Monday 19th December - This Never Happens #1
REDUXX: A trans-identified male recently named a top Brazilian ‘female gamer’ has been accused of grooming and sending sexually explicit messages to a 14-year-old girl.

Alessandra Ribeiro is a trans-identified male and professional video game player who goes by the handle ‘Flower Gardens’.
Earlier this month, Ribeiro was named Brazil’s top ‘female’ gamer. The competition was hosted by organisers of Brazil’s League of Legends championship and sponsored by a prestigious game developer, Riot Games, and the Santander Bank.
The three gamers nominated in this supposedly female category by League of Legends eSports Brazil were all trans-identified males.
Similarly, Ribeiro was one of three finalists nominated for the Premio eSports Brazil 2022 Breakthrough Female Athlete award. Only one of the three nominees was a woman; the other two were trans-identified males.
Last week Ribeiro announced his resignation from Brazilian esports organization, paiN Gaming, following allegations he had been exchanging sexually explicit messages with a 14-year-old girl.
Screenshots of the conversations 21-year-old Ribeiro had with the girl were leaked on social media. In these conversations, he tells the girl that he could ‘use’ her ‘all night’ and that he would tie her up and ‘play’ with her ‘little body, part by part’.
In a Twitter thread, Ribeiro attempted to ‘clarify’ these allegations. He did not deny that he had sent sexually explicit messages to a 14-year-old girl, but said that the messages were taken out of context and that no crime had taken place. (The age of consent in Brazil is 14 years old.) He also claimed the sharing of the messages had been motivated by transphobia and to question his ‘gender identity’.
Ribeiro announced his intention to resign from paiN Gaming, saying that he is concerned for the reputations of his teammates.
Also Today - Just Give Them An “I am special!” Badge
DAILY MAIL: ‘Gender fluid’ civil servants are being given secondary ID passes prompting concerns about security.
The Civil Service is offering secondary security passes to so-called ‘gender-fluid’ and ‘non-binary’ staff whose ‘identity’ might change daily. HMRC announced this policy - devised by its ‘Trans+ Staff Diversity Network’ - via the intranet last week.
It stated that employees who are “Gender fluid / non-binary / multigender and/or transgender may express their gender ‘differently at different times” and that, to assist them in ‘bringing their whole self to work’, they could apply for a secondary security pass.
Tuesday 20th December - Under His Aye
The Scottish government has prioritised the ‘gender identities’ of convicted sex offenders over the safeguarding of women and children.

The Scottish parliament considered the final amendments to the Gender Recognition Reform Bill on Tuesday. One of the amendments proposed by Russell Findlay would have prevented sex offenders from applying for a gender recognition certificate. It was defeated by 64 votes to 59.

Following the vote there was a minor disruption from the public gallery when one woman shouted “Shame on all of you”. The sitting was suspended for a few minutes while the entire public gallery was cleared.
Even the women who had remained silent were told to leave. When they, quite rightly, protested, they were threatened with arrest.

The following day Scottish Conservative MSP, Russell Findlay, tried to lodge an urgent question to ask why this had happened. His question was not accepted.

Wednesday 21st December - “Both Sides”
REDUXX: A group of feminists protesting the sexual exploitation of women in Germany were attacked and physically assaulted by trans activists.

On 11th December the Conne Island Cultural Centre in Leipzig hosted a conference called The New Pseudo-Left. The event was intended to challenge the political left’s validation of the sex industry and its silencing of gender critical feminists. One of the speakers was communist author, Jörg Finkenberger.
Prior to the event, trans activist group, Linksjugend Leipzig Ost, organised a demonstration and called on its supporters to gather at the venue to protest what it described as ‘SWERFS AND TERFS’.

