Thanks for sharing this. As a life-long Democrat who worked for Democrats in my state's Legislature for 12 years, I know every word of this is true. Sadly, terrifyingly, the Democratic leadership appears to be willing to die on this sword. It's not just in the South, and it's not just the Yellow Dog Democrats that will turn the suburbs red again, that will hand Congress and likely the presidency in 2024 to the Republicans. There are also more and more x-"progressives" like me from the left flank of the party who feel betrayed by the Democrats in part because of this issue, who will vote for independents.

Or who simply will not vote. My "progressive" member of Congress will not respond to my emails about the Equality Act with anything but insulting boilerplate responses written by an intern (I imagine with purple hair) for who she assumes are bigoted right-wing constituents. She has “different values” from me, apparently. It will make me sick to vote for her again, and I don't know if I can do that.

The dynamics have parallels with UK politics (which I have learned a lot about from this fight), but they are also very different because of just HOW terrifying the US Republican party has become. Not all Republicans, but the state and national party leadership are daily working to undermine democracy in state after state. They are not a good alternative to Democrats, even though more conservative people in the US are with us on this issue. Which should not be an issue of right and left! It is an issue of right and wrong. Kara Dansky, a lifelong progressive, must go on Fox News to be heard, and because she does this is branded as a bigot. The polarization in the US is hard to really imagine if you don't live here: there are only two sides. The illiberalism on the left, (including the wholescale embrace of nonsense dangerous queer policies) also is laced with dangerous authoritarianism, but it doesn't hold a candle to what is happening with Republicans. And the fall of the US into an authoritarian state will impact the entire world.

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Elizabeth has nailed it.

Those outside the US might not be familiar with the gradual erosion of the country's democratic framework. During the past 5 years, the Republican Party has undergone a radical transformation. It is now openly and explicitly pushing pro-authoritarian electoral reforms at the state level, with the effect of allowing state legislatures (the majority are Republican) to legally overturn the election results and confirm Republicans as the official delegates in the next Presidential election.

There is abundant and growing evidence that the insurrection attempt last Jan. 6 in Washington DC was part of a *comprehensive* effort to block the transition of power to the legitimately elected new President. This was coordinated by Trump and several pro-Trump, sitting Republican legislators. The efforts to subvert democracy in the US have only become more pronounced and systematic over the past year.

Many informed and intelligent political analysts from both the left *and right* are sounding increasingly panicky alarms that the US is on the brink of becoming an overtly authoritarian country, much like Russia. This is not hyperbole.

If you think this is only a problem for people who live in the US, just imagine what it would be like to live in a world where the most powerful country, with the strongest military forces in the history of the world, was no longer even pretending to protect democracy around the world.

If the Republican attempt to overturn democracy succeeds, the whole world will become much, much darker and more dangerous.

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By the way I want to let people know this guy is probably trolling for the Democratic Party and getting paid to do it. They love nothing better than setting up bogeymen and panicking people. It's just about their only basis for getting people to vote for them, and that didn't work in the election for Virginia's governor. If they truly offered a better vision for the country and responded to voters' concerns about this trans nonsense, there is no question they would get reelected, but they are as beholden as Republicans to their masters.

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And how do I know? What are Democratic Party talking points? You'll always hear BERNIE, you'll always hear RUSSIA and CHINA. And if the troll thinks you are leftist, then you'll hear CHOMSKY. I am very sorry that 14 people bought into this troll's panic mongering. There's plenty to panic about if you want to panic -- considering the environmental catastrophes that await us all and the erasure of women -- but the Democratic Party losing (which they love to do) is not on the list.

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Do you realize that Gallup stopped asking people around the world what was the most dangerous nation on Earth? They stopped because the answer was always the same: The United States of America! Protecting democracy! What country do you live in? I would suggest reading Killing Hope by William Blum to read about what your country has been doing just since WWII. The world is dark and dangerous, and a lot of that is due to the U.S. and its grotesque militarism.

