Monday 14th November - First Do No Harm
THE TELEGRAPH: NHS Scotland plans to ‘fast-track’ gender patients into irreversible surgeries by removing perceived ‘barriers’ to treatment.
The Telegraph has seen a report produced by NHS Scotland which recommends radical new trans treatment policies. The report refers to this new protocol as SPATH (Scottish Pathway for Trans Healthcare) in what appears to be an obvious link to WPATH. It’s recommendations certainly seem to mirror those of WPATH’s deeply concerning affirmation only model.
The NHS Scotland report recommends removing so-called ‘barriers’ to surgeries such as mastectomies and genital alteration. It claims that counselling or psychotherapy ‘is not a pre-requisite for any gender-affirming healthcare’, meaning that patients could undergo life-altering and irreversible surgeries without any exploration of the reason for their dysphoria. The report maintains that detailed mental health assessments are not necessary for a patient to access hormones or surgery. It even suggests that patients can ‘benefit’ from life-altering surgery and hormone treatment even if their gender identity does not cause them ‘distress’. Furthermore, ignoring the recommendations of the Cass Review, the report calls for gender non-conforming children to be medicalised as part of an affirmation treatment model.
Dr David Bell, former consultant psychiatrist at the Tavistock, told The Telegraph, “The attention of ministers seems to be more captured by groups representing an ideological movement, than those that represent an objective scientific approach to these matters… It is never a doctor’s job to affirm or not affirm, it is a doctor’s job to understand. That means understanding the narrative of a patient’s life, their childhood, how they developed particularly in terms of sexuality and gender, and how they’ve come to be the person they are. We have an ethical duty towards young people and adults not to treat things at face value. That is something that is completely incompatible with a proper clinical approach.”
James Esses called the report “deeply concerning” and added that it “Demonstrates that Scotland has been infiltrated by gender ideology and poses a risk to vulnerable children”.

Also Today - Mermaids Get A Leg Up
THE TIMES: Mermaids were assisted in lobbying the Scottish government by Nicola Sturgeon’s officials.

In January 2021 Nicola Sturgeon posted an ‘unplanned and unscripted’ video on social media to address allegations of so-called transphobia in the SNP. Immediately afterwards, trans charity, Mermaids, contacted her offering their ‘advice’ and ‘expertise’ to help ‘support the trans community in Scotland’. Sturgeon offered Mermaids a meeting with civil servants from the Scottish government’s family law, gender identity and LGBTI policy teams.
Minutes of this meeting, which was held in June 2021, were published this week. They reveal that these civil servants provided Mermaids with useful information to assist the charity in lobbying the government. According to The Times, this meeting, “Saw Mermaids gain a foothold into Scottish policy which is now being called into question.
Since this meeting took place, Mermaids has been the subject of some shocking revelations. It has been accused of supplying dangerous breast binders to minors without the knowledge or consent of their parents. A Mermaids moderated chatroom for vulnerable teens has been called an ‘irresponsible free for all’. And, most disturbingly, it was revealed that a former Mermaids trustees is a paedophile apologist. Mermaids is currently being investigated by the Charity Commission.
Tuesday 15th November - Let Women Speak In NY
REDUXX: Violent trans activists attacked a public meeting in New York and tried to prevent women from expressing their concerns about gender ideology.

A Let Women Speak event in Manhattan was organised by Standing For Women and featured a coalition of US women’s right’s campaigners.
Even before the meeting, trans activists and Antifa groups made public their determination to derail the event and prevent women from speaking.
They advertised their intention using an image of a huge boot stamping on a group of women, one of whom is holding a sign reading “I had this coming”.
Just prior to the start of the event, Kellie-Jay Keen, founder of Standing For Women, had to announce via YouTube that she was unable to attend as she could not safely reach the speaking podium. A large number of aggressive demonstrators had gathered around the location at City Hall and she would have had to pass through this crowd to reach the podium. She approached the police in attendance to ask for assistance but was refused an escort.

Large numbers of trans activists and Antifa members gathered around the female speakers who were trying to express their concerns about the effects of gender ideology on women’s rights and on child safeguarding. The demonstrators grew so aggressive and threatening that the authorities were forced to set up barricades to separate them from the women attending the event.
According to The Post Millennial, a woman who was recording the event from City Hall said of the trans activists, “They have been pushing back the barricade. They have shoved, attacked, pushed, pulled, I’ve been assaulted several times already this morning”.

