but breastfeeding was how I knew I was going to be a mom. It validated my womanhood as much as any surgery ever could.”
See you next week.
Thanks JL as always. Amongst all the horror that we are now used to enduring (sort of) it could be easy to overlook the utterly vile and contemptible experimentation on babies in order that men with fetishes are validated. Nothing can excuse this and the fact that this is being done with the support of the NHS only illustrates the depths to which we have sunk as a society. Every part of this update is shocking, as they all are, but babies have no choice, no voice, they are simply being used as props in a man’s fantasy about himself regardless of possible harm. Nothing is more narcissistic.
Thank you, as always, JL. You must feel like you are playing a global game of "Whack-a-mole".
Authorities still thinking that the idle, fetishistic, preferences of violent, narcissistic, criminals outweigh the personal safety and mental health of the female prison population.
As for "Ruby" Whitcombe, hope he's not serving in the deli counter at Waitrose. I'd have to swerve the Chorizo selection.