
Agh, posted before pasting in a bit I meant to. Might be worth reloading the site to see updated version

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And yet Jenny Swales was arrested for posting stickers, giving factual information about the number of women killed each week.

Marion Miller was arrested for tweeting pictures of ribbons allegedly causing fear and alarm

Looks like these women are supporting the wrong cause. Say you're a climate activists and anything seems to go.

For myself, I'd have let the 'bean slingers' stay glued to the wall for a good day or two until they pissed and shit themselves. That’s a powerful message about cleaning up mess.

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Yup, it's almost as if there's a large base of power and money behind this agenda. I mean, how did Greta Thunberg manage to ship herself around the world, speak at the UN and afford all that PR without huge, financial and media backing? These posh kids don't seem to realise what it is they're getting involved in ie the same big biotech solutions to problems like climate change and gender dysphoria.

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It appeals to their willingness and joy in telling people off. Some really love to do it and will use any excuse. I've known priests and nuns who are less grandstandingly judgmental.

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Greta Thunberg's sea voyage covering several thousand miles and taking over two weeks, apparently caused more carbon emissions than if she had flown. She didn't need the publicity, she was already being forcefully promoted and half the world was familiar with irritating images of her enraged face. So yes, it is almost like there's a large base of money and power behind this agenda.

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And another neurodiverse kid being used for an agenda. Roll up! Roll up! Get your agendas here! Agenda overload.

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The only cans of soup I want to see in an Art Gallery are Campbell's.

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Ok, he's a young man full of his own righteousness but I'm not sure it's brave here or the Van Gogh ones being 'somewhat brave'. Is vandalism 'brave', is rioting 'brave'? Is a man wearing a skirt 'brave'? Scenes of mild peril. People breaking other people's stuff. And trying to damage a painting that anyone can travel to and see for free (donations welcome)? So to make the point that we're damaging nature, they tried to damage a representation of nature?

Sure, breaking boundaries might give you a thrill, but I'm struggling to understand here. I get my kicks other ways. I think someone turning up to their job every day knowing they will face certain risks is braver. Being made redundant and working out how to face life and keep your head up. The women who kept complaining about those perpetually foul Met Police officers, that too was and is brave. I'm not sure targeting Aston Martin or anyone travelling on the way to work or hospital is such a good move. Why not invest in teaching children science, about food and where it comes from and to help communities counter the effects of changing climates within the UK or wherever he thinks the impact would be greater? Volunteer to test the water in his local river and work with other volunteers to hold polluters to account. If he said 'teach kids science' I might have listened but it's the usual half-formed 'destroy to save' arguments.

There are many very willing and interested to change, but being told off continually isn't going to effect the change we need to see. The emphasis on Greens telling us how selfish and wrong we are about pretty much everything appeals to power-hungry lunatics.

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Yes, they must be forced to clean up their own messes. The piss, the wasted milk, the tomato soup -- whatever. Toddler tantrum protests induce the opposite intended outcome. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/animal-rebellion-milk-protest-harrods-b2203588.html

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The milk enrages me , what a waste

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It's not those working together to feed their local communities is it.

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Absolutely not ,spoilt children who think they can make a difference but the opposite is true , Harrods, Waitrose , m&s , yes we all shop there daily !


Try working a shift at your local food bank then you’ll know where to protest , and it’s not at the local Aston Martin garage , arsehole

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Yup. Plus are they so rich they can bribe security? ffs where's the 'CAUTION WET FLOOR' sign? And milk really needs to be properly cleaned up. Are they gonna do that too?

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Health & Safety and safeguarding is just for the little people.

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It's all empty gestures because they know nothing else.

Their brains do not seem to be doing well on their vegan diets, and they know NOTHING about agriculture. I do not support industrial farming, but humans have been grazing animals for millennia, animals who can actually help to capture carbon if they are rotationally grazed.

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Did the protesters know the Van Gogh painting was covered by glass though? When a very young, extremely priviledged activist with pink hair dye (which can't be good for the planet) screeches at me from an assumed moral high ground, it just puts me off their supposed cause. I doubt that Phoebe, who was interviewed before and after the incident by 2 Guardian journos, including Owen Jones, is much of an expert in the complexity of climate science. She's just another naive, sheltered girl who wants to rebel but has actually just been groomed.

