Thank you so much for this good news! It is so easy to get depressed by the amount of nonsense we are being fed. Things will only keep going in the right direction if we all keep going. Let's keep fighting!

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by JL

So much that has happened, particularly in 2021, that has been soul destroying, and depressing, to such depths.

Then, I remind myself, if so much effort is being put in place, to try and eradicate us, to put us on the shelf and to have us barged aside … with elbows, boots, and by removing our words, we Women, must be fucking amazing !

Did they think we would go quietly?

No fight back ?

2022 will mean eyes are open wider, and we will be listening, and we will never stop speaking out, EVER !

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Absolutely this! The fight must go on - we are winning!

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Thanks ,JL. Well done to Janice Turner for that brilliant article ,which says it all.👍👍Well done also to Harry Millar for his wonderful stance against all this nonsense ,and to all the other wonderful people bravely standing for truth and justice. Never thought my birth sign ( Capricorn ) would ever mean so much but I am definitely a goat in this debate.🐏🐏. Keep it up ,JL. Grand job x

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Ah thank you, Susan. Much appreciated! xx

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I needed this today. The TRAs seem to be doubling down, there getting fewer and fewer but still they are vile. A bit of good news is very welcome. I really hope that Kathleen gets a peerage- God wouldn’t that stick in the throats of the TRAs at Sussex University

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I never thought I'd cheer for Priti Patel but I do. Now if we can just get her to tell Lady Justice King to stop acting like a twat and record rapists as the men they are would be just great. Right now, every step forward for us is still tempered by a step backwards.

The Judicial College are a bunch of misogynist wankers.

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Always a joy to see the gender critical kitty treating the pronoun wankers as we'd all love to!

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That was a well-timed and placed kitty bop! 🤣 Cats are too smart for this stuff. They are akin to the goats, while dogs are akin to the sheep. Sometimes to go along with the group is not the best thing to do, for the individual *or* the group!

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Mushrooms are too smart for this nonsense!

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Did anyone else notice the eyeroll from the cat at the end?

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Yes! Hilarious!

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Pronoun Kitty...corporal Punishment when reality is ignored. Well done darling Pusscat!

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I've just heard that there are Terf Awards. Who knew??

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by JL

Great! That gives me something to strive for in 2022. And we should return the favour for that lot by holding the TRA-lympics.

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Cheers JL! Love Womentum :-D

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Wonderful aren't they?!

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A lot of good and encouraging developments, and I hope it continues this way. I think it will, more people are becoming aware of what trans rights really means. And women are coming back so strong, not taking any shit or being 'kind' to misogynistic bullies 👍🏼🥰

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Anyone know how I can get in touch with the Bristol ladies? I'm in Bristol and looking for a group to join! Thank you 😊

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Hi Pterfosaur. I'll ask Esther (my friend / contact in the group) for the best way to get in touch & get back to you!

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Thank you very much 😀

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Message on the way, Pterfosaur! x

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Thanks so much! 😁 x

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Just want to point out that sheep know the difference between male and female even if they're not willing to go against the flock.

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Thank you JL! I will add that Chris Evert has entered the fray! She retweeted Martina Navratilova and pressed on.

As it was her birthday a few days ago and she got happy birthday tweets from other great female athletes (Nadia Comaneci and Billie Jean King (who we know believes that men can be women)), maybe her timely position might sway women who have nothing to lose anymore.)).

One can wish, right?

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021Liked by JL

What a wonderful article by Janice Turner! She ends with:

"I’ve interviewed most of these women and prior to speaking out, all experienced long nights of the soul. Fear (of losing political allies, friends and peers) battled against a burning urge for truth. But in the end, they couldn’t not speak out. It didn’t matter what happened next. They were not prepared to deny material reality, even if they never worked again. They were happy to ascend that rock face, cold and alone. But instead they found themselves alive and free, up among the goats."

Oh, how I know that struggle - the long night of the soul. However for me it is not about losing friends or peers. I can live with that if I must. But I cannot lose my job. I would lose everything. It is excruciating to be a goat who is gagged. The constant struggle with wanting, needing to speak up is always with me and must be tempered with my mundane and material reality. But my reality is also female and an unswerving belief in the immutability of biological sex, so it is a constant fight for me. Each day I want to speak up but each day I must preserve what I have for those that depend on me (and to keep a job I hate, working for a Stonewalled organisation who are pressuring me to use pronouns ironically). There is so much dissonance in my life I feel I might burst some days, so thank you JL, for the good news. Some days I really need it. I content myself by peaking people when I can, with signing petitions and with writing to my MP, the BBC etc. I cannot stand by as this is my fight too. I will not go quietly into the night and I stand with all goats, with all women and with homosexuals who do not want to see our rights erased. There will come a day when I and others like me can speak openly. Harry Millar has helped see to that and Maya Forstarter saw that GC beliefs were protected. That day cannot come soon enough.

Happy New Year fellow goats, JL and Graham et al who write here. Let 2022 be our come back year.

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Wise words, BlackieKat. I'm in exactly the same position. I'm 'out' in general life and talk to everyone and anyone about this lunacy. I've lost quite a few friends but I've had to be sanguine about that, sad though it is. And I really couldn't care less about being called names etc by the 'just be nice' idiots. But I work in such a 'woke' industry and have to be so very careful. I've already paid a heavy price and damaged my career no end. Once bitten, twice shy and all that! So I totally understand the need for caution. We all do what we can and we're all brave in our resistance. Every contribution to the fight is important and vital and courageous.

And you're quite right. There will be a day - and it's not very far away! - when order and sense are restored and we can say what we believe, what we KNOW, and gender identity will be derided as the anti-science nonsense it is. Hang in there, my fellow goats!

Thanks for your kind words and a very happy new year to you too. Take care xx

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Thanks JL. Sorry your career has been harmed. I do hope that will be reversed somewhat when sanity once more takes hold. Take care x

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Wonderful post, BlackieKat. Hang on in there. I think 2022 will bring Sanity Back, bigtime. Much love to you and yours. xx

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Thank you Ellen Bee. Much love back x

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