Monday 14th August - This Never Happens #1
REDUXX: A trans-identified male paedophile has been jailed over possession of depraved child sexual abuse images.
30-year-old Jonathan Meadows was arrested in 2019 after messaging a 15-year-old girl on social media. The teenager’s older sister replied to him, demanding to know why he was contacting a minor. He asked if she enjoyed ‘illegal sexual stuff’ and told her that he abused children.
Police were subsequently called to his home in Swansea where they searched his electronic devices. He was discovered to be in possession of almost 1,000 images and videos of an extreme nature involving the abuse of children and animals. Over 100 of these were classified Category A, the most serious classification indicating images which depict penetrative sexual activity, sexual activity involving an animal or sadism.
Meadows pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children, three counts of distributing indecent images of children, and one count of possessing extreme pornographic images of bestiality. He was spared prison and given an 18-month sentence suspended for two years. He was also placed under a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention order and required to participate in a rehabilitation programme.
In April, Meadows’ probation officer made a routine visit to his home, inspected his electronic devices and found that he had been operating a social media account using the name ‘Julie Shepherd’. This put Meadows in breach of his release conditions. Consequently, his devises were seized and he was subsequently found to be in possession of 95 child sexual abuse images, 17 of which were deemed Category A and depicted the most extreme forms of abuse. The youngest child in the photographs was reported in court as being between six and twelve months old.
Following his trial at Swansea Crown Court, Meadows was sentenced to 21 months in prison. His defence counsel argued that there was ‘no sinister motive’ for Meadows using a different name on social media, claiming that he intends to ‘transition’ and Julie Shepherd is the name he wishes to adopt.
Another case of prison onset gender dysphoria.
Also Today - First Do No Harm
THE DAILY MAIL: Stonewall’s malign influence has been revealed to pervade throughout the NHS.
As part of its ongoing investigation into the ideological capture of the NHS, The Daily Mail has discovered that controversial lobby group, Stonewall, has influenced the ‘trans’ policies at around 30 different NHS trusts.
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust lists Stonewall as a 'contributor' to its guidelines, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust thanks Stonewall ‘for reviewing and suggesting improvements’, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust is in the process of drafting its policy ‘with support’ from Stonewall, and North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust includes Stonewall on a list of ‘stakeholders’ who have reviewed their ‘diversity and inclusion’ policy.
The Daily Mail also reported on England's nine NHS ambulance trusts. It found that, in some cases, NHS 999 operators have been told to dispense with terms such as ‘sir’ and ‘madam’ to avoid ‘misgendering’ while others claim that sex is often irrelevant to medical care, so operators can record a patient’s self-declared gender identity. One ambulance trust asks callers for their preferred pronouns, even in medical emergencies, so as not to cause stress to those with a trans identity.
MP Nick Fletcher told The Daily Mail, “It is unacceptable that the NHS continues to place the safety and privacy of women at risk because of ideological capture by a tiny but vocal lobbying group”.
Tuesday 14th August - An Unsporting Chance
TALK TV: A trans-identified male powerlifter stole first place and set new records in the women’s division of a national Canadian competition.
Anne Andres is a 40-year-old Canadian trans-identified male powerlifter who, outrageously, is permitted to compete in women’s competitions. The sport’s governing body in Canada - the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) - allows competitors to ‘self identify’ their own gender. Consequently males like Andrews can compete, even at the highest level, in women’s categories without requiring any medical treatment, physical alteration or testosterone reduction.
Not surprisingly, Andres holds numerous records in the female division, including women’s deadlift and bench press, and he’s ‘won’ ten out of the eleven competitions in which he has participated. This week he stole first place in the Female Masters Unequipped category at the 2023 Western Canadian Championship. Not only that, he set both a Canadian women’s national record and an unofficial world record.
In powerlifting, a participant’s total score is calculated by adding together their top weights in the squat, bench press and deadlift. Competing in the Female Masters Unequipped category, Andres totaled 597.5 kg (1,317 pounds). SuJan Gil, who was placed second, scored a total of 387.5 kg (854 pounds). That’s quite a margin. Andres’ total, to absolutely nobody’s surprise, was very similar to those of the highest scoring powerlifters in the men’s category.