Journalists Libby Emmons and Brendan Gutenschwager were in attendance and documented the violent and intimidating behaviour of the trans activists. They reported that demonstrators spat at women, chanted insults and slogans, tried to drown out women’s voices by making noise with whistles, bells, drums and alarms, fought with NYPD officers, breached the barricades and followed and threatened the female attendees.

Shocking footage of two particular trans-identified males went viral on social media. Both were topless and continually grabbed and fondled their own ‘breasts’ whilst gesturing and screaming at women attending the event.

One of these trans-identified males is model and ‘social media influencer’, Amara Gisele Jones Velasquez, formerly known as Anthony Martucci. Attempting to threaten women’s rights campaigner, Jeanna Hoch, Velasquez screamed repeatedly at her, “I’m going to beat your ass, bitch! These hands do not discriminate!” He then yelled, “These titties are way more real than you would ever be, bitch. I got body. No man wants you”.
Velasquez was recorded screaming “I will fuck you up, bitch!” and spitting at other women in attendance.

He was also recorded harassing and screaming at Stonewall veteran and long-time human rights campaigner, Jim Fouratt.

Velasquez yelled “Fucking faggot!” and “Dumbass bitch!” in the face of a 77 year old man who has been fighting for LBGT rights since the 1960s.
Eventually, the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group had to be deployed. The trans activists’ protest was declared an unlawful assembly and law enforcement officers made a number of arrests.
Prominent trans activist, Eli Erlich was amongst those causing trouble at the event. He later bragged on social that, “We glitterbombed, pied, flipped off, screamed at, spit on, and cursed TERFs until they had to leave”.

But it’s hardly surprising that someone so frequently accused of rape and sexual assault would be invested in silencing women who talk about boundaries and safeguarding.
Also Today - These Are Not Our Crimes
STUFF NZ: A violent trans-identified male convicted of stabbing three people has been accommodated in a women’s prison.

Matthew Richard Nelson, who also calls himself Emma Nelson and Pandora Electra, appeared in court on 5th May 2022. He was accused of stabbing three victims, two male and one female, at a restaurant the previous day. At the time, the New Zealand Herald reported that a ‘woman’ had been charged with these violent crimes.
According to the NZ Herald report, Nelson was charged under his real name when apprehended by police on the night of the stabbings. However, appearing in court the following day, Nelson claimed to ‘identify as a woman’ and went by the name Emma Nelson. He was referred to with female pronouns and described as a woman in subsequent news reports.

This week Nelson appeared in Hamilton District Court for sentencing. He had already pleaded guilty to three charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and charges of breaching a protection order, intentional damage, and resisting police. Although his name used on police charging documents was Matthew Richard Nelson, the court heard that he now prefers to be called Pandora Electra and was referred to accordingly throughout the process.
Nelson’s female victim suffered the most severe injuries. They included a laceration to the left side of her face and a stab wound to her upper left back which punctured her right lung, causing it to collapse. A pre-sentence report found Nelson to be at ‘high risk of causing further violent harm to others’.
Nelson was sentenced to nine years and three months imprisonment. He has been incarcerated in Auckland Women’s Prison.
Wednesday 16th November - Under His Aye
THE TELEGRAPH: Another shocking story concerning NHS Scotland suggests that the word ‘woman’ may be dispensed with under a proposed policy centred on ‘transgender inclusivity’.

NHS National Services Scotland has commissioned a new report on gender reassignment protocols to be employed across NHS Scotland. The proposed guidelines could erase the word ‘woman’ from clinics which were intended to provide female-specific healthcare. The report recommends “A general move away from gendered healthcare” in order to pander to the sensibilities of trans-identified people who may object to services being directed towards a particular sex.
The proposed guidelines also urge NHS Scotland to formally recognise ‘increasing gender identities’, including those patients who do not consider themselves to be either male nor female. Furthermore, it calls for laboratories to ‘decouple’ reference ranges in test results from ‘gender markers’ even though healthy ranges can differ for males and females.
Louise Irvine, co-chair of the Clinical Advisory Network on Sex and Gender, raised concerns that this report made repeated references to WPATH. She commented that the guidelines were potentially harmful to patients and questioned why the advice of respected experts has been ignored.
Dr Irvine said, “Proposals to change whole systems of IT, language and clinics is timorous, unhelpful and potentially dangerous… You can't move entirely away from sexed healthcare, because everyone has a biological sex, even if they take additional hormones to affirm or appear differently. To interpret test results safely you need to know a person’s sex, as well as their age, conditions and drugs. To suggest otherwise simply denies reality”.
Also Today - Justice Is Served
REDUXX: Trans rights activist, Dana Rivers, has finally been found guilty of murdering Charlotte Reed, Patricia Wright and Benny Diambu-Wright.