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And I don't know what you call them in the U.K., but here we just know they'll grow up to be suburban soccer moms like the women who assaulted a lesbian outside a gay bar in St Louis. "Oooh, it's so much fun dabbling in being a rebel!"

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They're kids leading privileged, protected lives and for most of them, that's the way it'll continue. Their narcissistic urges will be satisfied by other things, like well paid jobs for instance. Their present rebellion is safe, if it wasn't they wouldn't be doing it. The organisations they're part of, or acting on behalf of, pay for legal representation when needed and pay their fines. And because of the advantages most have, their lives aren't going to be impeded by having criminal convictions. The idiots pouring litres of milk away, and the prick in the skirt will be fine, and they'll have forgotten about the planet struggling for air.

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The grown ups just call them feckin eejits

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"This is a one-man argument for accelerating global warming" - Hell no. Don't want to see him without the jacket...

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I’m sorry, “queer theory Ron Weasley” is an absolute belter. 😄

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Queer Theory Ron Weasley 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Ah its like the upmarket version of kids spraying graffiti tags and all sorts insults on walls, benches etc.

All pathetic little goblins!

Lock em up.

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I’d be fucking raging , if I could afford an Aston Martin 😂

But he does look like a loon

And unfortunately makes no one notice other than to laugh or be disgusted by his actions

Glad the sunflowers is behind glass (didn’t know that )

No one has the right to destroy history

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Off the usual Brit weirdness scale.

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Oh Fred, he's but in the shallows of the scale ;-)

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That’s right, we can get pretty bloody eccentric over here.

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What worries me is the biologist who started Greenpeace (and has since left) states unequivocally that CO2 has been much higher in past times (pre industrial) and is in itself not an issue. What I fear is that this may be a cyclical heating due to our position in the galactic plane and that by thinking CO2 is the problem we are losing the opportunity to plan ahead for different crops and lifestyles.

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I question everything that we are not allowed to question and that includes man-made global warning and that CO2 is a problem. We were scared half to death by "climate scientists" in the '70s that we were heading for a mini-ice age and it would have been here by now.

Transgenderism: No Debate

Man-made Climate Change: No Debate

Turn animal farming over to arable: No Debate

"The Five Top Arguments Against Climate Alarmism"


"2016-05-22 ::: Anatomy of the false link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2"


"HOW DARE YOU: Professor turfed after telling inconvenient climate truth"


"University Appeal Upheld, Peter Ridd Loses – We all Lose"


#isupportgary is a platform set up to question the ‘silencing’ of Dr. Gary Fettke, a senior Orthopaedic Surgeon in Tasmania, following his two-and-a-half-year investigation by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for talking about nutrition.


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Thanks for the links

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I have read that the planet regulates it’s temperature, that we’ve had five or six extinctions, and so I do question whether humans can actually alter the planets temperature. Also, whenever we try to mess with our environment in some way, we always screw it up. It’s why New Zealand has so many rabbits. We don’t properly understand how any of it works.

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We can alter it and we can screw with temperatures and currents so they move location which impacts others which impact others. It wasn't human extinction was it? Direct causation is harder to pinpoint but can be done. It's more than one activity happening and anthropogenic is one element of wider cycles. Some resources are finite. When they're gone they're gone and tech won't fix that. Humans did and have lived within cycles and to restore areas or resources we depleted. But human generations don't look at fossil records enough. Always the never never. Our current generations might be ok. Many aren't now. 'We' as the human race have polluted and lied our way around the world and most of us likely have plastic and toxins in every cell.

I view it like a seesaw. We can be playing quite happily, balancing and moving up and down with maybe different height and weight children so you adjust and push off, land or move faster and less smoothly. Then a bully comes along, thunks down one side and leaves a smaller kid hanging a few foot in the air at the other end. That's outside of your control. So that smaller kid then has to carefully climb or jump down as the bully refuses to move and enjoys the suffering and might is right in their book. But the bully might start getting off and down swings the seesaw so you have to get your timing right. Others may see this, but the bully denies it and blames the smaller kid.

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Never thought I'd see Bobby Charlton's hairstyle making a comeback but these are unpredictable times.

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The whole look is amazing, from the shoes to the combover.

I do hope he wears that to court.

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Why is vandalising while wearing really horrible clothes and shoes seen as essential. A nice collar and tie or a boiler suit and wellies would have been better with the balding head.

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