Earlier this year, Andres mocked Canadian female powerlifters claiming that they are ‘so bad’ at bench press. He ridiculed Mackenzie Lee, one of the powerlifters on the women’s circuit. “We’re not talking about Mackenzie Lee. She’s got little T-Rex arms, and she’s like 400 pounds of chest muscle apparently. I mean, standard bench in powerlifting competition for women. I literally don’t understand why it’s so bad.”
Speaking to Talk TV, powerlifter, April Hutchinson, said that the CPU is ignoring women’s concerns over this issue and that a number of female competitors self-excluded from this week’s competition, knowing that Andres would be participating. She said, “He’s a forty year, old six foot two, two hundred and fifty pound man… That national record that he broke, athletes have been chasing that for years, and we’re talking top athletes who have been training and training and training… It’s been very disheartening.”
Wednesday 16th August - Within These Walls
EL CAPITLINO: A female inmate at a Mexican prison was sexually assaulted by the trans-identified male with whom she was forced to share a cell.
The women’s facility at Mexico’s Chalco Penitentiary houses around 450 women and has a daycare room for inmates with children. It has minimal security and certain sections are separated only by fabric curtains. Nevertheless, a trans-identified male with a history of sexual violence was allowed to transfer there.
The woman forced to share a cell with him has spoken out about his sexually assaulting her. She had initially remained silent because he threatened to use his contacts on the outside to harm her children if she reported him.
When she finally reported him to prison authorities, CODHEM, Mexico’s Human Rights Commission, launched an investigation. It determined that “One of the [incarcerated women] was sexually assaulted by her roommate”. It was also revealed that the perpetrator has previous complaints of misconduct and ‘probable sexual harassment’ on his record.
Astonishingly, CODHEM ordered prison staff to attend a ‘gender perspective’ course. Because that’s the way to prevent violent males from assaulting women in their cells?
Also Today - The Clocks Were Striking 13 In Iceland
FRETTIN ICELAND: Trans activists in Iceland forced the cancellation of a gay and lesbian group’s conference.
Icelandic organisation, Samtökin 22, is the only group in the country dedicated solely to the support and defence of lesbians and gay men. The group speaks out against the danger of gender identity ideology to vulnerable children and its harmful effect on th rights homosexual men and women.
Samtökin 22 organised a conference to be held on Saturday 12th August at Reykjavík's National Museum. Speaking at the conference was Robert Wintermute, a Professor of Human Rights Law at Kings College London whose areas of expertise include anti-discrimination law and the law pertaining to sexual orientation. He has spent 37 years defending LGB human rights and he is a trustee of the LGB Alliance.
Another scheduled speaker was Norwegian lesbian artist, Tonje Gjevjon. Last year Gjevjon was investigated by police after she fell foul of Norway’s ‘hate speech’ laws for expressing her opposition to trans-identified males describing themselves as lesbians.
Obviously, neither speaker is deemed acceptable by the trans militia so ‘queer’ groups in Iceland instigated a campaign to cancel the conference. Consequently, the National Museum reneged on its contract and instructed the event’s organisers to go elsewhere. They secured a second venue but that, too, was subject to an onslaught from trans activists and, only 24 hours before the conference was due to begin, that venue also pulled out of hosting.
Former Prime Minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, offered Samtökin 22 an alternative venue at the last minute so the conference was able to go ahead. No thanks to the trans activists who had done everything possible to have it shut down.
Writing in Frettin Iceland, Tonje Gjevjon commented, “In Iceland, the queer organizations try to control the debate on the issues of people who are attracted to the same biological sex by silencing and using traceable false accusations of others who disagree with their views… The fact that homosexual women and men are subjected to harmful and offensive behavior of this kind by a government institution in a Nordic country is a very serious matter”.
Thursday 17th August - These Are Not Our Crimes
A trans-identified male charged with exposing himself to minors and possessing child sexual abuse images was reported as being a woman across local media.
At the end of July, Police in the Hampshire market town of Ringwood investigated reports that two young girls had been subjected to indecent exposure.
A 55-year-old suspect called Samantha Norris was subsequently charged, not only with two counts of indecent exposure, but also with three counts of making indecent photographs/pseudo-photographs of a child, possession of a prohibited image of a child and possession of an extreme pornographic image. Norris was remanded in custody and will appear at Southampton Crown Court on 9th January.
In reporting on this case, Ringwood Police were rather coy about referring to the suspect’s sex. They stated that ‘a person’ had been charged and used gender neutral pronouns throughout their post on social media.
