The competition is now open to anyone “Using him and his pronouns and who collectively identifies as male”.

Can anyone translate this w*k* gender-speak drivel for me? What does 'collectively identifies as male' mean?

Is a 'they/them' (Singular) identifying as more than one person? (Definitely not non-binary then if so)

Or is it it perhaps a 'he/him/his' which is more than one person amalgamated into a single binary being who all now collectively identify as male - or males.

Or - and this is just a guess here - is it just a useless fuckwit being encouraged and 'validated' by other useless fuckwits?

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Total fuckwittery !

Who knows what someone is called when they’re not there ?

It’s indulgence on a massive scale, completely irrelevant but vital to keep up the pseudo validity of their cause.

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Correct! Which is why I flatly defused to 'validate' anyone from day one. And I still will not.

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Moles pronouns would be

wee under/ ground beast

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The dog fucker nonce was sent to a men’s prison where he belongs.

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Someone somewhere still has some sense. It’s a Christmas fucking miracle.

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I think this might have been a technicality as Goodier was not in possession of a GRC.

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Let me be jolly for at least one more day, William. It’s still Christmas(ish)!

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'til twelfth night, so fill your boots!

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Okay 👍

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Well said. Are you channeling your inner Ray Winstone?

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I think so. How am I doing?

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Ray Windtone as Beowulf “I wiw kiw ve monstah!”

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Shouldn’t have but OMG that made me laugh 😂😂😂

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My daughter is in teaching, and has first hand experience of a ‘my 5 year old son is my daughter’ unraveling before them. He is dressed in girls clothing and wears a head band, and he says his Mummy buys his clothes and decides what he’s going to wear. Poor little lad seems mystified by it all.

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Makes me weep.

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Poor kids and the baby of the woman who is looking for attention as a man.

"Speaking in Queer.de, Appenroth commented, “With my participation I would like to show that the gay community does not only consist of cis men... Whether the people like it or not: ‘your’ gay community is also ‘my’ gay community”."

I wonder how many gay men go out with trans men?

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I would suspect very few, but it’s the mind, the feelings that count … right ?

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I think this will blow over because there is just no point to these people - a woman pushing her way into a competition for gay men - why?? What's the point of trying to look like an attractive man but with no dick?! Men exist that gay men are actually interested in.

Men pretending to be women then complaining that only closet homosexuals want to date them. Who did they think would!? If we have fully functioning attractive men and women who is going to be interested in these strange imposters trying to live a lie all their lives. It's no existence for anyone. If you like dressing up fine no one cares just stop all the bullying.

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One of the most bizarre actions I've seen is, men who claim to be trans-women, - posting 'Death to Patriarchy' memes. Someone may live in their own fantasy world, but really this is such totalitarian nonsense to expect that everyone else should be obliged to indulge their dysfunctional and damaging delusion.

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'Strange imposters' is exactly right - they're excluding themselves from being attractive to anybody.

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Caroline Noakes - see

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/cheating-cam-cutie-caroline-nokes-228473- worth a read as is this


There was also a matter of her expenses claims - nearly £200,000 in 2016 and there was an issue about extending her parent's home but this matter has disappeared from the internet but on balance not the most desirable person to manage such a significant issue. Sex and violence issues though make her a perfect bedfellow for all the deviants mentioned in this post.

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Nokes really needs to go. She's not only useless but positively harmful to women. I've never forgotten her squirming sycophancy in the meeting, in December 2020 I think, towards Profs Whittle & Sharp, one more TW Prof called Ruth? It was embarrassing to watch. She was rude to Profs Freedman, Sullivan and Stock. While I'm at it, the 'Women' in the name of that committee needs to go too. We all know who they support.

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What a hypocrite and cheat Noakes is ,clearly 👎👎

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How DARE Bennett Kaspar Williams declare that it's false to claim that " people " who bear children are mothers !! Only WOMEN bear children ,of which sex she is one ,regardless of how she identifies ,and women like her make me so angry ,such traitors to their own sex !! She insults half the world's population with her stupid and false remarks !l She ,and others like her DON'T get to change biological facts which are evident to everyone !! This will only peak more people and strengthen our resolve !!

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SHE can call herself anything she wants to, I truly don’t give a flying f**k, but don’t expect me, or anyone else to go along with it, or to have books to say this is now what must be said, or training given, to use the ‘correct’ words. These are your choices, not mine. I don’t play those games, there are too many women who need support and reliable information with childbirth, not messed up sheep, in very masculine wolves clothing !

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Dear Ms. Chen:

You’re a groomer and your kid didn’t say shit to you about their preferred pronouns.

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"We need to find a way forward for trans equality" says Caroline Nokes. Of the bloody CONSERVATIVE Party! Except it's not equality is it Caroline? It's trans' rights trumping everyone else's. Including reducing women to a subset of their own sex, and a subservient one at that. If self ID gets passed under a Conservative government with a big majority, then we really don't have anyone to vote for anymore, they're ALL the enemy of women, children and LGB people.

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Dear Mr and Mrs Chen: Both myself and my sister preferred trousers over skirts. Neither of us played with dolls, we both didn't like pink and we both preferred playing football and with Lego. Neither of us liked to sew or knit and instead we did martial arts. In short we were both non-stereotypical. Thankfully, our parents didn't define us by stereotypes and so we were able to just be us and find our own way for the most part (though school made me wear skirts and I felt uncomfortable), but here's the clincher, we both grew up to be women, comfortable in who we are in our sex and free to be non-stereotypical without having to be labelled as "gender non-conforming" or forcing anyone to use "they/them". One of us grew up to be homosexual and the other heterosexual, but both undeniably adult human females. If you send your daughter down this route for your own nefarious needs to be special, it will be child abuse and you will be causing long-term harm. You are grooming that poor kid and you make me so sodding angry.

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Our civilization deserves to be extinguished for coddling this insanity.

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Eighty-eight civilizations collapsed between 3000 BCE and 1000 CE. None of them attempted to avert the collapse. And due to overshoot, we're on our way ...

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I'd be interested to see a side by side list of the names of male and female convicted sex offenders identifying as trans.

It would be rather lob-sided and make clear the problem is with male people, not trans people.

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In defense of the gentleman who assaulted the dog — you must admit, the Alsatian is a very handsome breed. How could he help giving in to its allure?

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It is not a joking matter

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Many thanks to you and William for your comments to this disgusting person, a man I presume.

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Yeah…that’s Alan “The Knob” Driscoll humor.

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Dec 27, 2021Edited
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That is exactly how I feel about these 'parents'. A pair of self-righteous, right-on cretins that have put their own selfish desires for a shiny new, woke-signalling 'fashion accessory' above and beyond the ethical and moral requirements of looking after their offspring in a safe and sensible manner. I feel nothing but contempt for people who put their own social desirability concepts and purity projections above others' natural needs and requirements.

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Wholeheartedly agree and I fervently hope they get their comeuppance ,preferably before that child suffers permanent damage !! So shocking !!

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It's child abuse. Let's call it what it is.

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I'd call it Munchausen by proxy.

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This class of people has been using children as accessories for a long time -- "My child got into X preschool!" "My daughter got into USC!" (which is why they bribed coaches) "My son is going to be on the Olympic team!" -- only they didn't have to give them hormones and surgery before. What's a little mutilation compared to one's Facebook status? [sarcasm]

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