The problem is that these predatory men are standing on the shoulders of predatory pharma, predatory porn and predatory social media. They are no longer an isolated, ostracised group... I hope I’m wrong but I worry that they are serving the purpose of making global trans rights forces look benign in comparison.

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Yes, there is a huge and very powerful industry pushing gender identity ideology. Coupled with the opportunities it affords predatory and misogynistic men, it's a perfect storm.

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Excellent, timely article.

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Thank you so much, Ms Growler! x

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Good article. This nonsense will implode - I would never underestimate the lengths to which some men will go to fulfil their sexual desires. That will eventually be their undoing and at a desperately high and avoidable cost to women and girls, who continue to be blamed and pay for these predatory predilections.

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Thanks, Victoria.

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Stop the press!

I’ve just seen an amazing sight. As a volunteer for a charity my job this morning was to sort out donations cupboards. They were full- chockablock full- of Lush Christmas boxes. Hundreds, donated as leftover stock. So in 2020, it seems they couldn’t sell them,,..I wonder why not? Could they have been bypassed by the women who usually buy these gifts? The same women who were told were barred if we wore adult human female or biological sex is real teeshirts? Happy days. Happy happy days.

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Oh that's good to know!

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Great article, JL. So well-researched and presented.

Imagine how many more women they can rape, little girls they can violate, and illegal footage of women and girls in intimate activities they can get if they make all sex-segregated spaces mixed.

I give the side-eye to ANY MAN who denies violence against women is prevalent, or that this isn't an obvious safeguarding problem, or who fails to understand the danger here, or why, for example, the UN and Amnesty International say that sex-segregated facilities are imperative for women and girls to be safe and able to participate in public in developing nations (but not here, apparently), or that the Geneva Convention states male and female prisoners of war must be housed separately (while domestic female prisoners are not granted the same human right), who dismisses the notion that men will go to great lengths to prey on women and girls- they are predators or predator-supporters.

Don't ever assume the best intentions about men.

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Thanks so much, Morrigan. And I agree 100%. We know that men will go to any lengths to abuse, they build their entire careers around gaining access to vulnerable children etc. Anyone naïve enough to believe self ID won't be exploited needs to open their eyes.

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Wonderful blog...thank you, again, JL. Enraged whilst reading it, but so good to have this to send out to others who are still fast asleep, terrified, or who just do not get what is going on. That last post too, from Rosa, so, so true. I had an amazing Dad, such a gentle gentleman, born in 1914. Were Dad here today, he'd be outraged at what is being done to women, how men no longer consider our safety, privacy. It would be so alien to Dad, so disgusting, yet so many men just do not see it. My Dad loved women, called every woman a lady, whomsoever she was, treated them all the same, with great politeness and good manners, always ready to open a door, give up a seat, offer help/protection wherever and whenever needed. We need all The Good Men & True to start rising up with us, for their wives/partners/girlfriends/female friends, daughters/mums/aunties/nieces, for ALL the women they know and love.

Again, thank you so much for this. xx

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Thank you, Ellen! Yes, it's horrifying but I hope it opens some eyes. Your dad sounds absolutely divine. And very like mine! Weren't we lucky to have such wonderful men in our lives.

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Oh yes, so very, very lucky. My son is so like his gentle Grandpa, whom, sadly, he never got to meet, due to age. Dad would have been 80 when my son was born, as, like Dad with me, I was 40 when my son was born. But he is one of The Good Men & True, like your Dad was, like mine too. It's why I always stand up for The Good Men & True, for I know there are many out there who care deeply about women. They need to find their voices now though, not be intimidated by what is going on. It's why I have so much respect for Graham, putting not just his head, but The Whole Of Him above the parapet, shouting out to protect women and children. What a good lad, eh... xx

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Indeed he is. One of the best men I know and a true hero. x

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Make room because that list is going to get longer and longer

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Oh I'm sure that's just the tip of the Iceberg! These are just the men with a profile who've made the news. There must be hundreds of others. And those who haven't been caught yet...

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You're right. When they tell you who they are, believe them

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The new PIE is in town, operating in plain sight and cheered on by the woke stasi. How can they not understand that saying that abusers are using trans activism to get what they want is not the same as saying trans people are all abusers?

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Absolutely right, Rainy. That's what makes it the perfect cover.

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Those obsessed with gender and sexuality to the extent that they make that the focus of their entire existence need to ask themselves very serious questions regarding that facet of their life. I honestly believe that a humans role in life is to be compassionate and help those in need, not exploit them. So often those who demand we respect their adult sexual identity are the very people exploiting those who are too young to even imagine what a sexual identity is

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So true. I firmly believe that many adult male AGPs use the transing of children to validate their own identities.