By contacting the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, Reduxx ascertained that Samantha Norris is a male who ‘identifies as woman’. The External Engagement Manager told them, “The information that I have is that the suspect identifies as a woman. But this is why we have referenced them in a gender-neutral way in our reporting.”
Similarly, a social media account called Hampshire and Isle of Wight News reported that Norris is a man, seemingly having ascertained that he was remanded to a male prison.
Sadly, no other journalists could be bothered to do any investigation with regard to this case. Happy to accept the police claim that a ‘Samantha’ had been charged with this most male of crimes, media outlets reported that Norris is a woman and some even described him as female.
The Bournemouth Echo described Norris as a woman.
The Portsmouth News not only called Norris a woman…
…Their article about him described him ‘female’.
Yahoo also described him as ‘female’.
What a pity none of them could do their job and report accurately on the sex of a suspected paedophile. Because fighting male violence against women and children is hard enough without gender woo obscuring the identity of predators.
Also Today - This Never Happens #2
REDUXX: It has been revealed that prominent trans activist and serial litigant, Stephanie Hayden, has a conviction for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy.
Old soldiers of the gender wars will be more than familiar with Stephanie Hayden, formerly known as Anthony Halliday. He is a vociferous trans activist and no stranger to the media. A self-identified lawyer, he is a serial litigant who uses the law to terrorise those who challenge gender identity ideology, especially Our Graham. He has brought legal action against over two dozen people and filed approximately 40 complaints altogether.
Reduxx has revealed this week that he is a convicted sex offender. In 1999 Stephanie Hayden (then Anthony Halliday) pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a 14-year-old boy he’d met via the internet.
According to court records and archived news reports, Hayden was found guilty of abusing the boy on at least two occasions in 1997. On one occasion he drove the victim to a B&B where he ‘kissed and touched him’. Six months later, he took the boy to his family home, empty as his parents were on holiday, and abused him there.
Hayden accepted two charges of indecent assault. He was ordered to pay a £600 fine and £150 costs and had to register under the Sex Offenders Act for five years.
Three years after his conviction for sex offences, Hayden was in court again. On this occasion he pleaded guilty to affray after violently assaulting a man with a golf club during a heated argument about a parking space.
This account appears in the court documents from his trial:
“At about 8.45am on 16 August 1999, in Burnley, the applicant parked his car outside a house which also served as business premises. The owner came out and asked him to move his car, but the applicant refused. The owner of the house, who was to become the victim of the offence charged, said that he would move the car if necessary with a forklift truck from his nearby factory. At this the applicant became abusive, called the victim a “big fat bastard”, and threw a punch. There was a scuffle during which the applicant said that he was calling the police and started to use his mobile phone. The victim began to walk away towards his house. He felt a sharp blow to the back of his head. When he turned around, he saw the applicant holding a golf club in both hands. There was a struggle in which the victim grabbed the applicant in order to try to restrain him. There followed further altercations and scuffles between the two of them, which concluded with the victim deciding to take the advice of one of his employees to go back into his house. He was at that time bleeding from the head. The applicant picked up his golf club and brandished it, tapping on the glass of the victim's house. This aggressive approach by the applicant was recorded by the victim's wife.”
During the proceedings, it was revealed that Hayden had appeared before the courts on five previous occasions for offences including disorderly behavior and a number of offences of dishonesty.
In July 2018 a DJ called Phat B posted on social media, accusing Halliday/Hayden of being a ‘fraudulent scammer’.
Now wonder Hayden seems so intent on silencing those who challenge his trans identity; it hides a multitude of sins.
Friday 18th August - This Never Happens #3
ECONOMIC TIMES: A man in India has been arrested for placing a camera in a female public toilet having disguised himself as a woman to gain access.
23-year-old Abhimanyu was arrested at a shopping centre in Kochi, Kerela, this week. He was charged with voyeurism and impersonation and with offences under the Information Technology Act.
Abhimanyu is accused of disguising himself as a woman by wearing a burqa in order to access the female toilets in Kochi’s Lulu Mall. He fixed his mobile phone, hidden inside a small cardboard box with a strategically placed hole, on the door of the toilet. He then loitered near the facility’s main entrance.

Security staff became suspicious of his behaviour and so alerted the police. Questioning by police offices revealed that Abhimanyu intended to pose as female in order to record videos of women using the toilet. His burqa and mobile phone were seized by the police and investigations are ongoing as ascertain whether or not he has committed similar offences in the past.