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I wrote nothing to provoke your criticism. I am not an American and am highly critical of American Imperialism. I'm a big fan of Chomsky's critiques of US foreign and domestic policies.

Your words remind me of those we heard so vociferously from the super-woke Bernie-bro croud that got Trump elected in 2016. And now it's those same "progressive" types that vigorously promote transgender ideology.

Can you imagine a US that *really* emulates Russia or China? It would be orders of magnitude worse than it is now.

Of course there is no *true* democracy in the US, or any other country. All political systems operate on a continuum of varying degrees of oppression. If you imagine you are likely to ever see a system that doesn't commit atrocities of some kind, you are deluded.

You may believe it's somehow betraying ideological purity to advocate for the lesser of two evils. But that's just another way of saying you would prefer the greater of two evils.

In this case, the greater evil looks a lot like Margaret Atwood's Gilead.

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I'm no longer a big fan of Chomsky as he seems to be demented. Signing a petition asking for U.S. military intervention in Syria!!!!! Signing a petition to the Cuban government asking for more "intellectual freedom." That coming from a man who is professor emeritus at MIT which revoked the professor emeritus status of a man who laid out the truth about the Syrian gas attacks.

I am NOT a Bernie supporter and am not a "progressive." I have been a radical leftist all my life and am reconsidering that phrase because of the stupidity of the so-called left. And Bernie did not get Trump elected, the Democratic Party did a fine job of that, running a woman who is hated across the political spectrum. The Queen of Chaos, as Diana Johnstone called her.

Imagine I'll ever see a system that doesn't commit atrocities? How could I possibly imagine that? However, I live in a country founded on genocide and slavery, and I agree with the perception that our third great crime was the Cold War. Russia never threatened us, they never invaded us, but WE invaded their country after WWI. GIs wrote home after WWII telling their families they couldn't understand what they were doing in China burning Chinese villages.

You seem to be the deluded one, attributing to me all sorts of things I don't believe, don't imagine, and I'm fucking sick of the lesser of two evils.

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Well said, Susan. I’m in California and couldn’t have said it better than you have here, especially the last part.

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So very well said. It feels like this is likely going to happen... loss of the Congress and even the Presidency. What do we do... letters, phone calls, nothing works. They refuse to listen. The only response is a canned form letter... blah blah blah the gender lies repeated over and over. I am a lifelong Dem. I no longer have a Party. They have effed women... the very people who do most of the work. Totally effed us.

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Thank you. This is chilling

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I could have written the very same about my communications with my female Labour MP here. Sure the interns chuck them in the bin or when they aren't doing that, write a stock response.

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US voters have a choice between death by guillotine or a firing squad.

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Or, to phrase it another way, death by flood, wildfire, or tornado! Now I must ponder whether I prefer having my head chopped off or being shot.

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Elizabeth... may I share your comment to a private GC women's only FB page? I will leave you anonymous if you would like. Let me know. Thanks.

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Yes, you can share Gala Mother. I am not anonymous here (though very recently "out-ish," gulp!) so you can use my real name. Feel free to find and friend me if you are comfortable doing so! I have an "artist" page and a regular page, use the latter to connect, works better. I don't use Twitter and I don't use FB for political posts, but I'd be really interested in being part of this private group. Thank you for your kind words and response.

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Hi--request didn't come thru, but I sent you one!

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Great! Look for your invitation (check your direct messages on FB - I left some instructions there) Name of group is WomBio

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There aren't two sides in the US apart from within the populace. The GOP and Dems have been operating in lock-step since Clinton's purge of the new deal dems in the 90s.

Captive government + under-performing populace = failed democracy.

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Let us remind people that Hillary Clinton was a Barry Goldwater Republican who set out to turn anything decent in the Democratic Party into Republican Lite with the help of her serial sexual predator husband. End banking regulation; destroy welfare (very important for women and children); don't allow people with drug arrests to access education or housing; on and on and on.

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I don't define crimes or benefits by gender, but to each their own.

