Thanks again JL. What a lovely bunch you served up to us again. It's very obviously very much in the public interest to have these bizarre NHS cases not held in secret. I'm unsure as to why it was ever not seen as 'being in the public interest'. That they still continually attempt to cover all this up, then continue to let them do this in secret is even more reason to expose every last element to the light.

Who employed that fetishist to a role working specifically with vulnerable women in a secure mental health ward? Who? How many other men like this are employed? And it was only as he added racism to his string of repellent behaviours that anyone spotted anything amiss? Is there anyone sane at Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust? I'm always left with more and more questions as to how these men get so far with so many looking the other way and even craning their necks so they refuse to see what's happening and who they are employing. The delusion seems to spread like magic. How did he even pass an interview? At every step in that employment process no one did a damn thing, no one thought hang on, I'm not sure he's suited to this role. No one? They push and push and push the boundaries every time until they push it that bit too far. Mental health services often seem to be the most dysfunctional part of the NHS 'healthcare' system and it seems to attract the most disturbed people to staff them.

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Indeed. Working the last 17 years of my working life as a Special Education teacher, I noticed most psychologists that wanted me to refer my students to were often quite troubled people. I always interviewed. Then usually refused to refer to the majority of them.

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I worked in MG services. Some very odd people there..

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That should be MH services!

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What? You mean transitioning leads to mental illness and makes you attack people with an axe?

Unpossible! I was assured This Never Happens

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that's absolurely correct. THiS neVeR HApPEns...


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Didn't people say, once upon a time, "That's just not cricket" to refer to bad behavior, cheating, or unsportsmanlike conduct?

It looks like the ECB wants to change that. Anything that defines itself as cricket is cricket now. Why play anymore? It's just cricket.

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Indeed they did, Friki. (And still do in certain circles!) Hence the title of the segment! 😊

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I read the judgement from Judge Tree in Bernard Lane’s SS. That anyone under 18 can be allowed by a court to be experimented on by people who do not know what they are doing is astounding. 21 should be the minimum age that these confused young people should be allowed to experiment on themselves.

I remember that case of the bloke pretending to be a woman who attacked those people - that he is out is very scary.

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Thanks as ever for the horror stories, JL.

I mentioned the gobsmacking Australian judgment in my update tonight and especially the statement from alleged (but apparently anonymous?) expert Dr O:“[Psychotherapy is expensive] in time and money and potentially emotional cost. It’s great if there’s something to talk about. But if it’s a healthy young person who just wants to not grow breasts, so he can keep playing footy in his boys’ team, as he always has, because he feels he is a boy and has always been a boy … at age 11, you know, talking with [a psychotherapist] about how the earliest breast budding is causing him great difficulty, and he has been living as a boy since he was six, because that’s how he feels, telling that person to go sit and talk about it once a week for two years until his breasts are formed doesn’t go down well.”

This person is still practising? And the judge should be struck off as well. https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/next-time-ill-come-on-stilts

Thanks again


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I always feel nauseous when I read these posts. I absolutely MARVEL that ANY woman can trust ANY man. The amazing thing is that men are mystified by women who are pushing back more and more and saying they'd rather be single. They are utterly clueless that women don't trust ALL men with their safety and well-being. They demand women go back to being trad-wives and submit to the will of their husbands as if that will solve men's profound mental dysfunction.

In this world, women are responsible for everything that men do to women, but also in general. Women are to blame for their victimization at the hands of men, but yet they still say PLEASE women, please marry me and serve me like a sex slave and domestic servant. I PROMISE I will be a good husband and not beat you, treat you as subhuman, leave you penniless with children that I won't support. It's crazy-making. They take the exceedingly rare, yet widely publicized examples of women treating men badly and extrapolate that to the entire female population.

Women need to completely wake up to the misogynist insanity that this patriarchal culture actually demonstrates every single day. I thought #MeToo would start changing things between men and women. All it did was make men even more angry and entitled.

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I don't agree with everything you've written here as it's too generalised but I do sometimes think being a lesbian would be so much easier!! ☺️

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LOL! Individually, I actually love the men in my life. But have also had to deal with many predators and collectively their numbers are increasing. I don't think the average man has a clue about the fear that women carry when they interact with men out in public. I am not a fearful sort of person but I am definitely on my guard with all men until I get to know them.

Of course, men smell that fear and start power-tripping or avoid and demonize women as if women completely imagine the risks we face. It's surreal almost. How can they not know the kinds of things that men are doing and why women are so fearful?

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Another traumatic week of hideousness. Thank you JL. I can't wait to see NHS Fife is go down down down. Along with that filthy pervert fetishist Upton. What an utter farce. The thing is Peggie will win. There is no doubt whatsoever. Just as every such case is won. When will employers learn?? Any man who insists on using women's facilities and barges his way in, knowing he's not wanted there, is a blatant woman hater. No wonder they're trying to keep the case quiet.

And as for sports. I just don't understand the logic of allowing men into the grass roots game but not the professional game. It makes more sense to allow men in all games. I would love to know their reasons for this inconsistency as clearly they see a problem with it or they would ban it at the professional level. How are we still pandering to mentally ill boys and adult male perverts over looking after girls and women. I wish these girls could take legal action somehow. We are stamping on their rights and it's just heartbreaking.

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I think the logic of allowing men into the grass roots game but not the professional game is that the professional game is more likely to end up in the newspaper, and so the cheating will by seen by more people. The depravity will more likely remain hidden in the lower leagues, and only affect the actual sportswomen. It's not a question of fairness, but a question of whether they think they can get away with unfairness.

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I think the Tribunal will find against NHS Fife but solely on what happened to Ms Peggie in terms of their own policies and procedures in relation to grievance and disciplinary processes rather than in terms of Dr Upton self identifying into the women's changing room and spaces. They may well pronounce that the policy of allowing male staff to self id into women's spaces is outwith their remit and they cannot judge against that. Itvis a case of wait and see, but I don't think the ET will put it's neck out with precedent before a final decision comes on what sex, the word "woman", actually means in the Equality Act 2010. Just my opinion...

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The Kirkcaldy ET should nicely highlight the issue of doctors concealing their sex from patients as the terrible deception that it is and the complicity of the GMC in enabling this conclusion.

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Just one of your updates JL, should wake people up to the insanity, misogyny and physical danger of allowing gender ideology to continue to prevail. The fact that many are protesting now but are still being ignored by those in power, has similarities to the grooming gang scandal. I can only assume that this is part of an attempt to control us using fear and ever increasing legislation. Labour certainly appears to be hooked on authoritarianism with anyone who protests labelled as far right although the incompetence of the Tories didn’t help. But we also have to look higher to the WHO and the UN who are riddled with wokery and the desire to control us. The EU is also pushing gender ideology across its member states so we must resist Labour attempts to tie us more closely again.

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Hear hear. Glad to see that Trump is going to leave the WHO 😃👍

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Time for governments to push for CEDAW to have actual teeth and for these teeth to be used especially on the countries who scream about those who ignore the human rights of their citizens. If as a country, you ignore the human rights of your own citizens, governments should be very wary of shouting about places like China, Russia, the Middle East... The USA, Canada, UK, Australia and parts of Europe need to be taken to task on their own human rights abuses against women and girls.

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In health and social care settings, it is time for those delivering services to carry out and publish human rights impact assessments on their policies especially where the delivery is to vulnerable women and to children. This would highlight "inclusive trans policies" especially where men who id as women are employed. This would give a different route for those receiving services to challenge these decisions using a rights-based approach. For example, the Scottish Government has a commitment to a HR approach to all service provision. Time to challenge them and their devolved services on delivery?

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