Formerly known as David Warfield, Dana Rivers underwent sex reassignment surgery in 1999. He became a trans activist and focused on MichFest, an annual female-only lesbian festival held in Michigan. That trans-identified males were not permitted to attend this women-only event enraged him. He protested the right of lesbians to exclude males from their festival and he picketed the event to vent his fury.
Married couple, Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright, were regular MichFest attendees. Shortly after midnight on 11th November, 2016 police received reports that gunshots were heard at the couple’s home in Oakland, California. When they arrived they found Rivers covered in blood and in possession of knives, metal knuckles and ammunition. The house was ablaze. The couple’s son, Benny Diambu-Wright, lay outside the house. He had been shot dead. Inside the house, police found the bodies of Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright. They had been shot and stabbed numerous times.
Rivers was charged with the murders but the case has been years in the hearing. The endless deferrals in proceedings have been detailed meticulously by Kara Dansky.
Now, six years after he committed the murders, Dana Rivers has been convicted and the family and friends of Charlotte, Patricia and Benny finally have justice. Not that you’d know it - the silence of the mainstream media on this conviction has been deafening.
Also Today - The Future Is Not Eventbrite
THE TELEGRAPH: Eventbrite is erasing events with a gender critical and/or radical feminist theme from its site.

You will remember that, a couple of weeks ago, Eventbrite cancelled the Standing For Women page from its site.

Then, only a few days later, Eventbrite pulled ticket sales for the launch of a book about gender critical feminism.

Then Eventbrite pulled yet another event with a gender critical theme, the screening of a documentary called Adult Human Female.

And now Eventbrite has pulled an event launching Karen Ingala Smith’s book, Defending Women's Spaces.

Tickets were refunded, the event was erased from the Eventbrite website and organisers were informed by the ‘trust and safety team’ that the book launch violated the site’s policies on ‘hateful, dangerous, or violent content’.
The book launch is due to take place on 24th November and involves a conversation between Karen Ingala Smith and Julie Bindel. Two life-long women’s rights campaigners are going to discuss the need for female-only spaces and the prevention of male violence. This is deemed ‘hateful, dangerous, or violent content’ by Eventbrite.
Thursday 17th November - Fox In The Henhouse
THE TIMES: Convicted paedophile trans-identified male, Katie Dolatowski, has been moved to a women’s prison after he ‘battered’ a male inmate.

Katie Dolatowski has made regular appearances on this site. In 2018 he filmed a 12-year-old-girl who was using the toilet in a female bathroom at a supermarket in Dunfermline. A month later, he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in the women’s toilets at a supermarket in Kirkcaldy. He grabbed the terrified child by the face, forced her into a cubicle, threatened to stab her and ordered her to take off her clothes.
He pleaded guilty to voyeurism and sexual assault charges and was given a three-year community payback order, placed on the sex offenders register and banned from having any contact with children. In 2019 Dolatowski was back in court on two separate occasions, accused of deleting the internet history on his phone and then of making ‘alarming’ internet searches.
In 2022 it was revealed that Dolatowski had been accommodated in a domestic violence refuge for vulnerable women and children after he tricked the centre’s staff by using a false name and pretending to be an abuse victim.
In November Dolatowski was sentenced to four months imprisonment. He was originally incarcerated in the male estate at Polmont Young Offenders’ Institution. There he was involved in an incident during which he ‘battered’ another male inmate, apparently over a remark made to him the previous evening. The prisoner he assaulted was collecting his lunch when he ‘felt as if he had been shoved’. He turned around and was attacked by Dolatowski who punched him repeatedly in the head.
Witnesses saw 22-year-old Dolatowski, who is 6 feet 5 inches tall, “Holding (the victim) over a table and punching him to the back of his head”. Warders ‘escorted’ Dolatowski back to a cell and he was subsequently placed on report.
Dolatowski has since been moved to Cornton Vale women’s prison.