A group of approximately 40 black-clad trans activists assembled at the venue, shouted abuse at attendees and even tried to prevent them from entering.
One of the women at the event was a sex trade survivor called Marie who described how rapidly the trans activists’ aggression escalated and that they physically attacked women in attendance. Marie said that the trans activists targeted one attendee in particular, biologist Marie-Luise Vollbrecht.
A former teacher and research assistant, Vollbrecht is a PhD candidate at Berlin’s Humboldt University. She became a target for trans activists earlier this year when she was scheduled to give a presentation on the evolution of biological sex at an annual multidisciplinary scientific event, The Long Night of the Sciences. Her lecture drew upon her research in neurobiology and animal physiology and was intended to explain why there are only two biological sexes and why sex should be separated from debates about social gender roles.
Trans activists launched a vitriolic campaign against her, claiming that her scientific research is ‘hostile to queer and trans people’ and that she personally is ‘transphobic’. Eventually, her lecture was cancelled and she has been singled out for attack ever since.
Marie told Reduxx that other women had clustered around Vollbrecht to try and protect her when entering the venue. “We knew they hate her the most and wanted to see her hurt”, she said. “They were trying to shove us around.” One of the activists struck Vollbrecht in the ribs with an elbow.
According to Marie, one of her friends was assaulted on her way out of the venue when she tried to leave early. The trans activists had gathered outside the entrance and, as the woman stepped outside, she was struck in the face. Marie also described how one of her male friends was pepper-sprayed in the face.
Another woman targeted by the activists is six months pregnant. Attacked as she attempted to leave the venue, the woman tried to tell her assailants that she is pregnant but this did not prevent them from jostling and shoving her. Indeed, it only provoked one activists to blow cigarette smoke directly into her face and then follow her as she fled to her car.
Marie told Reduxx that women feel very unsafe attending events such as the Leipzig conference because of the intimidating and violent behaviour of trans activists. “These people are very dangerous, and they are doxxing us in their groups. They know where we live, they know our names, and I know that some of them are johns. Some of them are porn consumers, and are very misogynistic and have a hatred of women”.
Thursday 22nd December - The Erasure Of The Female Sex
STV NEWS: The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill has been passed by Holyrood.

MSPs voted by 86 votes to 39 in favour of the bill which allows any man, even convicted sex offenders, to be deemed women purely by means of self-identification and vulnerable gender-confused teenagers as young as sixteen to legally change their sex.

If you want to know which MSPs are, as described in Wings Over Scotland, “Disgusting, spineless, rape-enabling scum”, Rev Stuart has compiled a list of shame.

“Scottish women are now expected to accept that any man standing in front of them, waving a piece of paper, is a woman — even if they’re in court and the man is accused of raping them.
It’s clear that a bill that was supposedly purely administrative has hugely expanded the number of individuals who can apply for a GRC, with catastrophic effects on women’s rights.
The rest of the UK is about to find out what it’s like living alongside a country in which observable sex no longer has any meaning. Welcome to Scotland, where the word ‘woman’ will now soon include any man who fancies it.”
A similar fate now awaits the women of Spain.
On Thursday legislators in Spain passed what has become known as ‘la ley trans’ (the trans law) which will allow anyone sixteen and over to legally change their sex by means of a simple declaration.
The bill was approved by 188 votes in favour to 150 against with seven abstentions. It now moves on to the Senate where it is expected to become law within weeks.
Friday 23rd December - This Never Happens #2
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male and his female friend have evaded a custodial sentence after physically assaulting a group of people in a nightclub.
20-year-old Rhi Grugel is trans-identified male who has appeared on LGBTQ+ podcasts and has over 23,000 followers on his (now private) Instagram account where he posts photographs of himself performing a porn-soaked and hyper-sexualised parody of womanhood.
In November last year Grugel attacked a group of people at a nightclub in Liverpool claiming the victims had made ‘transphobic’ comments. His female companion, Armani McShane, who was then 17 years old, was also involved in the affray.
It began by McShane shouting at those involved, “Tell that slag to wind her neck in!” before slapping and kicking one of the males. Grugel then began hitting members of the group. He attacked one of the women and dragged her to the floor by her hair. McShane threw a glass candle holder which hit a woman on the head, causing an injury that required hospital treatment and caused permanent scarring. McShane and Grugel were restrained and eventually ejected from the club by security staff.
At Wirral magistrates court this week, Grugel and McShane admitted affray. Grugel was sentenced to 20 weeks in custody, suspended for 12 months, and was ordered to complete 40 hours unpaid work. McShane was sentenced to 18 weeks in custody, suspended for 12 months, and made to do 20 days of rehabilitative activity. They were each ordered to pay compensation to their various victims.
Although they claimed that the group they attacked had made transphobic comments, the victims totally denied this allegation and said they had just been ‘minding their own business’.
Saturday 24th December - This Never Happens #3
REDUXX: A trans identified male has been arrested on charges of sending sexually explicit messages to someone he believed to be a 12 year old girl.

