Another huge pile of s**t to read about. I am seething and fed up of reading about this stuff. If we are in a war, we need a better battle plan. Every time there are sign that we are making progress, there is another ton of s**t still happening. What do we have to do to end this?
I agree- maybe we should now focus on the good news so bad can’t over shadow it. Some good news. There were baby Antifas at Cardiff - one dressed as a rabbit. Bless! Posie called out the Welsh Gov for being woke, ridiculous and weak. Absolutely true, Wales is the very last place to find any wokesters - outside of the Stonewalled workers and baby Antifa. It is a total joke. Posie is right ordinary people may have lost confidence/their voices but they will get them back quicker by everyone speaking out about this rubbish. Wales is not woke outside of little kids and Mark Drakeford et Al who are careerists
i think we need a sort of help pack to help us clearly debate the subject calmly and factually. My angry rants won’t win anyone over. It has to be calm and factual. I’ve had most success in debating this by using Susie greens words against her, things like her son was diagnosed with body dysphoria so…. why treat the body for a mental health issue, puberty blockers are safe….. green pissing herself talking openly about her son’s under developed penis…. If people can decide they are men or women ignoring biology then the terms are meaningless and therefore reinforcing biological rights not society’s current fashions are essential. It f-ing continues. The children, the poor children they deserve us to fight for them. Every fucking day until the only people drugging their kids are people who face jail time for child abuse. Gendered soul my arse. Live your best life and tell everyone who insists you should conform to what they think you should be to go f themselves. thats what i’m telling my kids anyway- in diplomatic parent language of course. Fuck em. just imagine if Martin Luther King said, oh i won’t fight for our rights because its not how they want us to behave. Fuck them and their law- to quote the prodigy.
I often think this. I have put together briefings for politicians and 'senior' people so they didn't look like muppets but often feel at a loss with this or how to get it straight in my own head. First, get your own needs and mental health protected; that's what I find most challenging as I go from weeping to feeling full of fury. Reading these reports over the past weeks has been hard for me again. Look at the calm and searingly accurate and brilliantly written yet polite and effective letters written by those fighting this. Legislators trying their best. Look at this website and other websites and listen to those fighting this in organisations, academia, government and the law. Take courage from them. Try to share this with others if you can. Try to get space away from it too.
It might help to look up dealing with domestic abusers and coercive control. It's very similar. The first steps are to deal with your own cognitive dissonance of 'is this really happening'. Yes it is. The DARVO, deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. And no, you often can't fight much of this with logic. Try not to get so stuck on the why. They'll be ten steps ahead while you're still trying to figure that out. These delusional idealogues will twist and lie, then lie some more and come up with new ways to twist and don't give a fig if what they say and do is illogical. You will be made to doubt your own perception. They will reach in and twist your own perceptions of everything if they can. There is no appealing to that, as much as you think surely if they could only see the truth or if I explained better. Other people can watch individuals gaslight and be coercive and 'still not quite see it' or diminish and underplay the manipulation. It's clever and subtle and often hiding in plain sight. I get frustrated with others not seeing and walking by, as once you realise something and see the importance (having 'peaked' or become aware) you might want to run through the streets warning others. Take heart. Many others feel the same.
For me and if it is a workplace the Equality Act needs to be the evidence base and don’t stray from it ever. Stay polite and keep repeating each time convo steers away to woo woo/ politics. Needs taping to the desk of every manager and every woo woo fighter
Thanks TSBBL and beautifully put, although as you are so articulate and successful i’m afraid i feel threatened by you, so in response i’m afraid i’m going to have to declare myself a woman and try to be there at your every turn so as to intimidate you out of your job, your place in society, your sanity. If you can’t beat them, join them, and then push them out. Its a man thing. Just doing what i want. Its how feel. hope thats ok. If not its because your a bigot. Cool? its cool with most of our dickhead politicians and celebrities. Oh dear i’m off again. Sorry and thanks for your thoughtful response
I think progress is being made, it's made everytime supposed trans rights protestors display their hateful misogyny and violence, which unfailingly happens whenever they protest. They aren't going to stop, they will only accelerate what they're doing. That, combined with the growing awareness of the harm being caused to women, LGB people, and particularly young people, where it's going to be reflected most, is increasingly making an impact.
That they demand more or the time and their demands are increasingly extreme, is making an impact. Because it's being felt everywhere. The closure of Tavistock's GIC clinic has contributed to a growing awareness among people, as is the attention being focused on Mermaids.