According to Shona Robison MSP, the minister responsible for navigating the Scottish government’s self-ID legislation through parliament, there is no evidence to suggest men will obtain a GRC in order to abuse women. She claims that, “We know from all the evidence that the threat comes from predatory and abusive men, not trans women”.
In light of this latest news story, For Women Scotland asked, “Is Dolatowski a predatory, abusive, violent man or an abusive transwoman? If the former, why is Dolatowski now in Cornton Vale & if the latter will you admit this statement to @ScotParl was a falsehood?”
But answer came there none.

Writing in The Times, Alex Massie points out that 50% of trans-identified male prisoners in Scotland only discovered their new ‘gender identity’ once in custody.
“Dolatowski’s story is precisely the kind of thing we are repeatedly told just will not happen. Supporters of the Scottish government’s plans to make it easier for people to change their legal sex continue to insist there is no evidence reforming the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) will make life easier for ‘bad actors’. Real-life examples of precisely this drawn from the real world are dismissed as mere anecdotes.
But it is shockingly, irresponsibly delusional to think that predatory males will not take advantage of any openings offered them. That is their entire modus operandi. Remarkably, a majority of the members of the Scottish parliament are precisely this naive. They appear to inhabit some prelapsarian idyll where all men are kindly and there is apple pie for tea every day”.
Friday 18th November - Doctoring The Truth
DAILY MAIL: Posters featuring the wholly unscientific and ideology driven ‘genderbread person’ could be used in the Welsh health service.
Use of the idiotic ‘genderbread person’ on official posters is under consideration by officials at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board for widespread use across the Welsh health service.
The proposed poster not only displays the infamous ‘genderbread person’ diagram, which suggests that biological sex is a spectrum and that everyone has a ‘gender identity’, it also includes the claim that sex is ‘assigned at birth’ and that sexual orientation is based on gender rather than sex.
Sue Tranka, Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for Wales, has already expressed interest in using the poster. Commenting on her social media account, she told the creator of the poster that she would be happy to share it “Under the CNO priority for Equity and equality” via the professional newsletter.
While no formal decision has yet been made about the poster’s use, a health board spokesperson said they were committed to inclusivity and thanked the ‘proactive’ staff member who created it. They went on, “Across the organisation, we promote a culture of inclusivity and support our diverse and vibrant communities to feel comfortable being their true selves”.
Also Today - The Paedophile Poster Boy
REDUXX: A trans-identified paedophile and murderer has been featured in an article about prison reform without any mention being made of the crimes for which he was convicted.

In 1978 Patrick Trimble kidnapped two nine-year-old girls. He drove them to a remote wooded area and forced each child to perform a sex act on him before penetrating one of the little girls with his finger and with genitals. He was convicted of two counts of kidnapping, four counts of sodomy, one count of rape and one count of sexual abuse in the first degree.
In prison he routinely tortured, sexually assaulted and prostituted his vulnerable cell mate, Jerry James Everett, a man with learning difficulties who was awaiting trial for stealing a car. According to a 1982 court document, Trimble forced Everett to have both oral and anal sex with him and humiliated him in various ways - including putting objects into his anus which he had to display - for the entertainment of other prisoners. Trimble also pimped Everett to other inmates for sex and regularly tortured him, lacerating his flesh and placing lit matches between his toes. Eventually, Trimble murdered Everett by fracturing his neck.
In 2015 Trimble began identifying as trans and changed his name to Patricia a few years later. He has become a vocal trans activist and has written extensively about and lobbied for prison reform. He describes himself as ‘a transgender feminist, activist, and advocate for the incarcerated LGBTQ community’.
The Vera Institute of Justice is one of the largest criminal justice reform think tanks in the US, recently receiving a $171 million contract from the federal government. On 17th November it published an article called ‘Violence, Torture, and Isolation: What It’s Like to be Trans in Prison’ which features on Patricia Trimble.
The article discusses the ‘trans women’ who are housed in the male estate. It describes a ‘brutal, inhumane prison system’ for trans prisoners and argues that ‘overuse of incarceration’ is a major issue. The article quotes Trimble throughout, describing him as a ‘transgender woman’, using female pronouns for him and painting him as vulnerable and victimised. Not once does it mention the horrendous crimes for which he is incarcerated.
Trimble is currently working with the Black and Pink project, an advocacy organization focused on prison abolitionism. The Black and Pink project is currently partnering with The Vera Institute to produce a report on the experiences of transgender people in the criminal justice system. One wonders if, like this article, the report is going to be economical with the truth.
Are there any other circumstances under which a violent and dangerous paedophile who raped two little girls and tortured and murdered a vulnerable man would be allowed such a platform to claim victimhood and lobby for release from prison? Of course not. But Trimble has figured that he just needs to say the magic word.
Saturday 19th November - Surgery On Expenses
THE TIMES: Stonewall’s ranking system promises to reward companies which will fund transgender medical treatment for their staff.
Stonewall’s ‘workplace equality index’ (WEI) is a ranking system which supposedly grades how organisations support and empower their LGBT staff. There are hundreds of businesses and institutions, such as banks, universities, police forces, government departments and NHS bodies, competing to be in Stonewall’s league table of ‘top 100 employers’.
Last week we reported on Stonewall pressuring its WEI wannabes to deny biological reality and pander to so-called ‘gender fluid’ employees. It now seems that Stonewall is encouraging employers to facilitate hormone treatment and surgery for their trans-identified staff.
Contenders seeking a spot on Stonewall’s WEI must complete a 32-page form which will be marked and used to generate a ranking score. One of the questions asks employers if their private healthcare insurance includes “Transition-related treatments”. The accompanying guidance states that Stonewall is “Looking for… provision beyond mental health treatment”.
Stonewall’s demands seem to be working; a few months ago banking giant, NatWest, currently ranking 49th on the WEI, announced that it is including ‘trans healthcare services’ in its private healthcare plan. NatWest staff can now access privately funded ‘gender identity support’, counselling and hormone treatment.