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Wow, until you put it all together in this one post, it was not really possible to see this pattern. You have done everyone a service by doing this! I will share this widely . . . is there any chance of getting more media coverage on this very disturbing pattern?

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Thanks so much for your kind words & for sharing widely. Much appreciated!

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been saying it all along and been given sh*t for saying 'transvestite predator' instead of trans.

More and more I feel we should focus on sexual predation, child safeguarding, etc. The thing people don't want to face is that sexual predators are some of the smartest, cunning, most manipulative folks you will ever meet on this planet. Who else could stay under the radar so long whilst supporting a fetish most people revile.

This is a great piece and many more like this will be written. I think if activists focused all our energy on child safeguarding at least with regards to online activism we'd end up in the same place. I quit interacting with transvestite predators AT ALL when I left twitter and now I spend that time contacting legislators and journalists, it is much better use of my time. The predator is GETTING OFF on telling you about his girldick. Even though people have criticized me for using the TP terminology the point is women don't know if we are dealing with a transvestite predator when we are in the bathroom. Basically we have to assume that's what they all are to keep ourselves safe, just like we have to go through life assuming all strange men might rape and kill us and stay on guard at all times. We greatly circumscribe our behavior to stay live and unharmed every day in multiple ways we have forgotten to notice anymore. These men are dangerous BECAUSE of their ability to manipulate children.

That's what they do. That's what they have done online to this entire generation. It is their special talent, their skill in life, to get next to children and sexually exploit them and get their 'fix'. They've prostituted the LGBT rights movement to do so. But they've been doing that in some form or another for 50 years. It's nothing new, the variable that changed is the internet. More and more that's what I focus on, because I realize this tool that we handed to predators has almost destroyed feminism and with it the most vocal advocates for women and children.

It teaches young males that the answer to not being a psychopathic sex addicted ("alpha") male is to hate women, harass them, and sometimes murder them with assault weapons. It teaches young lesbians that they should allow themselves to be raped or they are beneath contempt, when really it's the predator preying on them that is beneath contempt.

Every child on the internet is like the runaway getting off the bus in the GnR song "Welcome to the Jungle". That's what these kids are being exposed to when they get online, the worst, most deviant predators on earth. It's time to burn down this jungle, enough harm has been done. We are smart people, we can figure out how to take this weapon away from predators, we just have to have our focus where it needs to be. It's long past time to repeal section 230 and similar laws. break up the big platforms, and let the lawyers move in on these sites that are hosting child porn (twitter) and predator communities. Soon the detransitioners will start suing...I hope within five years there will be a bloodbath of legislation. It has already happened on the porn tube site site, though countless lives have been destroyed for that to even get started happening.

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This site has become an amazing chronicle and resource. Thank you JL for the work you've put in here. The pattern is becoming plain to see, and it's very useful to keep track of the evidence. I wonder who's pushing the wholesale refurb of Edinburgh's public toilets as unisex? This pattern should make everyone look a bit closer at any person prepared to sacrifice safeguarding for ideology.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Liz. And, yes, I do hope people start waking up to see the bleedin' obvious. The men who want adult males to share your teenage daughters' changing rooms aren't fluffy lovely liberals and they really don't give a toss about trans people!

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It's the "this.never.happens" thing that must not be spoken. Well done. This does happen and some women are bravely pointing that out. Never stop.

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Never will!

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When you think about it, it's so creepy. What makes a heterosexual man want to wake up and speak out on the needs of male-bodied people to access female spaces?

Liberals want equality for all. Yes, we believe everyone should have the same rights as they stand in law. But when your main passion is access for cross-dressers (because that's all most trans people are these days) to identify into women's spaces, there's something wrong with you. Your wife needs to lock away her underwear. Your daughters need to watch out. That's not normal advocating for equality, that's campaigning for kinks and paraphilias.

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I am always suspicious of men who shill so loudly for the removal of female spaces and safeguarding protocols etc. Sometimes its plain old fashioned spiteful misogyny. But often it's with a far darker agenda.

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More and more I am learning to distrust those who virtue-signal, especially the woke ones. It's like a diversion created so people won't scratch the surface and see what's underneath. Look at how virtuous and good I am! I couldn't possibly be up to anything nefarious. Except they usually are up to no good. A mandatory internet search history and forensic harddrive investigation should be mandatory for anyone eager to encroach on women's and children's spaces and boundaries.

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