England appears to be making some progress, but there doesn't seem to any in Scotland or Wales. Children are still being groomed in our schools. Big tech is still cancelling their services for GC people. Government departments are completely controlled by the ideologists. If Labour are in government at the next election, as is likely, then we will be set back to the dark ages. I know some left wing feminists are trying to work within the party to effect change but I have a feeling that they have a form of Stockholm syndrome.
I'm very hopeful, it's where my family are from, and lots still live there, and many parents are aware of what's happening in schools, or what is being proposed, thanks to the useless, craven Welsh government.
The gender extremists are trying to get as much as is possible through and solidified because I'm sure, other than the most deluded among them, they are aware that they have a lifespan. They can do an enormous of damage in the meantime, lots of it long lasting, but they can't do it forever, hence their urgency and relententlessness.
Yes, most definitely. But teachers are going to be in direct contact with parents and parent groups, and I think they're going to experience significant resistance.
Maybe I'm being unrealistically optimistic, but I can't see gender ideology authoritarianism and fanaticism sustaining itself beyond a certain point before it implodes. For that not to happen, everyone would have to be captured, not just oppressed and restricted. We, as in everyone, would have to a collective belief that irreversible harm being done to children and young people is tolerable, for example.
Obviously, appalling situations exist right now, but over the coming years,bperhaps as few as 5, we are going to see many more people who have been psychologically and physically harmed by the untested 'treatments' they were given because they expressed distress over their gender/sex identity, perhaps with little or no exploration into what was going on for them internally. And horrific as as all this is, it is only one facet of the catestrophic consequences of adopting a generalised affirming position regarding gender identity.
That is optimistic. I hope you are right. I am impatient to see it exposed for what it is - a bunch of lies from people that are either self-deceived or wilfully lying, or, most probably, both. I won't be happy until the GRA is repealed and I think that will be more that 5 years.
I dream that every single civil servant who 'believes' in this ideology gets sacked and loses their enormous tax payer funded pensions - but I know a girl can dream.
This is all utterly appalling. Thank you JL; I don't know how you collate this. It's very hard to counter my cognitive dissonance and accept this is really happening. I feel sick and not for the first time. It's hard to read as these lunatics are now ratcheting it all up, stating very openly that our existence and words to describe us are now intrinsically hateful/dangerous/violent/transphobic when they are no such thing and...people are believing them. Or too scared to say anything as they will be disciplined and lose their jobs. So the silencing works and they push this through everywhere.
My grandmother had a little red box next to the door which as I grew older found out was for 'the propagation of the faith'. I had thought it was a normal collection for church and have no issue with that or collecting for charity - the true meaning of that word. It’s the core tenet of many religions and supporting the weak and those that need it. I did have an issue with the 'propagation' part and the suffocating zealotry that had begun to fade by the time my generation came along. Knowing such a religion from the inside I have seen the all encompassing aspects but I know that Catholicism, and however evil some aspects of it are, is nothing compared to this new trans religion. It has a shadow of the genderologists power and this is all absolutely vile. How have we gifted them this? I can think of no other religion that comes close and with nothing at its heart, no morals, nothing to defend. All these hidden little 'professional' groups rotting the NHS and government departments from the inside out. How dense do those ingratiating people have to be to pretend this is all ‘just’ ‘being inclusive’ and ‘being your true self’.
At the core of all this are violent men, with a history of violence, who are at high risk of causing further violent harm to others. Right. No change there. How are we supposed to address this? Not using Eventbrite ever again and sending FOIs to the MoJ about that suspicious PiPP 'staff network'. And how the hell can anyone refer to WPATH and expect to retain any professional credibility at all. Paedophiles in kids clothing, that old fable.
Do the trans activists move from Twitter to Eventbrite and keep spreading this nonsense?
The TRA’s must have a photo of Sturgeon having sex with an animal or something. Its the only way to explain why she’s willing to sell off children’s bodies to this fucking cult
sorry JL not sure if this type of comment helps our cause if someone new to the topic reads it. Let me know if you want me to delete it. I know censorship isn’t something we practice but i take advice on such matters. Thanks for the utterly disturbing post. sort of. well we need to know.
Ah your anger is totally understandable, CB. It's been a shocking week and the news from Scotland is especially grim. But, as I keep saying, we must stay positive. I firmly believe the tide IS turning (partly because of stories like these which are peaking people in their thousands) and we are winning.
I think it's perfectly reasonable to react to this illogical horror by wondering how and how specifically it seeded itself so well in upper tiers of government. That we are all wondering how this is manifesting shows the lack of transparency and accountability.
