
NTEU = The National Trans Education Union.

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How is it that Trans activists are able to display the most atrocious behaviour and still maintain the support of so many organisations?

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They have understood that our society is inherently conservative and deferent to authority, so if they just get to that little elite at the top of the pyramid and bamboozle them with the bullshit then it will shake all the way down through the hierarchy, be it a political, business, or public authority hierarchy. It's hard to be the lone dissenter who is the first to speak out even if you're pretty sure most people secretly agree with you. Arthur Miller og course captured both the psychology and the mechanics of how a little minority are able play people out against one another to achieve dominance over the flock in his magnificent drama The Crucible.

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Exactly! What the hell will it take?

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Because people choose to look the other way. And partly because the behavior of trans activists is so disgusting and their believes are so outlandish that most people, being basically decent folk, do not believe that anyone could ever act that way or really believe that outlandish BS. Surey, most people think, this must be the few extremists, this can not be typical of the movement itself. We better ignore them...

So, ironically, it may trans ideology's extremism itself that shields normal people from believing the movement is extremist in and of itself.

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If this is so, ironic indeed.

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deletedOct 18, 2022Liked by JL
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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022Liked by JL

Yes, absolutely, that's it in a nutshell. So few who are backing this ideology and whatever if throws up, give two fucks about trans people, trans issues, the non binary world of fiction and narcissism, or any of this stuff. Aggressive TRA's, or anyone ostensibly acting in that capacity, are fulfilling their own misogynistic fantasies and allowing them to expand on that. I'm referring to people in positions of authority, senior police officers, teachers, health professionals and politicians, etc. Including some females among them unfortunately, either because they're crippled by their own internalised misogyny, or, like Nicola Sturgeon, they want a particular and better position.

Add to that the potential for pharmaceutical companies and clinics to make lots of money, and they'll do more or less anything. How else could a creature like Dr Teetus Deletus, or whatever she promotes herself as, exist? She should be a character from a horror story, instead she's a successful surgeon who's become rich from mutilitaing very young women.

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The writer of that book had her healthy breasts cut off using donated money including £1500 from Graham Norton?


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There are young mothers dying and leaving children without their mother for lack of or fucked up healthcare and having symptoms ignored and those two men ARE PAYING FOR A YOUNG WOMAN TO REMOVE HER BREASTS. What a weird and nasty hobby for two silly old men.

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Armed forces know they are men! Wow! Like nearly everyone else. When will Sturgeon and others catch up to the game being over

Thanks for another update JL. Looking forward to the good news edition

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Thank you, Clothes Moth! (It's a bumper GNS this week!) x

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how can you identify as both 'trans' and 'non binary'? trans are the most binary of all- they desperately want to be in the opposite binary!

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'It's all nonsense, isn't it?'

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Yes- but sinister and clever too- they never define 'Trans', and totally muddy the water, so that nobody knows what the real issues are. They focus on bogus arguments about 'Transphobia' or pronouns or 'equity'. Benjamin (Cohen?) appeared on Piers Morgan BBC TV Morning a few years ago, and because Morgan is a pompous egotist ranting away, Benjamin never had to actually say anything real in reply- Morgan unintentionally(?) let him off the hook- and no doubt,, B would claim he had been on TV proud to speak up for trans rights...

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"abusive men are the risk to women, not trans women" aka Abusive men are the risk to women, not men.

Beautiful pros. Maybe she will pop this on the Scottish pound.

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It's just "Not all men" but rephrased, isn't it?

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Thank you, JL. Valuable work. It's depressing as all h*ll to read so I can't imagine how infuriating it is to write. You have my gratitude and my sympathy!

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Thank you so much Bin Chicken. That's much appreciated. It's not always an easy job, no. But thank goodness for wine! (Don't get downhearted - there's a jam packed edition of the Good News Supplement on the way!) x

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Isn’t it remarkable how ‘gender’ ideologues are capable of turning truth on its head? Every single time. Beginning with the Big Lie that human beings can change their sex. So, according to a few obviously power-wielding dingbats in Australia’s ‘higher education’ union — according to their twisted ‘thinking’ — anyone who’s ‘gender’ critical is promulgating ‘hate speech masquerading as academic work’. Ahem. They’re constantly telling on themselves. See, deep down, they know what’s true. That’s why they’re such experts in projection. They know what’s true, they know they’re wrong, but they cannot own it. Every accusation an admission. Cowardice is a deadly flaw, one that allows infinite varieties of suffering to flourish.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by JL

"This astonishing, and badly written, document not only goes beyond the law — it makes demands incompatible with the law”.

Spot on, Debbie Hayton. We see this time and again. We celebrate cases like Maya Forstater's win yet the very thing she won - confirmation of the legal right to express non-belief - is routinely ignored. This is what happens when you apply Graham Norton's "logic" of allowing morons on twitter to determine "accountability," as opposed to the actual legal system.

Trans is effectively a meaningless phrase because it can mean anything from someone who has undergone surgery and medication, to a sex offender who's decided he'd like a lighter sentence and access to jailed women. So if we can't define trans, we can't define transphobia.