In January 2021 a trans-identified male who calls himself Gemma Anne Hicks was convicted at Caernarfon Crown Court of engaging in sexually explicit conversations with someone he believed to be a 13-year-old girl. He was given an 18 months suspended sentence and handed a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
When reporting on Hicks’ conviction in 2021, the Powys County Times described him as ‘a woman’ and referred to him using female pronouns throughout the article. There was no photograph used and no indication given of his true sex. Readers were left with the impression that a female had been convicted of this sexually predatory crime.
This was Gemma Anne Hicks being confronted by volunteer paedophile hunters earlier this month.
On 13th December Hicks was arrested for sexual communication with a child under 16 years of age.
A volunteer group called Children’s Innocence Matters (CIM) had established a Facebook profile posing as a 12 year-old girl. It is reported that Hicks made contact with the decoy profile and almost immediately initiated sexually explicit conversations. It is alleged that he invited the (fictitious) 12 year old to join him at a swimming pool, talked about her breast size, asked if he could see her knickers, and expressed a desire to access female changing facilities so that he could watch girls getting undressed.
Members of CIM confronted Hicks at the location where he had arranged to meet the girl and detained him while waiting for the police to arrive. On several occasions during this time Hicks insisted that he is a woman. He accused the volunteers of ‘misgendering’ him and claimed that, in doing so, they had committed a ‘hate crime’. “There you go again, misgendering”, he said. “That’s classed as a hate crime.”
Sunday 25th December - No Country For Wild Womyn
An independent business, owned and run by a lesbian feminist, was turned down for a studio space over its pro-woman gender critical merchandise.

Wild Womyn Workshop is owned and run by Angela Wild, a political artist, a lesbian feminist activist and a founder member of Get The L Out. Her business is a “Female-centred radical feminist shop for fearless Amazons” which sells “Beautifully designed radfem merchandise with a strong, unapologetic political content, a pinch of sarcasm, a total disrespect for patriarchy and plenty of fierce Lesbian visibility”.
Denmark Farm is a “Conservation Centre with Eco Friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales”. It is run by the Shared Earth Trust, a charity which “Was formed to advance environmental protection and conservation through the establishment, preservation and maintenance of Denmark Farm Conservation Centre as an education resource; promote biodiversity; and connect people to nature through a range of education courses”.
One would hope that an organisation devoted to environmental protection and conservation might prioritise scientific fact over an ideology based entirely on subjective and unquantifiable ‘feelings’.
However, Denmark Farm trustees refused Wild Womyn Workshop’s application for a studio space because it felt the merchandise, “May be seen as overtly discriminatory to the trans-gender community as a whole” and “Could bring conflict and reputational damage to Denmark Farm”.
They told Angela that Denmark Farm has recently written and adopted an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy which states that they “Must be inclusive as an organisation”.
Just not inclusive of women expressing opinions about their sex-based rights and sexuality, though, apparently.
See you next week.
Aw look, ‘Flower’ has a head tilt. Undoubtedly a woman then!
What can I say except we WILL overcome this nonsense. Voters will not wheesht!