Aw look, ‘Flower’ has a head tilt. Undoubtedly a woman then!

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What can I say except we WILL overcome this nonsense. Voters will not wheesht!

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Thanks JL and happy Christmas. Feels like a devastating week with whats happened in Scotland, and then i read how Kier Starmer is committed to self id in England too.

So i wrote again to my labour mp explaining that i can no longer support her and her party.

I tried to explain why… safe spaces for women and girls are based on biology not ‘identity’.

But also i said that regardless of the risks and obvious dangers to women and girls, many many human beings with female bodies simply do not want to share private spaces with human beings that have male bodies.

Its all about the men and what they want. I struggle not to decend into name calling but its christmas…

if you think your identity is more precious than the safety and privacy of 50 % of the population of this planet- you are a self obsessed wanker.

Please trans identifying men, please stop trying to enter areas for actual women, please campaign for suitable facilities based on your needs and your demographic.

If they do this, i will passionately support them.

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Those trans identifying men that want to use women's spaces are AGPs so they absolutely must have access to women's spaces in order to satisfy their fetishes. It is time for the public to realise the trans rights movement is a men's sexual rights movement. As far as I am concerned, they can go and wank somewhere else.

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Yes the black pampers need to learn the art of the medicinal wank, not the misogynist’s wank they that have been aiming to perfect ever since this ideology was invented.

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Quite right! For life of me can’t understand why journalists don’t report on AGP. In the past they wrote about PIE (eventually)

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I've just written again to my Labour MP. Thanks for reminding me!

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The "mens" are trying to shove the Genie back in the bottle. The words "woman" and "female" have been spit venously out of men's mouths since forever. During my life time there were periods of time when both words were considered insults and spoken with that smarmy tone of voice only the masculine throat can muster. From the married women laws to the new trans laws, the "mens" have the same goal - to do what they damn well please without female restraint. Let's remind ourselves that it wasn't until a woman walked into the "jail" of the Stanford Experiment, that it was halted. None of the "mens" noticed how far off the tracks they had driven, even when it was pointed out to them. They had turned into a mob. And that is what these masked Black-Shirts are, a mob. The police support the mob, the law support the mob. There is no justice for women anywhere around world and it is obvious that male mobs are not the best way to run what should be a paradise. It is like being governed by two-year-olds throwing temper tantrums at being weaned. We need a world wide women's justice system, not to mention a currency and an economic system that is based on women's labor, labor that is not accounted for in any of the masculinist systems, but without which, they couldn't exist. We have the tech to do this and women's groups are forming such as Women's Declaration International (www.womensdeclaration.com) to define a way forward. This was depressing. I am looking forward to the Good News Edition. Thanks for all you do.

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Please sign and share the UKGov petition - ‘Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex’. The petition can be found if you Google ‘petition 623423’ or on the Sex Matters website.

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Can't believe, or rather can completely the idiocy of the civil service sanctioning secondary ID passes for 'genderfluid', etc employees. The civil service, and every other employer and institution absolutely should not yield to narcissists desperate for attention and validation, on the basis of a made up misogynistic bollocks. What would these frightened mice stop at? Would they agree if an employee said he or she - God forbid - experienced a different gender identity every 3O minutes, every three minutes, and wanted an more ID passes to reflect all these continual changes. Think about 'Trans Rights Now'! There's obviously a shortage of them.

Gender identity is nothing more than an invention intended to give more power to exploitative people. Who gives a shit how someone 'identifies'? It belongs in their own heads, and it's not the obligation of anyone else to acknowledge whatever it is. Besides, I would question how suitable any person who is more focused on gaining attention and looking for corroboration of their fantasy from their colleagues than doing their job, is as an employee . Forget the risk to security, the civil service clearly isn't concerned about it.

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Remember sci-fi stories about how horrible it was to be able to hear what goes on in other people's heads? Now the worst of humankind want to force the rest of us to know what goes on in the rot between their ears.

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Might as well just call it the "Rapist Protection Act."

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The Sturgeon AGP Protection Act

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And it's also a Right to Self-Harm through Gender Act. Mustn't forget the freeing of 16 and 17-yr-olds, those on the autism spectrum and any otherwise vulnerable to irreversibly fuck up their lives! Faster and more comprehensively. Why have just pathetically poor safeguarding – oops, 'gatekeeping' – when you can pretty much get rid of it?

The Protection of Autogynephiles and of Rights to Gender Self-Harms Act?

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Privileged/posh people who live in a bubble - utterly clueless. Clear as day to the rest of us how dangerous this is. Careerists that don’t know how to think outside of party lines/propaganda. We’ve had 12 years of Tory (also privileged) government but these nutters seem to be herding everyone.

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Despite the bad news (of which there is plenty, including Starmer reaffirming his commitment to self ID and gender ideology), I do feel that there has been a change for the good. Slowly, the public is becoming aware and people are speaking out; I don't care by now if they're only doing it for their own political advantage.

Let's hope 2023 continues and builds on this.

Incidentally, I have a theory about Starmer and his baffling adherence to gender woo and I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts about this; I wonder if he did a deal with the left of the party - that they would not mutiny over his ousting of Corbyn if he supported self ID and committed the party to TWAW etc

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Maybe, gender ideology might feel like part of the solution to young hard left people.

It allows them to draw a line under all previous versions of society. Start again with new exciting ideas.

They want to blame the patriarchy, so they try to eliminate biological sex but in turn just reinstate the authority of men.

Either they are stupid, or arseholes.

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You really think that (probably government-backed) Black Pampers are hard left? I suggest you go and search for all of Emily Weir's comments. These people are not anti-capitalist, have no critical analysis of their societies, they're just thugs working for whomever.

