Yes, this IS the endgame! The right of the phallus to violate every boundary, especially boundaries protecting the innocent and the vulnerable, IS the endgame. They hate women intensely because women are the traditional guardians of the innocent and vulnerable. Thank you SO much for your efforts to bring this to light! Any civilization willing to sacrifice its children to the lusts of men deserves to end. Let's hope they are many people of good will who will stand up, as you have, to try and prevent this from happening!

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Thank you, Good Reason. You're absolutely right. One of the reasons men hate feminists so much is that we come between them and their carnality. And I believe that one of the reasons older women are so despised (aside from the fact we've outgrown our usefulness as fuck toys) is that we cannot be so easily cajoled, manipulated or flattered into compliance.

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Well said. There is a reason that many cultures (not ours) consider women over 50 to be Wise Women. They feel liberated from the need to be compliant. That's also why they are burned at the stakes as witches . . .

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The trans movement can partly keep the mask in place, but lurking beneath that is the same entitlement and geyser of hatred just ready to explode as when you challenge the porn industry. The trans movement has the advantage of being able to present themselves as victims and needing protection. Porn users can't do this. Compassion is women's achille's heel. Because it is something women are proud of (I think?), it is expected of us, we have to be nice to be liked, and if we're not we're hated and regarded as unnatural.

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Yes, you're absolutely right. Gender politics makes for a good disguise. And compassion IS our Achille's heel. Women socialised to be kind, caring and selfless. Especially selfless - we're always expected to prioritise the needs of others above our own (otherwise, how can we be good mothers?) and if we put ourselves first we're hard and unnatural. That is exactly what the trans lobby rely on. (Hence the endless dishonestly about murders and suicides.)

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I think it's very sad that most of us who follow the rabbit hole of madness will not be surprised by this agenda.

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Not surprised at all. As we keep seeing, gender identity ideology is the perfect Trojan horse for predatory males.

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It's interesting how the word gatekeeping is seen by the male activists as a bad thing. Like safeguarding.

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Yes, funny that. In the same way thinking desperate women shouldn't have to have sex with strangers for money makes one a prude...

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someone once actually said, can't remember the event--"safekeeping seems like code for 'transphobia'."

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There's a Pink Floyd parody out there waiting to be written. "Hey! Paedos! Leave them kids alone."

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Dear Graham,

Long-time lurker, new subscriber here from Canada, to thank you for all your work done to bring these issues to light. I'm a HUGE fan of Father Ted (I know the scripts by heart and quote them endlessly). So when I first heard that the writer of my favourite comedy had been banned from Twitter I sat up and listened for the first time. I hadn't been paying much attention to trans issues (I've focused on environmental issues, and if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would say the whole trans thing is an attempt to divert us away from the really serious issues facing humanity), but you have totally changed my attitude.

So a heartfelt thanks, Graham. You have taken on a horrifying task. I worry for your safety, your career and your mental health. I don't know how you can wade through this nonsense day after day without going mad. Reading this stuff makes me feel like I have passed through the looking glass...

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Crikey this gets bigger and darker every day doesn't it?

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Certainly seems that way.

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

However, in its draft document the RFU acknowledges for the first time that recent research has forced a rethink – after scientists “identified that differences in height, weight and strength provide transgender women with a potential advantage over cisgender women”.

Recent research has forced a rethink!

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Reading stuff like this makes me feel totally helpless and hopeless. 😩

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Don't feel hopeless. We'll stop this one way or another!

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You are right there leading the charge. Thank you Graham. (sorry not been "around". Its got a bit too close to personal for me recently - to do with a friend).

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Oh please don't feel like that. We are growing in number every day and dragging this stuff into the sunlight. We WILL win. Keep your dukes up and stay strong! Solidarity xx

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The despair can be so overwhelming. I find myself choking back tears thinking of my daughter's future. I think they underestimated women though and I hope I'm right! Stay strong and big hugs!

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Solidarity, sister. For all our daughters' sakes, we will win. xx

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I know what you mean. Its all overwhelming. I've had to step back a bit for my own sanity. Only dip back in to see what the latest horror is periodically.

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You have to look after yourself, Meinir. Please take good care. Sending strength & solidarity xx

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You're not alone in that. X

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WOW, items 14a & 14g are straight outta Denton's handbook on the "veil of protection" for trans youth!!! Cloaking themselves in indisputable LGB, disability, HIV, reproductive and bodily autonomy rights ... in order to, for that extra bit of hyperbolic emotional blackmail, avoid "violence".

I'm sure you're aware of James Kirkup's exposé (which doesn't mention the tactics being equivalent to PIE's but someone, DrEm I think, did in an extensive Twitter thread) but here are some links.



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Yes, indeed. The Denton's 'advice' is absolutely chilling. (And featured on this very site!)


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Ah, I missed that! Well done, Tish. Thanks 😘

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😘 xx

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Men love dumping all their obligations on women and saving themselves money or being accountable. Farming their children out, depriving and neglecting both Mothers and children is the patriarchial institutions role. Of course the paedophiles have been winning in that environment where women are not even considered human or having their own needs let alone vulnerable children.It’s disgusting. Everything has to be “cheap” except for what they need. Honestly once you see or experience this brutalising their is no option but to fight them they are so evil life for women and children (or the environment) won’t be worth living with these sick, cruel, despots in charge. Most people have no idea just how corrupt and wicked it all is. Bless them.

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I think they've shot their bolt too late with this one. Blatantly lobbying to lower the age of consent when a huge sex harassment in schools scandal has just erupted, isn't going to go unchallenged in the UK. Please everyone send a link to this article plus any bbc article about the Everyone's Invited and the government's reaction, to your MP.

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PiE never went away. They found another route and bided their time. The Left in the 70s were ALL over them. They still are.

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