"Gender Critical" is an unfortunate phrase, because while it really only means "a belief in scientific rationalism," that meaning is rarely applied.

We need an equivalent of the Scopes Monkey Trial to define these words and to legally-clarify that this is basically a debate between scientific rationalism and magical thinking. The problem is, I honestly don't know if our institutions are as ready to acknowledge scientific rationalism as Tennessee's legal system was in 1925.

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Yes. I'm trying not to lose hope over this. We need the legal profession to do better outreach. Is it a backstop or last resort? What's it for? What's the point of rule of law? I was going to say education professions also need to, but they're under such consistent attack from all sides and are beleaguered. I am often despairing at the volume of those who spout utter shite, with logic that loops and dips back and forth and ties itself in knots. It's easily exposed if you get a chance, so they deny that chance. I am stupidcabbageactivistphobic but that's irrelevant as they seem to have the upper hand. It feels like belief in truth, observable reality and facts and belief in lying and lies is held up as all being protected beliefs and somehow on a par. No, trans activists, that's not what rulings say, belief in abusing others and doing what you like is not one of the Equality Act protected characteristics which is not synonymous with any belief.

The meter, rhyme and reason of normal human interaction is disrupted by tech and asynchronous communication but there's little opportunity to engage with these angry cabbages. They are ignoring the law. 'We' take little wins but on they press. The law has processes and procedures to allow it to be shared, stable and rigorous. It's slower and more resource intensive than High Twitter Court. Meanwhile the genderologists piss on everything and they are unaware of legal rulings and because they don't think they apply to them, they don't, so on they march. It used to be a standard of something that underpinned 'the professions' and standards and was a trusted part of how we structure society.

The capture of the unions is terrifying. Some rights for those two legged fellas, but those four legs who identify as two legs or is it two legs who 'believe' they're four leggers are bad.

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"It's easily exposed if you get a chance, so they deny that chance."

A.K.A. "No debate."

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Yes, I'm not fond of Stonewall slogans so try to avoid repeating them ;-)

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A union dictating to academics what they may not do research into? How much more dystopian and totalitarian can ït get? The left wing is committing total suicide. Or else it is transing into its opposite.

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Don’t tell me. A man, obsessed with his superficial ‘woman’ looks, taking endless filtered photos of his be-wigged self covered with pounds and pounds of makeup, is actually a fucking pedophile? But, but — he’s surrounded by flutter of blue butterflies in one of his head-tilted photos. How can this possibly be?

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Many thanks JL. You've bought new meaning to "Down Under" :-D

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Hahaha! Quite grim, isn't it?

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Dear God. When you think this couldn't get any worse ,hey presto ,it does. This movement has brought out the very worst traits of the human race. Every one of these stories is so enraging ,yet the Scottish Government just refuses to acknowledge the ever increasing amounts of damage this cult is causing.! At least the totally inaccurate story about the serial killer Dennis Nilson gave me a laugh.. ,tragic though it was. It's a real surprise to find that London's in Scotland 😅🤣😂. Obviously this person needs a geography lesson !! Thanks ,JL. Hope there's some good news soon.🙏❤️

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Take heart, Susan! There's a bumper GNS on the way soon! x

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When will reason and logic prevail?

Considering the studies supporting pills, injections and surgeries have no validity because of profit motive, pharma funding, low sample size, leading survey questions and researcher bias. There is no understanding of the significance and damage scar tissue represents for the long term in these rushed surgeries. The "born wrong body" mindset claims lopping off parts is ideal, never considering the mind's rumination on the scars, the lack of sensation and interference with vagus nerve.

The human body is no longer appreciated as a feat of engineering, an entity to be studied carefully, methods in place to know the conclusions are correct. The ever more extremism, the thought suppression, proves the point. I repeat to myself, "It's the tantrum before the nap."

Below, the 6 articles on just what standards and methods are violated by "experts" in the Gender Ideology:


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And to cover up for his trans hypocrisy, Biden is apparently looking into extending the draft to women.

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Yeah ,what kind of country would that make the USA ? Conscription of women in wartime ?? Thanks for that ,feminists ,whoever you are

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I'm a feminist but that policy proposal has nothing to do with feminism. Biden is just looking for a way out of the double standard he has bought into with this trans mess. I'm against anything that comes out of that man's mouth on and around this subject and many others too, increasingly. I probably should have explained myself better.

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Here's a tale of a "transphobic" gender critic and how she was "dealt with":


I wouldn't get too angry about it since the gender critic herself is getting bogged down in academic psycho gobbledegook. Indeed - just follow these links and find out how much insufferable bullshit these "highbrows" can spout. Note also how it all comes down to whether their latest prejudice can have a "proper acronym" attached to it.

Meanwhile the "reactionary Right Wing fundamentalist" parents know perfectly well what's happening: the intellectual goon squad has made the "offer you can't refuse" to these "proper scientific" outlets to keep them in line. Nobody wants to wake up next to a horse's head!

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