Last week another banking behemoth, HSBC, which currently ranks 32 on Stonewall’s WEI, made a similar announcement. HSBC confirmed that, from the start of next year, it is going to fund sex reassignment surgery and hormone treatment not only for its staff members but also for their partners and children.
Yes, you read that correctly. For their children.
Sunday 20th November - Women’s Rights Are Transphobic
THE TELEGRAPH: Ministry of Justice staff have been instructed that phrases such as ‘human adult female’ and ‘protect women’s spaces’ are a ‘transphobic dog whistle’.
This week, to coincide with transgender awareness week’, thousands of Ministry of Justice staff members received a communication from the official email address of the HM Prison and Probation Service Pride in Prison and Probation (PiPP) network. This email, which was marked ‘official sensitive’, has been leaked to The Telegraph.
Staff were told that in order to be an ‘active trans ally’, they must recognise ‘transphobic coded language’. They were provided with a glossary containing 35 perfectly innocuous phrases which, the email claimed, are “Turning what would be considered overt discrimination into covert behaviour”.
These phrases include the terms ‘gender critical’ and ‘protecting women and girls’. The document claims that ‘gender critical’ is a “Term used to make anti-trans discrimination sound palatable or a respectable opinion” and it warns staff to look out for social media accounts expressing such views.

The organisation Keep Prisons Single Sex have published the document on their social media account. The contents are appalling. It is deemed ‘transphobic’ to discuss the safety of women and girls. The document claims that phrases such as ‘protecting women’s spaces’ are a ‘dog-whistle’ which will “Play on unfounded fears”. It also maintains that referencing the case of Karen white and the five sexual assaults committed by trans-identified males in female prisons is relying on ‘selective information’.
Also included in the list of verboten language is ‘adult human female’, a phrase which the document claims “Manipulates people into supporting bigotry while creating hostility towards trans people”. Furthermore, the phrase ‘same-sex attracted’ is deemed equally unacceptable and described as a “Coded term refusing to recognise trans women as women and trans men as men” which is used “To cause division among the LGBT+ community, by claiming attraction is solely based on genitalia”.
The document instructs staff that, “It is important to recognise these words and phrases, understand their context and educate those you hear using them about the reasons why their use can be deemed offensive or upsetting… Whilst passing uses of these phrases might not be considered misconduct, the importance of challenging their use cannot be overstated”.
One Ministry of Justice insider told The Telegraph, “Nonsense like this undermines decent progress on creating a genuinely fair and respectful environment in prisons.”
A second MoJ source said, “When I first read the attachment in the email, I could not quite believe it – the worst thing was that I was unable to raise it safely at work for fear of being labelled a transphobe. It came across as very aggressive and antagonistic towards anyone who believes in biological reality. I feel upset and powerless”.
See you next week.
Another huge pile of s**t to read about. I am seething and fed up of reading about this stuff. If we are in a war, we need a better battle plan. Every time there are sign that we are making progress, there is another ton of s**t still happening. What do we have to do to end this?
I dream that every single civil servant who 'believes' in this ideology gets sacked and loses their enormous tax payer funded pensions - but I know a girl can dream.