I have been a recipient of the social safety net as a male primary caregiver of two disabled sons. Welfare is very important for me as a human being, not as a male or female.

Clinton converted the DNC to neoliberalism, enhanced mass incarceration, repealed glass steagall, which as predicted played heavily into the 2008 crash, "reformed" welfare, etc as you point out. This is class war, not gender war.

Biden was right there in lockstep as well, ending bankruptcy protection for individuals, while enshrining it for corporations, the extension of corporate welfare, etc...

He is about to give a speech on saving democracy while collaborating with Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, & Congress to end it.

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I understand where you are coming from -- I am totally in favor of income support for caregivers and children -- but of course most caregivers are female and you are an exception.

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Excellent news. Please share you data. Then justify the misandry even if you were correct. It is class warfare, not gender warfare.

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The U.S. is already an authoritarian state, it's just that you did nothing to bring the authorities down upon your head. Ask some of our numerous political prisoners if they think they live in a democracy and perhaps read the litany of government assassinations recently written about on Covert Action Magazine. I am rather sick of naive Americans who have never had to deal with the true face of their society, a very ugly and vicious face.

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I don't have a home in either party any more. Lots of us feel that way, because of the genderwoo.

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Same here. Been liberal all my life, until recently. The turning point for me was last year with not only the genderwoo but liberal friends who were gung-ho about not just last summer's protests but rioting and looting and assault. It's totally justified and overdue, they said. If you aren't in favor, you're a racist, they said. All of them, whites in suburban enclaves far from the riots.

That was when I realized there's been a huge shift and I no longer have a political party. No idea what I will do next year. Maybe stay home.

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If ye cannae vote fr what's on offer jist waste yr vote. Wasted votes hivtae be counted an declared.

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Agreed. I 'spoiled my constituency ballot paper in last May's Scottish elections with the words "women don't have penises".

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Good for you. Wish I'd thought of that. Instead ,I voted Tory/ Labour. Anything but SNP ,Greens or Lib Dems !! Basically ,none of them speak for me !!

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Agree. Last GE I wrote on the ballot why I could not cast my usual Labour vote.

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Same here. I can't vote for any party that doesn't know who women are.

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I have no idea who to vote for here in the UK. We need stronger politicians, who can stand their ground, and who have some sort of moral compass. I may be asking too much.

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Alba in Scotland are protesting the gendercrap

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Yes, I know here in England there are parties forming that seem nationalistic and conservative. The problem is they’re completely untested, so if I voted for one and they actually got through, what would happen next?

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Yeah but they're pro independence as well ( I'm not ) and I don't trust their " leader "

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I see what you’re saying. What worries me about parties like ‘Reform’ is that I could vote for them to get gender ideology out of official policies, laws, organisations and schools, and that would be great. But then I could potentially be confronted with new problems being brought forward. Like new restrictions on abortion. Some other set of ideas that are regressive for women and girls.

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Exactly the same thing is happening with the left in the UK...

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Ah yes. It's the been the same after the last four elections here - the line that goes "how did we lose, all my mates on Facebook voted Labour"... the classic self-answering question!

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The same is playing out with left or liberal parties all over - perhaps to a lesser extent, depending on how much they have embraced trans ideology. LGB organisations and a young generation of party functionariy hopefuls, freshly out of university or college with diplomas in some corrupted academic discipline or other, serve as echo chambers. The top brass think that while this is something they don't understand they should adopt it nevertheless, because the young generation runs so high on it. So there must be something to it, right? Besides, it is easier to play the radical than to be one. Which is precisely the role Identity Politics have served for the past few decades. In German speaking countries this is taking a turn into the obviously grotesque. Due to grammar the necessary changes to political language to accomodate gender ideology are so great that (previously) leftist movements basically now use a parallel language that is almost incomprehensible for the public. (It would be even worse in French, but there a stop has been put to language games for the time being.) Essentially it is changing the entire makeup of the language, of course without any basis in linguistics.

