What sort of man advocates for the erasure of female sexual boundaries? What sort of man advocates for the removal of child safeguarding procedures? What sort of man advocates for the allowing of males into female safe spaces? What sort of man advocates for policies and legislation which will allow women and girls to be abused, assaulted, harassed, bullied, groomed and gas-lit?
Some examples below:
Peter Bright
Bright was an Ars Technica reporter who tweeted under the handle @DrPizza. He was a vocal advocate of allowing men into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms.
He sneered at feminists’ objecting to trans-identified males using female-only spaces, labelling their concerns ‘fact-free drivel’ and ‘fearmongering’.
He had an exchange with Graham in which he described women’s fears of assault, indecent exposure and voyeurism as ‘unfounded’.
In March last year he was convicted of attempted enticement of a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity following an FBI sting operation.
He exchanged hundreds of messages with an FBI agent posing as the mother of a 7-year-old girl and 9-year-old boy. He asked for photos, discussed his plan to meet the children in order to abuse them and said that he intended to rape the little girl.
Eric Joyce
Former Labour MP, Eric Joyce, poured scorn on Jenny Marra’s concerns over the mixed sex toilets at a school in Dundee.
When challenged, he dismissed Marra’s worries over the privacy and safety of young girls as ‘over-aggressive lobbying’ and ‘anti-transgender campaigning’.
He described biological sex as ‘a construct past it’s [sic] sell-by date’ and stated that he agreed with Stonewall.
Only a few months after making these statements on Twitter, he was convicted of child sex offences.
Images of child sexual abuse were found on Joyce’s electronic devices. A film depicting the abuse of several very young children was deemed Category A, the most serious there is. At his trial, the prosecution told the court that analysis of Joyce’s computer demonstrated evidence that he’d searched for material involving girls as young as five.
David Smith
Former Middlesbrough councillor, David Smith, was such a fierce advocate of ‘gender neutral’ facilities that he made them his personal crusade.
Thanks to Smith’s campaigning, the council buildings switched to mixed sex facilities in June 2019. Smith was then determined to roll out this policy across the whole area and make Middlesbrough a ‘gender neutral’ town. His intention was to erase all single-sex toilets and changing rooms from public buildings "To ensure our transgender and non binary family and friends feel safe when using the facilities”.
He dismissed concerns over the safety of women and girls, stating, “The risk does not increase once public toilets become gender neutral. In fact, if anyone has any intention in committing a crime at present, they will do so”.
In July 2019 Smith was charged with a series of child sex offences.
In September 2019 Smith pleaded not guilty to seven charges of sexual activity with a child. His trial was due to begin last month but has been delayed for 12 months due to new evidence being served which the prosecution must investigate.
Gordon Pike
Gordon Pike was a senior official of the Scottish Prison Service and one of the seven officials who drew up its gender identity and gender reassignment policy. Described as ‘significantly more liberal than England’s’ it allows prisoners to be housed according to their ‘social gender’ and means that intact males can be accommodated in women’s prisons.
Just two years after approving this policy, Pike was convicted of the possession of sexual images of children.
A police search of his home uncovered 45 discs containing 22,100 indecent images of children, 500 of which involved ‘penetrative sexual activity’.
Adam Savage
Adam Savage is an American actor, special effects designer and former co-host of science-based television programmes, MythBusters and Unchained Reaction.
He waded into the gender debate several years ago when he tweeted that "Gender is a spectrum. The closer you look at ANYTHING the blurrier the lines get."
He then compounded his adherence to gender identity ideology by making a ‘statement’, ie five rambling paragraphs, which presents no proof to validate his opinions. "The published science on gender identity is not something I'm able to immerse myself in right now..." With some generalisations about "The panoply of possibilities" Savage concluded to keep an open mind. Unusual, given that he used to host a science-based television programme which explored the validity of popular fallacies.
Eventually he just came out with it.
In June last year, Savage's younger sister, Miranda Pacchiana, accused him of raping her during the late 1970s.
Pacchiana says that Savage abused her repeatedly when she was between 7 and 10 years old, nicknaming himself the 'raping blob' and framing the abuse as a game. She has filed a lawsuit against Savage with Westchester Supreme Court.
Noel Clarke
Noel Clarke is an actor, screenwriter and director who, until very recently, was a film and television darling.
Five years ago he challenged a group of women protesting against gender self ID and its impact on women’s spaces.
He then bragged on social media that he’d told the ‘silly lot’ how stupid their protest was.
He certainly seemed keen that women should have to give up their single-sex spaces.
Last week The Guardian reported on the 20 women who have made allegations of sexual harassment, bullying and assault against Clark, describing him as a ‘predator’.

The women all knew Clarke in a professional capacity and have variously accused him of sexual harassment, sexually inappropriate behaviour and comments, unwanted touching or groping, taking explicit pictures and videos without their consent and intimidating and bullying.
One actress recounts how, when she was 23 and fresh out of drama school, Clarke persuaded her to perform naked for an audition which he secretly filmed and then shared with others. Another recalled that, when she was still a teenager and working in one of Clarke’s films, he sexually harassed and groped her on the set.
The men who use ‘trans rights’ to shill for the removal of protocols and spaces which keep women and girls safe are so frequently motivated by a different and very sinister agenda.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
The problem is that these predatory men are standing on the shoulders of predatory pharma, predatory porn and predatory social media. They are no longer an isolated, ostracised group... I hope I’m wrong but I worry that they are serving the purpose of making global trans rights forces look benign in comparison.
Excellent, timely article.