The Equality Act gives a number of illustrations to show how it should be used. One is in women's services, specifically those for women who have experienced violence at the hands of men. So how is Mridul still at ERCC? How has that been explained away? There is clearly something very successfully persuading the First Minister and it's not abiding by laws or every poll out there. So what is it. We are left to guess, so guess we will.
It does appear that someone, or something, is holding a gun to her head. She has no children, so it's not that. Eventually, we'll find out and all will make sense. Just like we found out about the 'transwomen' twitter 'moderators'.
Suspect Nicola cola Sturgeon is driven by only one thing ... Scottish independence. And she will sacrifice anything that gets in the way of that. She would be supporting the women's cause if there were thousands of votes there for her. I'm utterly dismayed at her.
"Amara Gisele" Jones Velasquez, formerly known as Anthony Martucci. Aka Woman Hater. Aka Hormonally-Induced ‘Breast’ Jiggler. Aka Homophobe fond of using the ‘faggot' word. Aka Misogynist fond of using the ‘bitch’ word. Aka Violent Man threatening to beat up people who say he is a man, not a woman. Aka Man who is lost in his false ‘identity’. Aka Man who is porn-saturated.
From his FB page. “Opening the show for @Coach SS23 while also showcasing my identity is a gift beyond measure. The entire team at Coach made me feel like I was an undiscovered gemstone. I felt cherished ...”
“Showcasing my identity". (Isn't that every 'transwoman's' dream? Why it's a "gift beyond measure”.) “An undiscovered gemstone”. “Cherished”.
Why is Coach elevating this immensely flawed, delusional, mediocrity of a man? Shame on them.
When ‘gender’ ideologues groom children with unicorns and their version of the gingerbread man, they are unconsciously admitting the ideology is based on complete fairytale fantasy. And they really should have been more careful before sending the ‘gender’ bread man out on his mission. We all know how this tale ends. No matter how fast he runs, he cannot escape his eventual demise. It's a tragic tale.
The inevitable ending? A fox catches and eats the gingerbread man who cries as he is devoured, "I'm quarter gone...I'm half gone...I'm three-quarters gone...I'm all gone! Children are being offered up to the hungry jaws of the ‘trans’ fox. Bit by bit, they are psychically and physically devoured.
On the day that I read here about the new SPATH protocol I also read (in The Times) about NHS Scotland discussing some form of partial privatisation of healthcare. Is there a connection, I wonder? Is the Scottish gov looking for US investment? Might that start with private (and very profitable) gender clinics? Is this hideous mess really all about money or have I been reading too much Jennifer Bilek? So many questions.........
‘Yesterday's successful action should remind us that our movements don’t need to adhere to respectability politics’. Is this also the psychopathic ‘reasoning’ Eli Erlick (prominent woman hater & child hater) uses when he rapes?
'Gifty Enright, is the author of 'Octopus on a Treadmill; Women, Success, Health, Happiness'. She is also an international Speaker who specialises in Women and Wellbeing in the Workplace. She has spoken at Multinational organisations and also given a Tedx Women's Talk.'
I've no doubt someone will be along soon telling us all that women wearing dresses is hateful towards men who identify as trans and women wearing trousers is us hatefully mocking men in heteronormative ways. They never have enough to whine about and have carved out entire careers in doing this.
This really is the rot of Queer Theory thinking. Who of us live our lives thinking (if not obsessionally) at each moment how we are or will smash the heteronormative oppressors. Is waking up a boundary? Is getting up out of bed a boundary and traditional? Is time a boundary that we 'traditionally' follow so we can order our societies? Is it all perception and must be fought and railed against? Are we normies? Just WTAF. Their Gorgon eyes are on bloody everything seeing the intrinsic hate and oppression. Cheese. That's the next patriarchal heteronormative bigotry for the chop. We must ban cheese. And envelopes. Scary, hateful envelopes.
I remember growing up in Madison, Wisconsin during the 1970s. There were the protests against the war and the draft. That was one aspect. There was also the rampant drug culture, the crazies out in a Wisconsin winter with no clothes on, those who passed out on the street and the contingent of ranters and ravers, on their acid trips. Those three shirtless trippers are out of their minds on drugs.
Another huge pile of s**t to read about. I am seething and fed up of reading about this stuff. If we are in a war, we need a better battle plan. Every time there are sign that we are making progress, there is another ton of s**t still happening. What do we have to do to end this?