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Great post Chris; it is grotesque. Connected to this, there has been an erosion of modern foreign language learning in the UK over the past few decades. The weird reasoning is that they are 'too difficult' so are allowed to be dropped. Like History. I find this refusal to learn languages other than English, or be open to learning about anything outside of very limited curricula really concerning. It seems to go hand-in-hand with other odd shrunken thinking and exceptionalism. We can't 'leave' Europe depsite some having voted to leave the EU.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

In the UK it's even worse. Not only is every left-wing party captured, but we can't even look to the Tories for some sanity on this issue - not with the likes of Caroline Nokes around, and Liz Truss is now preoccupied with Brexit. It's an issue no UK political party dares take a stand against. To paraphrase a quote, it's like they are all so preoccupied with appearing open-minded that they haven't noticed their brains falling out.

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Agree and love that comment! For me the end will come, for women, when some bloke in a dress, painted nails and head tilt is made Minister for Women. I'm outta here..will be looking for a nice on suite cave somewhere with no WiFi! 🙄🤪

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Love the en suite cave! I live on a dead-end road with four houses and it's not isolated enough for me. I truly wish I had set up as a hermit.

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A new planet would be good ,if only !! Matriarchal as well with wokeness forbidden !!

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I just watched a video someone on Spinster linked to: Tiktok apparently is full of videos put up by contestants in the woke olympics claiming they have various mental illnesses, including dissociative identity disorder! Unbelievable!

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Sajid Javid took the piss out of Starmer on the issue recently so there is still some common sense there.

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I think there is hope for the Conservatives. I hear Nokes is not popular

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Sorry, pressed post too soon. But for me, the Conservatives are where we need to concentrate. They need to know that this will not win them the votes of new women and rational men, and could very well lose them existing voters. Absolutely no point trying to change the other parties. They are lost. They've had ample warning.

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It will be interesting to see what happens in the UK if you succeed in putting Conservatives in power. I get it that this is a reasonable strategy, even as I don't know much about that party beyond its name. You are at least not battling (losing) abortion rights with the right, as we are--nobody is trying to get rid of a woman's right to choose there. My concern with US conservative politicians is the goldmine this industry is for the medical industrial complex. I am far from sanguine that if Republicans get more power they will be the heroes to truly dismantle much genderwoo in law and policy. They know many of their voters recoil from it, but in my own very blue state I have watched as Republicans have not put up any fuss about changes in the laws and policy that solidify gender identity ideology, even at times voting for it. They just stay silent. This is not reported on, but they seem to be just letting it happen! Yes, ther are all the Republican bills in red states about keeping sports same-sex, but that is not where the money is--it's in making life-long medical patients and thus ensuring the flow of money. But politics is fluid, politicians change on a dime with what voters demand...more pressure wherever we can make it on all lawmakers must continue in all of our countries.

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The conservatives are in power ,but Boris is too weak and his wife is pro TQ+

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The Conservatives - Tories - are in power as they are the current government in Westminster. We seem to be lurching about having lost the reasons many of our political parties were set up - mission creep means many founding ideals are lost and the old terms 'left' and 'right' have become meaningless. It does look like any ideal can be cast aside to lobby for power and money.

The constituent parts of the UK are in trouble and there is a growth of Nationalism and Extremism. The Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Greens in Scotland are wedded to Gender Ideology. Greens and Labour in England and Wales seem to be too. Northern Ireland is complicated as it's watching what's happening in the rest of Ireland and how this gender ideological fight is hopping on and exacerbating enough existing tensions.

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I fervently hope you're right. Never in a million years thought I'd ever vote Conservative for any reason, but if they're the only ones in touch with reality...

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Twitter Democrats would shrug off every word of this with "He's from ALABAMA? They're all Deplorables, so who cares what they have to say?"

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Precisely. My party has pretty much written off the South entirely.