A man pretending to be something he isn’t in order to predate on women? Surely this is something that could never, has never and would never happen?
Also Today - This Never Happens #4
REDUXX: A trans-identified male has been charged with the brutal murder of a woman in California.
37-year-old Steven Raymundo is a trans-identified male who uses the name Izabella Kurumi Asuka Raymundo. He has a long criminal history including carjacking, inflicting injury to a child, spousal abuse and sexually assaulting a minor.
According to his social media posts, he has or intends to ‘transition’ medically.
He also appears to have fathered a child.
Raymundo has posted a lot of sexually explicit content to his public Facebook account, including pornography featuring infantilised characters.
Raymundo appeared in court this week having been charged with the brutal murder of a 58-year-old homeless woman. He was captured on a surveillance camera repeatedly stabbing Patricia Roper on the evening of 23rd July. Roper was taken to hospital but later succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced dead.
Police officers identified Raymundo as a suspect and arrested him almost immediately and he has since been charged with murder. Police have yet to establish a motive for the stabbing but, according to local news reports, he knew Patricia Roper.
Californian law allows prison inmates to ‘self-identify their gender’, meaning that even violent and sexually violent males can be incarcerated in women’s prisons. If he is found guilty, Raymundo will probably be accommodated in the female estate.
Also Today - The Clocks Were Chiming 13 On Campus #1
KHRONO: A female academic has resigned her job citing bullying and harassment over her gender critical views as the reason.
Anna Kalvig is the deputy director of WDI (Women’s Declaration International) in Norway. She has taught at Norway’s University of Stavanger for 25 years but, after years of being vilified for defending women’s sex-based rights, she has just resigned from her role.
She has not only been the target of trans activists, the Rector of her own university has also attacked her views; Klaus Mohn wrote in the student newspaper that Kalvig represents ‘a marginal and extreme group’.
In her resignation letter, Kalvig wrote, “For several years, I have been the target of a smear campaign because I claim that objective, material evidence must also take precedence in the area of gender, when we draw up rules, arrangements and legislation and when we demand protection from existing legislation.”
Saturday 19th August - The Clocks Were Chiming 13 On Campus #2
THE TELEGRAPH: A female academic was dismissed from her job at the Open University after challenging its promotion of gender identity ideology to students.
In 2021/22 the Open University’s EDI department announced plans to incorporate its political ideologies into ‘all current curriculum’. This included the law degree on which lecturer, Dr Almut Gadow, taught. The course was redesigned around a ‘core theme’ of ‘liberating the curriculum’ to reflect the EDI department’s ideologies. Consequently, criminal law tutors were told that they had to introduce diverse gender identities into classes and teach students to use offenders’ preferred pronouns.
Dr Gadow challenged this policy of incorporating gender identity theory into the curriculum. She suggested it could be an unnecessary distraction and pointed out that not believing in gender ideology is a protected belief under the Equality Act 2010. “Law tutorials are no place to promote one's beliefs”, she said.
She also warned of the implications of legal professionals describing offenders according to their self-declared gender, She pointed out that “A criminal lawyer’s role is to present facts, that sex is a relevant fact for offences involving perpetrators’ and/or victims’ bodies, and that no offender should be allowed to dictate the language of his case in a way which masks relevant facts”. Dr Gadow said that an assailant’s language about himself and his offence “Should not automatically be adopted over his victim’s, and that lawyers and courts sometimes need to describe offenders in terms with which the latter might not agree”.
Dr Gadow raised these issues in an online forum where OU law tutors discuss matters pertaining to teaching. Months later this was cited as a reason for her dismissal when she was sacked from her job in November 2022 . OU managers alleged that her ‘unreasonable questions’ had created an environment which ‘isn’t inclusive, trans-friendly or respectful’, thus breaching the transgender staff policy and codes of conduct.
The OU’s criminal law module featured an assignment in which students had to discuss a relationship between an adult and a minor, gaining marks by describing the child and adult as each other’s ‘boyfriends’, but losing marks if they suggested that the adult was grooming the child or committing a sexual offence. Writing on her funding page, Dr Gadow says, “It had become apparent to me that some treated ‘minor attraction’ (i.e. paedophilia) as part of the ‘diverse sexualities and gender identities’ Open University law teaching now seeks to ‘centre’”.
When Dr Gadows questioned the university’s definition of ‘diverse sexualities’, it was described as further misconduct and also used to justify her dismissal.
