The weightlifting story illustrates how women deal with issues of men invading their space - self-excluding - and what happens - no one notices.

Every time this story comes up, some genius man comes up with the stunning solution “why oh why don’t the wimmin just refuse to participate”?

They do exclude themselves, and the men, transmaidens, and people who just don’t care move into those spaces; the women get left out and nobody notices their protest. All that happens is that women miss out on activities they were previously part of.

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If all this was affecting men rather than women and children, it wouldn’t have lasted five minutes. The outcry would have been deafening. Instead we get endless comments from men in the media banging on about how we are wasting too much time on the ‘culture wars’ 🤬 It’s taken me a long time to realise just how little we matter.

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Interestingly, chess is the field where men are saying we are taking a break from "trans" because women who identify as men might start to claim their grand master status from the women's league now counts as if they'd gone through mens (open) tournaments. There are a few female grandmasters who played with the boys, but they are rare birds.

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The men's rights lot want all females pushed back into the kitchen. The sexual rights ones think they make better women, so they win all round.

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As usual the content here is just so disturbing but i can add my voice to the chess thing as i am a quite a good player.

And JL gets its bang on as usual, i read that guidian article and it was just bull shit. the attempt at balance near the end was bullshit.

No one is suggesting women are stupid and unable to make strategic decisions previously only enjoyed by nobheads in the military etc.

Like snooker, men and boys are encouraged to play these games from a young age, sorry they are games, skillful but not sports- if you can compete at the highest level and still smoke 20 a day then its not a sport, sorry,

So when snooker and chess have women only championships its to encourage female participation. Its to give them a chance to compete and develop their skills. To platform great players and demonstrate to the world that women can play chess at a level that deserves deep analysis.

Plus as JL points out the majors are ‘open’.

And the guy i watch on youtube gotham chess regularly features the top female players to demonstrate their inspirational playing. He is passionate about getting girls playing chess.

No one is suggesting that women are stupid,

I think FIDE should be congratulated for trying to nurture talent in a demographic that has been and still is ignored.

If there are 50 times more male chess players in the world (not sure what the figure is but chess.com could probably tell us) due to society encouraging boys and not being interested in girls then it would be wrong to not have some competitions exclusively for females.

anyway thats my little rant over.

thanks JL

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I'm afraid I'm rubbish at chess. But I'm not surprised to hear you're a bit tasty, CB! No end to your talents. Thank you for your kind words and, yes, I agree 100% with the above.

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thanks JL, one’s got to have some hobbies i reckon, i like the free ones! Its all relative one’s competence so i’m not quite good compared to like a pro or one of those children you see beating grand masters in the park but i do like the game.

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I remember once trying to play 'patio chess' (or whatever it's called when it's on one of those HUGE outdoor boards) at some stately home or other with my then boyfriend. He was about a foot taller than me and had a distinct advantage because I couldn't properly look down on the board! 🤣

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JL i will always side with you but claiming a height advantage in chess is a lets be honest a poor excuse, a poor excuse for failure on the board. I like to wind my friends up that playing them at chess offers me no sport. Like hunting a wounded fox in a hi viz. For the record, i am against blood sports.

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Yeah but no but yeah but no but.... If you have to stand on a chair & peep over your glasses in order to plan your next move on the board it's not ideal!! I'm also against blood sports. (I bloody foxes & get loads in the garden. Delightful creatures.) I totally understand the joy of a lovely horse ride across the countryside. No need for it to involve a beautiful fox being torn apart by a pack of dogs, though. I think anyone engaging in or facilitating such horror should be punched squarely on the nose. Ideally by me.

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ok JL, you can have that chess win. But next time…. please being a step ladder.

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Jolyon Maughan hasn’t got a good record with foxes 😂


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I always refer to him as 'vulpine averse'. What I'd like say to say is probably libellous. A man capable of clubbing a to death fox with a baseball bat is [expletives deleted].

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"the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable"

ba-dum-tsh 🥁🦊

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While dressed in his wife's kimono !!


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We all know it was HIS kimono, really! 😉

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Yosha Iglesias is a trans identifying male chess player who had the benefit of encouragement and training - i assume, during important early years of mental development. If girls are less likely to have this positive attention paid to their abilities there is absolutely a good reason to have a female only class. And an open class for all.

Plus if women players don’t want a class of their own, they can tell FIDE to f off. It shouldnt be men telling female chess players that they can’t have their own category.

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This is a thread to watch. Women who went through the women's channel and then switched to open, are there any and did any climb to the top? They wouldn't then claim to have all of their successes in the open category. But women who claim to be men want their wins in the women's lane to be renamed as if they'd been competed "as men" in the open category. Interesting that chess got on the "exploration/investigation" bandwagon. Perhaps the women's category makes it more comfortable for teen girls, letting them avoid sexual innuendoes and flirting distractions. I'm planning to watch this. I don't think a dude in a dress should be allowed into any women's category, anywhere.

