But...won't playing a woman trigger gender dysphoria which, as we're always being told, is akin to torture?

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I guess that can very much depend on the size of one's fee...

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That weeks news is breathtaking. It is unbelievable how Stonewall and gender ideology have managed to take over the UK. Now we have the rainbow laces campaign noticed when watching the footy the rainbow armbands etc. Yet another way they keep it going. Capture is submission to gender ideology and all that entails.It is truly shocking the exent of it. Yet you can bet the average person has no idea. I have two friends now who mo longer read the Guardian but read the Times where you can at least get some decent facts.

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I know, Brenda. At one time I'd have been in full support of the rainbow laces campaign. Now I just think it signals women having to put up with men in their sport. And I haven't bought The Guardian in years either.

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What a week indeed. It seems to be one step forward and shoved two steps back.

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I know it does seem like that sometimes! But keep the faith - I feel like we're making progress (albeit very slowly). The Keira Bell judgement is a game changer, I'm sure.

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I have e-mailed Global Markets Insight. I know it sounds naive, but GD is actually recognised in UK law as a mental disorder (S25 of GRA), so I can get away with my accusations:



This report should be removed from your website. You should stop compiling statistics on this "market" and publishing them.

This is a "market" created by medical practitioners with a totally distorted idea of the best interests of their patients - sorry "clients". The psychiatrists, endocrinologists, urologists and other surgeons purveying the "treatments" will be hauled up in medical malpractice suits in years to come. They have broken the Hypocratic Oath: "First of all, do no harm". They have done enormous harm to their patients, who suffer from a debilitating mental disorder called gender dysphoria which is a slowly growing, porn-soaked obsession similar in some respects to anorexia, another body dysmorphia. There is no justification at all for treating a psychiatric disorder with physical medicine. They are in two completely different spheres of action. GD sufferers need better analysis of their individual histories (including child sexual abuse and resulting trauma), better psychiatric detective work, followed by psychological therapies to address their particular critical issues. Any other treatment neglects the individual's particular needs. There is no such thing as "gender identity": the mind arises from the body to which it is inextricably linked. Anyone who asserts that their body is so dissatisfying that it requires cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery to "fix" it as being "of the opposite sex" is BY DEFINITION MAD. Under UK law this person suffers from a mental disorder according to section 25 of the (UK) Gender Recognition Act 2004.

The "market" for mistreating psychologically suffering people with physical medical interventions should be banned under international law. I and other gender-critical people worldwide are working to bring about this change.

Yours sincerely

A Transwidow - Transwidows.com

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Bleak. As. Fuck. Despite that, I appreciate the round-up of info, as always. I honestly feel like smashing my head against a wall when I read some of these things; children as young as 4 being referred to gender clinics?! Kids being taken into care because parents want careful consideration given to their mentally unwell children! This is terrifying.

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It is terrifying. But I think (hope) people are starting to wake up and take notice. And there has been some great news this morning - the appeal has been refused in the Keira Bell case.

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Yes, I just read that earlier! Great news!

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Those poor children (& their parents)...! Am torn between wanting to cry and to scream!

A 2018 presentation by a Tavistock psychologist (Aidan Kelly) highlights the glib approach. Are his observations that medical interventions are being carried out on physically healthy bodies and that the brain is not fully mature until the mid twenties not red flags? Was it really a surprise to GIDS that people were coming back 10 to 15 years later, complaining about infertility?!


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I feel just the same, Eithne. It's inestimably cruel that children with perfectly healthy bodies are being mangled by the trans machine. I'm certain that, as many whistleblowers have tried to point out, the affirmation / medicalisation model is being driven by lobby groups, not by clinicians.

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If we had any trust in medical professionals of any kind in the face of the reality of the incompetency and contempt of so many, the reactions of these certified and accredited people should end that trust.

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Indeed so, Telos. I can think of no other condition in which clinicians allow both diagnosis and treatment to be dictated by lobby groups.

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Sigh. You just couldn't make it up.

I did a little 3-frame mini-comic on the Elliot Page thing (which I could have resisted doing had it not been for the combination of the name 'Elliot' and the initials E.P.) but after last time, better not risk posting it.

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The emperor is truly naked, isn't he?

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Elliot Page, I mean. Everyone cheering her on, falling over themselves to alter cast lists and credits etc, pretending she is and always has been a man... Nobody bloody well believes it, though.

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I see what you mean. But if the Emperor self-identifies as clothed, that means his tackle is invisible and you have no right to be offended by it, nay, not though he waveth it in thy face. Hang on a minute though, what tackle? Umm... *TILT*

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