She is now taking legal action against the OU in the Employment Tribunal. “I am arguing that I have been unfairly dismissed, harassed, and discriminated against because I reject gender ideology and believe in academic freedom. My case raises complex points of human rights, academic freedom, free expression and equality law”.
If you would like to contribute to her legal costs, you can do so here.
There are now three pending legal cases against the Open University brought by gender critical women. Professor Jo Phoenix, a former member of academic staff, is bringing an employment tribunal claim to hold the OU to account for the campaign of harassment and vilification she suffered over her views on sex and gender.
Pilgrim Tucker has instigated legal action against the OU for discrimination on the basis of her disabilities, bullying associated with her gender critical beliefs, harassment, victimisation, and breach of contract, all of which made it impossible for her to continue with her PhD research.
Not such an open university after all.
Sunday 20th August - Check, Mate
At the start of the week, The International Chess Federation (FIDE), announced that trans-identified males will be barred from competing in the women’s tournaments, at least temporarily, pending further analysis.
This should be good news. However, a number of national chess federations, including England, USA, France, Finland and Germany, have stated that they will defy the FIDE ruling and continue to include trans-identified males in women’s competitions.
As usual, trans activists and their supporters decried this ruling, claiming it is ‘transphobic’, sexist and somehow suggestive that women’s brains are inferior.
With the hyperbole so typical of the trans movement, Charlotte Clymer tried to claim that being excluded from women’s tournaments somehow jeopardises the safety of trans-identified male chess players.
Hilariously, The Guardian pontificated that excluding males from a female category is in some way patriarchal.
The so-called Women’s Equality Party were shilling for female chess players to surrender their opportunities to males.
Pink News used the FIDE ruling as an excuse to attack the burgeoning trend of defending female sports from male inclusion.
What all of these commentators ignore is that chess is not segregated by sex; the World Chess Championship cycle is open to both men and women. The only reason for trans identified males to compete in the women’s events is for validation.
Chess is overwhelmingly male-dominated, both in ranking and population, especially at elite levels. Of the 2027 chess Grandmaster titles awarded by FIDE, only 41 have been to women.
This sex imbalance in chess demographics can surely be attributed to psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors. Not to mention the undoubted sexism within the game. Which is why women-only tournaments, separate from the mixed sex championship cycle, are vital. They do not exist because of a perception that women are intellectually inferior to men, but to provide essential opportunities for female players to compete in a usually penis-heavy arena.
To include trans-identified males in female competitions robs women of much-needed platforms and opportunities to play.
Women’s chess tournaments are for women only so males, however they identify, should be excluded on that basis alone. But the reaction of trans activists and the various chess federations to this week’s FIDE ruling proves that, yet again, there is nothing women can have that men won’t try to take away.
See you next week.
The weightlifting story illustrates how women deal with issues of men invading their space - self-excluding - and what happens - no one notices.
Every time this story comes up, some genius man comes up with the stunning solution “why oh why don’t the wimmin just refuse to participate”?
They do exclude themselves, and the men, transmaidens, and people who just don’t care move into those spaces; the women get left out and nobody notices their protest. All that happens is that women miss out on activities they were previously part of.
As usual the content here is just so disturbing but i can add my voice to the chess thing as i am a quite a good player.
And JL gets its bang on as usual, i read that guidian article and it was just bull shit. the attempt at balance near the end was bullshit.
No one is suggesting women are stupid and unable to make strategic decisions previously only enjoyed by nobheads in the military etc.
Like snooker, men and boys are encouraged to play these games from a young age, sorry they are games, skillful but not sports- if you can compete at the highest level and still smoke 20 a day then its not a sport, sorry,
So when snooker and chess have women only championships its to encourage female participation. Its to give them a chance to compete and develop their skills. To platform great players and demonstrate to the world that women can play chess at a level that deserves deep analysis.
Plus as JL points out the majors are ‘open’.
And the guy i watch on youtube gotham chess regularly features the top female players to demonstrate their inspirational playing. He is passionate about getting girls playing chess.
No one is suggesting that women are stupid,
I think FIDE should be congratulated for trying to nurture talent in a demographic that has been and still is ignored.
If there are 50 times more male chess players in the world (not sure what the figure is but could probably tell us) due to society encouraging boys and not being interested in girls then it would be wrong to not have some competitions exclusively for females.
anyway thats my little rant over.
thanks JL