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indeed, Judit Polgár is the most successful female player, took games off Gary Kasparov - worlds greatest chess player ever with possible exception of Magus C, also beat Fischer and other world champions. She was in top 10 in the world at point point. A proper genius.

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Agreed CB

Our granddaughters all play chess.😎


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thats great news Dusty, my i recommend the kings gambit when they play white. Apologies if you know all this, but its a great fun opening that immediately leads to complete carnage and i’ve had success against much higher rated players- but also lost to much lower rated players. And the first three moves are easy to remember. It gets players away from what they know and gets one thinking. It is rarely played at the pro level because it has been sort of proved to be a bit crap for white, but players like me can still have a go laugh with it. Carnage Dusty. Carnage. Thats what one wants with a board game

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They are all much better than me, CB but I shall pass that on to them 😎

My sport is badminton - even though I’m an old codger I can still beat the youngsters 😎


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Ha ha thats brilliant Dusty. I love that at the amateur level, age and gender are nothing compared to skill and natural ability. I was running with 2 of the mums yesterday, both faster and fitter than me, and one was 50. 19 miles we did. They just chatted the whole way round whilst i grunted and sweated loads.

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Whoaaa!!! 19 miles! I'm impressed

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ha ha, i was on the floor Dusty. Marathon training for two of us and preparation for a 60 mile race for the 50 yr old. She doesn’t look anywhere near 50. She could be 35 i reckon. And does many of these ultra marathons. Like 26 miles isnt mental enough.

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JL, thank you for your hard work, and it must be hard having to look at the perverted dregs of society and their crimes, particularly against children. I'm fast coming to the belief that every piece of male genitalia should be removed and its bearer reduced to a catheter for the heinous crimes they are perpetrating on children. Jhc, the rape of a baby between 6 and 12 months??? And images of same? .... I'm enraged that judges are letting far too many men away with this crime against humanity, a slave on the wrist and they are back to the same thing again, it should be upgraded to reflect the severity of the crime and those with images and those predators carrying it out jailed for life, in a men's prison if course, to mean while life tariff. Its very grim reading.

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Thank you for your kind words, Trudie. Yes, it's grim but I think we are making progress. And there's a bumper GNS on the way. Stay strong x

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I'm so enraged my spelling and non checking of it is so lazy of me and annoying!!!

Should read far too many men away with a SLAP ....

In a men's prison OF course, to mean WHOLE life tarrif

apologies to those who try to read it 😆

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I’m really sorry JL, I could only skim read this one. 🤢

Is it getting worse or are we just hearing more stories?

Thanks as ever for your incredible iron will in producing these updates. If we ever get to the end of it all, substacks like this will provide fantastic evidence of the time that the world went insane.

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Ah sorry to bring down your day, TT. Yes, it's grim but I do think we're making progress. Look at the outpouring of support for Graham over Fringegate. And there's a huuuge Good News Supplement on the way! Down be downhearted. And thank you so much for your kind words. Take good care x

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Thanks JL but I get angry rather than down so no worries. I think we’re calling it the Cringe instead of the Fringe now though. 😁

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Hahaha! The Edinburgh Cringe! I love it! 🤣

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I think substacks like your amazing one JL and wonderful organisations like Reddux are already supplying us with hard evidence for court and tribunal cases, consultations etc 😎 Dusty

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Ah thanks, Dusty! Much appreciated! 😊

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I was in Edinburgh yesterday and it is striking who is there and spending the money that keeps the whole show on the road. Parents and grandparents with teenage children both British and foreign tourists. Middle aged people, elderly people. Not a blue haired, rainbow flagged, know nothing in sight. Restaurants, bars, hotels, ticket buyers all making their money from people who clearly know a man from a woman. If you did a straw poll on the Royal Mile I guarantee gender ideology would sink under the weight of collective reason. The few theatre owners who support the unspeakable cancellers will go out of business because they haven’t thought this rubbish through.

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That’s what is so frustrating about the whole thing. The vast majority will be anti gender ideology but because of the fear that tras have managed to embed, most people are too scared to speak up. Either that or they don’t understand the implications and think that it’s another civil rights cause. So we just have to keep plugging away.

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Tenacious, I think we are just hearing more of the sanctioned, sanctified narcissism cult. I recently finished the first volume of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. I just can't see how anyone is "born that way." Babies are pure and innocent, needing food, clean clothing, sleep and the warmth of human touch. How can anyone actively defend "true trans" in the face of this violence and perversion? I too, skimmed. Iceland has me reeling.


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"prison onset gender dysphoria" 👏👏👏 Y'all have such a way with words, JL 🤣🏆💪✊👊

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You're too kind, lovely! Thank you! 😄😘 xxx

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Not surprised at the Iceland story. I’m in that country at the moment and it’s awash with the ‘Progress’ Pride flag complete with pedo pale pink and pale blue stripes. Guide was rabbiting on about how inclusive the county is but obviously not for gays, lesbians, women and children. That leaves … er, men!