I agree- maybe we should now focus on the good news so bad can’t over shadow it. Some good news. There were baby Antifas at Cardiff - one dressed as a rabbit. Bless! Posie called out the Welsh Gov for being woke, ridiculous and weak. Absolutely true, Wales is the very last place to find any wokesters - outside of the Stonewalled workers and baby Antifa. It is a total joke. Posie is right ordinary people may have lost confidence/their voices but they will get them back quicker by everyone speaking out about this rubbish. Wales is not woke outside of little kids and Mark Drakeford et Al who are careerists
i think we need a sort of help pack to help us clearly debate the subject calmly and factually. My angry rants won’t win anyone over. It has to be calm and factual. I’ve had most success in debating this by using Susie greens words against her, things like her son was diagnosed with body dysphoria so…. why treat the body for a mental health issue, puberty blockers are safe….. green pissing herself talking openly about her son’s under developed penis…. If people can decide they are men or women ignoring biology then the terms are meaningless and therefore reinforcing biological rights not society’s current fashions are essential. It f-ing continues. The children, the poor children they deserve us to fight for them. Every fucking day until the only people drugging their kids are people who face jail time for child abuse. Gendered soul my arse. Live your best life and tell everyone who insists you should conform to what they think you should be to go f themselves. thats what i’m telling my kids anyway- in diplomatic parent language of course. Fuck em. just imagine if Martin Luther King said, oh i won’t fight for our rights because its not how they want us to behave. Fuck them and their law- to quote the prodigy.
I often think this. I have put together briefings for politicians and 'senior' people so they didn't look like muppets but often feel at a loss with this or how to get it straight in my own head. First, get your own needs and mental health protected; that's what I find most challenging as I go from weeping to feeling full of fury. Reading these reports over the past weeks has been hard for me again. Look at the calm and searingly accurate and brilliantly written yet polite and effective letters written by those fighting this. Legislators trying their best. Look at this website and other websites and listen to those fighting this in organisations, academia, government and the law. Take courage from them. Try to share this with others if you can. Try to get space away from it too.
It might help to look up dealing with domestic abusers and coercive control. It's very similar. The first steps are to deal with your own cognitive dissonance of 'is this really happening'. Yes it is. The DARVO, deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. And no, you often can't fight much of this with logic. Try not to get so stuck on the why. They'll be ten steps ahead while you're still trying to figure that out. These delusional idealogues will twist and lie, then lie some more and come up with new ways to twist and don't give a fig if what they say and do is illogical. You will be made to doubt your own perception. They will reach in and twist your own perceptions of everything if they can. There is no appealing to that, as much as you think surely if they could only see the truth or if I explained better. Other people can watch individuals gaslight and be coercive and 'still not quite see it' or diminish and underplay the manipulation. It's clever and subtle and often hiding in plain sight. I get frustrated with others not seeing and walking by, as once you realise something and see the importance (having 'peaked' or become aware) you might want to run through the streets warning others. Take heart. Many others feel the same.
For me and if it is a workplace the Equality Act needs to be the evidence base and don’t stray from it ever. Stay polite and keep repeating each time convo steers away to woo woo/ politics. Needs taping to the desk of every manager and every woo woo fighter
Thanks TSBBL and beautifully put, although as you are so articulate and successful i’m afraid i feel threatened by you, so in response i’m afraid i’m going to have to declare myself a woman and try to be there at your every turn so as to intimidate you out of your job, your place in society, your sanity. If you can’t beat them, join them, and then push them out. Its a man thing. Just doing what i want. Its how feel. hope thats ok. If not its because your a bigot. Cool? its cool with most of our dickhead politicians and celebrities. Oh dear i’m off again. Sorry and thanks for your thoughtful response
Maybe we need another gender critical coming out day- I noticed more speaking out after last one
I think progress is being made, it's made everytime supposed trans rights protestors display their hateful misogyny and violence, which unfailingly happens whenever they protest. They aren't going to stop, they will only accelerate what they're doing. That, combined with the growing awareness of the harm being caused to women, LGB people, and particularly young people, where it's going to be reflected most, is increasingly making an impact.
That they demand more or the time and their demands are increasingly extreme, is making an impact. Because it's being felt everywhere. The closure of Tavistock's GIC clinic has contributed to a growing awareness among people, as is the attention being focused on Mermaids.