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And therein lies the problem. The Democrats are completely out of touch with the working class and with anyone who doesn’t live on either coast, or in one of the “cool” (read: liberal) inland cities, which is why they lost the 2020 election- total lack of campaigning in the historically blue Rust Belt (also, choosing a candidate who had historically antagonized them), total lack of campaigning in flyover states, literally referring to Republican voters as a “basket of deplorables,” etc.- almost as if they don’t think Democratic presidents also represent and serve their country’s Republican citizens, and also apparently assuming they have no way of winning over Republican voters or that they don’t need to, or they would, you know, try.

For the “be kind” party with its diktats of cultural relativism and understanding even in the face of other cultures’ actual violence, they sure have gone out of their way to vilify and alienate a huge percentage of their country’s citizens over what amounts to some differences of opinion. Madness.

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

Same mistake Democrats made with Trump in 2016. Clearly they haven't learned.

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I think they're incapable of learning anything.

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Exactly! I have lived in several US states and the elitism is intense!

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Good. Time for the left to reap what it's sown here. I grieve, as a life-long working class leftist. Let it die.

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And there's nothing in the least leftist about the Democratic Party. It is a corporate war party. Does everyone here know that Congress -- you know, all those "progressives" -- just passed the LARGEST military budget ever? Even bigger increase than during the Trump years? Biden is a doddering old joke, wholly owned subsidiary of the banks (the senator from MBNA) and the military-industrial complex.

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By the way if you're looking for the singular reason as to Why William Hit Peak Trans In 2017 and how I fell into the GC movement, two words: Matt Osborne.

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Nice share. I’m neither D or R - I’m British in America so I don’t have the lifelong history that many cling to. However there is nothing that would make our household vote for Democrats, they are too far gone and our position is not rare. Also “progressives” are the worst - it’s all branding for them, as they establish a pivot from politics to something more corporate & lucrative.

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I’m in the same boat.

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I was 10 years old when LBJ ran against Barry Goldwater (who wanted to drop nuclear weapons on Vietnamese peasants). That was the first time I heard, "What difference does it make?" as we know what LBJ did in Vietnam. But he did make a difference in some ways with his Great Society program though he folded to the states on block grants to community organizations, etc. Now the Democrats barely pretend to care about minor issues such as health care, adequate nutrition, housing, etc, too busy voting for another huge increase in military spending.

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Not that he's my oldest and bestest friend (he is) but he's predicted this, exactly this, would happen and has called it for the last handful of election cycles.

He's been right. Every. Single. Time.

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In case you missed it, Amy Schneider is the “winningest woman” in the history of Jeopardy- which is interesting because “she” is not actually woman.

https://www.Washington post.com/arts-entertainment/2021/12/29/amy-schneider-jeopardy-record/

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Gawd. Another Orwellian "first woman" accolade? They're really getting brazen with this nonsense. Foolish, even. Jeopardy is as American as baseball and apple pie. That is not going to go over well with the majority of its fans.

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Amy looks like Shreck, only not as cute.

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The headline should read "Another Disaster ahead for Democrats". The arrogant and out of touch Dems have not learned from their electoral failures since 2010. They haven't examined the reasons for their wins all that closely either. It's pretty incredible. If abortion rights gets kicked to the states by SCOTUS later this year, the ties that bound many women to the Democratic party will come undone and free them to vote R on other issues. And if they don't see that coming, then they're more arrogant and out of touch than we could ever imagine.

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The Democrats lost the governor's race in Virginia because of this, but it hasn't taught them anything.

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I think your last sentence sums it all up. We had a Democratic woman run for governor in Maine in 2010 and she just sat on her ass thinking she was going to win. She did not, and we got stuck with Paul LePusque (LePage) for eight years. Now we have another Democrat as governor and she is barely better than having a Republican. I am an unenrolled voter and have voted for Democrats, but I am sick of their fear-mongering and corporatism.

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I registered as an "Unaffiliated" voter this past year too. The Democrats are just as corrupt and insane as the GOP. Just differently! They've lost me for a number of reasons, (the fear-mongering and corporatism are high on my list too) but the primary reason is their going all in on the ridiculous and damaging identity politics while turning a blind eye to the fact that the country is broke and literally falling apart.

