
Haha, he just wrote to me.


You really are petty as hell!!

And to think I once felt sorry that I didn't get to interview you in a Big Train feature!!!"

They like to bully women quietly, you see. They don't like an audience.

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Remember, this is all because I caught him bullying Alison Moyet.

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Just telling him I've reposted his letter in the comments. Hahahaha

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Oh, God, this gets better and better. He just sent me this letter. Arthur, you'll love this.

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Dear Mr. Linehan,

You have been fixated on my choice of facial hair for months.

There were the slurs you threw at me last December, decrying my sensibilities as those of a "Woke Irish man"; there was the support you showed Jane Clare Jones, whose scurrilous language, and questionable social politics, were scarcely the practice or workings of a University Professor; and now there's the blog post you've published, highlighting my chosen ident for all your ravenous followers to beat down.

These are the actions, slogans and activities of a dangerous person. More than that, this is the makings of a mid life crisis even more fantastical than the hallucinogenic dreams Father Ted dreamed about. In that priest's innocence, he was focused solely on the luxuriance lifestyle Las Vegas-with all her cinematic stylings- would satisfy him with.

Yours is the action of a fanatic, twisting his fantasies to fit the slogans his sheep will blindly follow. An unkind person would compare your actions to a blistering, burning Nazi, but I won't: you've caused the Jewish communities enough hurt with your televised appearances.

When I interviewed Arthur Matthews, the most I thought about you was how little your work mattered next to the kaleidoscopic glories Toast of London rewarded viewers. Within two years, you have managed to sully any reputation you might have had, for a legacy based on hatred, lies and contempt. I pity messrs. Hannon and Matthews, whose hard work on Pope Ted will likely be binned because of the polemical antics of their less talented collaborator. Where their work soared in recent years, yours was the tawdry, tiring reflections of a fading writer, desperate to catch an American break. That The IT Crowd didn't catch on in America was less of a reflection of your valiant efforts, but the poor writing that emanated from the three tiresome leads. There's no need to go into violent detail of your depiction of trans women, or CIS women...

I am asking you now to leave me alone; I have no interest in interacting with you in any capacity from here on forth. It saddens me to proclaim Matthews the sole creative genius behind Ted and Train, but your cowardly, conniving actions have left me with no alternative but to follow Aidan Comerford's commendable lead.

Acknowledging your existence is sickening enough, without having to write a carefully worded response to a sickly, sycophantic fifty two year old child. As I am in no doubt aware of your intentions to publish this on your blog-scarcely read by bloggers, let alone television producers-I have chosen not to put any expletives in this following email.

I will, however, leave you with the knowledge that you are-and likely will always be- a TERF.

Le gach dea ghuí,

Eoghan Lyng.

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Aug 7, 2020Liked by Graham Linehan

How could you, Graham?! You’ve forced him to follow the commendable Fr. Comerford!!!

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Aug 7, 2020Liked by Graham Linehan

The pomposity of these twats.

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Aug 7, 2020Liked by Mlle Clunge

The thing is - he just sounds like a lunatic. All those words to say "I have no argument and I'm a big beardy bully". I am starting to see a change in how they are treated. Women are getting less afraid and just disgusted at the state of these men

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yes, I think so. I certainly hope so!

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He covers a lot of ground, at any rate. Do we all have to be anti-Semitic now, Father?

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