England appears to be making some progress, but there doesn't seem to any in Scotland or Wales. Children are still being groomed in our schools. Big tech is still cancelling their services for GC people. Government departments are completely controlled by the ideologists. If Labour are in government at the next election, as is likely, then we will be set back to the dark ages. I know some left wing feminists are trying to work within the party to effect change but I have a feeling that they have a form of Stockholm syndrome.
The JR of RSE in schools in Wales is a significant thing. I’m hopeful
I'm very hopeful, it's where my family are from, and lots still live there, and many parents are aware of what's happening in schools, or what is being proposed, thanks to the useless, craven Welsh government.
The gender extremists are trying to get as much as is possible through and solidified because I'm sure, other than the most deluded among them, they are aware that they have a lifespan. They can do an enormous of damage in the meantime, lots of it long lasting, but they can't do it forever, hence their urgency and relententlessness.
Politicians and teachers need to show some backbone, weak as weak can be
Yes, most definitely. But teachers are going to be in direct contact with parents and parent groups, and I think they're going to experience significant resistance.
Maybe I'm being unrealistically optimistic, but I can't see gender ideology authoritarianism and fanaticism sustaining itself beyond a certain point before it implodes. For that not to happen, everyone would have to be captured, not just oppressed and restricted. We, as in everyone, would have to a collective belief that irreversible harm being done to children and young people is tolerable, for example.
Obviously, appalling situations exist right now, but over the coming years,bperhaps as few as 5, we are going to see many more people who have been psychologically and physically harmed by the untested 'treatments' they were given because they expressed distress over their gender/sex identity, perhaps with little or no exploration into what was going on for them internally. And horrific as as all this is, it is only one facet of the catestrophic consequences of adopting a generalised affirming position regarding gender identity.
That is optimistic. I hope you are right. I am impatient to see it exposed for what it is - a bunch of lies from people that are either self-deceived or wilfully lying, or, most probably, both. I won't be happy until the GRA is repealed and I think that will be more that 5 years.
I dream that every single civil servant who 'believes' in this ideology gets sacked and loses their enormous tax payer funded pensions - but I know a girl can dream.
This is all utterly appalling. Thank you JL; I don't know how you collate this. It's very hard to counter my cognitive dissonance and accept this is really happening. I feel sick and not for the first time. It's hard to read as these lunatics are now ratcheting it all up, stating very openly that our existence and words to describe us are now intrinsically hateful/dangerous/violent/transphobic when they are no such thing and...people are believing them. Or too scared to say anything as they will be disciplined and lose their jobs. So the silencing works and they push this through everywhere.
My grandmother had a little red box next to the door which as I grew older found out was for 'the propagation of the faith'. I had thought it was a normal collection for church and have no issue with that or collecting for charity - the true meaning of that word. It’s the core tenet of many religions and supporting the weak and those that need it. I did have an issue with the 'propagation' part and the suffocating zealotry that had begun to fade by the time my generation came along. Knowing such a religion from the inside I have seen the all encompassing aspects but I know that Catholicism, and however evil some aspects of it are, is nothing compared to this new trans religion. It has a shadow of the genderologists power and this is all absolutely vile. How have we gifted them this? I can think of no other religion that comes close and with nothing at its heart, no morals, nothing to defend. All these hidden little 'professional' groups rotting the NHS and government departments from the inside out. How dense do those ingratiating people have to be to pretend this is all ‘just’ ‘being inclusive’ and ‘being your true self’.
At the core of all this are violent men, with a history of violence, who are at high risk of causing further violent harm to others. Right. No change there. How are we supposed to address this? Not using Eventbrite ever again and sending FOIs to the MoJ about that suspicious PiPP 'staff network'. And how the hell can anyone refer to WPATH and expect to retain any professional credibility at all. Paedophiles in kids clothing, that old fable.
Do the trans activists move from Twitter to Eventbrite and keep spreading this nonsense?
The TRA’s must have a photo of Sturgeon having sex with an animal or something. Its the only way to explain why she’s willing to sell off children’s bodies to this fucking cult
sorry JL not sure if this type of comment helps our cause if someone new to the topic reads it. Let me know if you want me to delete it. I know censorship isn’t something we practice but i take advice on such matters. Thanks for the utterly disturbing post. sort of. well we need to know.
Ah your anger is totally understandable, CB. It's been a shocking week and the news from Scotland is especially grim. But, as I keep saying, we must stay positive. I firmly believe the tide IS turning (partly because of stories like these which are peaking people in their thousands) and we are winning.
I think it's perfectly reasonable to react to this illogical horror by wondering how and how specifically it seeded itself so well in upper tiers of government. That we are all wondering how this is manifesting shows the lack of transparency and accountability.
