Re the students guide to spotting TERFS. The Mail article has this.

"His page on the student union's website adds: 'As student union Women's Officer I represent students of marginalized genders.'"

WTF? Who appoints a man as 'Women's Officer' and then supports them attacking women?

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Anyone who's drunk the koolaid I should think. There's a lot of them about, especially at unis.

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The Mail article says that Eyre-Morgan was a student at Newnham, which is a women-only college. I have no idea what Newnham’s policies are on admitting transwomen (though since I’ve read of no outcries, harassment campaigns etc in the media, I assume they now obediently let in anybody who says the right words about themselves), but it raises the possibility that Eyre-Morgan is female, but believes herself to be a man, and has now been elected to represent the interests of women, among whom she does not include herself, even though she is one; and, having been so elected, has chosen to campaign on behalf of males who believe themselves to be women, but are not, for them to be included in the set ‘women’, in which set most people in the world not include them but would include her, even though she would want the opposite.


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Doc Stock is being attacked by a terrorist cell. Why is this being allowed to happen? Oh yes - because she’s a woman with a predilection for rationality. Who could’ve imagined this is what 2021 Britain would look like? I don’t remember seeing this on Tomorrow’s World!

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"I am sorry. I did not want to punish trans women by denying sexual access to me by rejecting preop trans women. I am going to a therapist to cure my repulsion… it's transphobic to be repulsed by penises… Trans women are women and I always believed that. The last time I tried to cure my repulsion, it led to a suicide attempt. That's why I was so defensive. Hopefully she has safer methods we can use so I'm not hurting trans people with my genital preference."

That is gay conversion is it not?

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I read it initially as a (justifiably) sarcastic non-apology, though there's sadly a good chance she was serious; it's definitely conversion therapy if so.

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The whole lie after lie after lie about trans people being marginalized, murdered, and terrorised more than anyone is SO tiresome. At this point, it would not surprise me AT ALL, if they up and claimed that they can't provide any stats when asked now because of a cover-up or other conspiracy theory by the "far right".

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Aren't there laws against using graphic, aggressive sexual language and the c-word in public? I'm guessing the police didn't intervene as they were too busy painting trans flags onto their riot shields.

According to TRA's there are "thousands" of transphobic crimes being committed all the time but the statistics won't show them because these crimes are never reported, on account of "the police are transphobic." That'll be the same police who paint their cars in rainbow colours and dutifully arrest women for tweeting suffragette symbols or biological facts.

No wonder TRA's avoid debate; it would take about 30 seconds to debunk that nonsense.

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Depressing. I have to try and console myself that these people are digging themselves further into a hole every time they open their mouths.

As for the Julie Bindel’s piece, she showed them up for what they truly are. Just mentally undeveloped, apathetic children. I’m sure one day those young men will look back and cringe. It’s typical misguided/rebellious young behaviour. Unfortunately, the backdrop incredibly is insidious.

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If the men don’t look back and cringe (doubtful Owen Jones will), I bloody hope the women do.

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TT Exulansic had to 'break out the emergency flannel' over Tashmica Torok about a week ago. Only 4m 4s. https://youtu.be/2uddDyVSN8c

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But where are the cameras and the headlines? Threats, insults foul language used against women behaving rationally. There is truly something weird going on when the whole country is ignoring or pretending it isn’t happening. This behaviour should lead to several hundred banged up in jail. Trouble is once we start where would we finish. Academic boards, cowardly politicians, lazy police, surgeons who operate on healthy young bodies, pharma company executives and on and on.

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Guide - "How to Spot a Virgin": Milo Eyre-Morgan

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Jeez. Quite a week 😞☕️🙏

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The pissbaby TRAs have a uniform, don't they? Round or clear-framed glasses, a coloured side-cut/undercut or short curtained bobs, lank, thinning, unwashed hair, dungarees, jack-up trousers, pastel-coloured jumpers, corduroys, pierced septums... and ordinary gender-neutral clothes that most people wear that they think makes them special. If you have Instagram, put in #theythem and up come hundreds of clones with the looks I described.

Labour: glad Tonia Antoniazzi is speaking up more. There must be more GCs hiding in their ranks. COME OUT!

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Mx. Tashmina Torok

worships brave ladycoque:

'Your penis aversion

is just a perversion,

and you need conversion.

This advice is retailable—

my Venmo's available;

so make reparations

for the horrid privations

of the stunning lovelorn

whose bodies you scorn!’

’I’m sorry,’ says the maiden,

Her heart heavy-laden,

‘I’ll try a new therapist

to stop being a-penist.’

So to all of you perverts

our child abuse expert

says, ‘Don’t follow nature,

trans people’ll hate ya!

It works like a charm

if you mention self-harm.

Stats are just fussy—

who cares? We want p*ssy.’

If Milo Eyre-Morgan

with his/their wee dodgy organ

just loves dungarees,

are these they, hes, or shes?

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The sooner young women (and men, too, if applicable) learn to say “So what? Deal with it.” when ‘accused’ of having a genital preference that ‘harms’ transpeople, the better. This BS is just another version of manipulating women into having sex with men they don’t want to have sex with by guilting them. Playing the ‘harm’ card is simply and purely another trick.

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Load these despicable, spoiled, self-entitled brats up onto my Giant Trebuchet and catapault them over to Fecker's Island, toute-suite.

The porn-addled, sinsiterly-misogynistic brains are so filled with hatred of women and girls that it beggars belief.

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Question: If someone draws obscene graffiti, aren't women permitted to pour water over it, paint over it, or rub it out?

From the university-related posts, it is quite clear that your universities are just like U.S. universities -- they are not institutions of learning, they are bidnesses (thanks to Molly Ivins for the spelling). As bidnesses, they must put the petulance of their consumers first, making sure they are never offended, never suffer consequences for offending or threatening others, cater to their every whim, and ensuring the real world never shines a light on them. No one looking at these young people need have any hope for the survival of life as we know it.

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Milo ‘they/he’ (dopey git) Eyre-Morgan... looks like Alfred E. Neuman with glasses.

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I suspect that person chose this identity Avenue to make themselves more noticed and relevant.

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