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I prefer BABY pink and BABY blue - highlights the pêrvêrt pee-dough aspect 🗡️🔪🏏🔫💥🔥💣

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Shocking and depressing stuff, but it is crucial we understand what goes on. It's frightening and makes you wonder how much more damage will be inflicted upon women and children before it stops. There is nothing vulnerable or marginalised about these dangerous sexual deviants. We need the good news supplement, pronto!

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It's on the way!

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Thank you for this weeks collection of horror stories. I can't read them in one sitting, I get far too angry and depressed. I do hope the extreme nature of these stories, where things seem to be getting worse, is like the powerful burst of life that often proceeds death. And this ravaging cult needs to die. As we know, its poison has infected so infected so many institutions, particularly the police health service authorities where executives are slavishly or happily following the dictates of the degenerate bastards who run Stonewall.

It is literally unbelievable that the 'preferred pronouns' are asked of someone who is in need of an ambulance, so that people who identify as trans aren't offended or distressed. Apart from anything else, why would a trans/non-binary/gender fluid/agender, etc individual care at that moment? They are more likely to be too distressed about the heart attack they're having, by the accident they've been involved in to worry about not feeling included. It is fucking ridiculous and intolerable, and it shouldn't be tolerated.

The NHS is highly valued by most people in the UK, and they need to start reacting accordingly. If they aren't concerned about the way women's rights to privacy and dignity are being attacked, they can think about how much money is being wasted 'training' people to behave like part of their brain has been shut down, and in implementing their divisive initiatives.

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Yes, I know it's grim but, as you say, with every story comes another peaking. I really do think things are starting to change. Slowly, maybe. And there is still much work to do. But I think we are starting to see a change. Stay positive. You're on the right side of history!

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Thank you. I try to stay positive, and reading your GNS definitely helps. But sometimes I feel either so hopeless or enraged.

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Stay angry but please don't give up hope. We are winning. But it will take time. "The wheels of God grind slowly but they grind exceeding fine" as the saying goes. Same with this fight. Stay strong & take care 💪 xx

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That's lovely, thank you. We all need to stay strong in the knowledge that this will end ✊🏼 xx

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❤️ xx

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There's a joke about an old Jewish guy who gets run over in the street. As he's lying there about to expire, a Roman Catholic priest rushes up and tries to give him the last rites. "My son," asks the priest, "Do you believe in The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost?"

If I was in need of an ambulance and was asked for my pronouns, I'd be tempted to reply like the old man: "I'm dying, and HE'S ASKING ME RIDDLES!"

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Another great broadside, Radhwa spot on 😎


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I have a talking point I'd like to run by all of you and it's a question we should be asking every day, all the time, from now until the cows come home:

How many times does Graham Linehan have to be right?

And we should also demand a number.

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Perhaps this was would be quicker:


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Or that, if you prefer. The point should be made every chance we get.

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I read this quote recently, attributed to Ghandi, which gives me hope.

“First, they ignore us. Then they laugh at us. Then they fight us. Then, we win. “

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Good old Stephanie, butter wouldn't melt in his innocent mouth. But whatever you do, Graham, do not bring him up on TalkTV. So many perverts, and so much evidence, in plain sight, and so much collusion. Are there really that many thick as pigshit people? Even the few friends with whom I tentatively touch upon these topics are aware that there is some problem, but they are woefully ignorant of the extent and ramifications. BTW, Graham, so sorry for the shitshow recently on TV and at the Fringe. It must grind you down terribly. Thank you for your extraordinary courage and determination.

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Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV rode in to the rescue 😎

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As difficult as these stories sometimes are, they do serve to remind us that we're on the right side by opposing all the rot that is gender identity. Nothing good will come of coercing society to pretend people can change sex.

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I'm constantly blown away by the minimalist, playtime sentences UK gives to men having child porn. A little paper order DOES NOT STOP ANYTHING.

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The cognitive dissonance must be nearing levels that induce psychosis in those still unwilling to see the harm inherent in gender ideology. The trans-activists and allies keep saying these cases don't represent trans people as a whole, but that's not even the point. The point IS that these avalanche of examples prove that males who adopt a female gender identity are still male in every way that matters re safeguarding of women and single-sex spaces, sports, etc. Gender identity does not reduce the risk they pose. It is dangerous and irresponsible to pretend it does.

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Horribly depressing. Hurry up with the good news supplement pleeease.

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It's on the way!

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.

Great work from Reddux as usual.

I trust that Talk TV’s Rosanna Lockwood ( who hijacked Glinner) will be carefully studying the latest revelations about Stephanie Hayden!

Re Dr Gadow it always seems to me even more chilling when this b****cks invades the teaching of law.

Roll on the GNS!


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On its way! (As is my complaint letter to Talk TV!)

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Great stuff, JL

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These articles make me despair of society. What an utterly sick world.

I suspect many people are unaware of all of this as there would be outrage. Is there any way to reach a greater audience?

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