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This is the reason I'm seriously considering never voting for another Democrat. I sent my governor a link to the lawsuit being brought by a number of states against the federal DOE, asked to hear back, heard nothing. Yesterday I sent a link to Kara Dansky's statement to a NY representative; I expect I will hear nothing.

Years ago I saw a black historian in Birmingham, England, talking about how England wasted its wealth and now I see the same thing here. Rather than tackling our problems with the slightest degree of seriousness, all they do is raise the Pentagon's budget. I have no idea how they expect to pay for tornado/wildfire/flood damage which is only going to increase while playing the World's Bad Cop.

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If history teaches us anything, it is that we are coming to the end of an era. It is easy to get caught up in red and blue, but the genderwoo is symptom of a much bigger malady. The people living in the waning days of Roman Empire would have had no idea that their world would soon be plunged into darkness. I think our civilization could well fall, and who knows what will replace it?

I am English, I have lived in the US for more than 20 years, and I am not a citizen. I keep up with the news from home (UK) and but I am better acquainted with US politics. I do not have a positive view of either the Democratic or Republican parties. Both want to win at any cost. The Democratic Party *appears* to be the better of the two, but that is largely a matter of media presentation.

The Democratic Party is out of touch, and has been for a long time with ordinary people. If you read the Washington Post, (which I used to enjoy reading), the Loudoun County effect is that there are a vast number of “deplorables” and “racists” organizing to win elections. Completely obfuscated is that the poor man dragged from the school board meeting had been heckled by a trans activist who claimed that his daughter was lying about being assaulted by a boy in a dress. And then there is this charming teacher in Texas who affects a “southern drawl” to make fun of parents who are not happy about the school library offering books like, “Gender Queer.”


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I've joined Doom.com because it's a meeting place for people who recognize what is coming and who want to support one another in coping. Our "civilization" is already on a downward trajectory, the acceleration part, which explains a lot of what is going on. The extreme bizarre behavior, the ready acceptance of what is obviously false, the violence, etc.

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Totally understand why you would, I look at it as history being cyclical, a cycle of growth, destruction and regeneration. It is the regeneration part I am hopeful about. Although I wouldn’t rule out finding a cave with no WI-FI to hang out in 😂

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Doom is more about the collapse of civilizations. I previously wrote that between 3000 BCE and 1000 CE 88 civilizations collapsed and none attempted to avert the crisis. This time of course things are different: the population is huge, the desertification, the death of the oceans, the dramatic change in climate, etc. I have an old farmhouse and some stolen land and no wi-fi, which is as close as I can get to the cave!

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Jan 1, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2022

I know this is slightly off topic but is anyone listening to Trisha Goddard on talk radio now..jeez! A mother with a transitioning 14yr old saying you can buy puberty blockers privately as registered docs won't/can't. Now talking to Jeffrey Marsh..omg!! He's sliming all over her with his creepy voice! Groomer!!

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Oh ,God. Do none of these " adults " realise how damaging puberty blockers can be ?. It's experimenting on kids ,just like the Nazi doctors did in Auswitcz . They're attempting to destroy a whole generation of young ,naive kids for a cult which ,in the end wants to " transition " everybody and thereby destroy humanity ,turning every human into some kind of robotic slave. They'll be transitioning babies next ,even the unborn if they can. Looks like we're doomed really ,unless we can stop them.!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Sadly they are told that if they come off them they can return to normal or turn them off. They can't of course...damage done to stop puberty is irreversible 😟 and damages bone density, sterilises and stops growth...and goodness knows what other horrors will turn up 20 or 30 years from now! Wicked people, child abuse and hopefully one day they will be up in court being charged and losing their licenses! These children have no future, boys become eunuchs and the girls empty vessels who's arms will never feel the body of their babies😢

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Democracy given over on a queer platter.

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