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They would not mutiny over his ousting of Corbyn? I live in the U.S. and I am not a Corbyn supporter, and I apparently know more about what happened within the Labour Party. Someone exposed all the emails, etc, that were supposed to be secret. Starmer hardly had to do a deal when he was fronting the Labour elites (now there's a mindfuck if ever there was one).

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Many people in the UK don't know what went on in the Labour Party. When the Forde Report came out, which showed how Corbyn was sabotaged by right-wing members of his own party, it was briefly reported by mainstream media as a story about factional infighting. We were told that he didn't have the support of many Labour MPs, but not about the treacherous lengths that they went to to get rid of him. The weaponising of false accusations of anti-Semitism against left-wingers, including Jews like Jackie Walker, wasn't reported by mainstream media at all.

Starmer got elected leader by promising that he would keep key left-wing policies, which he then ditched. I'm pretty sure Self ID wasn't one of them, but I'll welcome correction if I'm wrong. It'll affirm that I was right to leave the Labour Party.

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This sounds like what I read at the time though I skipped the MANY emails that were leaked. This is why it's good to read the alternative news, though I agree with Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard that the alternative news is no longer alternative, it's the actual news as compared to the legacy media. (Once again, how to recognize genuine news? The journalist or the news site is having to beg for money.)

We've got a passive, brainwashed populace, and it's very easy to understand the wholesale swallowing of gender ideology. We ALL need to ask ourselves: What ideology pushed by the mainstream media did I swallow?

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I'm a Labour Party member.

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Then you should have read absolutely everything you could about the LP debacle.

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Dec 26, 2022Edited
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I recently saw a clip of one of the early interviews where he was quizzed about it and I'd forgotten how truly awkward and uncomfortable he looked about the answers he was giving - almost as though he didn't believe a word of it!

He never puts any real passion or conviction into discussion about it, he just gets narked and repeats slogans whilst looking rather guilty.

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Nobody absolutely nobody believes a word of it. That’s why the tras are so horrible. They don’t believe it and hate everyone for knowing that nobody believes it. It is the most twisted cult in history in which everyone knows it is dross but no one must say it out loud. I’m saying it. Starmer et al, Sturgeon and acolytes, Guardian and nodding dogs, we know you know and we know it probably gives you brain porridge thinking about it. Gender ideology is dross, dross, dross.

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Well said!

But unfortunately there is now one group of people who do believe it - young children who have been told it as fact by trusted adults such as teachers!

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Talking to my 18 year old grandson today and he said the boys in his previous school didn’t believe a word of it but a lot of the girls were obsessed with the be kind message.

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There's definitely a huge social contagion factor with teenage girls, with entire cohorts identifying either trans themselves or as 'allies'. Even if they don't buy into the whole thing they dare t speak out for fear of bullying and ostracism from their peer group.

I'm more worried about the younger kids entering the system at the moment. They're being indoctrinated from the age of four to believe they can actually change sex, that adult sexuality is no threat to them, that fetishes are totally fine and acceptable and that they need to declare their own sexual orientation and 'gender identity' to everyone they meet. I think it was on this forum that someone recounted their 8 yr old grandson announcing he was bisexual after RSE 'teaching' at school - further enquiry revealed that he believed this because he had friends of both sexes; proof if ever it was needed that children are not being taught in an age appropriate way.

The Welsh administration has implemented a new curriculum that mandates children being abused in this fashion with parents having all their rights to object removed.

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Dec 26, 2022
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Plus has he a wife and has he children?

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Why are so many participating in the Big Lie? Only the really mentally disturbed can actually believe it. What the hell is compelling ordinarily sensible people to fall for this nonsense? How is it that people allow themselves to be so easily captured by a mass psychosis? Weak people. Disturbed people. Vulnerable people. Opportunistic people. Most especially — cowardly people. All susceptible, all culpable in the spread of this mass psychosis.

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Why have Westerners fallen for the lie that they are somehow superior to the rest of the world's peoples? Why have Westerners fallen for the lie that it is their right to steal everyone's resources? Why have Westerners fallen for the lie that it's okay to bomb foreign peoples?

For the same reason they have fallen for this lie. It is always easier to fall into line and be a sniveling conformist.

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Gosh just read through Haldane judgement and told my husband that as a heterosexual he is now a biological man (or a woman with a GRC) who fancies a biological woman (or a man with a GRC) He was quite horrified, but I reassured him that if he got a GRC he would be allowed maternity leave and time off to breastfeed. Swings and Roundabouts.

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What could be more inclusive than prioritising a business run by a female artist who is also a lesbian. What a bunch of virtue signaling little shits with their diversity and inclusion that consistently excludes women

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Dec 26, 2022Edited
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funny how men are so happy to support trans identifying men, but men have to make wait for it….. no sacrifices to accommodate them. That ALL falls on human beings with female bodies- even the little ones we call children- the one’s we should protect at all costs.

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Glinner's back on Twitter? Great.

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now GL is back on twitter are we like the uncool kids again? I never really graduated from that class tbh

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Nor me - I have never been cool. But I know he really wanted to be reinstated so I am glad for him.

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we can all be un cool together! happy new year SB!

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Happy new year to you too!

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SB, what shall i write on my sign for next years parades? i was thinking… please revert back to logic and reason. But that probably won’t mean much to the indoctrinated. Or please debate with compassion and decency. It can’t be too long or the type will be too small. Maybe: No to self ID, a man’s word is worth shit all, take it from me.

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Thanks for reminding me to get his Bowie and Bolan book out of the library and NOT buy a copy!

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