The Equality Act gives a number of illustrations to show how it should be used. One is in women's services, specifically those for women who have experienced violence at the hands of men. So how is Mridul still at ERCC? How has that been explained away? There is clearly something very successfully persuading the First Minister and it's not abiding by laws or every poll out there. So what is it. We are left to guess, so guess we will.
It does appear that someone, or something, is holding a gun to her head. She has no children, so it's not that. Eventually, we'll find out and all will make sense. Just like we found out about the 'transwomen' twitter 'moderators'.
Suspect Nicola cola Sturgeon is driven by only one thing ... Scottish independence. And she will sacrifice anything that gets in the way of that. She would be supporting the women's cause if there were thousands of votes there for her. I'm utterly dismayed at her.
"Amara Gisele" Jones Velasquez, formerly known as Anthony Martucci. Aka Woman Hater. Aka Hormonally-Induced ‘Breast’ Jiggler. Aka Homophobe fond of using the ‘faggot' word. Aka Misogynist fond of using the ‘bitch’ word. Aka Violent Man threatening to beat up people who say he is a man, not a woman. Aka Man who is lost in his false ‘identity’. Aka Man who is porn-saturated.
From his FB page. “Opening the show for @Coach SS23 while also showcasing my identity is a gift beyond measure. The entire team at Coach made me feel like I was an undiscovered gemstone. I felt cherished ...”
“Showcasing my identity". (Isn't that every 'transwoman's' dream? Why it's a "gift beyond measure”.) “An undiscovered gemstone”. “Cherished”.
Why is Coach elevating this immensely flawed, delusional, mediocrity of a man? Shame on them.
When ‘gender’ ideologues groom children with unicorns and their version of the gingerbread man, they are unconsciously admitting the ideology is based on complete fairytale fantasy. And they really should have been more careful before sending the ‘gender’ bread man out on his mission. We all know how this tale ends. No matter how fast he runs, he cannot escape his eventual demise. It's a tragic tale.
The inevitable ending? A fox catches and eats the gingerbread man who cries as he is devoured, "I'm quarter gone...I'm half gone...I'm three-quarters gone...I'm all gone! Children are being offered up to the hungry jaws of the ‘trans’ fox. Bit by bit, they are psychically and physically devoured.
On the day that I read here about the new SPATH protocol I also read (in The Times) about NHS Scotland discussing some form of partial privatisation of healthcare. Is there a connection, I wonder? Is the Scottish gov looking for US investment? Might that start with private (and very profitable) gender clinics? Is this hideous mess really all about money or have I been reading too much Jennifer Bilek? So many questions.........
‘Yesterday's successful action should remind us that our movements don’t need to adhere to respectability politics’. Is this also the psychopathic ‘reasoning’ Eli Erlick (prominent woman hater & child hater) uses when he rapes?
This made my head shake this week, too...
"Good Morning Britain Guest Claims Pantomime Dames Could Be 'trans'phobic and Should Be Cancelled"
'Gifty Enright, is the author of 'Octopus on a Treadmill; Women, Success, Health, Happiness'. She is also an international Speaker who specialises in Women and Wellbeing in the Workplace. She has spoken at Multinational organisations and also given a Tedx Women's Talk.'
I've no doubt someone will be along soon telling us all that women wearing dresses is hateful towards men who identify as trans and women wearing trousers is us hatefully mocking men in heteronormative ways. They never have enough to whine about and have carved out entire careers in doing this.
Yes, she's completely incoherent and had no idea what it is she's griping about other than "It's traditional and therefore it must be bad."
This really is the rot of Queer Theory thinking. Who of us live our lives thinking (if not obsessionally) at each moment how we are or will smash the heteronormative oppressors. Is waking up a boundary? Is getting up out of bed a boundary and traditional? Is time a boundary that we 'traditionally' follow so we can order our societies? Is it all perception and must be fought and railed against? Are we normies? Just WTAF. Their Gorgon eyes are on bloody everything seeing the intrinsic hate and oppression. Cheese. That's the next patriarchal heteronormative bigotry for the chop. We must ban cheese. And envelopes. Scary, hateful envelopes.
I remember growing up in Madison, Wisconsin during the 1970s. There were the protests against the war and the draft. That was one aspect. There was also the rampant drug culture, the crazies out in a Wisconsin winter with no clothes on, those who passed out on the street and the contingent of ranters and ravers, on their acid trips. Those three shirtless trippers are out of their minds on drugs.